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Love's Autograph

Page 21

by Michele M. Reynolds

  The crowd started chanting, “Leave, leave, leave.” Jenny stomped off the stage. The crowd roared. EJ stared up into the lights and then blankly out at the crowd.

  “You know. There is nothing like having your heart broken and then worse, having millions of people witness it. But don't worry. My heart is back together and stronger than ever. To all you people who have had your heart broken. Take a chance and go back out there. Find someone. That love is out there for you. You'll find it again. I have.” The crowd went wild. Ria looked around and started to feel nervous.

  “I found someone, but she's not for you. She's not for you guys to tear apart. I plan to keep her away from all this for now. She's amazing. She's wonderful. She's the first thing I think of when I wake up, and who I think of all day long. She's beautiful, and my heart has never felt so alive. Okay enough of this mush. This one is for her. 42 Chords!”


  After the concert, Ria waited in a hallway with Clara who was shifting back and forth, watching hyper-vigilantly as all the fans passed.

  “You nervous?” Ria asked.

  “I don't like Ellie being with the fans without me around,” Clara said. “Not to brag, but I saved her from a lot of close calls.”

  “Okay, let's get in there then,” Ria said. Clara walked in the door, but Ria was grabbed by the arm before she could get in.

  “It’s alright,” the man said to Clara. “We're going to have a chat. Hi, I'm Robert. I'm EJ's manager.”

  “Oh, hi,” Ria said. “Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.”

  “Not all good I know,” Robert said. “But when it comes down to it, I do everything for EJ's career. I make her money. And I can tell you one thing, you're not good for her or her career.”

  “Excuse me,” Ria said.

  “She hasn’t been going to meet-and-greets, publicity ops,” Robert said. “She hasn't been producing as much material. Listen, I know it's every chick’s dream to find a star to marry, but she's not the marrying type. Believe me. She's all glitter in the media. There's a dark side.”

  “I doubt that,” Ria said. “I'm going in to see her. Nice meeting you.”

  “You don't believe me? Ask her about Darcie.”

  “Okay, I'm going now.”

  Ria entered the reception room and Ellie was surrounded by girls. Girls were pushing into her, grabbing at her and trying to kiss her. One girl opened her shirt and handed Ellie a marker to sign her breasts. Clara stepped in and escorted the more aggressive girls out.

  “EJ, forget that girl,” one girl called. “Come home with me tonight? You can play all my chords.”

  “EJ, what do you see in that girl,” another tall red-head asked. “I'll be your dream girl. I won't make you wait.” She pushed Ellie back onto the couch and straddled her. Clara was busy escorting someone else out and could not get through the crowd fast enough to get the girl off of Ellie. Another security person pulled the red-head off of Ellie.

  “Enough girls,” Ellie called out. “Autographs are all I'm here for. Autographs and conversation. Anyone else tries to touch me with more than a handshake and you're all kicked-out of here.”

  Ria picked up a CD from a table and walked to Ellie. Ellie signed a hat, a t-shirt, and a CD before Ria handed her the CD she had picked up.

  “Hi,” Ellie said. “Who's this to?” Ellie asked as she looked up and saw Ria.

  “Ria,” Ria said. “I'm a big fan. That was a great concert. That girl who stole your heart must be something.”

  “I didn't say she stole it,” Ellie said. “I willingly gave it up. Nice to meet you. I’m glad you enjoyed the show.”


  Ria went back to the hotel before Ellie. Ellie stayed behind doing interviews and pictures.

  Ellie was riding back to the hotel and received a text from Ria.

  Ria asked, Who's Darcie?

  Ellie answered, Oh, I see someone has been talking to you. Do you want to do this over text?

  I think I would rather.

  She was a girl I was dating and then left her to date Jenny.

  Ria asked, So you cheated on her?

  No, I broke up with her for Jenny.

  Did you love her?

  Ellie asked, Who? Jenny or Darcie?


  Ellie said, I thought I loved both. I was stupid and blinded by fame. Jenny had this way about her. I was stupid, naive.

  Oh, okay see you soon?

  Yes, we’re stuck in traffic. Probably a half-hour, Ellie said.

