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Love's Autograph

Page 19

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “This one is for my friend Jazzie. Thanks for helping me out,” Ellie said. Then she started the intro to Crazy Good. “It's about looking up from your own life and lending a hand to others.” Through the first two songs, Ellie periodically glanced at Ria. Ria was behaving herself and was smiling and nodding her head to the beat. She seemed to have toned down her teasing glances.

  “This will be my last song of the night. Thank you all for tuning in, and let me know what you think. This song here is HOT, HOT off the presses. Words and music written today. It's still a little raw so let me know what you think. The idea came from a little musical genius I know, and the inspiration came from someone special. It's called 42 Chords for One Date.”

  How do I rub to get the wish of my life

  Bribe, deal, favors, beg

  How do I roll up my sleeves to let you see my heart

  Giving you everything, giving up anything She'll give you 42 Chords for One Date 30 days of Emotional Craze

  42 Chords for One Date

  Your eyes, your smile, your hand, my love

  How can time go faster, I know I can wait...

  42 Chords for One Date...

  The song ended and Ellie said, “Thanks, you all, drive safely, tip your waiters and kiss your loved ones goodnight.” Ellie leaned forward and logged out of the site. She closed her laptop and then her attention was on Ria. Ria's eyes were glistening.

  “You alright?” Ellie asked.

  “Yes, I get teary eyed over a commercial. You wrote that?” Ria asked.


  “That's amazing,” Ria said. “It sounds like something catchy from the radio or something.”

  “Yeah it probably will be on there soon. Glad you like it,” Ellie said. “Can we get out of here? I'm sweating up a storm and need a drink?” They walked down the hallway and back to the kitchen. Ellie grabbed a beer and handed Ria her second one. Ria hoisted herself up on the counter.

  “That was amazing,” Ria said. “Sadly, I've heard Crazy Good on the radio before. I didn't realize it was you.”

  “Thanks. I'm glad I finally can share this with you. I think I'll do live web concerts more often. That was easy to set up and I’m sure it was worthwhile for Jane and Ruby. I can also try out new stuff on fans.”

  “You're lighting up the same way I do when I talk about surgery,” Ria said.

  “I'd come support you and come watch a surgery...”

  “Umm, no. I saw how white you turned when you saw that little amount of blood on your arm,” Ria laughed.

  A text came over Ellie's phone and she laughed, “Maggie said that she better get some royalties off that song.”

  “No! She didn't say that! Well, that does sound like her. What are you texting back? She doesn't know I'm here with you.”

  “I texted she can play on the original cut and get some royalties from that,” Ellie said.

  “Seriously?” Maggie asked.


  “Maggie texted back good night, she's sleeping at the babysitters tonight,” Ellie said. “Why's she with a sitter?”

  Ria hopped down from the counter and smiled. She took a swig of her beer, turned on her heels from Ellie, and walked to the window. Ellie walked to the stereo and plugged her phone into the stereo. She played her mix titled Ria.

  “So, now what?” Ria asked.

  “We could watch a movie,” Ellie suggested as she sat on the couch and picked up the remote. She put the television on mute as she surfed through the channels. Ria walked over to the couch and sat next to Ellie. Ellie scooted away from Ria and pretended to ignore her. Ria casually put her beer on the coffee table, and then dove back and grabbed the remote from Ellie. She turned off the television and threw the remote over her shoulder. There was the sound of something falling and breaking.

  “What the—?” Ria said.

  “Oh, tell me that wasn't the blue vase,” Ellie said as she covered her eyes.

  “Yes, was it expensive?”

  “Twenty-five,” Ellie put her hand on her head in agony.

  “Thousand? Holy shit I'm so sorry.” Ria sat up and looked at the vase. Ellie crouched next to the vase still covering her head. Ria continued to sit on the couch staring at Ellie. “Oh no, I can pay for it. It’ll take me a while.”

  “Cents,” Ellie whispered.

  Ria said, “I know. I should've used my sense. It didn't make sense to toss that. I was trying to be spontaneous.”

  Ellie drained her beer and placed the bottle on the coffee table. She squatted down and gently picked through the pieces. She picked up a piece of the vase and tossed it to Ria. There was an orange sticker on it. Ellie stood and started to walk to the kitchen.

