Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits Page 64

by K. C. Wells

“Alex, I’m really close. If you don’t pull off soon, I’m going to come in your mouth,” Leo gasped, hips lifting clear off the bed as he fucked Alex’s mouth with abandon.

  Oh…. Alex wanted that. He wanted to taste Leo’s come. He increased his suction, but now his hand tightened around the base of the shaft, squeezing and stroking it while he concentrated his efforts on the head, his cheeks hollowing as he sucked that gorgeous cock deep. Leo’s heavy balls tightened, and Alex tried to prepare himself for what was about to happen.

  Leo arched his back, his hands tight on Alex’s head, crying out hoarsely as warm fluid spurted into Alex’s mouth, filling it. Alex tried to swallow everything, but there was too much. He had to let some escape, running in rivulets down the length of Leo’s cock, which throbbed with the force of his orgasm. It took a moment for the taste to register, and then Alex had an impression of slight bitterness, though not unpleasantly so.

  Leo’s low moans of pleasure hadn’t ceased, and Alex’s sense of achievement soared sky-high. He’d done that. He licked his lips, and as he contemplated Leo’s cock, which hadn’t even begun to soften, a wicked idea occurred to him, one he felt sure would please Leo. Deliberately, he looked up as he slowly licked the come from his cock. He rejoiced as Leo’s eyes widened, his mouth open in a groan of ecstasy as he gazed at Alex, seemingly unable to look away. Alex’s cock was hard, aching, but he ignored it as he lost himself in those glacial blue eyes staring unwaveringly as his tongue licked up every last drop of come.

  “Oh, fuck, boy, you’re a natural at this.”

  Leo’s breathless words of praise were sweet music to Alex’s ears, and, content at last, he lowered his eyes, his own predicament taking over his thoughts. He reached down to grab his cock, desperate to come.

  “That’s mine, Alex.”

  Alex froze, hand poised near his aching cock. He let out a whimper, and Leo chuckled.

  “Kneel up, boy, kneel between my legs. Let me see that hard cock.”

  Alex rose to his knees, trembling, his cock pointing up toward his navel, five and a half inches but nicely thick and uncut.

  Leo’s eyes glittered appreciatively as he watched him. “Now jerk yourself off, boy. I want you to come on me.”

  Alex grabbed his cock without a second’s hesitation and began to pull at it in long, firm strokes. He was so fucking close….

  “That’s it, boy.” Leo sat up, moving toward Alex, his eyes on Alex’s face as he reached down to cup Alex’s balls.

  Alex let out a loud groan, one that seemed to have been wrung from his very soul. Leo grinned, reaching behind his balls to stroke a finger over the delicate skin of his perineum, and Alex’s hand began to speed up, faltering briefly in its movement when that finger moved lower, brushing over his hole.

  “Oh fuck, boy, I want to be in there soon. I want to fuck you with my fingers until you come.”

  That finger pushed slightly, not penetrating him, but the promise was there. And that was all it took to push Alex over the edge, his orgasm barreling down on him with such speed he was robbed of breath as it surged through him, leaving him shaking violently in its wake. His cock jerked in his hand as it shot its load onto Leo’s chest, the air now filled with the scent of come and sex.

  “Yes, Alex!” Leo’s acclamation was loud, his delight undeniable. “Look at me when you come!”

  Alex met Leo’s eyes, and for a second or two, he was taken aback by the heat that smoldered in that gaze. Alex focused on those eyes, their pupils blown wide, as he pumped the last of his seed onto that wide chest. Leo got to his knees suddenly, pulling Alex against him, the come slick between their bodies as they kissed, fiercely at first, but then becoming more tender as Alex trembled with the aftershocks of his climax.

  Leo lowered him gently onto the bed so they were lying on their sides, still locked in a series of long, slow, sublimely sweet kisses. Their hands moved softly over each other, unwilling to break the contact even for a second. Alex’s body was sticky with come, but he didn’t give a damn, lost as he was in Leo’s unrelenting kisses. Soft cries and whimpers escaped as Leo kept right on kissing him, his lips warm and insistent now, easing him down from his orgasm.

  At last, the kisses ended. Alex closed his eyes as he lay in Leo’s arms, his heartbeat returning to normal. Naked, covered in come, Leo wrapped around him, Alex had never been so happy.