  Ellie sat in the limo and admired the New York City skyline. She never got used to seeing the skyscrapers and bright lights. She still was a country girl at heart. She wondered who got to Ria about Darcie. She started to panic.

  Ellie texted Ria, Hey.


  You are going to be there when I get there right?

  I'm packing.

  Why? Ellie asked.

  Ria answered, This is too much.

  Wait for me will you? Then you can leave, but please wait for me.

  Ria said, It will be hard to leave once I see you.

  Don't leave, please. I want you. I want to be with you.

  I will see you back in Boston, okay? Ria said.

  Ellie texted, I'll send a car for you.

  Ria said, I have a cab waiting. Ellie called Ria's cell and it just rang.

  Ria texted, I'll see you when you get back to Boston. Good luck tomorrow night.


  Ellie played in Yankee Stadium again the next night. Jenny did not show up on stage this time. She played in Western New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Connecticut before she had a week’s break and headed back to Boston. She had called Ria a bunch of times since Ria left New York. Most of the time Ria didn’t answer. Other times she picked up and said she couldn’t talk. When they did talk, Ria was distant. Ellie knew if she was going to get them back to where they were good, she would have to do it face to face.

  Jazzie met her at the airport and brought her right to Ria's apartment. Maggie answered the door.

  “Thirty,” Maggie said.

  “I see,” Ellie answered and laughed. “Usually people greet others by saying some form of hello.”

  “Hello. I've mastered 30 chords. Twelve more and Mom will have to go out with you!” Maggie said.

  “Oh, great. Where is your mom?” Ellie asked.

  “She's here,” Ria said as she entered the room. Her hair was down. Her lips were deep red and glistened. She was wearing a tight fitting red sweater and jeans. Ellie had to visibly catch her breath when she laid eyes on Ria.

  “Hello,” Ellie said as she walked across the room and gave her a hug. Ria felt stiff and Ellie held on longer than a casual hug. Ria lightly pushed Ellie away.

  “How was your trip?” Ria asked.

  “It was okay. I liked the trip out there better though. It was much better company. The best of both worlds, you know?” Ellie said to Ria.

  “Concerts go okay?” Ria asked.

  “Yeah, they went fine. Lonely at night though,” Ellie said as she winked at Ria.

  “Why didn't you hang out with your band or your crew?. Then you wouldn't have been lonely,” Maggie offered. “Oh, and I had a play date, and I've not had any episodes”

  “Oh Ria, you better watch out. You might have to go out on a date with me,” Ellie said.

  “We still have time,” Ria said. “We'll see.”

  “Oh, I have a feeling once Maggie gets fixed on something, she doesn't stray from it,” Ellie said. “Would you like Cuban or seafood? Florida is known for both.”

  “We'll see,” Ria laughed. “So, how long are you in Boston?”

  “A week,” Ellie said. “Oh, I almost forgot. Maggie, I brought you some things.”

  “Yeah?” Maggie said. “Where are they?”

  “In the hall,” Ellie said. Maggie ran to the door, opened it and ran into the hallway.

  “You didn't have to do that,” Ria said.

  “You brought her souvenirs,” Ellie said. “I wanted to as well.”

  “Mom!” Maggie said. She was standing in the door way holding a guitar case.

  “Ellie, you didn't,” Ria said.

  “Remember, I'm rich,” Ellie said. “Open it.”

  Maggie brought the case in and without even closing the door, put the case down on the floor. She clipped open the clasps on the case and swung it open. Staring back at her was an orange Gibson guitar with EJ Way written on the neck.

  “Gibson has only made seven guitars for famous women musicians,” Ellie said. “The neck is slightly narrower for women or girls’ hands.”

  “Nice, thanks,” Maggie said. “Does this mean that I'm ready for this kind of guitar?”

  “Thirty chords? I'd think so. Let me see your hands. Yes, look at those calluses. You're ready. Besides, we’re talking thirty chords—there are famous rock stars who don't know that many!”

  “That was very nice of you Ellie,” Ria said.

  “Heck, I got it for free,” Ellie said.

  “I love it,” Maggie said. “One day I will have a guitar with my name on it.”

