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Love's Autograph

Page 14

by Michele M. Reynolds

  Dina texted, Buck up. Fish in the sea and all that crap.


  “I’m saying the tour is going great, but we just need more,” Robert said. “Right guys?” Robert addressed the staff in the room.

  “And I'm saying that this is the best show I have ever put on, and the art of it all and the music should speak for itself,” Ellie said.

  “And I'm saying that if there are not big headlines about EJ Way then we're not doing our job. What can we do?” Robert pleaded.

  “And I say no, I'm going to go get some rest. Come on Clara,” Ellie said. Clara scowled at Robert before they left the room. “See you later.”

  “Remember we have the meet-and-greet at three today!” Robert called.

  Ellie answered, “Yeah, I got it covered.”

  Ellie went back to her room. She had spent four weeks on this European tour and was exhausted. She checked her phone. There was no text from Ria, but she had been better about calling her. Maggie had begun texting Ellie periodically.

  Do you know that most soups are in fact not healthy for you?

  Red lobsters are dead lobsters. So cartoon red lobsters are dead.

  Some cats like mint, I heard from a girl in my class.

  Don't tell Mom, but I think I like boys not girls. I don't have a boyfriend.

  Some people cannot snap their fingers. Why not?

  Can you teach me to whistle? Mom tried and she can whistle but can't teach me.

  Ellie guessed this was Maggie's way of saying she had forgiven Ellie. No matter how well the music sets went, how packed the venue was, or how much money Ellie made, these texts were the highlight of her days. Every love song she sang had Ria glittered all through it.

  Tonight she was playing in Paris at the POPB (Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy), an indoor sports arena. She was expecting about 20,000 people to attend. She did a sound check and did the meet-and-greet. The show started up fine until the second to last song before the finale.

  She started to sing the song, You Don't Know Me. The crowd went wild. There was cheering, whistles, and clapping. Ellie tried to keep her composure as she nonchalantly looked around. Her guess was that a fan had got on stage and she knew Clara or Jim or one of the roadies would protect her. Then she heard it. Someone started singing along with her. They were harmonizing to You Don't Know Me. She looked up at the jumbo screen above her. Someone was walking up the stairs that lead to the drum set. The cameras zoomed in. It was Jenny.

  Robert is behind this. Ellie sang the song through with Jenny, and gave her a hug after the song. Jenny leaned in and kissed Ellie on the lips. Ellie tolerated it for what she thought was an acceptable amount of time. She then pulled away from Jenny and pulled the microphone to her.

  “Let's hear it for Jenny!” Ellie said. The crowd roared. Jenny leaned in again and gave Ellie a kiss on the cheek and skipped off the stage.

  Did she skip off the stage? How was I ever dating someone who skips?

  Ellie finished the set and performed a double encore. After meeting some fans backstage she was driven back to the hotel. Clara entered the hotel room before her and came back out to Ellie.

  “All clear,” Clara said. “Have a good night.”

  “Thank you,” Ellie entered the room and started to strip off her clothes.

  “You didn't seem as pissed off as I thought you would be,” a voice said from her living room. Jenny was sitting on her couch with her feet on the coffee table.

  “I’m a good actress,” Ellie quickly answered. She walked over to the wall and banged on it with her fist. “Clara!”

  Clare entered the room, “Yes, Ms. Way?”

  “You checked my room and you seemed to have missed a rather large pest.”

  “Oh, I thought... I mean you... would you like her to leave?” Clara stumbled on her words.

  “Yes,” Ellie answered.

  “All you had to do was ask. You didn't need to get the gorilla here to bully me out,” Jenny answered.

  “Goodbye, Jenny,” Ellie said. Clara gave Ellie an apologetic look as she followed Jenny out. Ellie shrugged and held up both her hands motioning that Clara should not worry about this little mix-up. Clearly, Robert had let her in to the hotel or had someone else do it. Clara was dedicated to Ellie. Clara was mortified at the mob that attacked her months ago. She tried to resign and Ellie had to beg her to stay. There was a knock at the door. Ellie opened the door to Clara.