  LEO closed his eyes, relaxing as he lay in the bath, his head supported by a thickly padded towel, warm water scented with sandalwood swirling around him—and Alex lying in his arms, his back snuggled up to Leo’s chest. Alex had his head against Leo’s collarbone, and Leo was running his hands languidly over Alex’s chest, soaping him in lazy circles. Leo had lit a couple of candles and placed them on the side of the bath. He smiled to himself as he recalled Alex’s expression when he’d led him into the bathroom. Maybe lighting candles was a touch feminine, but he loved the ambiance they created. They had been content to enjoy the silky feel of the water for about half an hour now, and Leo was feeling thoroughly melted.

  Alex let out a sigh, reaching up to cover Leo’s hand with his own. Right now, the boy was exuding utter contentment, and it delighted Leo. They’d eaten lightly―french bread with cheese and pâté, and another glass of white wine―before Leo had had the brainwave of sharing a bath.

  Leo stroked Alex’s cheek softly. Okay, so it was early days for them, but Leo was more than pleased with the progress they were making. He knew Alex was nervous about sex—his body language made that clear—but the way the boy had performed so far was a good indication he and Leo might have the beginnings of chemistry between them.

  Alex turned in his arms, touching Leo’s face as they kissed, a tender, passionate kiss that built in intensity. Leo became more and more aroused as he felt Alex’s cock harden against his belly and heard Alex’s breath catch as Leo slid his tongue deep, tasting him, the kiss swallowing Alex’s urgent sounds of pleasure.

  Leo broke the kiss, reluctantly. “Nice though this is,” he whispered, “do you want to take this back to the bed?”

  Alex’s eyes grew wide, his body tensing.

  “No, boy, we’re not going to fuck.” He knew he’d read Alex correctly when the boy exhaled shakily. “I just want you in my arms, in my bed, all night long.”

  Alex’s only reply was to pull Leo’s head back to his, deepening the kiss, his soft noises telling Leo so much more than words ever could. And just like that, Leo knew neither of them was ready for sleep yet. But more kisses? Fuck, yeah. Leo could definitely go for more kisses… and sucking. Licking. Stroking. Come to think of it, sleep was overrated.

  LEO gave Miles an appreciative glance as Miles stepped down from the stage, wiping himself with a towel. The audience of Doms and subs was just beginning to disperse.

  “Great display, Miles.” Leo was full of admiration for the way Miles had ably demonstrated caning, armed with a rattan cane and Pietro, as his willing canvas, stretched out on the St. Andrew’s cross. “I know a lot of Doms think a cane is relatively harmless, but we both know how much damage it can do if not handled correctly.”

  Miles nodded sagely. “Thanks, Leo, for setting this up. I’d been getting requests for a while to do this. I was lucky Pietro had a day off that fit in with my plans.” His gaze fell on the sub as he collected the canes and cuffs from the stage. He smiled affectionately in Pietro’s direction. “That boy’s an absolute dream to work with.”

  Leo followed his gaze, admiring the nice set of stripes that now adorned the naked sub’s buttocks, thighs, and back.

  “Nice work, by the way,” he said, smiling appreciatively.

  Miles’s face lit up. “Well, thank you, Leo.” The sub approached them, his arms full. “Having the right submissive to work with makes it a lot easier.”

  Both men fell silent as Pietro reached them and stopped at Miles’s side with his eyes downcast. He was covered with a light sheen of perspiration.

  “You did well tonight, boy.” Leo spoke quietly,
noting Pietro’s shy smile of delight as he reacted to the praise. “Your Master is very pleased with you.” Despite his lowered gaze, there was no mistaking the flash of joy that flitted across Pietro’s face. But still he lingered, clearly hesitating. “Pietro, is there something you wanted?

  Pietro kept his eyes low. “Master Leo, may I ask…. Is Alex all right?” There was an anxious edge to his voice.

  Leo smiled. “Alex is fine. He went to work this afternoon, and doubtless you’ll see him tomorrow.” He chuckled. “He got a good night’s sleep… among other things.”

  Miles snorted, and then looked abashed as Leo speared him with a look. Pietro was clearly trying not to smirk, and Miles cuffed him lightly about the head.

