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Alexander the Great

Page 44

by Philip Freeman

  Mindarus (Spartan admiral), 75

  Mithra (Persian god), 71

  Mithradates, 81

  Mithrenes, 85

  Mohammed, prophet, 325

  monsoons, 272–73, 290

  murex shells, 131

  Musicanus, 288

  Mycenae, 1

  Myndus, 95, 113

  Myriandus, 114

  myrrh, 140, 292

  Mytilene, 104, 105

  Nabarzanes, 223

  Naucratis, 148–49

  Nearchus, 26, 36, 45, 98, 249, 303, 307, 317–18

  as admiral, 281, 282

  voyage of, 289, 290, 293, 294, 296–301

  Nebuchadnezzar, 188

  Nectanebo, Pharoah, 145

  Negev desert, 140

  Neoptolemus (Achilles’ son), 75

  Neoptolemus (actor), 37

  Nicanor, 54, 117, 228

  in battle of the Granicus, 80

  Nichomachus, 231

  Nicias, 86, 87

  night attacks, 174–75

  Nile River, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 151

  Canopic branch of, 148–49

  Nineveh, 169, 173

  Nosala, 300

  Nysa, 268

  Odyssey (Homer), 300

  Oedipus, 148

  Oedipus Rex (Sophocles), 31

  oil, 183

  Olympia, 1, 32

  Olympias, 2, 15–17, 20, 27, 32–33, 72, 99, 180, 259, 310–11, 313, 322

  murder of Cleopatra by, 42

  and Philip’s assassination, 41–42

  Philip’s rejection of, 33–34, 36

  Olympic Games, 27

  Olympus, Mount, 2, 3, 7

  Olynthus, 20–21

  Omphis, King of Taxila, 271–73, 275

  Onesicritus, 225, 287

  opium poppy, 111

  Orchomenus, 62

  Oreitae, 292, 297–98

  Orontes River, 114

  Orontobates, 93, 94

  Orxines, 302–3

  Oxathres, 306

  Oxus River, 224, 238, 239–40, 250, 251, 305, 324

  Oxycartes, 259–60

  Paeonians, 3–4, 11, 12, 172–73

  Pagasae, 20

  Palestine, 125, 139

  Pamir Mountains, 239

  Pammenes, 10

  Pamphylia, plain of, 99, 101–2

  Pandora, 212

  Panhellenism, 32

  Paphlagonia, 108–9

  papyrus, 128, 145–46

  Paraetonium, 154, 155

  Paris, 75–76, 251

  Parmenion, 2, 33, 44, 54, 73, 74, 77, 83, 88, 98, 109, 110, 126, 139, 184–85, 239, 252, 302