  “Ms. Way, I'm so sorry. I assumed. I won't assume again. I'll ask you. I thought it would be an awkward situation. I felt as if you have little privacy as it is on this tour. I'm sorry,” Clara said.

  “Clara, the only person who needs to apologize is Jenny. Oh, and maybe Robert, but he is like a two year old, he doesn't know any better,” Ellie answered. Clara chuckled at this.

  “Okay, but if there’s anything you need...”

  “I'm fine. It’s been a long day, good night,” Ellie said. “Wait, there is one thing that you can do for me.”

  “Yes, anything,” Clara said as she stood at attention.

  “You can stop being so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break and lighten up.”

  “I'll try. That's easier said than done. Good night,” Clara answered.

  “Good night.”

  Ellie sank into the couch and thought about the night. That was the first time she had seen Jenny alone since the break up. It was the strangest break up Ellie had ever had. Ellie came home to an empty apartment. Jenny hired a moving team to move all Jenny's stuff out. Jenny did not even have the courtesy to communicate with Ellie about the break up. Jenny had her publicist call Ellie's publicist to coordinate the details of their break up for the press release.

  Jenny never returned Ellie's calls, and Ellie tried to avoid any questions about Jenny. That was not easy in the wake of a tour. Ellie's way of dealing with her broken heart was writing songs and making millions of dollars with them.

  She went to her fridge and pulled out a beer. She used the remote to dance through channels that came up with nothing entertaining. She caught a few seconds of the news and she and Jenny were on every channel. Another dagger to her heart was just publicity in Robert's eyes. Ellie knew Robert was probably in bed with a good-looking blonde or two patting himself on the back with his latest scandal creation. She picked up her phone.

  She texted Robert, You're in the dog house. There was no reply. She wanted to talk to someone.

  She texted Jazzie, Hi, chica how are you? No response.

  Ellie texted Ria, What you doing?

  Ria answered, At work, how are you? How's Paris?

  Been better.

  You're in the City of Love and not having fun, Ria said.

  Ellie said, You say it that way and it seems bad. How's work? Can you talk right now?

  Yeah, I'm doing an overnight. I have a kid I'm checking in on, Ria said.

  Oh, so how are things with you? How's Maggie?

  Ria said, She's okay. I talked to her earlier and she was in some sort of mood. Not sure why. Gwen has no idea what is wrong with her.

  Huh. Can I call you? My fingers are tired from playing the guitar, and I would love to hear your voice, Ellie asked.

  Ria texted, Sure.

  Ria answered the phone, “So you know, phone sex is off limits.”

  Ellie said, “Hello to you, too. Phone sex? You wish.”

  “So what's so horrible in Paris?” Ria asked.

  “Snails,” Ellie said.


  Ellie thought for a second and then answered, “I ran into an old girlfriend.”

  “The old girlfriend?”

  Ellie answered, “Yes, the one and only worst one.”

  “So, what happened?” Ria asked.

  Ellie closed her eyes. I love Ria's voice. I'm not sure if this call was a good idea. Ellie answered, “She was there. That was enough.”

  “What happened with you guys?” Ria asked.

  “You know. Total fuck-up t
hat's how it always is. Can we talk about something else?”

  “Okay, what do you want to talk about?” Ria asked.

  “What are you wearing?” Ellie asked.

  “I said no phone sex,” Ria answered. Her voice had some flirtation to it.

  “Where is your mind? I was wondering what you wear to work.”

  Ria said, “You know that I wear scrubs.”

  Ellie said, “Nice.”



  “What are you wearing?” Ria asked.

  “Jeans and a t-shirt,” Ellie answered. “Underneath my clothes I'm naked if that helps you get through the night.”

  Ria answered, “It might.”

  “Umm… I thought you have Gwen?” Ellie asked.

  Ria answered, “I do, why?”

  “You’re flirting with me.”

  Ria said, “I can stop.”

  “I'd rather you didn't. I'd rather you hop a plane to Paris right now. I’ll even shower,” Ellie said.

  “In that case, do you miss your friends and family when touring?”

