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Finding Serenity

Page 4

by Amanda Perry

  “Grumpy,” I sob into the phone, hoping he can understand me as I blubber and sniffle. “I’m at the hospital. I don’t know which one. I’m okay, I’m alive.”

  “Taylor Lewis! I’m gonna beat yer butt when I get to ya! Tell me what hospital yer at right damned now so I can yell at ya face ta face.” The fear and worry in his tone isn’t lost on me, and I break down a little more.

  Holding the phone to my shoulder, I turn to Maverick. “What hospital is this?”

  Maverick frowns at the phone, but answers anyway. “Cedar Valley. Tell him you’re on the third floor, room 309.”

  “Did you get that?” I sniffle, attempting to pull myself together. “Cedar Valley.”

  “Ya, I got it. I’m on ma way. I swear to god, girl, if you move so much as an inch I’m gonna . . . I dunno what I’m gonna do, but ya ain’t gonna like it.” The other end goes silent, but I know he hasn’t hung up yet.

  A small smile lifts my lips. “I love you, Grumpy.”

  A quiet sob reaches my ears, and my heart breaks. “I love ya so much, Tayter-Tot. Stay put. I’m on ma way.”

  When the line goes dead, I hold the phone out to Maverick. He takes it from me, still frowning. “Does that guy talk to you like that often?”

  I snort. “I should have known you’d hear him. He only has one volume. And, yes. He’s perpetually grumpy.”

  Maverick opens his mouth to reply, but as Marak elbows him lightly, he goes silent. Before I can ask about the odd exchange, Marak distracts me. “Now that you know we’re legit, will you promise not to knee any of us in the balls again? As funny as it is when you play whack-a-mole with the guys’ nuts, I don’t want to be next.”

  At first, I cringe but quickly straighten my spine. “They got what they deserved. You don’t restrain people like that without explaining crap to them first.”

  Maverick raises one brow, clearly not amused. “If you’d have given me three seconds, I would have given you a full explanation.”

  I narrow my eyes at Maverick. “Sorry, I guess I should have stopped to chat with the person I thought was trying to use me as a toy.”

  He surprises me again when he doesn’t yell back. Instead, he deflates. “Fair enough. You did the right thing by trying to run. At least, you believe us now, correct?”

  “I want to see the other girls,” I demand. Reality crashes on me hard, and I wonder if they made it out. If Jenna didn’t make it out, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  Maverick startles at my swift command. “Pardon?”

  “I mean, you let me use the phone and that’s great. But if you could get me out of there, then you’d have gotten them out, also. So, where are they?” Maverick and Marak exchange a glance, and my stomach drops.

  The doctor pats my hand gently, setting it on the bed with a wide smile. “You’re all fixed up, dear. We will need to put a new IV in the other side. You’re very dehydrated, as I said. Also, as far as those other girls, they’re here for the most part. We did have to transfer some of the more severely injured ones to Inglemoor General. They’re doing as well as can be expected from what I’ve been told.”

  “I have a friend. A girl I tried to help before she was taken. We were kidnapped together. Her name is Jenna. Is she . . . I mean did she—” The words won’t come out. I desperately want to ask if Jenna made it out okay. I need to know if she’s alive. But if the answer is no, I don’t think I could handle the news.

  “Oh, Jenna!” The doctor lights up. “Yes, she’s doing very well. I can ask her if she wants to see you if you’d like.”

  I nod vigorously before she even finishes talking. “Yeah, I need to see her.”

  “We’ll go get her,” Marak offers, pulling on Maverick’s forearm. “It’ll be a few minutes. I think she was up next to talk with some of the officers, but we’ll bring her back as soon as she’s finished. You should rest while we’re gone.”

  “Actually, can I shower?” My question is directed at the doctor, who nods kindly.

  “Of course, dear. I’ll get you some towels and an extra gown.” She hurries out of the room, and the two men leave without another word.

  Once alone, I allow myself to relax a bit. The last few weeks were complete hell. I started to think I’d never make it out of that hell hole, or if I did, it would be into something far worse. My body shakes at the idea of what would have happened if the man who wanted me had gotten to me. The shaking always takes over when something upsetting happens—the more upset I am, the harder my body quakes.

