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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

Page 39

by K. C. Wells

  Now to get to Dayton. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off as he opened the bedroom door. Dayton lay curled up on the bed, fully dressed. His breathing was deep and steady. God, Hart wanted him. Sleeping and peaceful, his calm energy settled Hart in a way nothing else ever had.

  After a quick shower, Hart climbed into bed beside Dayton and pulled him close. Dayton sighed and threw an arm over Hart’s chest. It didn’t take long for Hart to drift to sleep.

  Dayton’s frantic heartbeat woke him sometime later. He lifted his head and found his mate half trapped under him with his eyes wide and terrified.

  “Did you have a nightmare?” The words came out a jumbled growl, and Dayton began to hyperventilate.

  Hart realized he’d shifted in his sleep. Dayton lay trapped under his liger form, a massive paw pinning him to the bed.

  “Shh,” Hart tried to whisper. His half-asleep mind hadn’t figured out he couldn’t speak. Instead, he tried a comforting purr. That didn’t seem to work either.

  Dayton’s breath continued to come in desperate pants, so Hart slid his paw off his mate and focused on shifting back to his human form.

  By the time his shift was complete, Dayton had scurried from the bed and shut himself in the bathroom.

  Hart padded over to the door and knocked gently. “Dayton?”

  “Just a minute.” Dayton’s voice shook.

  Hart pressed his ear to the door and could hear Dayton’s gasping breaths. His liger stirred and wanted to get to his mate.

  Footsteps paced back and forth behind the door, and Dayton’s mumbled words trickled out.

  “What am I doing? This is insane. I’m so crazy. I shouldn’t do this.”

  Hart gripped the knob in his hand and twisted. No way he could stand on the other side of a door as his mate talked himself out of their relationship.

  The lock cracked under the strength of Hart’s grip, and he pushed the door open.

  Dayton spun around, and his panic returned.

  “Shh. You know I won’t hurt you. Come on, it’s me.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I know.”

  Hart took slow steps forward until he could run a calming hand over Dayton’s bed-mussed hair. “I’m so sorry I scared you.”

  “Well, waking up with a humongous liger in bed with you will do that to a guy.”

  “I’d say so. But the animal in me could never hurt you, any more than the human standing in front of you.”

  “Yeah, well, the animal in you wouldn’t let me out of bed.”

  Hart paused. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I woke up and had to pee. Didn’t pay any attention, you know? Just tried to get up, and then you growled and your claws came out. I thought I was a goner.”

  Hart looked over Dayton, his shirt wrinkled and twisted. “Did I hurt you?”

  He couldn’t smell blood, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t hurt him some other way.

  “No. I don’t really know what you were trying to do, besides keep your snuggle toy close.”

  Hart ran his hands down Dayton’s arms and smiled. “My liger recognizes you, just as easily as I do. I’ve seen you with Tawny when she’s shifted. You didn’t seem worried then.”

  Dayton looked up at him and shrugged. “I guess I know Tawny better. I’ve only seen your liger from a distance until tonight.”

  “Well, then, I think we need to do something about that. My animal is a deep part of me, and I’d love for you to feel comfortable around me, whatever form I’m in.”

  Dayton settled under Hart’s gentle touch and leaned into him. “I think I had ten years scared off my life.”

  Hart gently wrapped his arms around Dayton and rubbed his back. “Even though you were scared, I’m actually kind of happy this happened. I tend to have more of the tiger side of my heritage. I’m a loner, for the most part. For my liger to come out while I slept, to be comfortable with you? That makes me happier than you can understand.”

  “There’s so much I don’t understand. I may have grown up around the pride, but there’s this shroud of secrecy around you guys that I’ve never tried to break through. It’s a code or something. Tawny tells me everything, but she doesn’t talk about her lion side. Not like you talk about your liger, anyway.”

  Hart tilted Dayton’s head up so he could look into his mate’s eyes. “I love my sister, but she’s in a different place with her shifter than I am. A different… maturity? She’s got the protection of the pride, a father who dotes on her and lets her get away with making bad choices.”

