Almost Lovers

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Almost Lovers Page 4

by Cassidy Raindance

  I got out of the car quickly and fussed with my dress to smooth it out.

  "Oh, just a little tired and slow to move is all," I said. I smiled out of nervousness and he brushed a strand of hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

  "Well," he said, "We should get you all tucked in then,"

  He said it just as any gentleman would but I could see in his eyes that he wanted to help tuck me in himself, if I would let him. I tried to think of something to say.

  "Well, goodnight," I said, turning slightly to begin walking, "And thank you so much for such a nice evening,"

  I was hopeful that I could go on ahead up to my apartment without him following me in, still concerned about what waited for me and how Robert would respond to actually seeing a man bringing me back to our apartment after a date. But Sebastian followed right in step next to me.

  "One minute you're falling asleep tired and the next you're running to get inside," he laughed.

  I felt stupid. I was acting like an insane person.

  "Oh, you know," I said, waving my hand out to the evening and empty streets, "No telling who is out here at this time of night,"

  Apparently he didn’t think my joke was entirely funny. He stopped walking and placed a hand on my elbow. I stopped walking and looked at him. He looked like he had something to say. He didn’t look thrilled to be honest. I couldn't tell if he was angry or what.

  "It's a good thing I'm here then, isn't it," he said it with a completely straight face, "I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm here," and I felt my knees give slightly.

  His arm slipped around my waist and he pulled me close to him. His mouth was over mine in an instant and he kissed me with gentle fervor. His other hand cupped my face and I could feel my heart take off like a horse in a race. He loosened his hold on me and let me steady myself.

  My feet were killing me and now I was feeling faint. I was a cheating hussy, that's what I was. I hadn't kissed him back, I told myself. Not willingly. It had been a reaction like scratching an itch, an itch that hadn't been scratched in a long time. Oh god, I wonder if he could tell. I could feel my cheeks flood with color.

  "There is something about you, Prussia," he whispered to me, "Something amazing. I can't even tell what it is about you. You're …enchanting,"

  I don't know if I could have felt any more self-conscious just then. I tried to remember how it was I came to be standing outside my apartment building after a date with a man I barely knew when I had a boyfriend upstairs wondering where I was. I didn't deserve this man. As wonderful as he was, he was going to hate me when he found out what I was doing, had been doing all along. I bit my lip. I looked up at him and tried to think of how I would begin to tell him. Where would I start?

  "Just the beginning," he said.

  "Huh?" I asked. Maybe he really could read my mind.

  "This is only just the beginning," he said.

  I looked down and we stood awkwardly for a moment.

  "I should get inside," I said after a moment.

  He nodded his head and waited for me to begin walking. I ran through scenario after scenario and now I was about to find out what Robert had been doing while I was out on my pretend-but-real-date. We rode the elevator to my floor in silence. We shared awkward glances now and again. My heart only had a moment's rest.

  The bell for the elevator sounded. We were at my floor and I could see Lydia's apartment door just ahead. Around the corner was my apartment, and inside Robert would be waiting. The pounding of my heart was loud in my ears.

  It was so loud I could hardly hear anything. For a minute, I thought about just staying in the elevator. I never should have gone on this date. I never should have put myself in this situation. I looked at Sebastian as we began to pass Lydia's door.

  I could hear the typical loud music coming through her door and walls. If anyone could sleep through that it was a miracle. She was throwing a party no doubt. I wonder if she had stopped over to see Robert. By the time we got to my apartment door I was starting to perspire. The nerves were balled up in my stomach. Given a moment of privacy I would have hurled. Given a few more minutes, it wouldn't matter if I was alone - I would hurl regardless.

  What happened next was not what I had expected. I opened the door to the apartment and saw that it was spotless. Not a single rose in the entire apartment. Perhaps Robert had become so angered that he had thrown them all out.

  "All the roses are gone," I said.

  Even I could hear the sadness in my voice. I had really liked them. It was kind of neat to have an apartment stuffed to the point of bursting with fragrant and beautiful roses.

  "Yes," said Sebastian, "They are,"

  Sebastian pulled his phone out of his pocket and it looked like he was sending a text message to someone. I walked into the living room and couldn't find a single rose petal, not one. But what stood out to me the most was that something else completely different was missing too. Robert.

  I walked into the kitchen and checked the counter. There was a note. It was from Robert, of course. It was short.

  "Thought it was our date night. You weren't here. Lydia stopped by. Going out. Don't wait up. ~ Robert"

  He didn't even put my name on it this time. It was a note left for no one in particular. I let the note fall out of my hand back onto the counter. There wasn't any mention of the roses.

