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The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4)

Page 6

by Fletcher, MJ

  “Come on this is going to be boring.”

  “No, it isn’t. Go find something else to do if you don’t to see the movies. We’ll meet up later.”

  “But I want to do something together.”

  “It’s either the movies or run along.”

  I slipped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing,

  “Why do you have to be such a jerk?”

  “I’m sorry, are you still here?” Nightshade turned to look down at her, grabbing her arm and disengaging it from his own.

  “Fine be that way!” Darla stormed out of the theater in a huff, a few of the people in line around me clapping as she passed them.

  Nightshade was next in line at the ticket window and held up his index finger. “One for the double bill.”

  He walked off and I hoped it would be the last I saw of him while I was here. My plan was simply to grab my popcorn and drink, find a nice dark corner of the theater and watch the movies alone. I hadn’t expected to run into Nightshade, actually wish I hadn’t, but I wasn’t going to let it stop me from enjoying myself.

  I could barely contain my glee when I had my snacks and made my way into the theater, I was almost home free. I slipped into the back of the dark theater behind a couple on a date and found a row of uninhabited seats.

  “Well, well, well.”

  My blood chilled in my veins and I knew I was caught. Nightshade leaned over the seat behind me, planting his face too close to mine.

  “If I didn’t know any better I would say you’re following me.”

  “Funny.” The word nearly caught in my throat but I was able to choke it out.

  “You like Bogie?”

  “Who doesn’t?” I thought about Darla and did my best to contain a smirk.

  “Stupid people.” Nightshade hopped over the chair and slipped into the seat beside me. “Does your boyfriend know you’re out on your own?”

  “I told you, Slade and I aren’t together anymore.”

  “Right, I forgot you’re with Goldilocks now. Where is he?” He feigned searching the seats for Declan. “Am I in his seat?”

  “Shut up, Nightshade. I’m here on my own.”

  “The horror, a girl out on her own in the big scary world.” He laughed and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I can handle myself.”

  “I’ll judge that for myself, Masters.”

  “I didn’t say you could join me.”

  “Would you rather I left?” he made a half-hearted move to leave.

  “Are you going to annoy me the entire time?”

  “Trust me, Masters, if I want to annoy you. You’ll know it.”

  “Be quiet, Nightshade, the movie’s starting.”

  The house lights dimmed and the previews came on. Nightshade and I sat in pure silence watching, not disturbing each other in the least. After a few minutes I realized I was sharing my popcorn with him and we were both hunched down in our seats watching contentedly.

  Key Largo was the first showing and even though I know every line I was mesmerized watching it all unfold on the big screen. Sitting in the dark next to Nightshade, I couldn’t help every now and then to glance over at him. The silver screen highlighted his good looks and I could almost fool myself into believing that he was my Nightshade and we were out on a date like any normal couple. Not that we’d ever had one, or that we were normal, but at least we shared good taste in movies.

  At the climax of the movie with Bogart on the boat, I smiled and waited for the house lights to come on. The lights came up after the credits played and some people made quick trips to the bathroom for the short intermission between movies.

  “You want some more?” Nightshade motioned to the near empty bag of popcorn as he stood up.

  “If you do.” I shrugged and he hurried off. What the hell was I doing here? He could barely remember me and yet here we were sitting and watching movies together. But maybe, just maybe, spending time with him this way would help jog memories of us. I could at least hope. Besides it was nice being here with him.

  “Here you go.” Nightshade returned handing me the bag and slipping into his seat.


  “No worries, Masters, at least you have good taste in movies.”

  “You too.” I wanted to say more but the lights dimmed and the music played as Casablanca started. I shut off the chaos in my head and lost myself in another movie. One of my all-time favorites that should be required viewing for anyone who enjoys films.

  The next hour and a half we sat in total silence watching the film. We ate our popcorn and every now and again his hand would brush against mine as we both reached for the buttery kernels. But that was it, we didn’t linger in the touch, though I would have liked to.

  When the movie finished and the lights came back on, people began filing out of the theater and I stood up to join them.

  “One of the best movies ever made,” he said standing and following along.

  “Agreed,” I replied as we entered the lobby, old movie posters of upcoming attractions plastered all over the walls. I stopped at a set billed for next weekend.

  “Raiders of the Lost Ark, I love that movie! Dad used to take me to see it no matter what country we were in. I think I’ve seen it in over ten languages.”

  “Great flick, maybe Goldilocks can take you?” he smirked.

  I wanted to punch him, instead I smiled and said, “Maybe he can.”

  “He seems like more of a romantic comedy guy to me.”

  “Cute, Nightshade.”

  “I’m not the one dating the guy who likes romantic comedies.” He laughed.

  “No you’re dating the shrill girl who has no taste in movies.” My smile turned smug and he titled his head in question.

  “You saw, Darla?’

  “More like heard her along with everyone else on line.” I slipped my hands under my chin and pouted my lips. “Please can we watch it at home that way I don’t have to pretend to like it for you? Pleeease. Pretty, pretty pleeease.” I mocked her and enjoyed every second of it.

