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Deadly Obsession

Page 14

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Sam, you got a minute?” I hear Ryder ask me, and I look up from my desk and see it wasn’t a question, even though it sounded like one, he wants to talk, and I don’t have a choice.

  “Sure. What’s up?” I ask, and he walks in and sits. That’s unusual. Usually, he just stands and gets to the point.

  “Have you heard from Winter yet?” Okay. I didn’t expect him to say that.

  “Yeah Ryder, she’s finished at the station and is on her way here.” He nods at my answer.

  “I received a call from a Detective Yates. She was asking about the mics and cameras we found last night. I told her I have them, and that Oscar is trying to locate where they are streaming to, this bastard is good Sam. Apparently, he’s got his IP hopping everywhere, Oscar can’t pinpoint him yet.” Yet. Oscar will find him. Oscar loves the chase and making him chase you gets him even more determined.

  “Well, at least they are looking into it. I know Oscar won’t stop until he has found him.” It’s something we all have in common, we are determined, and we always get what we want, and right now I’d love nothing more than to wrap my hands around this fucking David’s neck and watch the fear seep into his eyes. Then I’d fucking neuter the bastard before I slowly kill his ass. Sadistic? Yes! But it’s nothing less than he deserves. Men who target women in any way deserve to be fucking hung drawn and quartered. It’s a cowardly act to put your hands on a woman in violence whether it be hitting them or raping them.

  “What are we going to do? You’re so tied up in Winter you could kill this fucker with absolutely no remorse. We need some sort of strategy that will keep your ass out of jail and Winter safe. This fucking asshole means business, it’s not idle threats he’s making. He means what he is saying.” Whoa, who pissed on Ryder's oats this morning? His voice is full of anger.

  “I know that. I’m not fucking stupid. Want to tell me what your problem is?” He has rage in his eyes.

  “I should have helped her.” Wait. What? Where the hell is this coming from?

  “Helped who?” I’m so damn confused. Who should have helped?

  “Winter. I knew there was something wrong with her. We were home on leave, and you were at your mom’s. We went out, and Soph introduced us to her friend Winter, Maddie couldn’t come. Anyway, Winter was trying so hard to cover up the pain she was in, I saw her flinch every time someone touched her. I knew there was something wrong, yet I ignored my instincts. That poor girl has gone through so much.”

  “Ryder, she wasn’t in the right frame of mind back then to accept help. You can’t carry that guilt. The only person who should feel that is that bastard. He should also feel what it’s like to be hurt by someone bigger and stronger than him.” I’m like a fucking switch, Winter’s rape is a fucking switch for me, any time it is talked about, or she relives it I want to break something preferable Master’s face.

  “I know, but guilt is guilt, Sam.” He’s right. There is nothing we can do about it. We all have survivors’ guilt when it comes to Smithy. I have the biggest guilt over what happened to Soph, I should have stopped it. She shouldn’t have gone through that. I have guilt over not seeing who Caleb fucking was either.

  “How are we going to find this fucker, Ryder? Winter has been through enough already. I hate seeing the fear in her eyes.” Watching someone you care about not living their life to the fullest because they are scared is fucking hard.

  “We’re having a meeting with the P.I.G.S guys in an hour I’m hoping we can come up with a solution.” I sigh with relief, Nathan and Scott will help us find a way.

  “That’s good, Winter will be here soon. Will it be alright if she sits in?” I ask Ryder.

  “Yes, she can. We will be having a meeting tomorrow morning. We need new staff.” He replies, of course, we fucking do. We needed it before fucking Caleb and sure as shit need it after him.

  “Good.” With that, he gets up and walks out of my office. I start thinking of who would be a good fit here and I have a few guys I know that are getting out soon. I start looking deeper into their background. We don’t want any more surprises. A knock on the door drags me away from the research, and I tell them to come in. I’m greeted with the brightest smile I have ever seen, she looks lighter, freer. She’s so fucking beautiful.

  “Hey, Sweets!” She closes the door behind her and walks into my office.

  “Hi, Sammy. How’s work?” She walks up to my desk, and looks nervous, she doesn’t know where to sit. I push my chair away from the desk.

