Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits Page 65

by K. C. Wells

  He crept silently up the stairs and into his room, the fragrant tea teasing his nostrils invitingly. It had been a very long night. After putting down his tea and duffel bag, he slipped out of his clothing and crawled under the duvet.

  He intended to stay awake just long enough for the tea to cool, and then he’d be out like a light. Stretching out on his back, he laced his fingers behind his head and stared up at the lampshade above his bed. There had been barely a moment to breathe tonight, let alone think, as the entire restaurant had been booked by a wedding party. Alex, Vittorio, and Adam had been run off their feet. Alex chuckled. Pietro couldn’t have chosen a better night off, although the head chef, Luca, had slowly become more and more frazzled as the evening wore on without his trainee beside him to share the workload.

  Alex closed his eyes, preferring to dwell on much more pleasant matters. Behind his lids swam visions from Saturday night and Sunday morning, images that instantly brought the blood rushing to his cock. He reached down under the duvet…

  …just as Rob slipped quietly into his room.

  Alex let out a low groan of frustration. “What the fuck do you want?” Alex whispered, glancing at the alarm clock beside his bed. Rob moved silently across the room to perch himself on the edge of Alex’s bed. He stared intently at Alex for a moment or two. Oh, not this routine again….

  “I suppose you think you were pretty clever, eh?” Rob sneered. “Pity you didn’t stick around. You could’ve heard what Mum and Dad really think of having a faggot for a son.”

  Alex didn’t need this right now. He was bone tired, and besides, something in Rob’s expression led him to think his brother was lying just to get a rise out of him.

  “Go to bed, Rob,” he whispered resignedly. There was no way he was getting into an argument at this ungodly hour. “And just… just leave me alone, okay? Stay out of my life.” Alex rolled over, ignoring his brother as he switched off the light and plunged the room into darkness. He heard Rob’s grunts of exasperation as he groped his way back to the door and left. Alex didn’t give a fuck. He just wanted to sleep. At least in his dreams there was some hope of escaping the little fucktard.

  MONDAY morning, the first of August… and it was raining.

  Alex gazed gloomily through the kitchen window at the rain, which seemed to be coming down in lumps, there was so much of it. Typical soggy Manchester summer, he thought. He sipped his coffee, listening anxiously for the footsteps of his parents. No one else had gotten up yet. Alex had awoken before his alarm, feeling apprehensive. In his heart, he knew Rob was a lying little shit, but that didn’t stop Alex from dwelling on his brother’s last words. What if his parents really didn’t like the fact that he was gay? What if they’d been disguising how they really felt? How hard would it make life at home?

  Noises from above told Alex his parents were finally out of bed, and just for an instant, he toyed with the idea of leaving the house before they appeared. But then he remembered the look of pride on Leo’s face when he’d faced up to them on Saturday night—had it really only been thirty-six hours or so since then?—and he rejected the idea. Besides, he’d have to face them sooner or later. Better to get it over with. Better to find out what he would have to put up with as long as he was living under their roof.

  Alex looked up as his mother entered the kitchen. His stomach knotted up as her expression changed. Her lips narrowed as she caught sight of him.

  “Morning.” No change there. She was never one for a lot of conversation first thing in the morning. In fact, Alex was the only member of the family who seemed to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed more often than not. But that cautious, guarded expression? That was new.

  His father entered, yawning widely. He gave a nod in Alex’s direction before reaching for the kettle for his morning cup of tea. Alex sat at the table, finishing his coffee. No one said anything. Not a goddamned word.

  After a few minutes of tortuous silence, Alex couldn’t take any more. He got up, washed his mug and plate, dried them, put them away, and left the kitchen. And still they didn’t fucking speak. Not even to each other. He went up to his room, shut the door behind him, and sat down heavily on his bed. He took his phone out of his jeans pocket and stared at the screen thoughtfully before texting a message to Leo. Right now he just wanted to be with him.

  I finish at 9:00 2nite.

  Seconds later he got his reply. Obviously, Leo was another early bird. I know, boy. LOL. I have your schedule. Want to meet up after work?

  Alex’s heart leaped. Spend time with Leo, making out, kissing, or spend it sitting in stony silence? He snorted. No fucking contest. Hell yeah.

  Leo’s reply was almost instantaneous. LOL. Will pick you up at work. Can you stay the night?

