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Billionaires Runaway Bride

Page 16

by Claire Adams

  “Awww… You love me,” I called after her as a smile spread across my face.

  “You knew this. Why else would I put up with you?”

  “Because I’m the only one that puts up with you?”

  Her laugh caused the day to seem a little bit brighter. She was like the sister I never had. I’d just finished plating up our breakfast when she walked out and dropped down at the kitchen table in front of hers.

  “Does Alfie know that you can cook this good?” She picked up her fork and took a bite of the eggs I scrambled for her.

  “Yeah. I made him my famous shrimp scampi.” I wagged my eyebrows, sat down, and started to work on my breakfast too.

  “Oh, no. He’ll be popping the question soon.” She buttered her toast and glanced back at me as I stayed silent. “Too soon?”

  “For the question, or you teasing me about it?” I took a drink of my orange juice and tried to decide what my answer would be to either.

  “Both?” She took a big bite, sprinkling toast crumbs all over her blouse.

  “I don’t know. You teasing me is whatever.” I waved my hand around as if it were no big deal, because it wasn’t. She didn’t mean any harm. “I really thought things would somehow straighten out with me and Harry.”

  “Do you miss him?” she asked me earnestly.

  “No. Not in the slightest.” I used my fork to push a few eggs into my toast before folding it over and eating it like a sandwich while I thought.

  “Do you miss Alfie?”

  “Yeah.” I chewed and sat back, nodding. “A lot. I keep thinking that things between us are moving too fast, but I don’t have a doubt at all about how I feel. It just seems like I feel it way too soon. Especially considering the situation.”

  “Right, but he saved you.” She shrugged and glanced down to her food. “It makes sense. You were in need and having one of the most horrible times of your adult life, and he stepped in and offered you sanctuary. He’s a bit of a hero.”

  “I hadn’t thought about it like that, but honestly, you’re right. He is a hero to me.” I finished eating and stood. “You ready to get this show on the road?”

  “Yep, and we’re going to look for a dress.” She held up her hand as I started to protest. “I’m paying. I didn’t get to get you a birthday present a few months back, remember?”

  “You were switching jobs, Peyton.”

  “I don’t care. You’re my best friend, and I have some money finally tucked away. We’ll just find something on a good sale.”

  “Fine, but I’m paying for our nails then.” I lifted my hands and studied mine. “I need to do something about these, and honestly, a manicure sounds heavenly.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” She stood. “I’ll get the kitchen cleaned up while you get ready. We’re going to get you dolled up nicely for your date with your British Billionaire. God, that’s hot. Does he have a brother?” She laughed.

  “Nope, but he does have a best friend.” I smiled.

  “Is he hot?”

  “No clue, but for you, I’d be willing to find out.”

  “Deal. Do it, and we can score two hot Brits.”

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I thought Logan was American. Even though he was born and grew up in England, he had left after high school. Meaning he had lived in America for just as long as he lived in England. Either way, the day would be fun, relaxing, and hopefully get me in the right mood for my night to come with Alfie.


  We spent the day going in and out of what felt like every shop on Fifth Avenue. I finally found a dress that fit me perfectly and was on a great sale. We picked it up and turned to look at each other.

  “Panties and a bra!” We exclaimed at the same time, only to get a warning ‘shhh’ from an older woman at the checkout counter.

  We laughed and walked out into the sunny afternoon.

  “All right. Victoria’s Secret is just up here.” Peyton glanced over at me as we walked down the busy sidewalk. “You need to get something super sexy for you and your boy to enjoy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please tell me that your rhyming is by accident.”

  She flipped her hair and gave me a playfully demeaning look. “Nothing I do is by accident, darling.”

  “Oh, Lord.” I reached out and held the door open for her to go into Victoria’s Secret first before joining her. Something about the place left me feeling pretty and girlie. “All right. I think I want black.”

  “Nope. White for sure. You need to give him a false sense of innocence.” She wagged her eyebrows and looked around the store. She knew me well enough to know that innocence was not one of my virtues. I was pretty sure I’d already told her about us having sex several times, but obviously, I needed to remind her again.

  Or maybe this was one of those times she was vicariously living through me.

  I laughed. “Really? We’ve already had sex several times. I don’t think he’ll believe that there is an innocent bone in my body.”

  “Hmmm…that’s even better. If he already knows that you’re a sex kitten, then let’s put you in red. That’ll turn him on good.”

  “You think?” I gave her a quizzical look.

  “Yep. Read it in Cosmo. You know everything in there has got to be true!”

  We chuckled and walked around until we found several cute sets. I tried them on and fell in love with the last one, turning myself on a little by the thoughts running through my head. Alfie would like it a lot…even if it would only be on me for a few minutes.

  It was the thought of him tearing it off that left me wet and aching with need.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The steady buzz of my phone woke me early Friday morning from a rather pleasant dream that involved Molly. I could feel the evidence of it pushed up against the mattress as I propped myself up on an elbow to reach across to the bed stand to find my phone. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I squinted against the bright light at the email notification. It was from Gary, one of the big investors who had been sitting around the conference table. I’d realized over the course of the week that my Gary was Molly’s Gary. Her former boss.

