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Deadly Obsession

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by K. L. Humphreys

  Deadly Obsession

  By K.L Humphreys

  Other books by this Author:

  Deadly Series:

  Deadly Hunt:


  I dedicate this to my mum. I love you so much. You have taught me to be who I am. To be strong and independent.


  First Edition published in 2016

  Text Copyright © K L Humphreys

  All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  Editing by Danni (Ellie) Williams

  Cover Design by Kennedy Kelly

  Cover Crush Designs


  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Also available in paperback

  ISBN 13: 978-1537527567

  ISBN 10: 1537527568



  I cringe at the sound of the phone ringing. I have grown to hate that sound these past few weeks.

  “Hello?” I hear nothing, and I hang up. Yet another prank call. This is the third one today, they’re getting worse. It started about a month ago, just one call a week, and then it started escalating.

  *Ring, ring, ring (pause) ring, ring, ring*

  I shudder with every ring.

  “Hello? Who’s there?” Again, I’m met with silence. It’s eerily quiet, and I hate it.

  “That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m calling the cops.” I hate this. I hate feeling as though I’m being toyed with. Then I hear it, someone laughing. It’s familiar laughter that chills my bones. My heart starts racing.

  “You won’t call the cops Winter, just like you never told anyone about me. You’re too scared. Don’t worry babe, I’ll be seeing you soon.” His deep voice that has haunted my nightmares filters through the phone leaving me trapped in a state of fear.

  He hangs up, and I’m frozen to the spot. I hate that he calls me babe.

  My breathing is so erratic that I don’t know if I’m getting any oxygen. I bring a shaky hand to my mouth in shock. Bile rises in my throat and I will it back down. Oh God, he found me again, this was meant to be my safe place. He wasn’t supposed to find me here. I’m never going to be safe.

  I unfreeze and go around my house making sure all the doors and windows are locked. I get the phone and call Kathy, she is the only person, who knows everything about my attack. I couldn’t tell Soph, she had so much going on and I didn’t want her to look at me differently.

  “Winter are you okay? It’s kind of late.” She has a genuine concern in her voice.

  “He’s found me! The prank calls, they were all him, he knows where I am Kathy, what am I going to do?” I blurt out. My voice cracking as I do. She sighs and I know exactly what she is going to say.

  “Winter, it’s time, you are ready for this. You need to face your past and tell Soph what happened. It’s time my lovely for you to go home. It’s time for you to be free.” Kathy was right. We have talked about this. I knew this day would come. The day I would confront what I went through head on.

  I hang up after telling her I will keep her updated. I’m shaking, I’m so scared. I finally managed to start putting one foot in front of the other. I was as happy as I could be here. I was able to live a healthy life. I stopped using alcohol as an escape, I’m able to get up every morning. That to me is a step towards healing, in the last two years, I have come a long way. Now I feel as though I’m taking ten steps back.

  *Ring, ring, ring*

  My breath catches in my chest as I struggle to breathe; I’m praying it's Kathy. With shaky hands, I pick up the receiver.

  “Hello?” I hate that my voice is shaking.

  “Winter she’s right, it’s time to come home, are you ready to face your past? Are you ready to face me, babe?” His laugh has me rooted to the spot, shaking, my breath coming in sharp pants. I hang up and collapse to the floor.

  He can hear me; he knows where I am. I’m never going to be safe. I look at the phone in my hand and take a deep breath and call the one person I trust completely.

  “Hello? Hon are you okay? It’s late there. What’s going on?” Soph answers straight away, worry evident in her voice.

  “He’s found me, Soph. He knows where I am.” I’ve started to panic again. My breaths coming out in short pants. I can hear muffled voices in the background.

  “How do you know? What the hell has he done? Are you ok? I’ll kill him.” I give a shaky laugh; she always knows how to make me feel as though I’m not alone.

  “He’s been calling me, prank calls. Soph today he spoke, he called and told me he’d be seeing me soon. What am I going to do?” I hear talking, this time, I know I can hear Nathan.

  “You’re going to pack up your stuff, and you’re going to come home. Nathan and I have a plan; we will let you know once you have reached the airport. Leave as soon as you’re packed, no hanging around. I love you Wints, we will make sure you’re safe again.” I tell her I love her and hang up. I phone for a cab and start packing.

  Chapter One


  “Please Sam, keep an eye on her. She is my best friend, she means a lot to me.” Sophia pleads. Damn. I’m literally just home, and she wants me to check on her friend who’s just arrived. “Be nice to her, and no flirting, do not even think about trying to sleep with her.” She reprimands me as if I’m a child. She’s probably dog ugly anyway. “Please introduce yourself before tonight, it’s the least you could do, you did miss both of my children’s christenings.”

  Of course, she has to make me feel guilty about not being here for George and Liam’s christenings.

  “Fine, where is this woman I’m supposed to introduce myself to? I bet she’s ugly. You’re doing that reverse psychology on me aren’t you?” I bet she is, Sophia is known for her evilness, she is a bitch when she is getting revenge on people. I’ve been waiting for the revenge to come, but she has been quiet on that front. I thought motherhood had made her soft, it sure as shit makes Nathan look like a teddy bear.