  “She has other assets.”

  “Yeah, I think everyone saw those as well.”

  “I didn’t know you cared.” He raised a curious eyebrow and I swallowed hard.

  “I don’t, but it’s pretty hard not to notice a shrill harpy when you see one. I thought you had better taste than that.” It was so damn hard to say that I didn’t care when I loved the guy. But what was I to do? I damn well wish I knew.

  “I remember Darla.” His eyes stared off into the distance for a moment, and then he focused on me once again. “My other memories are so jumbled. It’s hard to make out what’s real and what they planted in my head.”

  “Like with me?” I pointed to myself as we walked out of the cinema and onto the street.

  “Everything from when Lauren died till now is suspect as far as I’m concerned. You are a particularly hard case; I think they really wanted me to hate you.”

  I’d seen images of them torturing Nightshade, and then deciding to use the Forget Me Not on him. They’d thought they had the perfect weapon to use against me. My mother must have thought it was poetic justice using him against me and I was damn well going to make her pay for it.

  “The First Kind doesn’t like me much.”

  “It seems that way.”

  “You and I were friends,” I said softly.

  “Were we?”

  “Yes, I’d say you probably knew me better than most people.”

  “Even your boyfriend?”

  “I told you Slade and I broke up.”

  “I know, I know,” he said as if struggling to recall.

  The wind kicked up and blew down the street forcing me to zip up my hoodie and shove my hands in my pockets to stay warm. Nightshade zipped up his leather jacket and I remembered how warm and comfortable it had been to wear. My eyes lingered on it and the memories.

  He lifted his arm and his eyes focused on the leather, then lo
oked from it back to me. “You were wearing this when we fought?”

  Had he remembered our battle in the Mapmakers Union dimension? “Yes I was.” I bit my lip wanting to say so much more but knowing he had to recall it on his own.


  “Your mom had given it to me.”

  “She did, why?”

  “Like I said we were friends.” The wind blew harder whipping my hair across my face. Nightshade reached out and brushed the wayward strands away. His fingers dusted along my forehead and down my cheek. I looked up into his two different colored eyes and could see that he was struggling to remember.

  “Masters?” he whispered, his warm, gentle touch lingering on my cheek.

  Chapter 11

  Status: My luck is beyond sucky.

  “Nightshade,” Darla yelled as if scolding as she approached us. “What is she doing here?”

  Nightshade took a step away from me, his hand dropping to his side and my heart with it. “Going to the movies, Darla, you have a problem with that?”

  I turned to face her and she stopped abruptly. The last time we had been face to face, we had fought and it hadn’t ended well for her.

  “Still trying to hang around Guilders I see.” She sneered at me.

  I grinned. “Still dressing like a hooker I see.”

  “You bitch.”

  “Takes one to know one, Darla.”

  “Why don’t you go play with your traitor cousin?”

  That was it, I jumped forward ready to fight, but Nightshade’s arm wrapped around my waist and spun me away from her.

  “Don’t you ever talk about Jess that way!” I yelled clawing at his arm to release me.

  “Poor baby, still upset about your daddy?”

  I let out a guttural growl and punched at Nightshade’s arm as hard as I could, my hands aching to get at her throat.

  “Darla, shut up now,” Nightshade ordered while keeping firm hold on me.

  “But she—”

  “I said shut up, and don’t ever make remarks about Jess or Chloe’s father. Do you understand me? You have no idea what it’s like to lose a parent, so keep your damn mouth shut.”

  “You’re defending her?” She raised her voice and Nightshade’s arm slowly slipped off my waist and he walked toward Darla.

  He towered over her and his hands were clinched at his sides. “Jess is a Guilder and my friend.”

  “But she’s DS,” —she pointed passed him at me—“I don’t want you talking to her.”

  I stood my ground, wanting to fight her but knowing I would only cause myself more headaches if I did. Maybe Gavin’s training was paying off after all.

  “What makes you think you can tell me who I can to talk with? What? Because we went on a few dates you think you can dictate to me? Don’t ever think you can tell me what to do... ever.”

  “Th—that’s not wh—what I was saying,” Darla stammered as Nightshade looked over his shoulder at me.

  “See you around, Masters,” he said before walking off, Darla trailing behind him apologizing profusely the whole time.

  Well that went terribly wrong. I shook my head and pulled my hoodie up to block out the wind as I walked home. One moment of normalcy between me and Nightshade followed by pure insanity... this is my life? I sighed and kicked at the ground.

  I reached my apartment building, yanked open the door, and made my way to the flat hoping that I would be able to slip in unnoticed and slink off to bed. Right, like that’s going to happen.

  “There you are.” Val was in one of her peppy moods which I guessed was better than her somber moods where all she would do was ask me how long it would be before we could find Edgar.

  “Here I am.” I forced a smile.

  “I’m all done with school for the night, what do you want to do?”

  My head dropped and my shoulders sagged at the thought of going back out when all I really wanted to do was go slide into my bed and pull the blankets over my head. But Val was going through a difficult time and I didn’t want to make it worse for her.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I heard about this great café from Jess.”