  Alexander’s reduction of support for, 87, 97, 228

  in approach to Persepolis, 199, 201

  in battle of Gaugamela, 174–80

  in battle of Issus, 117

  in battle of the Granicus, 79, 80

  and burning of palace at Persepolis, 213

  and Darius’s treasury, 122–23

  death of son of, 161–62

  demotion of, 216–17

  family standing of, 230

  at Gordium, 104

  at Miletus, 89, 90

  murder of, 233

  night attack suggested by, 174–75

  and plots against Alexander, 99–100, 111–12, 230–34

  recall of, 67

  Parthians, 170, 226, 234, 301, 323, 324

  Parysatis, 307

  Pasargadae, 209–10, 302–3

  Patala, 288–89, 290, 296

  Patroclus, 19, 312, 314

  Patron, 182

  Paul, Saint, 20, 327–28

  Paura, 294

  Pausanias (commander at Sardis), 86, 87

  Pausanias (Philip’s assassin), 38, 39–41, 42, 265

  Pausanias (soldier), 39–40

  Peacock, Thomas Love, 329

  Pella, 2, 36

  Pellium, 57–59

  Peloponnesian War, 8, 10, 76

  Pelusium, 142, 145, 161

  Perdiccas, King of Macedonia, 6

  Perdiccas II, King of Macedonia, 8

  Perdiccas III, King of Macedonia, 9, 11, 43

  Perdiccas (Alexander’s companion), 63–64, 250, 283, 307, 318, 320, 321, 322

  Perge, 101

  Pericles, 31

  Persepolis, 70, 180, 183, 192, 196, 197–219, 220, 227, 280, 289, 290, 294, 301

  Alexander’s return to, 302–3

  destruction of palace in, 212–14

  Macedonian sack of, 207–8, 211, 214, 325

  mutilated Greek refugees in, 203–4

  palace complex at, 206–7, 208–9

  treasury of, 209

  Perseus, 151

  Persian Campaign of Alexander, 48, 68

  Arab hill tribes in, 134–35

  Asia Minor highlands in, 108–9

  Bactria in, 220–60

  battle of Gaugamela and, 173–80

  battle of Issus in, 114–22

  battle of the Granicus in, 77–82

  bonuses for army in, 192

  camp followers on, 167–68

  Darius’s offer of peace in, 126–27

  Egypt campaign in, 140, 142, 143–62

  Ephesus taken in, 87–89

  fall of Miletus in, 89–91

  Hellespont crossed in, 74

  Hindu Kush in, 235–38

  in India, 261–89

  lack of money in, 72–73

  lunar eclipse during, 171–72

  Lycian campaign in, 98–106

  in Mesopotamia, 163–96

  mint at Tarsus of, 112

  night attacks in, 174–75

  Persepolis in, 197–219

  recruits to Macedonian army in, 191

  return to Babylon in, 290–318

  Sardis surrender in, 84–86

  siege of Halicarnassus in, 92–97

  siege of Tyre in, 128–33, 135–39

  size of Macedonian army in, 73, 170

  Sogdiana in, 238–51

  start of, 73–74

  as war of conquest, 87

  winter furloughs in, 97

  Persian Empire, 6, 18, 19, 47, 48, 66

  Alexander’s invasion of see Persian Campaign of Alexander

  cavalry of, 169–70

  coronation rituals in, 210

  creation of, 69–70

  Egyptian view of, 144–45

  as first international empire, 72

  fleet of, 89–90, 91, 97, 126, 133

  government policies of, 70–72

  Greek mercenaries in army of, 73, 81–82, 91, 116, 118–19, 169, 171, 182, 214, 224

  Philip’s proposed invasion of, 31–32

  recruitment of troops in, 116

  religion of, 71

  size of army of, 116–17, 170–71, 173–74

  support for Greek rebellion, 45–46, 59

  treatment of Babylon under, 188

  tribute to Uxians by, 197–98

  Persian Gates, 199–203, 205

  Persian Gulf, 192, 289, 296, 300, 304

  Persian New Year ceremony, 206

  Persian Wars, 6–8

  Petisis, 161

  Petosiris, 161

  Peucestas, 283, 303

  Pharnabazus, 105, 124–25, 150, 151

  Pharnuches, 246, 247–48

  Pharos, 149

  Pharsamenes, king of Chorasmians, 249

  Phaselis, 98–99

  Phegeus, 278

  Phila, 14–15

  Philip II, King of Macedonia, 2–3, 5, 9–10, 18, 19, 23, 24–25, 28, 49, 53, 57, 66, 80, 88, 126, 253, 259, 279