  “Come here.” She walks over to me and takes my outstretched hand. I pull her down onto my lap. And kiss her soft lips.

  “You okay?” I ask her once she gets comfortable on my lap; it’s hard trying not to get hard when she wiggles her ass over me.

  “Yeah Sammy, It’s going to sound silly, but I feel relieved that the cops are after him now.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “It’s not silly. It makes perfect sense, you’re not dealing with this by yourself anymore, you have finally spoken out against him, and now we and the cops are after him.” She’s not the only one who feels like that.

  “We have a meeting with the guys from P.I.G.S soon, we’re going to come up with a plan to make sure that fucker never gets near you, along with making sure you are safe at all times. You are invited to sit in on the meeting, I’m going to be there as well as Scott and Nathan.” She turns on my lap so she is fully facing me. It’s a weird position she is in and looks as if it hurts. I hurt just looking at the way her body is turned.

  “That would be good, I don’t want to be treated like a child, I am a grown woman, and I can make decisions for myself.” She is so fucking cute when she gets all self-righteous.

  “I know Sweets, that’s why you are being invited and not told after the fact.” I don’t mean it to sound so condescending. She raises her eyebrows at me. Damn it.

  “That came out wrong.” She smirks at me. She likes fucking messing with me.

  “I gathered that. Look I don’t want people to put their lives on hold for me. I’m realistic. David isn’t going to be caught straight away, and he’s probably in hiding somewhere. I don’t want everyone to put me above everything else. Like you going to London, you could have gone. I would have been fine staying with either Soph and Nathan or Luke and Scott. Fuck even Steven would have had me stay with him.” Fuck I thought we had already sorted this out. I’m about to reply, but she continues to talk.

  “I’m so happy that you’re not going, though.” And just like that, I realize she wasn’t mad about me not telling her she was upset that she thought I was missing out on something.

  “Me too. Because I’m not going to be around tomorrow I was thinking of a date night, what do you think?” Her face lights up, her eyes sparkle and she bounces up and down on my lap. I can’t stop it. My dick hardens, and I know she can feel it again her ass. I hear the quick intake of her breath, and I watch as she bites her lip. None of this is helping me. I don’t want to scare her like the last time.

  “Sammy.” It comes out as a whimper. Shit. I’ve pushed her too far.

  “Sweets, are you okay. I’m so sorry.” She shocks the shit out of me by leaning forward and kissing me. It’s hesitant at first, but when she realizes I’m not stopping her she gets braver, she presses her tits against my chest and places her hand on the back of my neck pulling me forward. Her assertiveness is fucking sexy, there is no way I can stop her, I don’t have it in me to stop this, to reject her, when it’s all I want.

  I put my arms around her back, and she slants her head giving me more access to her mouth, I take it while pulling her towards me. She starts grinding against my dick. I plunge my tongue into her mouth, taking over the kiss, she whimpers as I grind my dick into her. Her movements get faster, I take one hand and bring it around and lightly graze her nipple, it’s rock hard, she moans into my mouth. I pinch it, and she throws her head back, and I take full advantage and start nibbling on her neck. She starts to shake as she grinds against me h
arder. I pull on her nipple, and she comes apart, it’s fucking beautiful. I swallow her moan as I reclaim her mouth, she is still grinding against me. If she doesn’t stop, I’m going to cum. She doesn’t instead she pulls away from my mouth, while she is still grinding against me and bites her lip and fuck me I explode in my pants.

  “Sweets, I didn’t want things to progress that quickly I wanted to take things slowly with you. I wanted to let you set the pace.” I can never regret that in a million years seeing her cum, that soft look in her eyes, was beautiful.

  “Sammy, you didn’t force me or pressure me, it was my decision. I’m so happy that we could do that. I’m so glad that I didn’t go into my head that I was here with you the whole time. Please don’t regret it. I don’t, in fact, I really loved it.” She sounds so unsure of herself now, and I feel like a complete ass.

  “I don’t regret it Sweets. I swear. It was incredible. Now I have to go clean up.” She looks at me in confusion until it dawns on her what I mean and a smug smile plays across her face.