  “A lot of my friends are with me, and I’m not that close to my family,” Ellie said.

  “Oh, it’s hard for me being away from my family. But at the same time, sometimes I need the distance,” Ria said.

  “Can we get back to what you’re wearing?” Ellie asked.

  “Stop it, you're funny.”

  “I’m not kidding. You’re all I can think about. How do I get rid of Gwen? Does she want to move to Africa and do some noble doctor-type thing?” Ellie asked.

  Ria laughed and said, “She’s nice. You’d like her.”

  “I’m sure I might. I just hate anyone dating you that's not me,” Ellie said. “Do you know that Maggie has been texting me?”

  “No, that's nice. What does she say?” Ria asked.

  “Random things. So to let you know, she likes boys, but doesn't have a boyfriend.”

  “All I need is her dating. What else does she say?” Ria asked.

  Ellie said, “I'll show you at some point. It’s random facts and stuff. It’s too long to recite right now.”


  There was a long silence. Ellie was exhausted and started to dose off.

  “I think about you all the time,” Ellie said. There was silence.

  “Did Maggie tell you why she was mad?” Ria asked.

  Ellie asked, “No, I'll let you know if she tells me. Do you want me to ask her?”

  Ria asked, “No. Well maybe. Yeah, but don't tell her I asked.”

  Ellie answered, “I'll try to be discreet, hold on let me text her. I'm putting you on speaker phone.”

  Ellie texted Maggie, Hey, how are you?

  Maggie texted, Is “Your Profile” about my mom?

  Ellie stared at the phone. How does Maggie know about my newest, unreleased song, Your Profile, and that I am EJ Way?

  “What did she say,” Ria asked.

  Ellie answered, “Um, we're not there yet. Hold on.”

  Ellie texted Maggie, How do you know about that song?

  Maggie texted to Ellie, I saw parts of the concert online the other night in Italy. A fan posted the song. Is it?

  Ria asked, “What's she saying?”

  Ellie answered Ria, “She's asking me if I like you?”

  “Like me, like me? What did you tell her? Did you tell her you like me? Did you answer her?” Ria seemed panicked.

  Ellie answered, “I think she picked up on it. She heard the song I wrote about you.”

  “How has she heard it and I haven't?” Ria asked. “Watch what you say to her.”

  “Shh… I can't do two things at once. Hold on,” Ellie said.

  Maggie texted to Ellie, Is it about my mom?

  Ellie texted to Maggie, Yes, is that okay with you?

  Maggie texted to Ellie, No.

  “So what are you telling her?” Ria asked.

  “I told her the truth. I won't lie to her,” Ellie said. Ria sighed.

  Ellie texted to Maggie, No, it is not okay for me to like your mother?

  Maggie texted to Ellie, No that is okay. It is not okay for her not to love you back.

  Ellie texted to Maggie, I didn't say I love her.

  Maggie texted to Ellie, Clearly by the song, you love her. That is what your fans are chatting about too. They all think you have a new love interest. They keep talking about Jenny. Are you back with Jenny?

  Ellie texted, No. I'm never going back with Jenny. That was a publicity stunt and it was a surprise to me.

  “What are you guys saying?” Ria asked.

  “Shh, give me a minute. You have international calling on your plan right?”

  “Yeah, relatives in Italy,” Ria answered.

  Ellie texted to Maggie, You're so smart for a little one. So, what if I do love her? It's okay that she loves someone else.

  Maggie texted to Ellie, How can she possibly love that boring doctor and not love you?

  Ellie texted, Love can be complicated. It's okay. I'm okay with it. You should be too.

  Maggie texted, So, you don't love her anymore. If she said she would kiss you or something you would say no. I mean if she was single.

  Ellie texted, I'm not talking about kissing your mother with you. This is not something for you to get upset about.

  Maggie texted, If she kissed you, then you would live here instead of stinky Gwen.

  Come on be nice to Gwen, Ellie texted.

  Maggie texted, You don't know the half of it.

  I'm still here to text and talk, and your mom said you and I would do lunch when I get back, Ellie texted.

