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Having Her Enemy's Secret Shifter Baby

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  But that was when Reese slid his other hand up her spine, stopping when he reached the base of her neck. He gave her a gentle squeeze and then leaned over her.

  He leaned over her until his bare chest rested against her back. His heat infused her, scent lured her wolf even closer, and his touch… He didn’t stop caressing her clit, the tempo gradually settling in a maddening rhythm. Around and around and around… Jane circled her hips with his ever stroke, fighting for more of that pleasure he gave.

  Then he gave her his weight, fingers teasing, body pinning her down and his cock… His cock was a hard brand against her hip, evidence of his need so close to her pussy.

  “Are you wet for me, Jane?” he murmured in her ear, his breath fanning her cheek. “Tell me.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered and then whined. Reese slid his fingers along her slit, dipping into her center before returning to her clit again.

  “You want my cock, don’t you?”

  She nodded, but that wasn’t enough for him.

  “Out loud. Tell me.”

  Jane shuddered and swallowed, fighting to bring moisture to her mouth. “I want your cock.”

  “Good girl,” he murmured and then nearly made her come right there. He lowered his head and scraped his teeth on her shoulder. He left a searing line of pain in his wake. The kind of pain that merely added to the pleasure.

  Her wolf whined with the scratch, wanting more of that delicious ache. It wanted a deeper agony. One that went with being claimed by the dominant wolf. And it didn’t give a damn about Jane’s plans for the future.

  When Reese licked the scratch, Jane was ready to throw her plans out the window too. Nothing was better than this wolf’s mouth, his hands. And as soon as she got his cock, she didn’t think anything could be better than that either.

  “Spread your legs,” he lifted his weight but she could still sense the heaviness of his gaze. “Show me your pussy, now.”

  She knew he stared at her there. His gaze couldn’t miss the sight of her asshole and then the entrance to her core.

  “Fuck, that’s beautiful. So hot, Jane. So sexy.” His fingers grazed her opening, taunting her with what was to come. “So mine.”

  She almost screamed her agreement—begged him to bite and claim her already. But she bit down on her tongue and swallowed the words instead.

  “Tell me again.” Reese slipped his finger into her core, teasing her sensitize flesh with the simple penetration. “Tell me what you want.”

  Jane trembled and her pussy clenched around his digit. “I want your cock.”

  He withdrew and pushed a second finger in. “Not my hand?”

  She shook her head and rocked back and forth, taking what pleasure she could. “Want you to fuck me.”

  He leaned over her once again, fangs scraping her skin. “Have you ever been fucked by a wolf, Jane?”

  She shook her head once again. “Never.” He drove his fingers deep, yanking a gasp from her throat. “Never had sex.”

  Reese froze in place, body immobile, and she didn’t think he even bothered to breathe. “You’re a virgin?”

  The words were all wolf with no hint of his human voice in there at all.


  “Mine.” He rumbled against her shoulder, fangs dancing over her skin once again.

  God, she wanted to be his. His and no one else’s. But this was a quick one-night stand with a wolf she’d never see again. Her wolf objected to Jane’s thoughts but she silenced the beast, too lost in the pleasure to care.

  Reese withdrew his fingers, the sudden emptiness yanking a whimper from deep within her chest. But she didn’t remain empty for long. A crinkle of foil was soon followed by the feel of the blunt tip of his cock at her entrance.

  Condom. He’d gotten a condom. At least one of them had sense.

  He was hard and thick, pressed against her virgin entrance. He eased into her, and inch by inch she stretched around his length. A sharp sting joined the pleasure he gave her, the quick pinch of his cock taking her virginity, and her pussy tightened around his shaft. He moved deeper and deeper, not stopping until their hips met and he was buried to the hilt in her core. Her body screamed with need, the desperation for more overriding all thoughts.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “Now move.”

  In answer, a quick sting jolted over her nerves while the harsh slap of skin on skin filled her ears. Reese smacked her ass again, adding more of the pleasure-tinged pain.