  "Sorry," said Sebastian, "It looks like just after we left to go to the party, the building manager let the landscapers back in and they cleaned up the mess. They were trying to be helpful, they didn't think you wanted to clean up all the flowers...I hope you're not too disappointed,"

  My heart sank even lower when his words caught up with me. I didn't know what to think.

  "How soon after we left?" I asked.

  "They waited until we pulled away from the curb and went right back in," said Sebastian, "I don't think it took them more than 20 minutes to clean up. They are really efficient,"

  That meant that Robert hadn't even seen the roses. He didn't know about the roses, my date, nothing. I didn't know if I should be happy that Robert didn't know or upset that I went on the date for no reason at all. At least I didn't make things worse.

  I picked the note back up and reread it. And I read it again. Lydia. He was out with Lydia.

  "Did Lydia see me at the party?" I asked suddenly.

  "Um, I'm not sure," said Sebastian, "I don't think so. Why? What's wrong?"

  I slumped over and leaned on my kitchen counter, resting my forearms on the smooth, cold surface and placing my face in my hands. I crumpled the note up in my hand. The night was worse, of course it was. If Lydia had seen me at the party she would tell Robert. I know she would tell Robert because she gets her kicks from twisting the knife. Now, instead of using this date to make Robert jealous I might have to deal with the possibility that Robert will simply think I'm cheating.

  "Prussia?" asked Sebastian, he was standing next to me rubbing my back gently, "Did you have too much to drink?"

  "I don’t think so," I said, suddenly realizing this was a perfect way to end the night quickly, “I don't drink that often. Maybe my tolerance just isn't what it used to be,"

  I rubbed my stomach gently and tried to make my best 'I'm going to puke on your expensive shoes, get back!' face that I could. It didn't work, he just looked more concerned.

  "You should get in bed and try to sleep it off," he said, placing a steadying hand under one of my elbows and trying to lead me to the bedroom, the bedroom where he would clearly see a man's dirty clothing strewn about. I planted my feet firmly, like a donkey that didn't want to move. He looked at me with surprise. Perhaps I was too stubborn; perhaps that's a healthy donkey level of stubbornness.

  "I'm fine, really," I said, "But I should get some sleep. You don't need to stay though. I just need a couple of aspirin and some good sleep."

  I gave him my best smile, with a side of sick and a dash of puke face. He looked unsure so I tried a little harde
r by adding a yawn.

  "Well..." he said, "If you're sure,"

  It worked, the yawn did it. I was relieved. I tried to steer him toward the door as quickly as I could.

  "I'm sure, I'm sure," I said, "Thank you so much for a wonderful evening,"

  I got him to the door and he actually put a hand up to the door frame to stop me from pushing him out. A gentle push of course.

  "Wait," he said.

  Perhaps I hadn't been as convincing as I had thought. My pushing had been too aggressive. I closed my eyes a moment in disappointment and then looked up at him with my best not feeling great look to see why he wasn't leaving.

  "I would love to take you out again some time," he said.

  I wasn't expecting that. I had been a really boring date. I mean, it wasn't like I was trying to impress him or anything but most of the night I had ignored him and talked with Victoria. And now I was sick, well pretending to be anyhow.

  "Seriously?" I said.

  I put my hand over my mouth. I hadn't meant to sound so surprised. He laughed though. That’s good, laughing is good.

  “Of course,” he said.

  Sebastian looked into my eyes, leaning close, and I stopped trying to push him out the door.

  “Oh,” I said, “I hadn’t really thought we would…”

  “No?” said Sebastian, “Not even, say, coffee?”

  I licked my lips and realized that I was close enough that we shared the same oxygen. It got very warm. I absentmindedly used my hand to fan my face for a moment. When I realized I was doing it I gave a nervous giggle.

  “Coffee?” I asked, “Well, sure, yeah. Coffee sounds fine,”

  “Great,” said Sebastian, walking out the door and toward the elevator, “I’ll be by in the morning then,”

  “In the morning?” I yelled into the hallway after him. He was almost to the elevator, right in front of Lydia’s door.

  “9 a.m.,” he said, giving me a wink, “See you in a wink,”

  That was adorable and cheesy. I wasn’t even mad. He disappeared around the corner and a few seconds later I heard the elevator doors close and start their journey to the ground floor. I closed the apartment door and got ready for bed. I couldn’t keep up the charade, could I? I could always ignore the door and hope Sebastian would just forget all about me. It’s not like that wasn’t the norm after a first date, or even a second date for that matter.