  “Get all that put away,” he said. Leo could tell Miles was aiming for stern but failing miserably. “Then into the shower with you.” Pietro nodded, but Leo smirked as the sub bit his bottom lip in an attempt to keep himself from smiling. Miles laid a hand on his upper arm. “And, pup? Master Leo is right. You did me proud tonight.” Miles favored the sub with an affectionate look and then handed him a clean towel from the edge of the stage. Again, Leo caught the sub’s flash of joy. Pietro gave a slight nod in their direction before continuing toward the equipment room, obviously not bothered in the slightest by his nudity. Pietro turned back on reaching the door, the sub’s gaze falling on his Dom.

  Leo caught his breath. Oh, he knew that expression very well. He kept his eyes on Pietro until the sub was no longer in sight and then turned back to face Miles.

  He wasn’t the only one watching Pietro’s exit. Miles’s gaze was fixed on the door, a faraway look in his eyes.

  Leo gave a wry smile. “How are you getting along with Pietro?” he inquired, trying to hide his delight. Could both men be that oblivious?

  Miles broke into another wide smile. “He’s great. He’s so responsive, Leo. He anticipates me, he reacts quickly―”

  “And he’s in love with you,” added Leo with a warm smile. He waited for a reaction.

  Miles stilled immediately, his gaze moving swiftly to fix on Leo’s face. “What did you just say?”

  Leo gave Miles a knowing smile. “Your sub is in love with you, Miles.” As Miles’s eyes widened, Leo chuckled. “It’s not a bad thing.” Miles’s intense gaze went from Leo to the door and back again. “I take it that’s good news?” The expression on Miles’s face changed as Leo’s words sank in. Miles looked radiantly happy at the thought. Oh, it was definitely good news.

  “Would you excuse me, Leo?” Miles set off in the direction of the equipment room, moving swiftly.

  Leo watched his departure, a huge grin on his face.

  “What on earth did you say to him?”

  Thomas was standing behind him, wearing an equally large grin.

  Leo winked. “Ask me no questions….”

  Thomas lifted his chin. “You’re in a great mood today. Need I ask why?” That grin was still in place.

  Leo smiled enigmatically as he headed for the group room to check on its state, but Thomas stopped him by laying a hand against his chest. Leo gazed down at it in mild surprise before looking back at Thomas’s face.

  “Leo,” Thomas began, his voice affectionate. “It’s good to see you happy again.”

  Leo stared at him for a moment, but no words came to him, because no words were needed. Thomas had him nailed: Leo was happy.

  Thomas nodded as though privy to Leo’s epiphany. “It’s a good look on you, boy,” he added affectionately. Suddenly his face cracked into a delighted smile. “Well, well, now there’s a sight to gladden an old man’s heart.” He spoke softly, his gaze fixed on something over Leo’s shoulder.

  Leo turned.

  Miles and Pietro were standing by the door to the group room—and they were kissing. Miles held Pietro in his arms, and the expression of pure joy on Pietro’s face as he was kissed tenderly, again and again, made Leo’s heart soar. Miles’s eyes were open, and he was staring at his sub in what could only be described as wonder as he took Pietro’s mouth in a succession of increasingly passionate kisses.

  “I don’t know what you said, Leo,” Thomas said with a wide smile, “but whatever it was, I’m damned glad you said it.” He patted Leo’s arm and walked away, shaking his head and chuckling quietly.

  Leo watched as Master and sub kissed, both men totally lost in a world of their own. As it should be, he thought. He loved the way Pietro’s face simply glowed with love. There was no other word for it. And not for the first time that day, Leo’s thoughts were of the boy in his bed that morning. Early days, of course, but Leo found himself hoping one day he’d see a similar look on Alex’s face.

  And in that instant Leo had another epiphany. He was starting to fall for Alex.

  PIETRO felt so light, he could have flown across the shower room.

  Master loves me!

  He was standing before the full-length mirror, staring unseeing at his reflection. All he could see was Miles’s face as he’d finally confessed his feelings, much to Pietro’s joy. Pietro had been Miles’s sub for just over a year, and had come to love his Master, though he would never have dared admit such feelings to anyone. He’d hoped, of course, but it had been enough to serve Miles with his body. No one ever said a Dom had to love his sub, but that hadn’t stopped Pietro from wishing.

  “Nice stripes, babe!”