  army reforms of, 10–14

  assassination of, 36–38, 39–41, 99, 153

  attack on Illyrians by, 13–14

  burial of, 42–43

  cavalry reforms of, 13

  at Chaeronea, 29–30, 60

  Cleopatra given in marriage to, 36–37

  engineer corps of, 13, 73

  innovative tactics of, 14

  League of Corinth and, 31

a expanded by, 19–22

  marriages of, 14–15

  Olympias and, 15–17

  proposed invasion of Persia by, 31–32, 33, 34–35

  rejection of Olympias and Alexander by, 33–34

  route to kingship of, 11–12

  seizure of Athenian grain fleet by, 28–29

  as Theban hostage, 10–11

  Philip of Acarnania, 111–12

  Philippeum, 32–33

  Philippi, 20

  Philippopolis, 50

  Philoneicus, 23

  Philotas, 52, 57, 91, 97, 113–14, 195, 203, 228

  in battle of the Granicus, 80

  plot against Alexander by, 230–34

  torture and execution of, 232

  Phocion, 66–67

  Phocis, 22

  Phoenicia, Phoenicians, 128–29, 130–31, 139, 140, 165

  African circumnavigation by, 304

  Phoenix, 134

  Phrasaortes, 215

  Phrygia, 104, 107–8

  Pinarus River, 117, 118

  Pindar, 65, 152

  Pisidia, 103

  pistachios, 236

  Pixodarus, King of Caria, 35–36, 45, 93, 166

  Plataea, 62

  Plataea, battle at, 7–8, 70

  Plato, 25, 63, 67, 277

  Plutarch, 15, 17, 27, 28, 39, 42, 65, 212, 225

  Polydamus, 232–33

  Polystratus, 219

  Pompeii, mosaic of Issus battle at, 119–20

  Porus, King of the Paurava, 272, 273–76, 277, 282, 322

  Poseidon (god), 131–32

  Potidaea, 2, 17

  Priam, 75

  Priapus, 77

  Priene, 89

  Prometheus (god), 237–38

  proskynesis, 262–65

  prostitution, 190

  Proteas, 133

  Protesilaus, 73

  Ptah, 146–47

  Ptolemy, King of Macedonia, 9, 11

  Ptolemy (Alexander’s friend), 26, 36, 45, 56, 155, 157, 158, 202, 203, 212–13, 241–42, 250, 267, 288, 306, 307, 314, 320, 321, 322, 323