  Dayton sighed. “Like Rick. He’s such a jerk. I don’t understand why your father is letting the younger pride members run free like he does. Man, the attitudes some of the cousins have are really terrible. I don’t remember it being like that when we were growing up.”

  “That’s because it wasn’t. I don’t know what’s changed either, and I’m not likely to. But know that no matter what, the animal side of me will not hurt you. I promise you, Dayton. I can prove it to you, and I hope you’ll give me the chance.”

  Dayton wrapped his arms around Hart’s waist and hugged him tightly. “Can we continue this conversation in the morning? I’m exhausted.”

  “Of course.” Hart led them back into the bedroom. Dayton stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed.

  Hart spooned behind Dayton. His body began to react to the closeness of his mate, to the intimacy of their position.

  Dayton looked over his shoulder and smirked. “I can feel that, you know.”

  No doubt. Now that Hart’s mind focused on the fact that only a couple of thin layers of fabric separated him from Dayton’s body, from claiming him the way Hart longed to? Not much could keep the blood flow away from his eager cock.

  “I want you. No secret about that.” He murmured the words against Dayton’s ear, and Dayton trembled against him.

  “I know. I want you too. But I’m not ready yet. I do know that much about this whole shifter thing. I know what having sex with you will mean if I’m your mate, and until I can make promises to you in return, I won’t put you in that position.”

  The mating bond would bind them for life. Hart, in particular, would be affected, even more than he already was. Admitting to himself that Dayton was meant to be his had been the first step. He’d rushed things that first day, pushing Dayton into the shower, putting his own wants ahead of his mate’s.

  He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “We’ll take as much time as you need,” he said.

  And he meant it. If Dayton never reached the point where he wanted to make a permanent commitment, it would be something Hart would have to accept. He’d seen too many mates separated by making rash decisions in the heat of passion.

  Take his parents, for example. Both in heat, hungry for nothing but mindless sex, and they’d ended up with a mixed-breed son. Hart never fit into his mother’s world, and he’d been banished from his father’s. He wouldn’t put Dayton through all that.

  Dayton pulled Hart’s arm up from where it rested against his stomach. He kissed the knuckles of his hand and pressed Hart’s hand against his heart. “Thank you.”

  Hart began a rumbling purr to soothe Dayton back to sleep. Within moments, Dayton’s breathing had evened out again. Hart, on the other hand, couldn’t get his eyes to stay closed.

  He’d not thought this through. If he mated Dayton, what would his father say? Not that he cared so much for the alpha’s opinion anymore, but what if he kept Dayton from the pride? From Tawny?

  It seemed a meeting with his father was in order before things went further. He wouldn’t deny Dayton access to his best friend, but surely his father wouldn’t keep him from his mate out of misplaced fear.

  Dayton huffed and rolled over. He pressed his nose into Hart’s neck and let out a breath. Hart steadied his breathing and matched the rhythm of Dayton’s chest rising and falling. He petted Dayton’s back. His hair. Even a brief caress over his ass. He needed the touch, the contact.

  He f
ocused all his mind on his mate, on what was best for him. Keeping him safe, happy. “I’ll make this work,” he promised. “I’ll find a way.”

  Chapter Eight

  A POUNDING knock on Dayton’s front door startled him so much that he dropped the mug he held. It shattered on the tile floor of his kitchen, and he had to jump across the ceramic pieces to get to the door. He half expected Hart to be on the other side. Dayton would swear the man didn’t recognize his own strength sometimes. He probably didn’t realize he’d nearly knocked the house down.

  Dayton pulled open the door with a bright smile already in place. It faded quickly. “Oh. Hi.”

  Malachi Sherman, pride alpha and Hart’s father, stood tall and proud on Dayton’s front porch.

  “Expecting someone else?”

  “No. I’m sorry. Hello, sir. Please come in.”

  Dayton searched his mind for any reason Tawny’s father would stop by unannounced. And only one reason came to mind. Hart.