  Sales are up 110%! Great job on the marketing idea, Alfie.

  I didn’t feel as elated as I thought I would, but I felt amazed by the numbers. It was still Molly’s marketing idea. I knew that it would work in the U.S. branch. I just didn’t think that it would work at this rate, but I resisted the temptation to tell Gary that it was his former employee’s marketing technique that got those sales numbers up, and only after three days. My team had hustled like crazy to get it all together in time, but it was working—quickly. None of that mattered since I planned to ask for Molly to come stay in England with me, and also offer a spot for her on my own marketing team—full time.

  After a quick shower, I found Logan sitting in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in hand. He glanced at the bags that I had set near the front door before letting out a long sigh.

  “I guess this is goodbye again,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes at the over dramatic sniffling that followed. “You could always come with me to back to England if you wanted.”

  “I just bought this house,” Logan said as he rose from the table with a chuckle. “As tempting as it is to go back to England, I’m better off here in the States. We’ve had this conversation a million times this week alone.”

  “I know. Forgive me, but we’re probably going to have it a million more.” We embraced tightly before I took a step back to give him a grateful smile.

  “It was good to see you, brother. Don’t be a stranger for so long this next time.” He patted my back and moved toward the door.

  “I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me,” I said. “Including the free stay and advice too.”

  Logan chuckled. “You might have to send me a check for every single time I gave you advice about Molly. You’re my best mate though despite the distance between us.”
He winked at me playfully. “I suppose I can let it slide this time though.”

  “I’ll make sure to make the check out to you personally,” I said, grinning. I glanced out the kitchen window to see my driver parked on the curb waiting for me. “I better get into the city. I have some errands to run before picking up Molly for the evening.”

  “Send me a wedding invitation in the future.” He smiled, and I caught myself before agreeing with him. As much as I wanted to project that very event into the future, I knew better. Molly and I had a million hurdles to clear before marriage was even a topic of discussion.

  I embraced Logan one last time with a laugh before grabbing my bags from near the front door. Stepping out into the warm morning, I helped my driver load my suitcases into the back of the SUV before climbing into the passenger seat. While he drove us to the hotel where I planned to check in before picking up Molly, I gazed up at the towering buildings of the city.

  Nothing could compare to the rich culture of New York City, but I hoped that Molly found Devon pleasanter than here. I had no idea if she even liked the idea of staying in England while dating Harry.

  I got out and spoke to the nice lady at the front, checking in and making my way to the penthouse suite. It was a little extravagant, but I wanted to make Molly feel like the queen she was in my eyes.

  That and I had some serious ass-kissing to do to get us out of the odd funk we were in thanks to my guilty conscious the last time we were together. I pulled my phone from my pocket and sat down on the edge of the bed as I bounced on it a little.

  Nice and springy. Good. It would make for excellent love making.

  I dialed Molly’s number, and she answered on the first ring. I smiled at the breathless sound of her voice.


  “Hi, love. I’m heading that way. Just wanted to make sure you didn’t mind me coming a little bit early.” I stood and walked to the bathroom, loving the large garden jet tub in the far corner. She’d look damn good leaning over the side of it while I worked myself into her tight body.

  “I’d love that. I’m back at Peyton’s and getting dressed now.”

  “Back at Peyton’s?” I questioned.

  “Yeah. We went shopping for the day so I could find something pretty to wear.” I could almost hear her smiling.

  “Awesome. I’ll head your way then.” I hung up and walked back to the bedroom, checking myself in the mirror, and splashing a little bit of cologne on my throat. Nerves rattled my insides as I made my way back down the hotel elevator and out to the front.

  A limo waited on me, which wasn’t unusual, but I felt a little apprehensive about taking it to pick Molly up. Maybe it was over the top. She wasn’t exactly used to my lifestyle. Where she’s been with Harry for a couple of years, he was a self-made billionaire and usually drove sports cars and things that might ensure his status.

  My father had made us a wealthy family when I was a boy, and though I worked my ass off to keep it going and even growing, I was used to comforts that maybe were a bit extravagant.

  “Evening, sir. Make yourself comfortable. I have the address you requested already.” He opened the back door and moved back.

  “Thank you, kindly.” I got into the back of the car and leaned back, resting my hands on my stomach as I watched the city go by outside of the windows.

  With as many things as I’d conquered in my life, there were few things that left me feeling apprehensive, but as we approached Peyton’s place, I almost got sick. What if I was making a mistake? Maybe Molly wasn’t nearly as interested in me as I was in her.

  Was it a cock move to ask her to consider moving back to England with me? I would have found it flattering if the conversation went the other way, but I could see how someone might take the request as very pompous. Hell, almost arrogant.

  “Here we are, sir.” The driver pulled over and started to get out of the front seat.

  “I’m good. I’ll just grab Molly and be back in a jiffy.”

  “Yes, sir.” He nodded at me as I climbed out of the car and walked up to the door.

  Flowers. Fuck. I should have gotten her flowers or something. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door, forcing myself to chill the fuck out. Molly and I had spent two weeks playing house in Devon and another week missing each other like crazy. I’d been buried balls deep in her body and was willing to talk about moving our relationship forward.