  “Ah!” she cried out, but then his hand was back, palm soothing the stinging skin.

  “This is my pussy, Jane.” He pulled back and popped her again, following it with a soft stroke. “I’ll move when I’m ready.”

  She hoped he was ready soon. Otherwise she’d come from the feel of his hand on her ass and his cock inside her. That seemed to be all her body needed.

  Reese repeated the spanking—the spear of pain followed by his gentle touches. Each one drove her closer and closer to release.

  Then… then he moved.

  He gripped her hips with his large hands, held her steady, and then gradually retreated from her pussy. It was a slow withdrawal followed by an equally slow thrust, a gentle rocking that got her body used to his possession.

  At least, that was how it started. Out and then back in again, a sensual glide of their bodies. But soon it changed. Soon he took and gave more.

  Soon Reese smacked her ass again while his cock slammed into her pussy. Her pleasure doubled with each strike and she arched her back even more, wordlessly begging him to fucker harder, faster. She wanted the pain that came with his ecstasy and wiggled her ass to get his attention.

  And it worked.

  Soon they were both covered in sweat, bodies straining for that ultimate peak, that final release that would send them spiraling into utter bliss. The bed shook with his pounding and she clung to the mattress, nails digging into the blanket. She trembled with the bliss of his fucking, the rough and harsh way he claimed her body.

  He used her, took what he wanted yet gave her exactly what she needed in return.

  Just like their dancing, she’d never felt freer. And as he pushed into her again, she found herself closing her eyes, savoring the feel of his dick as he pushed her to her limits.

  “Fuck, yes. Your cock feels so fucking good. Gonna…” She tried to talk, but pleasure sucked every breath from her body. Her pussy rippled around Reese’s cock, milking his dick with his every move. Heat gathered around her core and slowly spread, the tendrils of ultimate bliss dancing over her nerve endings.

  “Come on my cock, Jane. Do it.” His nails pricked her hips, slicing into skin and the coppery scent of her blood filled the air.

  There were no more words, no more begging and pleading for anything. Reese seemed to read her mind and give her everything she needed. The lewd smack of their bodies increased, his balls slapping against her lower lips and taunting her clit with a hurried caress. She danced closer to the edge of release, the ultimate joy within reach as she let Reese take over her body.

  He played her like an instrument, touching and stroking her exactly how she needed most. His fingers found places that drove her wild while his cock stroked her inner walls. She eased to the very tip of the precipice and danced on that sharp point, ready to be tossed over the edge into delirious oblivion.

  Reese released a growl of his own, tightening his hold as he pulled her back into his thrusts. He controlled her body, demanding she give in, until she finally relented and let him do as he desired.

  She begged and he gave. He demanded and she submitted. He’d push her harder, faster, deeper, and she accepted every snippet of ecstasy that came her way. The knot of need in her stomach tightened further and further, the pleasure gathering and building until she could hardly breathe.

  So very, very close…

  And then… She lost it. Fire ignited in her veins and raced over her nerve endings, leaving utter joy in its wake. Reese throbbed inside her, his cock pulsing while
her core did the same. She milked him for his cum and he gave in, gifting her with his pleasure. He thrust once, twice, and then froze on the third. He sealed their bodies together, hips flush while he continued to ride the wave of his orgasm. Jane rode the wave with him, each roll of pleasure overwhelming all other sensations.

  That bliss continued, gradually lessening with each breath until the ecstasy settled into a delicious buzz that she didn’t think she’d ever forget. It’d been perfect. More than perfect. It’d been… Hell, she didn’t know. She just knew that she couldn’t wait to do it again.

  And again.



  F ive months later…

  THE SMELL of blueberry pancakes turned Jane’s sensitive stomach, and she took a deep breath, holding it until she thought she’d conquered her nausea. She released it slowly, praying her body would behave long enough for her to eat something. In truth, just about everything made her feel sick these days—everything except for fresh lemonade, orange juice, and anything else remotely citrusy. Hell, she’d even started eating limes like they were apples.