  “I’d bet a huge amount of money on it,” Ellie said.

  “Me too,” Ria said. Ria looked over at Ellie and smiled. Ellie and Maggie spent the night jamming on the guitars while Ria cooked dinner and cleaned up the dishes.

  “You get lonely living by yourself?” Maggie asked.

  “Yeah, sometimes,” Ellie said.

  “I think I would be okay. I would miss Mom of course, but I would like living alone.”

  “It never used to bother me,” Ellie said.

  “What changed?” Ria called from the kitchen.

  “I met you and Maggie,” Ellie called back to Ria.

  “You should move in with us. Gwen doesn't live here so there is room in Mom's bed,” Maggie said.

  “Oh there is huh?” Ellie said.

  “Maggie, you don't invite anyone into my bed. Remember what we talked about?” Ria said.

  “Oh, about sex?” Maggie said.

  “Well I was talking about boundaries,” Ria said.

  “Well, you don't have to have sex with Mom if you sleep in there. You guys didn't have sex when you slept in my room did you? Sammy said that when women have sex they scream.”

  “Remind me to make plans to homeschool you,” Ria said.

  “I would love to be homeschooled. Do women really scream?” Maggie asked.

  “If you're doing it right,” Ellie laughed.

  “Stop it!” Ria said as she snapped a towel at Ellie. “Sometimes women or men might get loud when they are enjoying themselves.”

  “Like you on a roller coaster?” Maggie asked.

  “Kind of,” Ria answered.

  “Do you scream when you have sex?” Maggie asked.

  “Maggie, can we talk about this when we don't have guests,” Ria said.

  “Oh, I don't mind,” Ellie said. “I'd love to know if you scream when you have sex.” Ria shot Ellie a scolding look.

  “Do you?” Maggie asked.

  “What?” Ellie asked.

  “Scream when you have sex?” Maggie robotically asked.

  “Maybe we should stop talking about this,” Ellie said.

  Ria laughed and said, “Not so great when you're the target.”

  “So, that is why I need to get to forty-two chords so you guys can go on a first date, fall in love and have sex,” Maggie said.

  “Twelve chords between me and your screaming,” Ellie laughed.

  “Ellie!” Ria said. “Maggie, enough! If you don't stop you're going to bed. And Ellie, stop encouraging her.”

  “Or does she have to go to bed early too?” Maggie asked.

  “Whose bed? Okay I'm done,” Ellie said.

  “Do you still love my mom?” Maggie asked.

  Ellie smiled at Maggie. Then she looked at Ria who was looking down at the floor. She did not answer until Ria's eyes rose to hers.

  “Yes, very much,” Ellie said. “She's amazing. Don't you think?”

  “Yeah, she is the greatest mom,” Maggie said. “I am going to go brush my teeth.” Maggie gave Ria and Ellie a hug.

  “I can't believe the effect you have on Maggie. She never hugs me,” Ria said.

  Maggie went to bed and Ria started doing the dishes. Ellie walked into the kitchen and hoisted herself onto the counter beside Ria. Ria continued to stay busy washing and then drying the dishes.

  “You really shouldn’t encourage her the way you did,” Ria said.

  “You're right,” Ellie said.

  “I don't want her feeling uncomfortable talking about sex and things like that. But sometimes she doesn't know when and whom to talk to about certain things,” Ria said.

  “I get it, sorry. I can talk to her if you want me to,” Ellie said.

  “No, it will be fine,” Ria said. “So how was the rest of your tour?”

  “It was okay,” Ellie said.

  “Okay? I heard that this is your best tour. Your fans are going crazy about all your new stuff.”

  “Someone's been following my career,” Ellie said as she hopped down from the counter and poked Ria in the side.

  “Of course,” Ria said.

  “I wouldn't think so the way you’ve been successfully avoiding me,” Ellie said.

  “Yeah, I know,” Ria said.

  “Can we talk about it?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah,” Ria said. “Drink?” Ellie nodded. Ria pulled out two beers. “Let's go in the living room.” The two of them walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Ria took a few sips of her beer and docked her cell phone; music filled the room, and she sat back down. Ria leaned forward and held her beer between her two hands and started to pull off the label.