  “Twenty-five cents!” Ria yelled.

  “From a tag sale,” Ellie laughed and ran into the kitchen. Ria followed and was faster than Ellie anticipated. Ellie ran around the kitchen and tried to elude Ria. “Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I spend it irresponsibly. $25,000?”

  “You're in so much trouble,” Ria said as she quickened her pace around the island after Ellie. Ellie broke from her route around the island, ran down the hallway and into her bedroom. Ria followed into the dark room. Ellie was inside the doorway against the wall. Ellie steadied her breath. As Ria entered, Ellie came from behind Ria and slid her arms around Ria's waist. Ria turned and Ellie kissed her fast and hard. Ria responded with the same energy. Ria's lips were so full against Ellie's. Energy surged into Ellie's chest.

  Are we about to make love? Can I do this?

  Ellie walked Ria backwards toward her bed. The ceiling to floor curtains were already drawn. The only light filtering into the room came from the hallway. Ria lightly kicked off her shoes. They pulled back from each other. While catching their breath, they stared into each other’s eyes. It was as if they were searching for their own emotions reflected back at them, and each found what they were looking for. With one hand Ellie pulled down the covers and sheets. Ellie pushed Ria onto the bed and then slid on top of her.

  Ellie looked down at Ria. She traced her finger down the side of Ria's face and then through her hair.

  She's so amazing. I can barely breathe when I look at her.

  “So, did you set it up so you can stay the whole night?” Ellie whispered in her ear.

  Ria nodded, ran her hand over Ellie's face and brushed Ellie's hair behind her ears, “If it's alright.”

  “Always,” Ellie answered.

  “How's it that you’re so head over heels over me?” Ria asked.

  “I am. Believe me, I am,” Ellie said. “Less talk, more kissing.”

  Ria unbuttoned Ellie's shirt, smoothly and gently slid it over Ellie's shoulders and down her arms, then tossed it onto the floor. Ellie followed suit and slid Ria's shirt over her head, throwing it on the floor to join her own. I cannot believe this is happening.

  Under her blouse, Ria's breasts did not disappoint Ellie's imagination. There was a red lacy bra holding back Ria's full, round breasts. As Ellie was preoccupied taking in Ria's beauty, in one swift snap of her fingers, Ria released the clasp on Ellie's bra. Ria pulled Ellie down to her for a kiss. Ellie slid her hand to Ria's back.

  “It's in the front,” Ria whispered. Ellie clumsily fumbled toward the middle of Ria's breasts and found the front clasp. Ria's breasts broke into the air and Ellie pushed her breasts into Ria's. They both let out a groan.

  “I think I've died and gone to heaven,” Ellie said. “As corny as that sounds.”

  “You're not in heaven yet,” Ria said as she flipped Ellie onto her back. Ria stared down at Ellie as her hair cascaded down around her. Ellie saw some hesitation in Ria's eyes.

  “What's the matter?” Ellie asked.

  “I don't know,” Ria said.

  “You're shaking. You nervous?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah, you have fans, stalkers, groupies,” Ria said. “I just think about how many girls you've had on tour, and I'm nervous I won't measure up. I've had a few.”

  “It hasn’t been that many,” Ellie started.


  “Let's see seven years touring times about thirty cities per tour,” Ellie pretended to do math in the air with her finger.

  “You're in so much trouble,” Ria said.

  “Though seriously,” Ellie said, “I haven't been with someone since my last ex. It doesn't matter how bad you are in bed, I'm so in love with you that I won't notice.”

  “Oh, I’m amazing in bed, and you will notice,” Ria teased.

  “There’s my confident Ria,” Ellie said. “That's right, there are two rooms you don't get complaints in - the kitchen and the bedroom.” They embraced again and within seconds they were naked.

  Ellie nibbled across Ria's collarbone. Ria's skin was soft and slightly salty. Ellie licked up to Ria's neck and engulfed Ria's mouth with her own. She is so beautiful. Ria's hips lifted against Ellie and Ellie slid her leg between Ria's legs in response. Ellie's leg became wet and warm.