  Alex’s cock twitched. Yes, part of his anatomy really liked that idea.

  LEO’S kisses hadn’t even started out slow that night.

  They’d started at 40 mph and revved straight up to 120 mph. Leo’s tongue sliding into his mouth; Leo’s hands seeking warm, bare skin under clothing; Leo’s hand pushing down into the back of his jeans, a single finger sliding down his crease and rubbing at his hole. And they still hadn’t made it beyond just inside the door of Leo’s apartment. Alex had his back to the wall, Leo’s hot kisses taking no prisoners. And Alex was loving every… single… second.

  “God, you’re eager tonight, boy.”

  Oh, Alex certainly was. All the way there in the car, he’d been thinking about what was going to happen once they reached the apartment. And now he knew what he wanted. He wanted that single finger to deliver all it was promising. The only thing was, did he have the courage to ask for it?

  He moaned into Leo’s mouth as it devoured him hungrily. He grabbed the back of Leo’s head and held on tight as Leo rocked against him, nice and slow, Alex clearly able to feel the man was hard as a rock.

  Leo broke away, gasping, clasping Alex’s head in his hands and holding him firm as he looked him in the eye. “Carry on like that, Alex, and you’re going to get fucked tonight.” His voice was hoarse with arousal, his pupils blown and his lips swollen.

  Alex froze, paralyzed for a moment. Much as he wanted more from Leo, that was a step he was not prepared to take yet. Leo’s eyes were on him, and Alex felt unable to move.

  Suddenly Leo smiled, and his entire face was transfigured. “This is why it’s important to communicate,” Leo said quietly, his breathing still erratic. “You set the pace, boy. Nothing happens that you don’t want to happen.” Those eyes bored into him. “Is that clear?”

  Alex nodded, desperately trying to lower his gaze, uncomfortable to be making eye contact with Leo, despite recent improvements.

  Leo stroked his cheek, leaning in and kissing his lips softly now, all sense of urgency having fled. “Then what do you want, Alex? Hmm?” Alex melted into Leo’s arms under the onslaught of those soft kisses that always drove him out of his mind. “Tell me, boy,” Leo whispered into his ear, his warm breath tickling the skin. Leo took Alex’s earlobe between his teeth, pulling softly at it until Alex almost begged him to stop.

  “I want….” Oh fuck. He couldn’t say it. He just couldn’t. His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

  Leo lifted his chin with two fingers, eyes finding his once more. “What do you want, Alex?” he repeated, the words quieter now yet all the more powerful because of it. Leo’s lips met his in a slow, slow kiss as Alex trembled in his arms, small noises of arousal slipping from him into the air around them.

  Alex swallowed. Tell the man, for fuck’s sake. “I want… I want your… fingers inside me.”

  The whispered request floated out, and no sooner had he voiced it than Alex wished he had the power to snatch it back. But he heard Leo’s breath catch, and suddenly he knew Leo wanted this as much as he did.

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” Leo backed away from him, took his hand, and led him toward the bedroom. “But first, we’re going to get comfortable.”

  Once in
the room, Leo undressed him slowly, taking his time, kissing each new area of skin as it emerged from beneath the clothing. Alex trembled with each caress, each soft kiss. He could understand why the frenetic kissing in the hallway had fired him up, but these tender caresses were driving him crazy as they built slowly in intensity. It was as if Leo was creating a map in his head of Alex’s body. Each new area was kissed, licked, sucked. If Alex shivered, Leo gave that spot his special attention, laving it with his tongue until Alex was almost unable to withstand the sensations building to fever pitch.

  Leo undressed quickly, drew Alex to the center of the bed, and pushed him onto his back. Alex trembled with anticipation as Leo reached into the drawer beside his bed and withdrew a plastic bottle. He dropped it onto the bed and then stretched out alongside Alex, stroking down his torso, trailing his fingers lightly along Alex’s cock as Alex whimpered. Those same fingers cupped his balls and then moved lower.

  Alex held his breath as Leo pushed at his thighs, spreading his legs wide, and then stopped, gazing at Alex’s now exposed hole. Alex felt acute embarrassment as he lay there, vulnerable, hardly daring to breathe as Leo leisurely rubbed one finger over the tiny puckered ring.