  I had nothing to be nervous about.

  As Peyton pulled the door open, my stomach lurched. I turned and pretended to be communicating with the driver. He rolled his window down with a confused look on his face.

  “Do you need me, sir?” he asked.

  “No, but thank you so much.” I turned back to Peyton and swallowed my nerves. “Hey again.”

  “Hi, Alfie. Come on in.” She moved back, but craned her neck to see the driver or maybe the car. “Wow. You’re going in style tonight.”

  “Not sure about style, but comfort, absolutely.” I walked in and stopped short as Molly pulled a small suitcase behind her. The tight black dress she had on left my cock standing up and begging for her attention. “Wow. Damn, love. You look like a goddess.”

  “Thanks.” Her cheeks burned pink as she moved to stand in front of me. “I wanted to be pretty for you.”

  “Well, you outdid yourself.” I took the bag from her and leaned down to kiss her a few times as I studied her beautiful face. She would be my wife. I had no doubt about it. I was a smart man and knew when I was getting a deal.

  She was the bargain of a lifetime.

  “All right, you two. Get out and have a good time.” Peyton stood at the door, offering me a cheeky grin. I could easily see why she and Molly were friends. Logan would think something of Peyton. I wasn’t willing to meddle in anyone’s love affairs, but maybe a subtle word or two to Molly, and maybe she would set the two of them up.

  “Let’s go.” Molly took my hand, and I led us back out into the street. She and Peyton said another goodbye as I walked to the back of the car and put the suitcase in the trunk.

  The driver gave me a look. “I would have done that for you, sir.”

  “No bother. We’re good.” I walked around and opened the door for my girl. “My lady.” I bowed a little, and Molly giggled before climbing into the car. Her legs were toned and sexy, and I found myself reaching up to loosen my tie. She had my blood pumping hard, and I was starting to sweat a little.

  She was far too much woman for a simple chap like me, but I wasn’t complaining. I’d made due and try to become the kind of man that left her knees weak.

  “I’m not the only one that looks good.” She snuggled up beside me as I got into the car and the driver shut the door. I wrapped an arm around her narrow shoulders and leaned down to kiss her pretty pink lips.

  “I’ve got nothing on you, beautiful.” I kissed her again and wanted to deepen it, but I knew better. We had dinner plans at a nice restaurant. She wouldn’t want to go in with her lips red and puffy, and her face flushed from me half-humping her in the back of the limo.

  “So, where are we headed?” She moved back a little and took a shaky breath. By the look of the vein pumping like crazy on the side of her neck, I wasn’t the only one who was turned on.

  “There’s a nice steak and seafood restaurant in the hotel. I thought that might be nice.” I moved my arm from around her shoulders and took her hand.

  She tugged our intertwined fingers into her lap to rest on her mound. I gave her a warning look.

  “What?” she asked innocently. I’d taken her in the ass back at Devon. Innocent wasn’t part of her persona, and I loved her for it.

  “Such a bad girl. You already have me hard as a rock and my heart trying to beat its fucking way outta my chest.” I licked my lips. “Good thing the hotel is just down the road.”

  “Why’s that?” she said breathlessly.

  “Because I’d devour you if I had time.” I let my eyes run around her face and seriously thought ab
out skipping the meal. We could talk after sex. Hell, we could eat after sex.

  “I like the sound of that.” She reached up and touched the side of my face. “Dinner. Bath. Sex.”

  “All night long.” I leaned down and jacked up her lipstick. She might be embarrassed and have to fix it, but it was well worth it.

  We both thought so.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  We decided on sex before the meal, which was a much better choice than what I’d planned on doing. Alfie took my hand and held it tightly as we got out of the car and made our way to the elevator. The minute it closed, he pressed me up against the back wall and ground against me, his voice low and filled with masculine dominance.

  “God, you turn me on, Mol.” He licked up the side of my neck as he squeezed my hips. “Let’s just have a quickie and then dinner. After that, I have a lovely garden tub I want to get you into.”

  “I want it all.” I held him closely and kissed his face and neck, and he leaned in for a hot probing kiss.

  The sound of someone gasping caused him to pull away from me. My face burned with embarrassment as several elderly couples walked on, the women looking quite appalled. The older men were chuckling like they totally understood the situation. Either way, I was mortified.

  The door opened on our floor, and Alfie took my hand and led me to our room. “You okay?” he asked as he worked on the door.

  “Yeah.” I brushed my hands down the front of my dress. “I just always feel bad about getting caught in things.”

  “You make out with guys in the elevator often?” He laughed and opened the door.

  “No.” I shook my head and walked in, losing my breath. The place was magnificent, enormous, way too much. The floor to ceiling windows ran around the entire room, and the New York skyline lit up the view. I was in awe as I walked toward the window nearest me. “Wow. This is incredible.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d like it.” He moved in behind me, pressing his strong chest to my back as he cupped my breasts and leaned down to kiss at the soft skin just beneath my ear. “I want you so much more than I can ever remember wanting anyone else.”


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