  When I get into the shower, I’ll allow myself a good, long cry, but if I start I may never stop. Instead, I let my mind to drift to Jenna. She made it out; she’s safe. I kept my promise to her, and it brings a minute sense of relief. The horror of the last two weeks is over.



  The hot water of the shower does wonders for my sore body. At first, I want to hurry so I don’t miss Jenna when she comes in or Grumpy when he shows up. But as soon as the water hits me, I’m stuck. I have no self-control, and I end up staying under the spray for longer than I mean to. While in the safety of the shower, I allow myself to wonder about the horrible men who took me, Jenna, and the rest of the girls. No one told me what happened to them.

  Questions race through my mind at a sickening speed. Are they alive? Did they go to jail? Will they stay in jail or get released on bail? What if they come after us again? What if they escaped and are planning their revenge? Staying in the shower won’t give me answers, but I need to get a grip before I have to deal with people again.

  I allow myself a good, long cry while the water washes away the tears. It’s therapeutic somehow, like washing away all the bad crap. No matter what happened to those men, I know to be more careful and watchful in the future. I can’t do anything about them, but I can make the choice to be happy I got away and can live my life.

  When my fingers become wrinkled, I reluctantly turn the water off and grab a towel to wrap around my body. Dr. Lenny managed to track down a hairbrush for me which I’m grateful for. My hair is a disaster. All the conditioner in the world won’t help the rat’s nest on my head. I start to brush out the tangles, but my arms quickly tire. My growl of frustration echoes off the bathroom tile. My body is too weak. Even brushing my hair is a daunting task. Maybe I can bribe Grumpy to brush it for me when he gets here. Then again, I want to have hair once he’s done. The man may be good at a lot of things, but he sucks at brushing hair and anything to do with being a girl.

  The bathroom door swings open, scaring the ever-loving hell out of me. I spin around and screech like a banshee at the invasion, throwing the hairbrush at the intruder. Maverick searches the bathroom frantically, his eyes landing on me. “I heard you cry out. What happened?” Ignoring the brush as it bounces off his arm, he rushes toward me without warning, and I take a step back, confused and embarrassed.

  “Oh my god, Maverick. I’m fine, get out!”

  He invades my personal space in his rush to me. I press my palms against his chest and give him my hardest shove.

  He barely takes two steps backward, which I’m sure comes more from shock than my incredibly puny push. “If you’re fine, then why’d you yell?”

  My cheeks heat, and I turn my back to him. Oddly enough, standing in nothing but a towel in front of Maverick doesn’t bother me as much as admitting to him—to anyone—that my body is weak.

  Heat radiates off Maverick, warming my back as he steps closer to me. “Taylor, answer me. Why’d you yell?”

  Our eyes meet in the mirror, and I lose my train of thought. For a second, I think I see a flash of heat cross his features, but it’s gone so fast I’m sure I made it up. I don’t even know the guy. Of course, he’s attractive--I’m not blind--but that’s all there is to it. Shaking myself of my silliness, I take a second to remember his question.

  Something he said registers with me, and I stiffen. “Hey, how’d you know my name?”

  Maverick huffs, his mouth quirking up on o
ne side. “The guy you called said your name loud enough for everyone in the hospital to hear. Now, answer me, Taylor.”

  “Freaking Grumpy and his big mouth,” I grumble. I make the decision to tell him my issue as a distraction for myself. My name on his lips does funny things to me, and I can’t handle it at the moment. “Fine, I yelled because I’m pissed I can’t brush my hair. My arms are too tired, and my hair is too messy. Are you happy now, Mr. Bossy?”

  “Oh.” He relaxes his tense stance. “We can fix that.”

  “We? Fix?” I spin again to face him, and this time, he takes a step back without my assistance. “What the hell are you talking about? Are you going to shave my head?”

  “You’ve got a visitor, Red!” Marak’s shout from the hospital room draws our attention.

  Maverick rolls his eyes, though it isn’t clear whether it’s at me or Marak. He heads toward the door while he says, “We aren’t going to shave your head. Come on, Jenna is here to see you.”