  “Should I start?” Ellie asked. Ria nodded. “I’m not sure how much of this is my fault. I know I wasn't honest about my success. I own that. I know that I said that I loved you so quickly, but that's where it stops. I can't help that I'm famous. Well, I can help it, but I don't want it to ruin us.”

  “I think I'm past the not being honest in the beginning part. I think I get it that you didn't want me to fall in love with EJ. I have the feeling you're a heartbreaker, and I don't want a heartbreaker or just a fling,” Ria said.

  “I know. Whatever led you to believe that you were a fling? I've done nothing but treat our relationship like a relationship. You were the one who initiated getting physical. You were the one who wanted to go to New York City. If you were a fling, I would've exploited you to the press. Well, maybe not gone that far, but I wouldn't have gone to great lengths to protect you from it.”

  Ria said, “I don't know if we're meant to be.”

  “What does that mean?” Ellie asked. “What? How can we be over before we hardly began? Think about the first night we met.”

  “What about it?”

  “Think about when you did your profile and what you wanted to find,” Ellie said. “You wanted someone who would love kids. Check. Someone who was fun. Check. Someone who wanted to do the things you wanted to do. Check. Someone who loves you and is in it for the long haul. Check.”

  “Yeah, but...” Ria said.

  “But what, Ria?” Ellie asked. “But what?”

  They sat there in silence as Ria tore off all the labels on the beer bottle. Ellie leaned forward put her own beer down, took the beer out of Ria's hand and put it on the table. She knelt before Ria, taking Ria’s face in her hands. Ria's eyes were full of tears. She moved in and the two of them kissed. Tears streamed down Ria's face and ran down her lips.

  “I love how you kiss me,” Ria said.

  “See!” Ellie said. Ria held her fingers to her lips and pointed her thumb over her shoulder toward Maggie's room. “Ria, what is it? What can I do to make you want to be with me?”

  “It's all crazy. It's hard to wrap my head around it,” Ria said.

  “The fame stuff?” Ellie asked. Ria nodded. “Okay, w
hat if I quit. I have to finish this tour, but after that my contract is up. No more albums are owed, no shows,” Ellie said. “If I do that, would you be with me?”

  “You can't do that. I won't ask you to do that. I can't be the person who stopped your career. If you asked me to stop being a surgeon, I'd regret that my whole life and then come to blame you,” Ria said.

  “But if it prevents me from being with you, and having the chance to be important in Maggie's life, I'd do that,” Ellie said. “I'd trade that. I don't have to give up playing music or performing.”

  “You’re not quitting,” Ria said. “You're too good at it. I saw how alive you were on that stage. The fans love you, and you're so talented.”

  “So I'll be a rock star with my heart only for you, and we'll be together,” Ellie said. “You and Maggie can come on tour with me whenever. Or we can take it one day at a time. You don't have to commit to anything even though I'm committed to you. You can even sleep with whoever you want. Okay, that last part is a lie.” Ria laughed at the last statement, and sniffed her runny nose.

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Why not? Sometimes things are not as complicated as you think,” Ellie quoted Jazzie. “I'm a woman in love with an amazing woman. Why can't we try this?”

  “What if Maggie gets hurt? She adores you,” Ria said.

  “If things don't go well with us, if you dump me for someone else, I promise I’ll stay in touch with Maggie,” Ellie said. “This is ridiculous. I'm begging you to love me. I'm begging you to trust my love and commitment to you, when I haven't done anything for you to doubt it. You’re afraid of taking a chance,” Ellie put on her jacket.

  “What’s wrong with that?” Ria asked.

  “What about all the internationally-known procedures you've done. All of them have been high-risk. The boy from Iowa who had weeks to live, the twins from France, the 70-year-old woman, you took chances with them. Those were decisions that could have been fatal. You were the only surgeon who was willing to take that chance,” Ellie opened the door. “Good night.” Ellie closed the door and walked to the elevator. She pushed the down button. The elevator doors opened and she stepped in. From the elevator she had a clear view of Ria's door.


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