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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

Page 81

by K. C. Wells

“Oh, did I not tell you last night?” Leo’s expression was one of innocence, but by now Alex knew better. “I spoke to Sev last night. Apparently he’s given you the next two days off.” The gleeful note in Leo’s voice was impossible to miss now.

  Alex’s eyes widened. “You… you got Sev to give me some time off?” He stared incredulously. “But… but why would he do that?”

  Leo shrugged noncommittally, but Alex wasn’t fooled. It seemed his lover was very good at getting his own way. “He said something about having enough staff, that was all.”

  Yeah, right. Like Alex believed that one.

  Still, he wasn’t about to complain, especially if it meant he could spend the two days with Leo. “You got anything planned?” Because Alex just knew Leo was up to something.

  Leo nodded. “We’re going Christmas tree shopping.”

  Alex all but bounced up into a sitting position. “Really?” Leo nodded, eyes sparkling. “A real tree?”

  Leo laughed. “Well, I’m not buying a plastic one, that’s for sure.” Alex was beaming now. “But that’s not all. It’s been a while since I had a Christmas tree, and I don’t have anything to put on it. So we have to shop for decorations too. And seeing as Christmas is in just over a week, we’d better make sure we get one before the shops run out of trees.”

  Alex was delighted by the prospect of spending the day in such a wonderful pursuit. But what really made him smile was the idea of doing this as a couple.

  And then it hit him. He would be sharing Christmas with Leo. The two of them.

  He just knew his smile wasn’t going to quit all fucking day.

  “That one.” Alex pointed at the Norway spruce, which must have stood at least ten feet tall.

  Leo rolled his eyes. “I do not have the ceiling height for one that big.”

  Alex pretended to pout, but his eyes were alive with glee. They’d walked around the local garden center for at least thirty minutes, discussing the merits of various trees. Leo chuckled. At least they’d narrowed it down to two specific varieties now.

  “Well, you choose, then!” Alex teased. Leo pretended to peruse the outdoor lot carefully, but it was an act—he’d already spotted the perfect tree, standing in the corner. He only hoped Alex liked it too.

  Leo took Alex’s hand and led him across the lot. His boy glanced down at their linked hands, and a slow smile spread across Alex’s face. Leo tightened his grasp, causing Alex to look at him. Leo indicated the corner of the lot with a flick of his head. “What about that one?” He smiled as Alex glanced toward the tree and almost did a double take. It was a fir tree, about seven feet tall, wide and bushy at the base, its branches perfectly proportioned and rising to a point, which left just enough room for the ornament Leo had in mind.

  Alex’s eyes lit up. “My God, Leo, it’s… it’s perfect!”

  Yeah, Leo was a happy bunny. Christmas looked to be already off to the perfect start, providing the garden center delivered. ’Cause there was no way that tree was going to fit in the Mazda.

  ALEX let out a noise of utter contentment.

  “You happy, Alex?” Leo was stretched out next to him on the sofa, a glass of tawny port in his hand.

  Alex turned his face toward Leo and nodded. He’d had a wonderful day. The tree was in its stand and had already opened up in the warmth of the apartment. Christmas carols were playing quietly in the background, and Leo had provided fresh candles, their flickering flames casting shadows that danced on the walls and ceiling. Between the two of them, they’d decorated the tree with the results of their shopping trip, and now it was festooned in swathes of red and gold. Delicate glass baubles in shimmering colors were hanging from its wide branches, and the tree was alight with hundreds of tiny white lights, a slender gold star atop it.

  Alex gazed at the tree standing in the corner of the lounge, sending out sparkles of light around the room where the lights were reflected in the baubles. “I think it’s beautiful,” he said softly. Leo put down his glass and held one arm wide. Alex needed no second invitation. He scooted across the seat to Leo and laid his head on Leo’s chest as he continued to gaze at the beautiful sight before him. Leo’s arm slipped around him, and Alex pressed closer, closing his eyes momentarily, shutting out the festive scene before him as he concentrated on the man in whose arms he lay.

  Leo’s lips pressed softly against Alex’s hair, and Alex couldn’t help leaning into his touch, breathing him in. “I could stay like this all night,” Alex admitted, his arm snaking around Leo, fingers softly stroking his belly. Leo cupped Alex’s chin and tilted his face up, bringing their lips together.