  Ellie slowly kissed down Ria's neck to her breasts. Her mouth hovered over Ria's large brown nipple. Ellie moved her lips as close as she could without touching the nipple. Ellie steadied herself as Ria's breathing quickened. Ellie lightly caressed Ria's nipple with her breath. Ellie edged her lips closer and caressed her nipple. Ria's nipple stiffened. Ria arched her back, pushing her breasts towards Ellie. Ellie took Ria's nipple into her mouth, her tongue flicking in light circles. Ria grabbed Ellie's hand and placed it on her other breast. Ellie's finger found another erect nipple. Ria placed her hands on Ellie's shoulders.

  Ria pushed her wetness against Ellie's leg. Ellie released Ria's nipple and used her arms to hold her body above Ria. Ria's eyes were closed and her head was turned to the side. When Ellie stopped moving, Ria opened her eyes and slowly lifted her head to look at her. Ria bit her bottom lip and then smiled up at Ellie. They held each other’s gaze as they caught their breath.

  This is beyond intense.

  Ellie lowered her lips toward Ria's and then pulled away. She looked back at Ria. Ria stared back. Ellie lowered her lips and again pulled away. Ria sighed loudly and turned Ellie onto her back.

  “I have a feeling this is going to be a very long and wild night,” Ria said.

  “Not long enough,” Ellie laughed.

  They caressed, kissed, and tasted each other until their lips were tired and their bodies ached.

  About an hour later they kissed and caressed again. Every time their eyes met, the intensity rose. Ellie's heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest. Ellie’s head rested in the crook of Ria's arm and her leg and arm relaxed over Ria's torso.

  “Wow,” Ria said. “You can't fake that intensity.”

  “Yeah, I second and third that,” Ellie said. “That was more incredible than in my dreams. You're so amazing.”

  “You were pretty amazing. Can I come to a concert every night?” Ria asked.

  “New York next week. Bring Maggie along,” Ellie said.

  “I can't. I have a job,” Ria said as she sat up, a note of anxiety in her voice. “A career.”

  “Wow, calm down. I know you have a career,” Ellie said. “I was only kidding. Well half-kidding.”

  “This has been incredible,” Ria said.

  “This right here is heaven,” Ellie said. “I'm beyond happy to be here with you. I could write fifty songs right now.”


  “Yes, I'll be right back,” Ellie motioned to get up and Ria held her tight.

  “EJ Way, you're staying right here,” Ria said as she kissed her hard.

  “You convinced me,” Ellie said. Silence fell between them, and Ellie started to drift off to sleep.

  “You sure? Are you sure you want me?” Ria asked.

  “From the first night I met you, to a definite yes after tonight,” Ellie answered as she lifted herself to kiss Ria's lips again.

  “I’m scared about getting hurt again,” Ria said.

  “I know, me too,” Ellie said. “It’s okay. You need to trust me. I’m a die-hard romantic. I'll put my heart out there. I have much more to lose anyway.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “You just lose me if things don't work out. I potentially lose you and Maggie.”

  Ria kissed Ellie again. They kissed until they fell asleep.


  Ellie's new life unfolded quickly before her. She balanced her career and spending time with Ria. She couldn’t stay over at night due to Maggie being there. Ria still was not ready for Maggie to know that they were dating. They saw each other every day. Ellie went to their house and played guitar with Maggie. Sometimes the three of them played board games or watched movies. Ria and Ellie spent several long nights talking on the phone.

  Ria asked, “Would you like me if I was a florist?”

  “A florist? Sure, you would come home smelling nice. Not that you don't already.”

  “What if we had to live in a cardboard box in the city?”

  “Sure, I'd play guitar for tips. We'd be out of there in no time,” Ellie chuckled.

  “What if I had ten kids who were unruly?”

  “Well, I have nine and you have one, so we're there already,” Ellie laughed.

  “What if I cheated on you?” Ria asked.

  “You wouldn't.”

  “What if I did?” Ria asked.

  “We would work through it,” Ellie said.

  Ria said, “So you know, I'd kick your ass. I can't stand cheaters.”

  Ellie said, “Noted.”

  “Do you like scuba diving?” Ria asked.

  “Never tried it, but my stunt double did in a video,” Ellie answered. “I'd try it if you wanted.”