  “Of course you did.”

  “She said they have good coffee.”

  She said the magic words when she brought up coffee. I hadn’t had a decent cup since coming to London, but then again I was a fanatic about good coffee.

  “Let’s go.” I pulled the door open and we both walked out.

  The Keyhole Café is one of the oldest Old Kind haunts in the world and I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of going to it sooner. A battered and beaten wooden sign hung outside the corner door leading into the café. Bells rang above us as we entered and the scent of roasting coffee beans greeted us. I took a deep breath and let my worries disappear for a moment as I imagined how happy I was going to be sipping the nectar of the gods.

  “Hello, lovely ladies.” Slade’s voice carried over the noise of the busy shop.

  I turned to find him sitting at a bistro table drinking a cup of coffee. Val elbowed me toward him and I wanted to turn and poke her eyes out. If she knew he was going to be here, I would officially kill her on the walk home.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked and realized I sounded like a jerk as soon as the words fell out of my mouth.

  “Drinking coffee and waiting for you, though I take it this is a surprise?”

  “I didn’t know you would be here is what I meant to say.”

  “Val?” he looked her way and she smiled.

  “I had to get out of the house and she has been disappearing on me left and right. I thought she might not come if she knew what I had in mind.”

  “Which was what exactly?’ I asked.

  “Why don’t you two join me?” Slade said.

  I was already backing away ready to offer an excuse when Val slipped past me and sat down. She turned and smiled back at me motioning for me to sit beside her. Yes I was going to have to kill her.

  I slid into the chair and prayed that the coffee was as good as it smelled because I was going to need it.

  “Any news on the mission?” Slade asked.

  “Nothing new, yet. We’re just waiting for info.”

  “Which is why I thought it would be a good time for us all to get together,” Val said.

  “All of us?”

  “I think she means me.” Jess slipped onto the stool beside me. Her blond hair was perfectly cut and framed her face, highlighting high cheek bones. There was no other word for Jess but gorgeous. The fact that she kept herself in such good shape and was always dressed in the height of fashion didn’t hurt either.

  “So this was a sneak attack?” I raised my arm waving over a waitress and ordering the house blend for the table.

  “Think of it as a rescue mission,” Slade offered with a tone in his voice I hadn’t heard in some time. He was smiling my way and I had a feeling that he had more in mind then rescuing me.

  The waitress returned with a tray of coffees and placed them around the table. I greedily snatched mine up and took a long sip. The warm liquid slipped down my throat and I smiled knowing I had found my new café in London. The coffee was delicious.

  “Okay, so let’s hear this plan of yours, Val.” I smiled and leaned forward planting my elbows on the table.

  “Jess has scouted some great places we can go to. I want us all to go out tonight and have a good time.” Val stopped, needing to take a deep breath, she’d been speaking so quickly.

  “You want a night out?” I asked.

  “Yes, with friends.”

  Val had buried herself in her studies since Edgar had been captured and for her to ask this of us meant she wanted, or perhaps needed, it pretty badly. But then I guess we all had been missing our friendship. Even with the day I already had, and though I would much rather crawl under the covers in my bed, I couldn’t deny her request.

  “Fine, where are we going?”

  Chapter 12
r />   Status: Crash Course.

  The banging in my head wouldn’t stop. I dragged the pillow over my face and tried to block out the tormenting sound, but it refused to go away. I yanked the pillow away and forced one eye open. The sun felt like a death ray attempting to end my life.

  The banging wasn’t just in my head, it was also echoing around the apartment. I struggled out of bed and stumbled out of my new bedroom. After my charge down pathetic lane and feeling I owed it to Val, our little group had made the night of it, staying out until almost dawn.

  I decided I liked London just for its Old Kind night life, though my head seemed to disagree. I crashed at Val’s new apartment where I would be living, though I hadn’t completed the move yet.

  I passed Slade sleeping on the couch and chuckled as Jess lifted her head off the chair she was crunched in, her hair sticking up in a million different directions.

  “What’s that?” she mumbled.

  “Door,” I said and winced against the pounding sound as I walked to the front door and pulled it open.

  “Rule one... always check who is at the door before you open it.” Archibald Masters brushed past me into the room.

  My uncle was tall and thin with hair graying at the temples and a Fu Manchu mustache. His suit was cut to perfection but then my uncle would never consider buying a suit off the rack, every suit he wore was custom made.

  “Uncle Archie?” I blinked looking at him several times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  “Hello, sweet girl.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead, and then yanked off his tailor made camel haired overcoat and tossed it on the couch.

  Slade popped up yanking the coat off his head and looking around befuddled. “What’s going on?”

  “And you are, young man?” Uncle Archie stared down at Slade, one eyebrow arched disapprovingly.

  “Michael Slade, sir.” Slade looked from Archie to me in confusion.

  “Well, Mr. Slade, I do hope you plan on sleeping on the couch when you stay here,” —his eyes shot a warning at him— “I wouldn’t want to catch you anywhere else.”

  “Uncle Archie!” I yelled and he glanced at me winking. I punched him in the shoulder and he laughed.


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