  “Yeah, um okay. I’ll wait here.” She says and stands up. I walk out of my office and into the bathroom. I quickly clean myself and as I exit the stall I see Oscar standing there with a smirk on his face.

  “You okay there Sam?” The bastard says with a big smile.

  “Yeah fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Two can play this game.

  “Just checking, you ran out of your office like you were being chased.” I laugh at his attempt at a joke as I wash my hands.

  “Fuck off, what do you want?” He leans against the door.

  “I think I have found him, or at least where he was streaming from.” That has my full attention.

  “Where is he?” My tone is lethal. I won’t be played when it comes to this fucker. This is the second person I have ever wanted to kill. The first one being Mullah Al-Mohammed.

  “Fuck I don’t want to be the one to say this, but you have to know. The stream has been coming from across the street from Winter’s apartment.” I see red. That fucker has been around her this whole time, probably watching everything she does. I punch the wall. Oscar grabs me, and I shake him off.

  “I’m fine,” I growl out. I shake my hand out, whilst pushing him away.

  “Yeah, bro I can see that. Your hands bleeding.” He says and his tone is wary. I look down, and sure enough, my knuckles are split, and there is blood flowing down my hand.

  “Fuck. How do I tell her that the bastard has been around her this whole time?” I bow my head thinking about how she will take this. How many fucking hits is she going to have to endure before this cunt is out of her life?

  “I’m sorry bro, I wish it were better news, let’s just hope that he’s still there,” Oscar says, and yeah, I really do hope he’s still there.

  “Thanks, man.” He nods and I walk out of the bathroom, dreading this. Fuck. I walk into my office to see she’s on her phone, and she has a smile on her face. Today was a good day, she was fucking happy. I’m praying this doesn’t send her back into herself. I close my office door and walk to my chair, I feel her eyes following me the whole way.

  “Come here,” I say opening my arms, she laughs. I have to contain my rage. She is fucking happy. I’m about to fucking ruin it. She walks over to me and sits on my lap. I draw her body into mine.

  “Winter. There is no easy way of saying it, so I’m going to say it fast, then I will answer any questions you have. Before I say it, I want you to know, that I’m here for you to lean on.” That sounded so fucking stupid. I’m meant to be comforting her. Instead, I sound like a dork.

  “Sammy, you’re scaring me.” Fuck! I hate her feeling scared, and I certainly don’t want to be the one scaring her.

  “Okay quick, so Oscar has been looking into where the camera and mics were being streamed to. Well, he found them. He’s been across the street the whole time, Sweets.” She doesn’t say anything, in fact, she doesn’t move, she just sits there staring at me. “Sweets?” That does it, she crumbles against me, sobbing her heart out, it’s loud, and all I can do is pull her closer to me and whisper to her, trying to calm her. “He won’t get you. I promise.” My door opens, and I see Skye walk in. What the hell has she never heard of knocking?

  “Oscar just told me, I wanted to check on Winter. I’m sorry I just barged in.” She’s looking at Winter with so much worry and sadness in her eyes that it’s hard to watch.

  “You’re fine. Did Oscar call Nathan?” I ask her, trying to get that look out of her eyes, she shakes her head and looks at me. Thank fuck.

  “Yes, he was calling Nathan as I left the conference room. I’d say we have about thirty minutes before they get here,” I bet it’s less than thirty minutes.

  “Good. The sooner we sort this fucker out, the better. He needs to be stopped.” Winter burrows deeper into me, and Skye’s eyes flash with rage. She nods at me and walks out of my office.

  “Sammy. Do you honestly think he’s still in the house across the street from us? I don’t. I think that he knows we’ve found the cameras and mics and knows he’s fucked, I think he’s gone.” She’s very smart, it’s the exact same thing I think.

  “Honestly Sweets, no I don’t think he’s still there. But I’m praying to everything I know that he’s dumb as fuck and hasn’t realized we’ve found the stuff.” She leans up and kisses my cheek.

  “Thank you, Sammy.” I give her a confused look. I don’t know why she is thanking me. She giggles.

