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James, Sherry - [Studs For Hire 02]

Page 18

by Woman In Charge (lit)

  "Can't Help Falling in Love,” he whispered.

  Casey's body froze. But her heart still pounded in her chest. “Can't Help ... Falling in Love?” she asked, her breath, her sanity gone. “What—"

  "Elvis'—song, from Blue—"

  "Shouldn't I be sitting in on this little discussion?” Heather asked from the open doorway, jerking Casey from Alex's seductive spell.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Get in and let's go, Terri,” Casey said as she put her friend's Avalanche in gear and tore out of the Studs parking lot later that afternoon.

  "Will you take it easy, Case,” Terri hollered over the classic rock blaring on the radio. For nine blocks she twisted back and forth in the passenger seat, scouting for unsuspecting cars, making her pony tail bob around her face.

  "Relax.” Casey punched down the accelerator and merged into the rush-hour traffic clogging six-eighty. “I'm an excellent driver. I promise we'll make it to the animal shelter before they lock up for the night."

  "I'm not concerned about making it before they close. I'm concerned about making it in one piece.” Terri braced one hand on the dashboard and gripped the arm rest with the other as Casey zoomed in between and around cars.

  Casey giggled, feeling free and reckless after being under Heather's watchful eye all day. She loved the thrill, the exhilaration of a fast drive, preferably on the open road, but she'd take what she could get. Putting a pedal to the metal was one way to release frustration, especially sexual frustrations.

  Damn. Why couldn't she get a break? Between a rotten relationship record, food poisoning and Heather Gridmore, Casey's sex life was forever in a holding pattern of near misses and mishaps. Honestly, how many more hot-and-bothered starts and stops could a girl take and still survive?

  Casey asked the Avalanche for more speed and glimpsed Terri's cheeks paling to the color of chalk. Casey smiled. She loved to rile her sensible, predictable friend.

  "Woo-hoo. Your ride really gets out and moves for a truck. Sweet,” Casey said as she zipped around another car.

  "Slow down, Case,” Terri ordered. She reached over and turned off the radio. “You're going to get pulled over in my truck. Or worse, wreck it."

  "Argh. You're such a fuddy-duddy.” Casey eased up on the gas and the truck's speed began to drop.

  "What's gotten into you?” Terri asked.

  "Nothing. I'm just having some fun.” After the day Casey had had, she needed some fun. Working beside Alex, the heat of his hard body next to hers as they discussed room plans, yet being unable to touch like she was dying to, had Casey wound tight. She was ready to explode. She needed release.

  Taking a deep breath, she noticed the musky scent of Alex still lingered on her clothes, driving her even crazier.

  Make that sexual release.

  With Alex.

  Yeah. Like that's going to happen.

  "Tell me again why you're driving me to the animal shelter in my ride?” Terri asked.

  "Because I need sex,” Casey said between clenched teeth.

  "Oh, God. Stay away from me.” Terri plastered herself up against the passenger door.

  "Stop. I'm not that desperate."

  "Gee, thanks."

  "No, I mean I'm a man only kind of woman. I need sex with a man."

  "Oh, so that's it. I should have guessed.” Terri rolled her eyes and let go of her hold on the dash long enough to throw up her hand. “Do you think driving eighty in a sixty zone at rush-hour is a really good substitute for—"

  "I need sex. I can't have sex. And since I can't have it, getting out and driving is ... the next best thing. Dammit. What else am I supposed to do?” Casey tightened her grip on the steering wheel until her hands hurt, but she didn't loosen her hold. Pain could be a good distraction. She hoped. Or she'd go nuts.

  "This wouldn't have anything to do with Alex, would it?"

  "Right on, girlfriend. But I'll get over it. I have to. Hey, after we drop off the pet food, do you want to make an ice cream run? I've got a massive craving for chocolate and peanut butter smothered in vanilla soft serve."

  "Oh, Case. Quit being such a girl scout,” Terri grumbled.

  "What's that supposed to mean?” she asked with a huff as she turned left onto another street.

  "It means, quit putting everyone else first. Don't you deserve to be happy? Deserve to do what you want for a change?"

  "Well, I..."

  "And I'm not talking about shopping or food, either. I'm talking serious stuff here, like sex with a man you love—not think you love, but really, truly love, a solid relationship, and anniversaries to mark the years, not just months."

  Casey heard a tinge of longing in Terri's voice and sidled a glance at her as they drove down the quiet street. Her friend was wiser and smarter than most people gave her credit for, oftentimes providing the right answers for some really tough questions, only in a roundabout way.

  And in Terri's simple way, Casey was certain her friend was telling her to go for it—to take a chance with Alex. But Casey needed to hear the words spoken out loud—just to be sure—then she'd etch them in the concrete of her mind.

  "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

  "Of course I am. You want sex. You want Alex. You want sex with Alex. So have it. What's stopping you?” Terri shrugged.