  Nathan, Scott, and Connor, I swear to God they need their man cards taken from them. First of all, Nathan and Scott are tied around Soph’s little finger, I love that woman, she is the strongest person I know, and she is beyond loyal. I would do anything for her, but Nathan, damn, that man is completely gone over her.

  Anyway, the way these three grown men act when they're around a two-year-old and a seven-month-old is pathetic. They get all sappy, and shit and the girls love it.

  “She’s not ugly, you moron. You better not upset her, I will castrate you. Now she is living in Nathan’s old apartment.”

  Fuck me, she lives next door to me!

  I moved into Asher and Jamie’s old apartment. Asher couldn’t live here anymore. I don’t blame him, Jamie died in the bombing, and Asher watched him die. That changed him. I was lucky he was looking for someone to take over the lease. I needed a place to live because at the time I was staying with Doc. I hate thinking of that fucking bastard.

  “Fine. I will go and knock on her door and introduce myself, will that make you happy?” I know I’m being a complete asshole, I can’t help it. I hate being a babysitter. I have en
ough of that in my life, with my Mother and Sister. I don’t want to be doing it to someone else.

  “Yes, thank you. Oh, Sam, I can’t thank you enough, this means so much to me. I owe you.” She starts sniffing down the phone. Damn she only ever gets emotional when she is pregnant, I wouldn’t be surprised if she were again. Nathan has plans, he wants a football team.

  I hang up after I get her to calm down. As much as she has those guys whipped, they would kill me without hesitation for making her cry. I walk out of my apartment and walk down the hall, whoever this Winter is, I have to be nice since she’s Soph’s best friend.

  I knock on the door and wait.

  The door opens.

  “Oh, I thought you were someone else.” She says it so quietly, that I almost don’t hear her. “Hi. Can I help you?” Her voice is like velvet; this time, she speaks louder, and I understand her perfectly. I do a head to toe scan of her body.

  HOLY FUCK! She’s a knockout.

  Winter has long brown hair; it’s wet and falls to the top of her breasts - the swell of them on full view thanks to her wearing a tight tank and shorts. Her long legs are on display, and they seem to go on forever. My eyes roam back up her body, and I look into her eyes. As soon as our eyes connect, I see pain. It is so easy to see. She glances down, breaking eye contact, and her face goes red. She darts around so her body is hidden behind the door, only her head still visible.

  “Um sorry, hi. I live down the hall, my name is Sam, and you must be Winter, Sophia’s best friend? She said you were moving in. I just wanted to come and say hi and introduce myself. If you need anything, just ask.” I sound pathetic. Could I get any lamer?

  “Thank you.” She says it so softly that I almost miss it. She looks so beautiful standing there so shyly; I smile at her. I reluctantly have to go. I need to talk to Sophia.

  “Now close the door, Winter, I don’t want everyone seeing your luscious body. I want to be the only one to see it. Lock it behind me, I’ll see you tonight babe.” As I speak, I see fear seep into her widening eyes. I want to find out why it’s there. I want to know what I said that caused it. “Babe, what did I say?” She looks like she’s seen a ghost.

  “Please don’t call me babe. I can’t -” Winter mumbles, but I hear it clearly, I fucked up.

  “It won’t happen again, Sweets. Now close the door and lock it behind me.” She gives me a tiny smile, and she looks beautiful when she does, I can just imagine when she does smile properly, her whole face will light up.

  Winter closes the door, and I hear her engage the locks. “Good girl, I’ll see you tonight.” I hear a bang like she has banged her head against the door. I walk back into my apartment and phone Sophia, I need to know what is going on, she has fear and hurt in her eyes, I don’t like seeing it there.

  “Hello?” She’s always so polite when she answers the phone.

  “Soph, what the fuck? What happened?” I ask it comes out as a growl.

  “What the hell do you mean what happened? Is Winter okay, where is she?” Her voice takes an edge of worry, and I feel bad that I have scared her.

  “She’s at home. She’s safe.” And I mean that in every way. I will make sure she’s safe.

  “Oh, thank God. Don’t do that to me. So what’s wrong then?” She sounds confused.

  “What happened to, Winter?” she is silent for a beat, that beat is all I need, she knows something, why wouldn’t she, they’re best friends.

  “I’m sorry Sam, but that is Winter’s story to tell.” I respect that, she is loyal, but damn it doesn’t help me figure out what happened to Winter.

  “Is Nathan there?” I hear her sigh. I’ll ask him because he will understand where I’m coming from.

  “Nathan isn’t going to tell you, Sam. Please, if you want to know you are going to have to get to know her, get her to trust you.” She sounds as though she’s crying.

  “I will, I’ll get her to trust me, Soph. Please, can you put Nathan on.” She’s sniffing, and I know that Nathan is going to want to kick my ass.