  “There’s a really soft rug down there on the floor,” Leo said casually.

  Alex arched his brows. “Oh, really?” He chuckled.

  Leo nodded. “I think we should try it out, see just how comfortable it really is,” he said, his face straight. “We could always add some cushions, you know, if we wanted.” His eyes gleamed. “Wanna give it a go?”

  Alex pretended to consider the proposition seriously. “Would we need fewer clothes?”

  Leo grinned. “Oh, definitely. In fact, naked sounds pretty good right now.”

  Alex laughed, but the sound died in his throat as he looked into Leo’s eyes and saw the lust burning there. Lust for him. “Sounds like a plan,” he said huskily.

  This has all the makings of another long night, he thought. If I’m lucky.

  “ALEX, you need to go on your break.”

  “Hmmm?” Alex glanced up from his task of preparing the glassware to find Sev regarding him with amusement. “I’m not due for a break for another hour.”

  “Yes, but that’s the third time you’ve polished that wineglass.”

  Alex looked down at the flute he’d been absently rubbing with a cloth and blushed. He’d been miles away, his thoughts on Leo and what they needed to discuss that evening.

  “Make yourself some of that green tea you’re so fond of.” Sev gave him an affectionate smile. “Pietro’s already up there. You’d better tell him, Luca says he wants him back down here in ten minutes or he’ll end up on the menu tonight.”

  Aha! Just the person Alex wanted to talk to. He hurriedly put together a cup of green tea. That accomplished, he went upstairs, carefully carrying his mug.

  Pietro was just finishing his lunch as Alex entered the staff room. “Didn’t expect to see you up here just yet.”

  Alex relayed Sev’s message, sitting down on the sofa and leaning back against the seat cushions. Pietro joined him, sipping from a glass of water. “Can I ask you something?” he asked Pietro almost shyly. Pietro nodded. “You and Miles have a contract, right?”

  “Yeah,” acknowledged Pietro with a proud smile. “Though it’s gonna get renegotiated when he collars me.” He regarded Alex quizzically. “Why do you ask?”

  He knew he shouldn’t feel uncomfortable discussing this with Pietro—hell, the number of times they’d discussed sex was nobody’s business—but it felt a little odd, as though it were something just for him and Leo. Oh, what the hell.

  “I don’t have a contract,” he admitted. “I mean, I’ve seen one—I saw one when I wrote my list of limits—but we haven’t signed one yet.”

  “Yeah, but you and Leo started out as lovers; the D/s part came after. It’s still early days, babe.” He eyed Alex speculatively. “You want a contract, don’t you?”

  Alex nodded, blushing. He’d thought of little else during the last two days. And there was something else. Making love with Leo was an unbelievable experience, something that had forged a very solid connection between them, but a connection between two lovers. Alex yearned to be Leo’s boy. He wanted to lose himself in submission, yielding everything to Leo, pleasing him. And he also wanted to ask Leo for something very specific… if he had the nerve.

  Pietro continued. “Most people start out with a six-month contract, and then renegotiate when it’s up. After that, if you’re both happy, you can set whatever time period you like.”r />
  Alex cocked his head. “And what time period will your next contract be for?”

  Pietro glowed. “It’s going to be open-ended. No time limit.”

  Alex had never seen his friend look so happy. He knew the collaring ceremony was planned to take place during the New Year’s Eve party at the club. Pietro was so excited at the prospect, he’d been talking of nothing else for weeks.

  Alex decided he’d talk to Leo tonight. Somehow he’d get up the nerve to ask Leo for something. After all, Leo had said Alex’s needs were important, and this was something he needed—no, craved.

  LEO finished putting away the plates, wondering why Alex hadn’t joined him in the kitchen. It had become a task they did together, but Alex was oddly absent. Leo put the tea towel to one side and entered the lounge to find Alex deep in thought, reading through his limits list. Interesting. And what made it more interesting was the sight of Alex’s collar lying on the coffee table. Leo’s cock twitched. His boy needed.

  “Is there something we need to discuss, boy?” Leo changed gears, moving smoothly into Dom mode. It had been a few days since they’d shared a scene, and Leo was eager to do more.