  Pietro jumped, startled from his reveries. Dorian was standing behind him, eyes wide as he gazed at Pietro’s back. Pietro tried to catch sight of his new badges of honor in the mirror, half twisting himself in the process. Damn, his Master had a fine hand when it came to caning.

  He grinned at Dorian. “Look good, don’t they?” He smirked, unable to stop his joy from bubbling up.

  Dorian’s eyes grew wide. “What’s happened to you?”

  Pietro couldn’t stop himself from spilling his news to his fellow sub. Dorian’s smile seemed halfhearted, however, and it took the edge off Pietro’s happiness. He regarded the sub with concern. “Is something the matter, Dorian?”

  Dorian shook his head, seeming almost angry. Pietro waited patiently, and the sub caved. “Why doesn’t he want me, Pietro?” he whined plaintively.

  Pietro should have guessed. Leo Hart. Dorian had been carrying the biggest torch for Master Leo for about six months. All the subs knew about it. Dorian complained on an almost daily basis that Master Leo didn’t even notice him. Dorian claimed to be in love, but as far as Pietro could see, it was merely a healthy case of falling in lust.

  And it was clear to all of them Leo knew exactly how Dorian felt and was avoiding him. Pietro didn’t blame him. Dorian had a tendency to be pretty full-on at times. A thought occurred to him. Dorian needed to know Leo Hart was definitely off-limits.

  “Dorian.” There was no easy way to say this, but maybe if he did, Dorian would finally get the message and stop going on about a man he couldn’t have.

  Dorian must have caught a nuance of something in his tone, because his head snapped up.

  “Dorian, you need to know….” Damn, this was hard. Pietro took a deep breath. Better to rip off a Band-Aid in one swift movement. “Master Leo has a boyfriend.”

  There was a moment of silence. Beyond the shower room, Pietro could hear laughter of subs in the locker room, just arriving for the evening. Inside the shower room, however, the temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees.

  Dorian’s expression was stony. “No, you’ve got it wrong. Master Leo’s—”

  “Master Leo has a boyfriend,” repeated Pietro, more firmly this time. “And it’s serious,” he added, trying to make sure Dorian got the message loud and clear. Dorian’s jaw set, and Pietro could almost hear the cogs whirring inside his brain.

  “I thought he wasn’t going to take on a new sub!” Dorian’s tone was petulant, but Pietro could hear a note of anger creeping in. Oh, this wasn’t good….

  “Alex isn’t a sub,” he explained. Uh-oh… there was that silence again.

  Dorian’s eyes blazed, and Pietro recoiled in the face of such a reaction. “Alex? The guy he was talking about with Master Thomas a few weeks ago?” Dorian’s eyes narrowed. “He’s going out with a guy who isn’t even into the lifestyle? Why would he contemplate doing such a thing? He’s a Dom, for fuck’s sake! He should be with a partner who fully understands his needs!”

  Pietro was beginning to regret mentioning Alex. Judging by the look on Dorian’s face, he’d made a serious mistake. “Dorian,” he began helplessly, but Dorian cut him off brusquely.

  “It’s okay, Pietro. You did the right thing telling me.” Dorian seemed to be calming down. Thank God. “I’ll just have to hope Master Leo comes to his senses and sees what a big mistake he’s making, won’t I?” And with that, Dorian turned on his heel and left the shower room.

  Pietro was left feeling decidedly guilty, as if he’d inadvertently opened a very big can of worms—and once the lid was off…. That last remark had come perilously close to criticizing Master Leo, something that made Pietro uncomfortable. And very nervous.

  ALEX let himself quietly into the house, trying to make as little noise as possible. He’d worked the late shift, and it was already past midnight. The house was quiet except for the ticking of the clock in the hallway and the odd distinctive rumble from upstairs. He grinned—however had his mum put up with his dad’s snoring all these years?

  It was the first time he’d been home since the previous evening’s revelations, and he’d been dreading this moment all day. Thankfully, he’d been able to go straight to work from Leo’s apartment, as Alex always kept a clean uniform at the restaurant. No need to go home.

  He was dying for a cup of green tea, however, and the house was quiet enough to risk putting the kettle on. Everyone must surely have been in bed for a while by now. He crept into the kitchen and set about making himself a drink, and all the while he kept an ear toward the door, listening for any sign he was about to be discovered.


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