  What was stopping her?

  Ethics and responsibility to name a few.

  But Terri was right. All Casey's life she'd taken a back seat to everyone else—their wants and needs, and she wasn't even a wife and a mother. Where the hell had she gone so wrong?

  No. She hadn't gone wrong. Had she? She didn't have a ton of regrets dragging her down, she had a good family. And she didn't get to where she was—co-owner in a growing company, owning a nice home and a new car, by not paying attention and working hard.

  She'd wanted all those things, hadn't she?

  Yes, she had.

  And, she still wanted the one thing that had always eluded her. Terri was right. Casey wanted the anniversaries that marked the years, not the months, or in her case, sometimes weeks.

  For some reason the men in her life always had a habit of bailing. What made her think Alex would be any different? Right now the only clue she had was an inkling of a gut feeling that Alex was different.

  Was an inkling enough to take a chance on? She wanted so much to take the chance with Alex, but she couldn't forget what was at stake.

  "Look. My personal wants and needs aren't important at the moment,” Casey said as turned the truck into the shelter's parking lot, the beam of the headlights arcing over the building's white exterior. “Taking care of the job is."

  She put the truck in park and cut the engine.

  "And what about when the job is done, Case?” Terri asked. “Then what?"

  "I...” whatever words she intended to say didn't come.

  "Don't wait, Casey. Because once this job is done, Alex is going to go back to Denver. Then you're back to square one."

  "And what if I go for it? What if Alex still goes back to Denver? I'm not sure I can take another heartbreak, Terri."

  "Then make sure he doesn't go back, at least not without you.” Terri got out of the truck and stood by the open door, the sun dipping low on the horizon behind her.

  "My life is here."

  "Don't regret the chance you didn't take, Casey. Call him.” Terri shut the door and hurried into the shelter, leaving Casey to make her decision on her own.

  "Don't regret the chance you didn't take,” she repeated slowly. “Okay. Here goes nothing.” She snatched her phone from the seat and dialed Alex's number before she could change her mind.

  * * * *

  "Damn,” Alex grumbled as he ended the call from Dotty. He raked his fingers through his hair, wondering why things had to be so complicated all the time. Hunter Dierks, action star, had broken his leg while getting out of the shower and was now on a six-week leave instead of a three day break. Not one to lay around and do nothing fo
r a month and a half, Dierks wanted to go ahead and start the building process of his new Aspen home. And he was willing to pay handsomely to make up for the inconvenience to Alex.

  "How am I supposed to be in two places at once?"

  "I'm sure I wouldn't know,” Heather drawled. Alex stiffened at the sound of Heather's voice and dropped the papers he held onto the drafting table. Slowly he turned to see her saunter into the room with two glasses of wine in her hands.

  "You've worked hard all day. Obviously it's time for a break.” She winked, her eyes overflowing with silent suggestions.

  Alex groaned under his breath. Complicated was an understatement. He'd discovered over the last few days that Heather was cunning, manipulative and fearless when it came to getting what she wanted. And he had no patience to sit and sip wine knowing she had an ulterior motive. But she was the boss, and refusing her offer of a simple drink might come across as rude. Keeping the boss happy was a necessary part of any job. This one, in particular, was no exception.

  "Thanks, I was just finishing up,” he said, pushing his chair back from the table. A fire, compliments of Joey the butler, blazed in the fireplace across the room.

  Alex stood. He accepted the glass and Heather's fingers touched his, a deliberate move on her part. He stifled a curse.

  Too bad he couldn't drink wine like he did beer—in a couple of chugs.

  Taking a drink, he found the wine smooth and not too sweet, proving Heather had excellent taste and deep pockets when it came to stocking her wine cellar.

  "How are things coming?” she asked over the rim of her crystal wine glass.

  "Good. We got the footings for the addition dug today. Providing the weather holds, we'll start pouring the foundation tomorrow."

  "Wonderful,” she said with excitement. “I can't wait to see the walls go up."

  "Things will move relatively fast once we reach that stage. We'll try to get the addition framed in as soon as possible. At this time of year though, each day is a race against the clock. Keep your fingers crossed for a mild fall."

  Her body swayed as she moved closer to where he stood, giving him a front row view of the cleavage her low-cut knit top revealed. At least she wasn't dressed like Elvis tonight.

  "Hmm. I'm curious, Alex. What have you come up with for my bedroom? Have you thought of any more ideas for my Burning Love theme?” She took another sip of wine and licked her bottom lip.

  Alex silently cursed and studied the condensation beading on the side of her wine goblet. “As we discussed earlier, Casey is handling the majority of the work for the remodeling."

  "I know, but I hired you to do that.” A frown covered Heather's otherwise perfect face. Just how many dollars did it take for a woman to look like a red-headed Barbie doll?