  Alex looked up, momentarily startled. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing rapid. Oh ho! What on earth was going on in his sub’s mind? Alex nodded, lowering his eyes quickly.

  Leo sat down on the sofa next to his boy and reached for the collar. Alex flashed a quick look at him and then rose gracefully from the sofa to kneel before him, head bowed.

  “Strip, boy.”

  Alex obeyed immediately, quickly removing all clothing and returning to a kneeling position, eyes downcast. Leo fastened the collar around his neck, noting the contented little noises as Alex reached up to touch the leather, as if reassuring himself. Leo loved the way Alex breathed slowly as he settled into his head space. Yeah, the boy was a natural, all right.

  “Okay, boy,” Leo began, his voice firm. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Alex took a deep breath. “Sir, in the section on Erotic Humiliation, it says ‘forced exhibitionism’. Sir… does… does it have to be forced? What if… what if I want others to… to watch?”

  Leo caught his breath. Oh, the images that were flooding his mind right now. “You want others to watch you submitting? Is that it?” Leo waited for Alex’s answer, conscious of his cock hardening rapidly in his jeans. He bit back a moan as Alex shook his head, his blush intensifying.

  “No, Sir,” Alex whispered. “I mean, yes, Sir! I mean… I… I want them to watch you… fucking me.”

  Leo found himself speechless at the thought of taking his boy into the group room and driving his cock deep into that tight ass while Doms and subs alike watched his boy totally submit to him. “What’s brought this on, boy?” Not that he had anything against the idea—far from it—but he wanted to make sure of the boy’s motivation.

  Alex cleared his throat. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while,” he confessed. “In fact, I’ve fantasized about it ever since I read the second book in the Deviations series.” His cheeks were suddenly scarlet, and Leo thought it an adorable reaction. “It… it was so hot.”

  Leo tried desperately to remember the scene in question. And then he felt his cheeks heat. Oh…. He recalled the scene where the Dom, Tobias, took his sub, Noah, out into the parking lot of the club and fucked him up against the wall with fifteen or so members of the club watching and cheering him on. Hell, yeah…. Leo could certainly provide such an opportunity for his boy. In fact, it would be his pleasure.

  He was so proud of Alex. He hadn’t been afraid to speak up, to voice his needs. Leo looked at those enticing lips and tried to stifle his groan as he imagined them around his cock. Then he grinned. Why imagine? “Boy, get your ass into the bedroom. I have a hard cock that needs servicing.”

  Alex’s eyes flashed with joy, his breathing speeding up. Oh, someone definitely liked that idea. Leo let out a joyful laugh as Alex scrambled to his feet, eagerly heading for their room. Their room—Christ, that sounded good. More sedately, Leo got to his feet and followed his boy. The prospect of Alex sucking him off, and then Leo sliding into that tight, perfect heat… evenings just didn’t get any better than this. Leo let out a rich chuckle. He fucking loved his life.

  ONLY two days to go until Christmas. Alex had rarely felt so excited about the upcoming holiday, but the idea of spending two days with Leo—opening presents, preparing meals, cuddling together on the sofa—filled him with quiet joy. He hummed a Christmas carol as he laid out Leo’s clothing for their night at the club. He loved doing small services like this. It made his heart swell with pride when he saw Leo’s reaction. Alex just wanted to serve the man.

  “You’re doing a good job there, boy.”

  Alex turned to see his Dom in the doorway, Leo’s eyes on him. The collar, snug around Alex’s neck, was a pleasant reminder that this was a night for submission. Leo was taking him to the club, and Alex wanted to make Leo proud of him.

  Alex lowered his eyes, kneeling immediately beside the bed. “Thank you, Sir,” he murmured. He heard Leo’s soft footfall as he approached the bed.

  “On your feet, boy,” Leo said. Alex got up as gracefully as he could manage, standing with his arms by his sides. He noticed Leo was holding a slim envelope.

  “Merry early Christmas, boy.” Leo handed him the envelope, his eyes bright.

  Puzzled, Alex opened it and took out a set of medical test results. His and Leo’s. He frowned, not understanding. Leo was gazing at him patiently, an amused half smile twisting his lips. Alex looked once more at the results, which gave both men a clean bill of health.

  The penny dropped. Leo wanted to fuck him bare. The mere thought sent the blood rushing to his cock. Hell, yeah….