  Leo grinned, his eyes gleaming wickedly. “Oh, I want in there, boy.” Alex breathed a little faster as Leo snapped open the bottle and poured a few drops of a viscous clear liquid onto his fingers. He rubbed a single finger over Alex’s hole, the liquid cool against his hot skin.

  Alex let out a low mewl as Leo slowly sank his finger inside him. Oh fuck….

  “Ever fingered yourself, boy?” Leo asked, his voice hushed.

  Alex shook his head, concentrating on the sensations that finger was creating. It felt so… weird, having something in there.

  Leo kept his eyes on Alex as he gently slid his finger in and out of Alex’s anus. “Does it feel good?”

  Alex couldn’t answer. He let out a whimper as Leo pushed deeper inside him. Oh yeah, that felt good…. He arched his back, wanting to push down on that finger.

  Leo grinned. “That’s it, Alex. Fuck yourself on my finger. Feel it deep in your ass.”

  Alex groaned. Oh, how did Leo find his hot buttons so fast? Because dirty talking was definitely one of them.

  Leo slid his finger slowly, as if he was searching for something. Suddenly, he grinned.

  Oh. Fuck. It felt as though the top of Alex’s head was about to come off. Leo’s finger nudged someplace inside his ass, and electricity shot up his spine. Alex’s eyes flew open, his lips parted, his breath escaping in short pants.

  Leo had his eyes fixed on Alex’s face as he nudged again… and again. “Like it when I massage your prostate?”

  Like it? Oh, he had to be fucking kidding! They’d have to invent a new verb to describe what he was feeling right now. This was…. Alex mewled again as a second finger joined the first, both fingers moving slowly at first, creating a sensation of feeling just that little bit fuller. However, his body soon adjusted, and he began to push down, wanting more.

  Leo slowly withdrew his fingers and Alex groaned in frustration.

  “Easy, boy… just getting some more lube.” Leo dripped more lube onto his hand, and just like that, two fingers slid into him, pushing all the way up to the knuckle. Fuck, yeah…. And when Leo leaned down and took his mouth in an urgent kiss, Alex reached up to grab him and eagerly accepted Leo’s tongue, which slid in deep, tongue and fingers now synchronized.

  Alex had to move. His hips began to lift from the bed as he writhed on those fingers fucking him now, no hesitation. He moaned constantly, the sounds swallowed by Leo’s kisses, which were growing steadily more urgent. More moans, only this time, they were Leo’s….

  Each time Leo’s fingers slid over his gland, Alex felt the impending orgasm gather strength. This was going to be huge. Leo was relentless, fucking him with his fingers and his tongue, not letting up even for a second, his hips bucking as he pushed Alex closer, closer….

  Alex cried out as his climax hit him full on, shuddering from the force of it as waves and waves of pleasure rolled over him as they’d never done before. Leo’s fingers were still inside him, and Alex could feel his anal muscles tighten around them, clamping down on them, his body taking them prisoner. Leo kissed him, no penetration but the softest brushing of lips, holding Alex tight against him. Alex returned his kisses, soft sounds of pleasure accompanying them as he felt the aftershocks of his orgasm, like tiny flashes of lightning as the storm dissipated, the remnants of ecstasy.

  At last the sensations in his body eased off and Leo’s fingers slipped from his anus. Alex groaned, regretting their departure. Immediately, Alex was enfolded in Leo’s arms, mouths meeting once more in sweet, tender kisses that made his heart soar. Their lips parted company, and Alex exhaled shakily, still clinging to Leo.

  “I have you, Alex.” Leo was murmuring in his ear, his arms around him, holding him as he lay quiescent, his heart beginning to beat to its normal rhythm once more. The soft kisses and embraces were exactly what he needed right now, the lull after the storm.

  “I STILL haven’t figured out how you got Pietro to tell you everything,” Alex murmured sleepily, his head nestled against Leo’s chest, tucked under his chin. He was enfolded in Leo’s arms, Leo stroking through his hair occasionally, pressing his lips every now and then against the top of Alex’s head.

  A feeling of utter peace pervaded Alex. Leo had left him briefly, only to return with a damp washcloth to clean him up, taking such care over him that Alex was touched. Leo’s heart beat steadily beneath him. Alex’s hand lay against Leo’s chest, his fingers toying with the downy hair that covered his pecs. He liked that Leo wasn’t smooth-skinned.