  Punjab, 270, 276, 277–78, 324

  Pydna, 20

  pyramids, 143–44

  Pythagoras, 287

  Pythius, 89

  Ra, temple of, 146

  Rameses the Great, Pharoah, 144, 146

  Red Sea, 149, 304

  reincarnation, 286, 287

  Republic (Plato), 63, 277

  Rhagae (Tehran), 215, 217

  Rhambacia, 292

  Rheomithres, 119

  Rhodes, 133

  Rhoesaces, 81

  Rock, the (fortress), 101

  Rome, 304–5, 314–15, 323, 327

  Roxane, 259–60, 261, 307, 318, 320, 321–22, 325

  Sabaces, 119, 145

  Sacae, 170

  Sacesinians, 170

  Sacred Band of Thebes, 11, 12, 29–30

  Sacred War, 22

  Sagalassus, 103

  Sahara desert, 151

  Salamis, battle at, 115

  Salmoxis (god), 53

  salt, 103, 156

  Samaria, 164, 165

  Samaritans, 163–65

  Samarkand, 242, 246, 247–48, 251

  Sambus, King, 288

  Samnites, 305

  Samothrace, 15–16

  Sangala, 277

  Saqqara, step pyramid of, 146

  Sardanapalus, King of Assyria, 113

  Sardis, 84–86, 97

  sarissa (spear), 12–13, 78, 170

  Satibarzanes, 226, 228–29

  satrap, 71–72, 82–83

  Satropates, 173

  Scylax of Caria, 304

  Scythia, Scythians, 53, 70, 170, 196, 242–43, 246–47, 249, 305, 315

  Sea People, 144

  Seleucus, 307, 321, 322–23, 324

  Selge, 103

  Semiramis, Queen of Babylon, 186, 291

  Septuagint, 326

  Serbonis, Lake, 142

  Seres (silk people), 270

  Shahnameh, 325

  Shamash (god), 187

  Sicily, 305

  Siddhartha Gautama, 286

  Side, 102

  Sidon, 128, 129, 133, 135

  silphium, 154

  Siphnus, 124

  Sisines (Persian agent), 99, 100

  Sisyngambris (Darius’s mother), 121, 195–96, 198–99, 320

  Siwa oasis, 144, 151–58, 160, 278, 312–13

  Spring of the Sun at, 156

  snow blindness, 236

  Socrates, 8, 25, 31, 287, 322

  Sogdiana, 170, 221, 238–51, 252, 301

  mountain fortresses of, 258–59

  rebellion of, 245–51

  Sogdian Rock, 258–59, 267

  Soli, 113, 114, 122, 133

  Sopheithes, King, 277

  Sophocles, 31, 83

  Spain, 305, 315

  Sparta, 5, 8, 10, 20, 31, 48, 82, 124, 139, 160, 209, 277

  Memnon’s overtures to, 104–5

  Persian alliance of, 124–25

  in Persian Wars, 6, 70

  revolt by, 165, 181–82

  Spearmen of the Golden Apples, 182

  Sphinx, 147

  spice trade, 149

  Spitamenes, 238, 241, 243, 244–45, 246, 247–48, 249–51, 252, 254, 255

  death of, 256–57

  Spithradates (Lydian satrap), 77, 81

  Spring of the Sun, 156

  Stagira, 24, 25

  Stateira, 307, 321

  Stephanus, 184

  steppes, 240

  Strife (goddess), 251

  Strymon valley, 28

  Suez, Gulf of, 149

  Sumer, 192

  Susa, 32, 84, 180, 192–96, 204, 205, 209, 301, 303, 305–6, 307

  palace of, 193–95

  treasure from, 194, 209

  Susia, 226

  suttee ritual, 277

  Swat valley, 267

  synedrion, 31

  Syracuse, 137

  Syria, 109, 110, 114–15, 125–26

  Syrmus, Triballi king, 51, 55

  Syrphax, 88

  Takrit, 184

  Taprobane, 270

  Tapurians, 116

  Tarsus, 109–10, 115, 320

  Persian mint at, 112

  Taulantians, 56, 57–59

  Tauriscus, 114

  Taurus Mountains, 109

  Taxila, 266, 270–71, 273, 286

  Telmessus, 98

  Temenus, 6

  Tempe, Vale of, 2, 46

  Tenedos, 105, 150

  Termessus, 102–3

  Thais, 213

  Thalestris, 224–25

  Thapsacus, 168

  theater, Greek, 166–67

  Thebes, 2, 22, 152

  army of, 10–11

  Athenian alliance with, 29

  battle of Chaeronea and, 29–30

  Cadmeia of, 60–61, 64

  destruction of, 64–65, 66, 76

  in rebellion against Alexander, 46–47, 60–67

  Thebes (Egypt), 147

  Theodectes, 99

  therapy by opposites, 111

  Thermopylae, 22, 46

  Thermopylae, battle of, 2, 18, 70, 105, 181, 209

  Thespiae, 62

  Thessalonica, 15

  Thessalonica (Philip’s daughter), 15

  Thessalus (actor), 35, 36, 166–67

  Thessaly, 2, 3, 15, 20, 46, 73, 104, 216

  Thrace, 4, 7, 11, 12, 20, 28, 50, 73, 134, 321

  rebellion in, 181

  Thymondas, 105

  tides, 289

  Tigris River, 167, 168, 169, 171, 183, 184, 192, 290

  Timocleia, 65

  Timolaus, 60

  Tiridates, 203, 205

  Tomerus River, 298

  tourism, 88

  trade, 149

  Tralles, 88

  Triballi, 50–55, 60, 221

  Trojan War, 73–74, 89, 114, 127, 144, 251

  Troy, 74–76, 86, 140, 212

  Tutankhamun, Pharoah, 144
  typhoid fever, 320

  tyranny, 63

  Tyre, 165

  Tyre, siege of, 128–33, 135–39, 149, 155, 164, 185

  Tyriespis, 266

  Uruk, 192

  Utnapishtim, 192–93

  Uxians, 197–99, 314

  Vedas, 286

  Vergina, 2, 7, 36

  “War Song of Dinas Vawr, The” (Peacock), 329

  weaving, 195–96

  whales, 299–300

  women, 207, 212, 225

  Xandrames, King of Gandaridae, 278

  Xanthus River, 98

  Xenophon, 53–54, 83, 109, 114, 115

  Xerxes, Great King of Persia, 70, 74, 75, 188, 194, 209, 213, 240

  Zagros Mountains, 193, 215, 314

  Zariaspa, 250–51

  Zeleia, 77, 83

  Zeus (god), 68, 74, 83, 107, 112, 122, 191, 237, 287

  Zeus-Ammon, oracle of, 144, 151–58, 278, 312–13

  Zoroaster, 71

  Zoroastrians, 325




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