  “That’s right, boy. I want there to be no barriers between us—not even latex. And in case you haven’t worked it out yet, this means there will be no one else but you. Only you.”

  Leo’s gorgeous blue eyes were focused on him, and a shiver ran down his spine. Only him. For a moment he was speechless. “Talk to me, boy.” Leo was regarding him carefully.

  Alex hastened to reassure his Dom. “I… I love it, Sir.” He flushed. “Really. It’s… it’s what I want too.”

  Leo’s face was suddenly wreathed in a huge smile. He took the results from Alex, dropped them onto the bed, and then pulled Alex into his arms. Their mouths met in a kiss full of urgency.

  Alex groaned, clutching at Leo’s back as his mouth was devoured in a hungry, claiming kiss. He felt Leo’s cock hard against him, and this filled him with fierce joy. Leo wanted him….

  With a loud groan, Leo broke the impassioned kiss. “Fuck, boy, what you do to me….” Panting, he stepped away from Alex, who was breathless, his cock hard and wanting. “Get dressed, boy. We’re going out.”

  LEO had rarely seen the club so full.

  Thomas grinned widely at him as he walked past the bar. “What’s going on tonight, I wonder?”

  Leo shrugged. “Maybe everyone’s decided to make the most of it, seeing as we’ll be closed for the holiday.” The club was certainly buzzing, alive with chatter.

  Thomas glanced down to where Alex was kneeling beside him, dressed in nothing but a pair of sinfully tight jeans, his feet bare. “Your boy looks good, Leo.”

  Alex knelt in silence, focused, his mind clearly where it should be. Such submission deserved a reward.

  Leo bent low and whispered into Alex’s ear. “Time for the second part of your Christmas present, boy. On your feet, boy.”

  Alex got up and stood silently as he awaited further instructions. Leo gave Thomas a wink as he leaned closer to Alex. “Come with me, boy.” He pulled a leash from the pocket of his black leather pants, and he attached it to the ring on Alex’s collar and led him through the club. Leo was buzzing with excitement as they approached the group room. He glanced surreptitiously at his boy, trying to gauge his reaction. Alex’s eyes widened as he recognized their destin
ation. “That’s right, boy. Time you saw what happens in here.”

  Alex swallowed, but Leo noted the outline of his boy’s cock, clearly visible in his jeans. He pushed open the door and led Alex inside, noting how his boy caught his breath. This was going to be so good….

  THE room’s lighting was subdued, but Alex was able to see everything. Miles was standing to one side, his eyes constantly surveying the room. The walls were adorned with large mirrors, showing all angles of the room, and there were chairs and benches scattered around.

  Alex caught sight of Jonathon and Dillon. At least there were some faces in here he recognized. Jonathon was seated on a leather sofa in a darkened corner of the room, and Dillon sat astride him, his back to Alex. Dillon slowly rode Jonathon’s cock, clutching at the back of the sofa, shuddering with each press of Jonathon’s thick shaft into his ass.

  “Like that, boy?” Leo’s breath tickled his ear, and Alex shivered as Leo caressed the curve of Alex’s ass, molded perfectly by the tight jeans.

  “Yes, Sir.” It felt as if the air had been pushed from his lungs when he spied what was going on at the table. Oh my God….

  A sub lay on his back, held down by two Doms. His head hung off the edge, and a third Dom was sliding his cock deep into the boy’s throat, fucking him with a gloriously thick shaft. The enthusiastic sounds made by the sub told Alex in no uncertain terms that he was loving every second of it. A fourth Dom was fucking him, sliding his latex-covered cock deep into his ass until he was balls-deep.

  “Oh fuck,” Alex muttered, a shudder running through him as he watched the scene, his cock growing so hard it ached.

  Leo’s warm breath wafted by his ear. “The boy on the table? That’s Dorian, and he’s probably celebrating being allowed back in here,” said Leo with a chuckle.

  Alex couldn’t tear his eyes away. The two Doms holding Dorian down were slowly pumping their cocks, and Alex realized they were waiting to take their turn. Now there was something that didn’t appeal to Alex in the slightest. He was relieved about Leo’s earlier declaration—it didn’t sound as though Leo was about to share him with anyone else. Thank fuck for that.


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