  Malachi walked into the living room and looked around at all the brightly colored decorations. “Cheerful,” he finally said. “It suits you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you mind if I sit?”

  “No, of course not. Please, sit down. Do you want some iced tea? Water?”

  “No, thank you. I need to have a word with you.”

  Dayton nodded and sat down on the couch. He pulled a bright red pillow into his lap and fiddled with the fringed border.

  “Don’t be nervous, now. I can smell it.” Malachi’s face was carefully blank, though, and it made Dayton incredibly anxious. He’d seen that expression before, and it never boded well. Hart had the same look, obviously inherited from his father, not that Dayton would ever tell him that.

  “Sorry, Malachi. You know you make me nervous. Always have, always will.” He smiled, but it felt like more of a grimace.

  Malachi grinned at his statement. “Not so nervous that you and my daughter stay out of trouble.”


  Malachi laughed, and Dayton relaxed.

  “I’m here to speak to you about my son.”

  “I assumed as much.”

  “You’re a bright man, Dayton. Although not a lion, we consider you part of our pride. You’re part of our family.”

  “Yes, sir. You’ve always treated me like one of yours.”

  Malachi nodded and leaned forward. He propped his elbows on his knees and stared into Dayton’s eyes. The amber irises flashed a strange sort of emotion. “Then why are you disobeying my order?”


  “Hart’s banishment is still in effect. He is not supposed to see any member of our pride. Yet, he’s been seen in town with you, and I’m told you’ve been to see him in Atlanta.”

  Dayton had no idea how to respond. On the one hand, he wanted to scream and rant that he could do what he damn well pleased. He wasn’t a member of the pride, forced to obey the alpha’s orders. But at the same time, Malachi had been more of a father to him than his own had ever been.

  “I don’t know what to say, sir.”

  Malachi humphed. “I take this breach of conduct very seriously, Dayton. In another pride member, such blatant disregard of my decisions would be dealt with harshly. Tawny has been punished for her public display at the restaurant the other day. Now, I must decide what to do about you.”

  “P-p-punished?” Dayton had never stuttered in his entire life, but suddenly he couldn’t seem to force words past his clenching throat. “Is… is she okay?”

  Malachi arched a brow and cocked his head to the side. “I took away her credit cards, Dayton. What do you think I mean by punished?”

  Dayton winced. “Oh, she’s going to be pissed.”

  “She is. And when I told her I was coming here, you should have heard the temper tantrum. Grown woman, behaving like a spoiled brat.”

  “She’s always looked after me. And she knows I don’t use my credit card much anyway.”

  “Precisely. So what am I to do, Dayton? I’m sure you have no concept of the predicament you’ve put me in.”

  “I don’t, sir. Although I’m sort of an adopted member of the pride, the rules normally don’t apply to me. I didn’t realize having contact with Hart would put you in a bad position.”

  “And yet, it has. So I must ask, Dayton, as much as I hate to, for you to choose. You can remain a part of our pride, or you may maintain your relationship with my son. I’m sorry, but you can’t have both.”

  HART’S HANDS clenched the steering wheel. His white-knuckled grip matched his careful hold on his temper. How dare his father threaten his mate?

  After Tawny’s phone call, Hart had wasted no time running from the office and heading to Dayton. He couldn’t begin to imagine what his father had said or done. But Dayton wasn’t answering his calls, and Tawny reported their father was back home.

  When he skidded to a halt in Dayton’s drive, he slammed the car into park and ran for the front door. He didn’t knock but pushed the door open.

  Dayton sat in his living room, holding a red pillow on his lap and staring into space. He jerked when Hart knelt in front of him.

  “Tawny called?” he whispered.

  “Yeah. You okay?”


  Dayton leaned forward and pressed his face into Hart’s neck. Hart ran his hands over Dayton’s back. “What can I do?”

  “I don’t know. He said I have to choose. How do I do that?”

  Hart closed his eyes. He’d been afraid of this. “You don’t. I’ll talk to him.”