  Maggie texted, Does she know you're EJ Way?

  No and how do you know? Ellie asked.

  Maggie texted, Your picture is only on everything. How can someone not know? Should I tell her and then she will be happy you're famous. And then she will have you move in?

  You can tell her if you want. But I don't think it would make her instantly fall in love with me, Ellie said.

  Maggie answered, I will think about it. I will think of a plan. Text you later.

  Be nice to your mother for ME. Text you later.

  “Ria?” Ellie asked.

  “Oh, you still there. I recopied the dictionary while waiting. What's the verdict? How did she know? Just through the song?”

  “She said it was through the song. She really wants you and me to be together. Fair warning, I think you and Gwen are headed for trouble,” Ellie said.

  “Oh, great.”

  Ellie said, “Well, I asked her to be nice. I think she will, but I think she might mention that she wants you to be dating me.”

  “Okay, this should be fun,” Ria said. “Did you tell her that you had feelings for me? Do you still like me? I don't want to know. Did you tell her anything?”

  “I didn't have to,” Ellie said. “She's smarter and more resourceful than you think.”

  “Oh, believe me I know,” Ria said.

  “Well, it's kind of worse than I thought. She heard the intensity in the song, and knows I'm in love with you.”

  “Now what?” Ria asked.

  “I should go to bed,” Ellie answered. “You're welcome to join me.”

  “Ha, ha. I should check on my patient,” Ria said. “What have you been busy doing when you're not playing a gig?”

  “I rest, and check out the town, and plan the next show,” Ellie said. “It's tiring doing a concert. I need time to rest. There is only the band and the crew to keep us company. So I'm pretty isolated. You can come visit if you want.”

  “Yeah right, what about Maggie?”

  “Bring her,” Ellie said. “I'll send a private jet for you.”

  “Wouldn't that be nice if you ever got big enough to have a jet someday?” Ria said.

  “Ria, if I had a private plane right now, and I was famous, would it change anything? Would you get on the plane?”

  “No, I don't think it would change anything. I still
have a job to do, lives to save and all that,” Ria said. “Well I should go. Talk to you later.”

  “Yeah, okay. Bye,” Ellie said as she hung up.


  Ellie was in her hotel suite being dressed and made presentable by a team of people. She stood before the long mirror in the overpriced hotel. She was happy her design team agreed to her wearing a suit instead of a dress. She would have been self-conscious in a low-cut, tight dress. She wore a black tuxedo, gray vest and black bow tie. It was tailored to her body. The white button-down shirt was custom made with no sleeves. Black converse sneakers covered her feet.

  “You look incredibly hot,” Jazzie said. Jazzie had accompanied Ellie to the American Music Awards ceremony.

  “Thanks, I don't think I've ever looked better,” Ellie said.

  “If a certain someone saw you in that, she'd not be able to resist,” Jazzie said. Ellie shot her a stern look. Jazzie put her hands up and mouthed ‘sorry.’ Jazzie left to grab the limousine.

  Ellie road the elevator down to the lobby and was escorted by security through the paparazzi to her limo. Jazzie stood holding the door open for Ellie and had a smile from ear to ear at the prospect of heading to music fan heaven. Ellie slid into the limo where Robert awaited her. He went over facts and statements that he wanted Ellie to talk about to the press.

  Ellie texted Maggie, Hey, when I point to the camera tonight I'm pointing at you.

  Maggie texted back, I'm watching it live-stream online. Give the peace sign that is cooler. Ellie and Maggie had been mending their relationship one text at a time. Ellie could not wait to see her in a few days.

  “Pull over here,” Robert yelled up to Jazzie. As Jazzie pulled over, another limo pulled in behind them. The door opened and a woman got in. It was Jenny.

  “What the hell, Robert!” Ellie said.

  “Let's go,” Robert yelled up to Jazzie.

  “EJ?” Jazzie called back to Ellie.

  “Go ahead and drive. I'm not going to have my fans wait because of her. When we get there I'll part ways with Jenny,” Ellie said.


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