  Ria said, “No, I have no desire to.”

  “Interesting that you chose that question, then,” Ellie laughed. Ria followed with strong laughter.

  “I love your laugh,” Ellie whispered.

  “Would you like me if I had an annoying laugh?” Ria asked.


  “Do you like animals?”

  “Sure,” Ellie said. “Not enough to join the circus.”

  Ria said, “You don't have any pets.”

  “No, I’m away a lot. That wouldn't be fair to the pet. I’ll get one once I settle or live with someone who can take care of the pet while I'm gone,” Ellie said.

  “Favorite color?” Ria asked.

  Ellie answered, “Don't have one.”

  “Favorite food?” Ria asked.

  “Anything you cook,” Ellie said. “I now get where Maggie gets her idea to write all the questions and lists in her notebooks. Or are you reading from one of them?”

  “No, these are all my questions. Here's one that's rated R,” Ria said.

  “Fire away,” Ellie said.

  “Best sex you've ever had,” Ria asked.

  Ellie answered, “That’s easy, you.”

  “Come on,” Ria said. “I can take it. I’m not the jealous type. It has to be Jenny. She's gorgeous.”

  “My final answer's you. Jenny wouldn't even be second place.”

  “Stop it,” Ria said. “You’re so kidding. I can count on one hand the amount of partners I've had.”

  “You. You’re amazing in bed. Your kisses are so addictive. I‘ve never had such a connection with someone. When our eyes connect...”

  “Me, too. I feel that too,” Ria interrupted. “I’ve never felt that.”

  “Me, neither.”

  Ria, Ellie, and Maggie kept themselves busy the next few days. Maggie started a scrapbook of Ellie's concerts, features in magazines and important information off the internet. She knew more about EJ Way than Ellie did. Ellie woke up every morning and couldn’t wait to talk to Ria. She dreaded that the tour was starting soon.

  One day Ellie and Dina were sitting at Ellie's house going over details of the tour.

  “Where are you?” Dina asked.

  Ellie answered, “I’m here. Why?”

  “You don't seem all here,”
Dina said. “Thinking about Ria?”

  “Every other thought,” Ellie said as she grinned.

  “You're so done,” Dina said. “I haven't seen you this head over heels since Darcie, but this somehow seems more intense.”

  “It is. It so is,” Ellie said. “I hate every second that I’m away from her. All I want to do is be with her.”

  “What’s so great about her?” Dina asked.

  “I've never known anybody like her. She's so loving, strong and compassionate,” Ellie said. “She’s so beautiful and so passionate, and when she looks in my eyes...”

  “Okay enough,” Dina said. “She’d better not break your heart. You tell her she'll have to deal with me.”

  “Easy, killer. I didn't know that you cared so much,” Ellie said.

  “I don't. I just don't like picking up the pieces when you fall apart,” Dina said.

  Ria and Ellie decided to keep their relationship secret from Maggie. Their plan was to wait three more weeks, and if Maggie met her goals of forty-two chords, a play date, and no episodes, they would go on a first date. On the nights Ellie went to Ria's house, they both couldn’t wait until Maggie went to bed. They put in a movie that they never watched, and, like teenagers, they made out on the couch for hours and hours.

  On the Wednesday, the day before Ellie left for New York City, Ellie got a text from Ria.

  Do you need a Roadie, bodyguard, or crew for your NYC show?

  Why do you know someone who needs a job? Ellie answered.

  Yes, ME! Ria said.

  Ellie called Ria.

  “Are you serious?” Ellie asked.

  “Are you okay with it?” Ria asked.

  “Yeah, but how? What about Maggie?”

  “My sister is coming to stay with her for a few days, and I'm taking vacation from the hospital,” Ria said. There was silence. “Ellie you're okay with this, aren't you?”

  “Yes, but first, you can't be a roadie. You don't like that much physical work. And I'm just wondering how I'm going to have enough energy for you and the tour.”

  Ellie made plans for Ria to fly with her band and her entourage to NYC. Ria's cover was to be the makeup artist on her crew. Ria walked onto the plane carrying a makeup case and a EJ Way crew identification tag around her neck. Ellie even had Ria's name changed on her identification so she was completely undercover.


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