  “But nothing. You’re my mate. He has to accept that. And if he doesn’t, I’ll make him.” He pushed Dayton up so he could stare into his bright eyes.

  “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to talk to you. But I wouldn’t have listened anyway.”

  “I know, love. He can’t treat you like a member of the pride. I’ll take care of this. Okay? Trust me?”

  Dayton nodded. “Should I come with you?”

  “No. My father and I should have had a discussion a long time ago. It’s time now.”

  “Be careful?”

  “Always.” Hart clasped Dayton’s face between his hands and pulled him in. He devoured Dayton in a kiss that he’d wanted to take for some time. All tongue and lips and hot breath. He made sure to cover Dayton in as much of his scent as he could. And to have as much of Dayton on him as possible.

  He needed to make a statement, and he intended to.

  “I’ll be back in a couple hours. Would you maybe make some dinner? I’m starving. I left without eating.”

  Dayton nodded. “I have stuff to make burgers. I was going to ask you to come on Saturday. I bought it this morning and thought maybe you’d have time off on the weekend. I wanted to see you again.”

  “I’d love that. And I would have come. I will come, actually. On Saturday. Or I’ll just stay until then.”

  Dayton smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Please, be careful.”

  “I will. Now, you get cooking. By the time you’re done, I’ll be back.”


  Hart led him into the kitchen and spotted the shattered mug on the floor. “What happened?”

  “Your dad scared me when he knocked. I dropped it. Haven’t been back in here since.”

  Hart kissed him again. “Where’s the broom?”

  “I’ll clean it up. You go so you can get back as fast as you can.”

  “Deal. Don’t cut yourself, okay?”

  Dayton rolled his eyes. “I think I can clean up broken glass without a fatal injury.”

  The familiar attitude was back. Thank God. Hart couldn’t have left Dayton with that glazed-over expression of shock still on his face.

  After another quick kiss, Hart left and headed for his father’s house. Several of the younger pride members loitered outside the house. They stood when he approached. Hart growled low in his chest, the threat unmistakable. “Don’t fuck w
ith me right now.”

  They backed down, and Hart opened the door. He marched straight to the living room, where his father could normally be found. Malachi sat in a high-back chair with a journal open on his lap. He looked up at Hart’s entry and jumped to his feet.

  “You should not be here.”

  “You crossed the line this time. I walked away before, because I knew you were scared. But now? I’m not leaving. If it comes to a fight, we both know who will win. Is that what you want? Is that why you tried to keep my mate from me?”

  “Your mate?”

  Hart chuckled, bitterness at his father’s lack of knowledge clear in the sound. “Yeah, Dad. My mate. You know, Dayton? The man you just asked to choose between me and the only family he has? Him.”

  “I didn’t realize.”


  “Hart, I didn’t….”

  “Do not lie to me. I can smell it, as you well know. You’ve known about Dayton for years, which is exactly why you’ve allowed a human to stay so close to the pride. I’m not stupid.”

  Malachi growled. “Do not come into my home and speak to me this way.”

  “And what are you going to do about it, Dad? Kick me out? Again? Not this time. This time I have too much to lose, and if that means taking you down, I will.”

  Malachi’s eyes flashed bright amber, and he began to shift.

  Hart laughed. “Bring it on, old man.”

  He shifted as well, his transition just as fast as his father’s. They stood face to face, huge animals. As in his human form, his liger towered over his father. He didn’t underestimate his father’s strength or power. There was a reason Malachi had remained alpha of this pride for as long as he had.

  Malachi began to circle, and Hart matched him step for step. When his father roared and pounced, Hart was ready. He swiped his father to the side, putting as much force behind it as he could muster. Malachi flew across the room and landed against the stone fireplace.

  He rolled to his feet and roared again. This time Hart took the offensive. He stepped closer, snarling his response to his father’s noises.

  More lions entered the room, some shifted, some still in their human form. Tawny ran in, her eyes red from crying. Hart spared her only a quick glance.


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