  Being pregnant sucked. She was always hungry. Of course, everything made her want to puke. Not just food either. The way everyone around the breakfast table looked at her made her want to worship the porcelain god, too.

  She’d returned months ago, her dreams of a diploma and a normal life destroyed by a pink plus sign. Then it’d gotten even worse because the entire pack knew of her pregnancy. Not because of some big announcement either. Nope, they all smelled the furry bun in the oven.

  They all gawked at her—the alpha’s daughter who’d thought she was too good for pack life now running home with her tail between her legs and a stranger’s pup in her belly. Of course, no one said that, but the sideways glances and snarky whispers made their thoughts pretty obvious.

  The humiliation had almost led her to run away again… but that wasn’t an option. Shifter babies couldn’t control their shift until they hit puberty, which made finding daycare nearly impossible. So, she’d stayed and endured their pointed sniffs, telling her without words they could scent her shame.

  Fuck them. The truth of the matter was that she wasn’t ashamed. Not of her pup, anyway. If she had to endure their disdain, so be it. No one would ever make her regret her choice, and once the baby came, no one had better make her child feel like an outcast. She’d see to that by tooth and claw, if necessary.

  Tooth. And. Claw.

  “Aren’t you going to eat your pancakes, dear?” Her mother’s worried voice broke through Jane’s thoughts.

  “They’re, uh…” She swallowed hard and fought not to smell the noxious sweetness of the berries.

  Her mother’s eyes narrowed slightly, gaze darting between the pancakes and Jane. Jane didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what her mother was thinking.

  You have to eat. You’re eating for two now, sweetheart.

  But Ginger Coleman didn’t dare say the words aloud. Not in front of her husband, anyway.

  Lance Coleman—Jane’s dad and pack alpha—glanced at his wife but didn’t say a word. He wasn’t about to comment on Jane or her eating habits—just as he hadn’t for months now. He spoke to his daughter only when absolutely necessary.

  Which was basically never since he spent most of his time holed up with his enforcers and advisers discussing important pack business while pretending Jane didn’t exist. Jane and the bastard pup in her belly. Their disapproval stung. She couldn’t deny that, but she would endure it for the sake of her child.

  Jane cleared her throat before she spoke again. “I’m not hungry. I’m just going to have some orange juice, I think.”

  The others sitting around the table glanced her way and then returned to their own conversation as if she didn’t exist. Their feigned disinterest didn’t banish the tension her presence caused. They treated her like a landmine ready to detonate—avoiding her at all costs and barely acknowledging her existence. If they did, their alpha might be the one to explode, and everyone knew it was just a matter of time. He’d been more and more on edge since she’d moved home.

  “You really ought to eat,” her mother whispered while she tied her burnished red hair into a knot at the base of her neck. “Just a few bites. For me.”

  And the baby. Something else her mother didn’t say aloud.

  Jane sighed and cut into her food as the men pressed on with their conversation.

  “He was killed on the border between Coleman and Warren lands.” Urgency filled Ian’s tone, the younger wolf hurrying to explain more about recent pack happenings.

  The determination made sense. They discussed the recent mauling death of Ian’s father, after all. Ian’s dad, Peter, had been her father’s trusted beta for years. Now that he was gone, Ian had recently stepped into his place.

  Though, for the life of her, Jane couldn’t figure out why.

  At least twenty men in the pack had more experience and were more dominant than Ian. Of course, her judgment was probably clouded by the fact that she hated the boy she’d grown up with. Besides, her father probably tapped Ian out of respect for his deceased beta.

  “I know where he was found,” her father’s gruff voice commanded the room.

  Jane stared at her father through the curtain of her eyelashes. He hadn’t glanced in her direction since she’d come home, so she felt safe in appraising him again. In her youth, Lance Coleman had seemed larger than life. All muscle and sinew and claws and fangs, standing twenty feet tall and roaring with a voice that could be heard around the world. He ruled with a furry iron fist, but he was fair, so his pack trusted and respected him.