  “Okay, but Sam, remember what I said. She isn’t the girl you have a one night stand with, don’t get her to trust you if you’re going to hurt her.” I don’t want to hurt her, I don’t know why, but seeing her, it’s brought out these protective instincts in me.

  “Want to tell me why my fiancée is in tears?” Nathan growls, I never wanted to upset her.

  “Dude, I only wanted to find out what happened to Winter, I never meant to upset Sophia.” I hear movement, and I know that he is walking away from Soph.

  “It’s not you, don’t worry, when it comes to Winter she is extra sensitive.” He says and I hear the resignation and anger in his voice.

  “What’s wrong dude, you’re pissed.” He sighs. He sounds fucking dejected.

  “Sophia’s pissed at me. The boys are sick. I have a meeting in an hour. So what’s up with you and Winter.” I didn’t want this conversation with him, the fucker may know what the hell is going on.

  “Who do I have to kill for hurting her?” He actually laughs at me.

  “Man, you think I don’t think the exact same thing? But Sam, Winter needs to be handled with care. I may not have known her for as long as Soph, but that woman, she means something to me. She is like family. You hurt her, there is nowhere you can hide from me. Do you understand?” Thank God, she has people looking out for her. I feel better for knowing she has great friends.

  “Yeah dude, I get you, but I won’t hurt her.” I need them to know that she will be safe with me. “Do you have a plan to keep her safe, from whatever it is that has her so scared?”

  “We don’t exactly know the threat to her, and she isn’t ready to talk yet. So we’ve put her in my old apartment. It’s the most secure place that she can be in, especially since she wants to be normal, which means not living with any of us. Sam, can you keep an eye on her?” The last part is a plea.

  “Was already going to do it. But are you sure we can’t find out what the threat is and stop it?” I hate the unknown.

  “No man, we can’t. Until we get Winter to feel safe and trust us with her story, we won’t know.” There is that trust again.

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Good. Are you still coming to dinner? Steven has the kids. It’s always a fight over who gets them and my mom usually wins. Steven hates upsetting women, but he finally got his way tonight, so I finally have my fiancée to myself tonight. So dinner will be quick” Nathan says, and I laugh.

  “Dude, you had better get it in now, before the next one comes,” I tell him making him sigh.

  “I know, that’s why she’s pissed. We found out its twins. Shit, I wasn’t meant to say anything.” I burst out laughing. Poor Soph, twins as well as the two she has now, I’m quite surprised she hasn’t murdered him yet.

  “Dude how the hell are you still alive? I take it no one knows?” I say still chuckling, I’m usually the very last to know these things.

  “No man, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, only me and Soph know at the moment, we’re not telling anyone for a few more weeks, so I would really appreciate you not saying anything.” This is awesome. I get to know before anyone else.

  “Sure, I won’t say a word. What time is it that we’re meeting tonight?” I’m wondering if I should bring Winter? God, I’m so screwed.

  “We’re meeting at 7, don’t be late. Talk to you later man.”

  “Cool, I’ll catch you later dude.” I hang up and look at my watch it’s 3:30 I have so much pent up energy, I get changed into my gym shorts and go for a run.


  I’ve just made it to the third floor of the apartment complex, as I turn the corner I bump into someone, my hands reach out to steady them.

  “NO, don’t touch me, please.” I stare down into the most frightened eyes I have ever seen. Winter is backing away from me. Her whole body is shaking.

  “Winter, I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to fall after I bumped into you, pleas
e forgive me, I never meant to frighten you.” Her eyes are still massive, pupils dilated with fear. She nods to me, acknowledging my last notion as she calms.

  “Where are you off to?” she swallows and opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out, her whole body is rigid.

  “Okay, come on Winter you’re coming with me, we’re going to get you a drink and calm you down. Now do you want to go to your place or mine?” She looks like a scared rabbit, she glances at her apartment, and I know that is her making her decision.

  “Okay yours it is; you want to go first or should I? If you want me to go first put your key in my palm and I’ll open the door.” I have my palm out, but she doesn’t put her key in it, in fact, she has a small smile on her face. I follow her to her apartment and stand at her side, staying in her line of sight at all times. I don’t want to frighten her any more than she already is. I catch her glancing at me every few seconds, almost checking to see if I’m still here.

  Once inside her apartment I go to the kitchen and make her a coffee, she needs something, and it’s a bit early for a drink. She still has that glassy look in her eyes, but her body has relaxed a bit. I wanted to know what happened to her, it’s obvious it’s something bad because she’s jumping at shadows.

  Sophia is right if I’m going to find out Winter has to trust me enough to tell me.

  I pass her the coffee; she takes it with trembling hands.

  “What startled you? Why were you running out of your apartment?” she glances her door, she looks ready to bolt at any second.

  “Umm, I needed to go to the store. I needed sugar.” I watch as she looks to the floor, it’s a tell-tale sign of a lie. Her body is still rigid. She’s a terrible liar.

  I walk out her door, leaving it open. Walking into my apartment, and into the kitchen, I grab some sugar. I wasn’t even a minute, and when I looked down the hall to Winter’s apartment, she was standing at her door.


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