  Leo sighed softly, his breath stirring Alex’s hair. “Does it matter?” he asked. He waited for a few seconds. “Did you speak to him today?”

  Alex nodded against his chest, reluctant to move. In this position he didn’t have to make eye contact, and he loved feeling the rhythmic thumping of Leo’s heart, the warmth of his body around him, the tender caresses.

  “Yeah,” he said at last, “we were on a break together this afternoon.” At first there’d been an awkward silence. After all, Alex had trusted Pietro, and it had felt like such a betrayal of that trust. But it soon become apparent to him that Pietro was deeply unhappy about having broken his confidence, and Alex had to admit the outcome hadn’t been all negative.

  “Did you boys make up?” Leo teased him.

  Alex chuckled. “We’re fine,” he stressed. Which was true. Alex couldn’t stay annoyed with his friend, not when it was abundantly clear Pietro regretted his actions. He still couldn’t work out how Leo had got him to spill the beans. But he didn’t want to jeopardize his friendship with Pietro by pushing him for more details, and Pietro had seemed relieved not to have lost his friend.

  He snuggled up tightly against Leo and then chuckled to himself. He’d never have guessed this would be something he’d enjoy, but if he were totally honest, he loved the intimacy of being held in Leo’s arms, the feeling of being… cherished.

  Leo kissed his hair softly, and raised Alex’s chin to kiss him, the languid kiss just perfect. A thought occurred to him, and he glanced up at Leo. “I know so little about you,” he admitted shyly. “I mean, I know what you like reading, your favorite films, music…. But I don’t know what you do for a living.” He grinned. “For all I know, you could be a drug dealer!”

  Leo laughed. “Trust me, boy, I’m no drug dealer.” He kissed Alex softly. “I own a business in the city center. You met my business partner, Thomas, the first night that I saw you at Severino’s.”

  Alex frowned. “The guy with the gray hair? Looks like a headmaster?”

  Leo chuckled. “Very astute observation. He used to teach English at the university. Thomas and I go way back. We’ve known each other for about fifteen years.” All of a sudden, he pulled Alex on top of him, kissing him thoroughly as he ran his hands down Alex’s spine, molding them around his as
s. Alex moaned softly into his mouth.

  With obvious reluctance, Leo broke the kiss. “But now it’s time to sleep, boy,” he said, eyes gleaming. “You are far too tempting, Alex Daniels.”

  Alex found himself being rolled onto his side, Leo snuggling up around him, his arm coming up to cradle him. Sighing contentedly, Alex wriggled back, loving the feel of Leo’s firm body wrapped protectively around him. Leo stretched up to switch off the light. The room was plunged into inky blackness, no light from the city penetrating the thick curtains. And then Leo’s arms were once more around him.

  “Happy, boy?” The words were whispered close to his ear.

  Alex smiled. “Yeah,” he said softly. Leo’s lips pressed a tender kiss to his neck. This was absolute bliss. And as his eyelids grew heavy, sleep finally beckoning him, Alex’s last thought was that he’d never been happier in his life.

  ALEX sat back into the corner seat, idly fiddling with the teaspoon that lay next to his very large cup of coffee. He sniffed appreciatively, loving the aroma that permeated the peaceful atmosphere of the coffee shop. This time of morning was usually quiet, and Alex liked to sit and watch the world go by, all those busy people rushing past, their heads down, through the city streets. He glanced down at his watch. Pietro was running late.

  Movement at the entrance to the coffee shop caught his eye, and Alex looked up to see Pietro being kissed on the cheek by a tall, slim man with black hair and eyes so dark they were almost black. Alex smiled. So this was Pietro’s mystery man. Pietro had given very little away about his boyfriend, but it was obvious to Alex his best friend was totally smitten. Pietro’s eyes followed the good-looking man’s departure, his hand caught midwave.

  Alex couldn’t help but grin as Pietro entered the shop and saw him, clearly realizing he’d been spotted. Pietro’s cheeks were bright red by the time he reached Alex.

  Alex shook his head, laughing. “Did I ever tell you how cute you look when you blush like that?” He loved teasing Pietro. The young chef was probably one of only three people in Alex’s life with whom he felt enough at ease to be able to do that. During the past month, they’d become much closer, to such an extent that when Alex wanted to discuss something very personal, Pietro was the first person he thought of.


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