  Ratty hair forgotten, I rush past Maverick. Jenna sits cross-legged on the end of the bed. She’s clearly showered, and someone gave her normal clothes. Her eyes light up when she sees me come out of the bathroom.

  She jumps up as I pull her into a firm hug, whispering to her, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “It was the craziest thing, Taylor.” She sniffles and laughs at the same time. “Some of the girls had already gotten out, and they were running toward the woods. I followed them, and a bunch of cops were hiding out like they were ready to raid the place. They got us out of there so fast my head was spinning. By the time I was able to ask someone if you’d been found, we’d already made it to the hospital... I’m sorry it took so long to ask. I tried, but there was so much chaos. Then, no one knew you by name. Dr. Lenny came in and said someone was asking for me, I just knew it had to be you.”

  “Hey, shut up, crazy girl.” I pull back, locking eyes with hers. “I’m fine, I made it out.”

  “We both did, just like you promised.” She sniffles again, but her smile remains. She shakes her head like she’s shaking the bad thoughts away. “Hey, I heard the hair brushing issue. Can I do it for you?”

  “Uh...” I bite my bottom lip and glance around the room. Maverick and Marak stand in the far corner, talking quietly together. With them distracted and Grumpy not here yet, I don’t see why we can’t relax. “Hold that thought.”

  I rush back into the bathroom, close the door, and dress in the horrible green gown. Dr. Lenny found a matching green robe for me as well. At least, my ass will be covered.

  With a quick push of my foot, my towel slides to the corner of the bathroom. After scooping up the brush from the bathroom floor, I throw the door open again and toss it to Jenna, who already sits comfortably back on the hospital bed. Quickly making my way over to her, I drop down on the bed in front of her, presenting my messy hair. “Go for it.”

  The two of us spend the next twenty minutes chatting about hair, the luxury of a hot shower, and real soap, while she carefully takes the tangles from my hair. When the conversation fades, I muster up the courage to ask Jenna some questions I need to know the answers to. “Jenna, do you need a place to stay? I have my apartment. It’s a one bedroom, but it’s not a crap-hole. You’re welcome to come to my place.”

  “Oh, Taylor.” She hugs me tightly from her position behind me, and I chuckle at the awkward angle. “You’re the best person I’ve ever known. I adore you for the offer, but I found out some things since I got here yesterday. They have a ton of people working with us to get us settled, and they looked up my family history. I have an aunt in Mississippi. She didn’t know about me until they called her earlier.”

  “What’d she say?” I hold my breath for the answer, hoping her aunt didn’t dismiss her. The girl had enough bad things happen to her in her short life. She deserves nothing but the best from now on, and if this aunt of hers isn’t willing to give it to her, I will.

  Jenna brightens, bouncing slightly in her seat. “She wants me! She said she’s flying out to meet me as soon as there’s an available seat. She was so shocked to learn about me, just like I was to learn about her. But she said I’m family and she wants me to stay with her.”

  “Honey, that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.” My shoulders relax, and I hold her arm tight as she continues to hug me from behind. Jenna deserves a happy home, and hopefully, this aunt of hers can give her one. A thought occurs to me, though. “But please, never ever hesitate to call me if you need me, Jenna. If things don’t work out in Mississippi, you’ve always got a place with me, okay?”

  “You’re the best, Taylor. Thank you for everything, and I promise I’ll keep in touch.” She sets the brush down next to me on the bed and gives me one more hug. “I’m going to get back to my room. My aunt said she’d call me soon with her flight info, and I don’t want to miss her call. I’ll come back and see you before I leave. My aunt wanted to meet you and thank you for keeping me safe.”

  She skips out of the room, and my heart squeezes with joy. Watching her smile and laugh is the best I’ve felt in over two weeks. I lean back and rest my eyes for a few seconds, but it quickly gets interrupted by a tapping on my door. I perk up, hoping Grumpy finally made it, but deflate when Dr. Lenny comes in followed by two unfamiliar men. They’re similar in age to Maverick and Marak.