  Either her memory was faulty, or her father had… shrunk. Because she didn’t see a twenty-foot-tall wolf any longer.

  Looking at her father, it seemed like nothing could hold back the hands of time. And those hands could be real bitches. Lance looked as if they’d slapped him around quite a bit since Jane had returned. His normally dark blond hair was now mostly grey. Hell, even his skin had a greyish cast. His once massive muscles had seemingly shriveled.

  The stress is killing him, Jane thought as she sipped her OJ. No, I’m killing him.

  “The Warren pack killed my father.” Ian’s tone transformed from urgent to incensed. “I say we take our revenge.”

  The pack’s enforcers, all meaty brutes who weren’t shy about getting physical in the line of duty, grumbled their disagreement. They obviously weren’t in favor of Ian’s idea. Lance didn’t so much as glance their way, his focus on Ian’s pale, pinched face.

  Icy blue eyes sparkling, Ian clearly saw he had Lance on the hook. The hair on the back of Jane’s neck stood on end at how easily he seemed to be manipulating her father. Scooching his chair closer to his alpha, Ian leaned in while he spoke.

  “Nobody else but the Warrens had the means or the motive. Everyone in the Coleman pack loved my father, including you. You think it’s a coincidence they get a new alpha and my father winds up dead? This Warren alpha is trying to prove his strength to his pack and to us. We need to show him we won’t stand for it.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Lance growled, obviously buying into Ian’s theory.

  “An ambush.”

  Ginger gasped and Jane’s stomach lurched, and it had nothing to do with the baby growing inside her. Ian shot them both a dirty look and then turned his attention back to her father. He appeared far less shocked than he should have. In fact, he looked almost… eager.

  “We have that stupid summit with the new alpha and the National Circle later,” Ian continued. “It would be a simple thing for a team to hide in the woods until the Warrens arrive. Then we avenge my father’s murder!”

  “Hmm…” Lance mused, his expression turning thoughtful as he actually considered the insane proposition.

  A disturbing light shone in Ian’s eyes as he smiled at Lance. Jane wanted to smack that grotesque smirk off his face, but even the daughter of the alpha didn’t dare attack
the pack’s beta. Such an act of aggression was grounds for immediate expulsion from the pack, and Jane couldn’t risk her unborn child’s future like that. But her mother stepped forward, unafraid to defy her alpha’s advisor.

  “Lance,” Ginger said in soothing tones, “you need to keep your word to the National Circle. You agreed to a peaceful meeting of the packs.”

  “I know what I said,” Lance snapped, “but that was before Peter was murdered on the edge of Warren lands!”

  Ginger flinched and said nothing. That was so unlike her normally confident and self-possessed mother. It was also out of character for her father to disrespect his mate. Something was going on between them, but Jane was the last person either would confide in. Her mother wouldn’t want to burden Jane with their problems, and her father pretty much hated her these days.

  “I’ll just start cleaning up,” Ginger mumbled. Then she grabbed Jane’s untouched food and carried it to the kitchen.

  “I need to speak with my enforcers. The study, gentlemen.” It wasn’t a request. With the creak of his chair, Lance straightened—though he still appeared to be slightly stooped—and disappeared from the room. His grim-faced enforcers followed on his heels.

  Which left Jane alone.

  With Ian.

  Just looking at him made her inner wolf snarl and snap, straining against its leash. They’d known each other since childhood—they’d both been pack royalty—but that didn’t mean she liked him. As far as Jane recalled, he was a whiny, sniveling bully who hid behind the pack’s enforcers to avoid retaliation. The fact her father selected him as his new beta baffled her.

  For a short time, she’d thought maybe he’d changed while she was away at school, but it only took one sleazy come-on to strip her of that notion. Despite the fact his relatively slight build and pale features—including his creepy white-blond hair—held no attraction for her, Ian was relentless in his pursuit of her. It didn’t matter that she’d rebuffed his advances for years, the man was persistent.


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