  I grabbed a pile of pillows and blankets. I barricaded myself into the sofa and watched television until I passed out. The only thing I could think about was wondering how much Lydia had seen, what she had said, and what was going to happen to my relationship with Robert. I never should have tried to go on that date. I shouldn’t have tried to make Robert jealous. I hoped it was all a bad dream.

  CHAPTER SIX - Sebastian

  I stood at Prussia's kitchen counter, looking into the cup of coffee with disdain. I didn't need to drink it. I don't sleep. But I liked the idea of drinking it, even if it tasted horrible. My human tastes had died some time ago. I still loved a good steak though not prepared the same way anymore. I was in Prussia's kitchen only as a precaution.

  After this evening, every vampire in the area would know that a human had been at the gathering tonight. Anyone looking for her could have easily followed us both to her apartment. Sneaking back into Prussia's apartment was a precaution. If anyone recognized her they would strike immediately.

  I paced her living room and noticed that there was an abundance of blankets on the sofa. I just about spit my bad tasting coffee out of my mouth. The mound of blankets and pillows was not the result of an overwhelming amount of linens on laundry day. There was a person in the middle of it, as the pile shifted revealing a very attractive leg, Prussia's to be exact. I stepped backwards as slowly as I could and set the mug of coffee on the counter.

  For being one of the stealthiest vampires on the Queen's guard, I had gotten a little rusty over the years. A lot rusty considering I had been in her apartment for well over an hour and just now realized she wasn't actually in bed. I started walking toward the door to let myself out.

  I could easily watch most of the comings and goings of the apartment building from my car. It would just be a little cramped. When I reached the door I noticed something odd about the way the door knob wobbled without actually touching it. It took a split second to realize that someone was coming in.

  I tried to remember if Prussia had mentioned having a roommate. It was too late for that now. I was about to find out what was on the other side of the door. Slowly the knob turned and then the door was thrust open and I was face to face with a woman holding a knife.

  "Lydia," I hissed at her.

  Her eyes went completely wide with surprise as I'm sure mine did but the moment was over instantly and her face set with determination. Stupid woman just couldn't let things be, couldn't follow good advice. Here she was rushing straight into her own death and she didn't even realize it.

  Lydia drew her knife up and prepared to strike. I didn't give her the chance. As soon as her eyes sharpened into narrow darts I hit her in the middle of the chest with the whole of my palm. She flew backwards into the hallway, her knife skidding down the hallway and out of reach. I quickly followed into the hall, closing the door as quietly as I could. It wouldn't be much difference if the noise woke up Prussia but better than having her wake up with two strangers in her apartment.

  Lydia recovered quickly and was on me in less than two seconds. Her nails were piercing and she sank them into my forearms like a terrified and angry cat. She hissed at me and let her fangs drop. The saliva on them trickled and for a moment I thought she looked completely sexy in the my-lover-is-bat-shit-crazy-and-looks-hot-attacking-me-randomly-to-get-into-a-stranger’s-apartment kind of way.

  She withdrew her nails and sank them in me again. I stretched my arms out and tried to fling her off of me but she had sunk them in deep. I winced as the pain rippled through me. This was not what I had in mind for my evening.

  "What are you doing here, playboy?" asked Lydia, her anger was seething.

  But when it came down to it, it was the one thing I could always depend on Lydia to do in a predictable manner - be pissed off all the way or not at all. She was an all or nothing kind of woman in that way and so many others.

  "I could ask you the same thing," I tried to be as quiet as possible but I was sure my panting was louder than my words, "I was serious. Coming after Prussia is a death wish. How stupid are you?"

  My breathing was labored. Lydia was really thrashing at me now and fending off the bulk of her attacks was taxing. I tried to fling her off me again but failed. I tried to keep blocking her stabbing with my forearms. The blood from my arms was starting to make a mess of the floor.

  "Humans are fair game," said Lydia, "The bitch dies tonight,"

  Lydia went for my face and when I blocked she used the opportunity to knee me in the stomach. Then that was followed by yet another knee to the stomach and another after that. I wasn't weak. I was delaying what I didn't want to do but had to. I had to kill the only woman I had ever loved.

  I had to kill her for disobeying the Queen or die myself. I felt like retching my soul out of my body so I wouldn't be judged for what I was about to do. Somehow, maybe if I didn't have a soul what I was about to do wouldn't haunt me as I knew it would. How could our eternal lives ended up in this way?

  Her thrashing was violent, more violent than I had ever remembered even during our hunts in the middle of the night out of bloodlust. I shared the best of myself, the most vulnerable of myself with her. And she used it against me. Taking her razor sharp nails, she went for my chest with a burst of renewed vigor. I could see it in her eyes. She had come to terms with going threw me if she had to.


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