  The three of them are deep in conversation, so I’m able to look over the two newcomers silently. With Dr. Lenny speaking casually to them, I know they aren’t a threat, but I still watch them and their interactions. The first man stands about as tall as Maverick, and he has the same amount of muscle. His shoulders are broad, and his hips are narrow. His dark blond hair is shaved on the sides and nicely combed back on top, not a strand out of place. His face is free of facial hair, showing off smooth, perfect skin most people would die for. His eyes glow chartreuse green. His style is preppy but classy at the same time, with a burgundy sweater covering his ivory button-up shirt and dark tan slacks.

  Behind him, the second man walks in and his hair grabs my attention before anything else. His longer hair is a complete mess atop his head, but it works well for him. The messiness isn’t what draws me in and brings out a smirk. It’s the fact his hair is blue—not an obnoxious neon blue, but a softer, sexy silver blue. The color matches his eyes exactly, and I wonder if he did it on purpose. He clearly spends plenty of time outside if his tanned skin is any indication. His eyebrows give away the fact his natural hair is nearly black in color. His style is simple with a gray shirt under an open plaid button-up shirt and some dark-wash jeans.

  “All I’m saying is I won’t tell if you don’t,” The blue-haired man speaks up, humor in his voice.

  Dr. Lenny shakes her head. “I’m not letting you borrow scrubs to get a staff discount at the cafeteria, Syn. You’re crazy if you think I would.”

  I snort at her scolding, and the two new men turn their attention to me. “Hey, you’re awake!”

  Marak throws his hands in the air. “You assholes never check your phones. Mav and I texted you over an hour ago to say she woke up.”

  “If we’re being honest, I have no idea where my phone even is,” the blue-haired one, Syn as Dr. Lenny called him, admits with no remorse while patting at his empty pockets. “But, it’s good you’re up. Do we know your name yet?”

  “They do,” I inform him, pointing to Marak and Maverick. “You don’t.”

  Marak hoots with laughter, and the other new one chuckles as he introduces himself and his friend. “I’m Allistar, that’s Syn.”


  “Taylor!” Hearing my name shouted by that irate voice brings tears to my eyes once more, and I hop off the bed quickly.

  The four men in the room must mistake my excitement for fear because they swarm the door, refusing to allow the source of the shouting in. “Get yer overgrown paws offa me ‘fore I break yer damn hand, boy!”

  “It’s fine!” I call out to them and rush over to the door. I’m oddly
touched by their unnecessary protectiveness. I just met them all, yet they’re willing to keep me safe from potential harm.

  “He’s not a bad guy, he’s fine.” I place my hand on Marak’s back as I reach him first, and he spins around, eyes wide. His reaction startles me, and I jump away from him, wondering if I crossed some weird line by touching his back.

  I don’t have time to analyze Marak’s weird behavior before Grumpy pushes his way past the four men and scoops me into his arms. “Tayter-Tot, holy hell I near had a damned cow these last few weeks. What in the devil happened to ya? Are ya hurt? Are they takin’ good care of ya here? Who’re those four yahoos tryin’ ta keep me outta here? Can I hit ‘em?”

  I hug him tighter for a second before pulling away and holding him at arm's length. “Grumpy! Calm down. You’re giving me a headache.”

  “I’m givin’ you a headache? I should make ya go pick yer own damned switch fer scarin’ the ever-lovin’ hell outta a little ol’ man. Now answer my questions ‘fore I lose my damn mind more’n I already have.” He leads me over to the bed and sits down at the same time I do, refusing to let my hand go.

  Taking a long, dramatic breath, I launch into a short and not-so-sweet explanation. “I’m not hurt, the doctor and these guys are helping me. It’s kind of a long story, but I was on my way home from work that night you called me. My car stopped running. I have any idea why and don’t even start in with the I told you to get a new car crap. I wanted to try to fix it before I called you for help, but as soon as I opened the hood, I realized it was a dumb idea.”

  “Yeah, yer a damn talented gal, but ya don’t know yer ass from yer elbow ‘bout cars, Tayter-Tot.” I glare at him for interrupting, but he isn’t fazed. “Also, I told ya ta git a new car.”

  “Anyway,” I emphasize the word with an eye roll, “I heard some yelling and thought maybe I could help. Some jerk was trying to push a young girl into the back of his car. I managed to get him in the nads, and we tried to run, but there was a second guy in the driver's seat of the car. He cut us off, and they took us both.”


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