  “For being here for me, it means the world to me.” Fuck, she has tears in her eyes again.

  “Fuck! Please don’t cry, it completely guts me seeing you cry. Also don’t thank me, having you here in my arms is the best feeling in the world. What happened right here on this chair not that long ago, that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Knowing you trust me is the fucking highest honor anyone could give me. But getting you to love me Sweets, that will be the greatest accomplishment I can ever have.” I really should just shut the fuck up, she’s crying again.

  “I’m pretty sure you have already had that accomplishment then.” She whispers. Wait. What? Did she just say she loved me?

  “Sweets...” Before I can even respond to that, my office door yet again opens without anyone knocking. I was right twenty minutes and Sophia, and Nathan are interrupting the most important conversation I’ve ever had to date. Fuckers!

  “Oh my God Wints, we’ll make sure he doesn’t get you,” Sophia says as she barges in and runs up to Winter pulling her off my lap and into a hug.

  “I’m okay Soph,” Winter says with conviction causing Soph to place her hands on Winter’s shoulders and pull her away to look at her, whatever she sees she starts smirking.

  “I think we interrupted something, Nathan. Anyway, I just spoke to Ryder, it's fucking weird calling him that by the way. He’s called the meeting for now. So chop - chop, let’s find this motherfucking asshole.” With that, she kisses Winters cheek and leaves my office. Nathan shakes his head at her. She’s right Ryder told us to call him Ryder instead of Sarge. It’s going to take a fucking long time to get out of the habit of calling him Sarge, he never did tell us why he wanted it changed.

  “She’s pissed off because I had to leave the boys with Kat.” He says with a smile.

  “Why didn’t she bring them here with her after we left the station? It’s not as if she can go with you guys when you search the house.” Winter says and then takes a step back so she’s in line with me.

  “Oh, and why is that?” Nathan asks and Winter shrugs her shoulders. “She told you didn’t she?” He seems pissed at the thought of Winter knowing Soph’s pregnant, I don’t know why since he told me.

  “I haven’t a clue what you are talking about,” Winter says in a serious tone, and she’s lying her cute fucking ass off.

  “She told you she was pregnant. I’m not stupid.” Winter gasps and I look at her and she’s got a massive smile on her face.

  “EEEEK!! Oh, My God!! She’s pregnant!! Tha
t’s awesome.” Winters jumping up and down squealing.

  “Wait, you didn’t know? Then what were you talking about, why else would she stay behind.” Nathan asks with a bewildered look.

  “Well who else is going to stay with me?” Damn, she makes a good point. I could have sworn she was lying about not knowing, but she really must not have.

  “Fuck! Okay, don’t say anything. Nobody knows.” He gives me a look telling me to stay quiet.

  “Oh it’s a bit late for that don’t you think.” Comes the reply from the doorway, we all turn and see Soph leaning against the door with her arms crossed staring at Nathan.

  “Look it was an accident, I thought she knew, and it slipped out.” She doesn’t say anything; she’s just watching him. Nathan walks up to her and whispers something into her ear. She shakes her head, but she’s smiling. He bends down and kisses her on the lips then walks out of the room. Soph watches until I presume he’s out of sight.

  “Thanks.” Is all Soph says and Winter giggles.

  “It was my pleasure, it was fun.” Soph walks over to her and they hi-five while giggling. Soph then walks out of the office closing the door behind her. It clicks, I was right all along. She had me fooled.

  “Now Sweets, that wasn’t nice, lying to Nathan.” She turns to me with her eyes sparkling.

  “Oh yeah, do you want me to tell Sophia that you already knew she was pregnant before Nathan opened his mouth.” How the fuck did she know I knew? “Now, I won’t tell Soph you knew as long as you don’t tell Nathan I misled him.” She is sneaky.

  “Fine,” I say trying my hardest to stifle my laugh. She is so freaking cute.

  “Come on Sammy don’t be mad, I didn’t hurt anyone, I just led him to believe what he wanted.” I think back to the conversation she had with Nathan and realize she actually never said she didn’t know, Sneaky fucker.


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