  "I'm the architect. I mainly handle the structural end of things.” He set down his barely touched glass of wine. “If Casey has an idea that includes adding or eliminating a wall, door, or window, she confers with me to see if it's structurally possible to do it. If we are able to make that physical change, we go from there. If we can't, she'll come up with a new idea."

  "But I want you to be in charge of the whole project.” She leaned forward, giving him an extra close up view of her professionally enhanced breasts. No matter how much Heather's cost, they didn't come close to the perfection of Casey's perky, yet soft breasts. Casey's had a gentle swell that rounded into a globe of creamy sweetness that fit nicely in the cup of his hand. He should know, he'd touched and held them in Memphis and hadn't stopped fantasizing since.

  "And I thought that's what I was paying for,” Heather continued, intruding on his thoughts.

  Aggravated, Alex took a step back. Somehow he needed to let Heather know he wasn't interested in her project, but he was walking one helluva fine line.

  "Don't worry. Casey and I are working closely on all facets of the job. She won't proceed on any plans without first consulting me."

  "Well, it's nice to know I'm at least getting some of my money's worth.” She picked up her glass and walked around a series of long tables they'd set up to lay out all of the room plans. Her hips swayed gently in skintight blue jeans, and three inch pink heels completed her outfit. Alex marveled how women managed to walk in the damn things.

  Heather glanced at the fabric, tile, and paint samples Casey had chosen for each room.

  "As you know, Casey is very good at what she does. I'm sure you'll be very happy when we're done."

  "She's an accountant. What can she really know about design?” There was no mistaking the disdain in Heather's voice.

  She picked up a sample of scarlet-colored fabric and worked the material between her fingers for a few seconds before letting it flutter back to the table.

  "A hell of a lot. And you know it, or you wouldn't have chosen her for this job.” Alex's jaw tightened. Paycheck or no paycheck, he wasn't going to let Heather cut Casey down.

  "Well, I do have to admit these room layouts are rather impressive. I do like what I see. Did you draw these?” she asked, pointing to the colored room renderings centered in the middle of each work board.

  "No. Casey drew them."

  She frowned. “As the architect, isn't this a part of your job?"

  "No need. Casey did an excellent job. She's very talented."

  "As I'm sure you are, Alex. With your eye for detail, have you ever considered painting?"

  "I've dabbled some."

  "Some?” She arched a perfectly sculpted brow. “Don't you want to do more than some?"

  Alex's jaw tightened. Every word she uttered hinted at underlying meanings."Maybe someday. Right now I prefer to focus on architecture."

  "That's right.” She circled back around the tables, shortening the distance between them once again. “Your passion is for timber frame homes."

  He nodded and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. What was she up to now?

  "Yes, it is."

  "I think passion is important. Don't you?” She placed her index finger on a button in the middle of his shirt. “Life would be boring without passion.” Ever so slowly, she worked her fingers from one button down to the next.

  Alex's hands clenched into fists as he moved to the table where the room designs laid, pretending to straighten them. “I suppose it would be,” he said dryly.

  "Tell me, Alex. Besides two-by-fours and blueprints, what else are you passionate about? Fine wine? Sports cars? Beautiful women?” She gazed at him, her eyes heavy with sexual intent.

  Walking over to him, she slowly traced a line on his sleeve with her finger tip. There was no denying the feel of her touch through the material, but rather than turning him on, she annoyed and bored him. Her touch was nothing like Casey's.

  Casey made his blood pump and his body harden just by bestowing him with a saucy smile. And her touch—well, it was explosive.

  Heather set down her wine and sidled up even closer. With both hands she drew lazy circles across his chest.

  Looking up at him from behind long lashes, she teased her bottom lip between her teeth. She was attractive all right, and rich. Any man thinking with his other brain, would jump at the chance to give her exactly what she wanted.

  She twined her arms around his neck and he could feel her fingers messing with his hair. Her warm breath brushed lightly across his chin.

  Damn. She was backing him into a corner again with her little play of cat and mouse, and he wasn't certain how to put an end to it this round. Last time he'd saved his skin by doing some fast talking and a promise to move his makeshift office to her house.

  But now? He was out of options. Being honest and telling her flat out he wasn't interested in her sexually was one way to douse her fire, but it was also a sure way to get him, and Casey, fired.

  He glanced at his phone and saw the stupid thing sitting there silently on the table, mocking him. Normally his phone rang off the hook with calls regarding the job he was working, but not tonight. No saving his ass by the bell this time. That's w
hat he got for working late. Everyone else had called it a day hours ago.

  "You know, I'm more of a beer, football, and heavy-duty truck kind of guy,” he said, finally answering her question, hoping for a way to cool her interest. “It's pretty hard to haul lumber in a sports car."

  "I suppose it would be.” She traced the length of his jaw with a slender finger, studying his face as if he were a priceless piece in her collection.

  Okay. Time for drastic measures.


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