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A Silverhill Christmas

Page 5

by Carol Ericson

  “I might be able to arrange that.” Rio crossed his arms and dug his fingers into his biceps. Why’d he go and promise that? Ever since his mother had died, he’d vowed never to play protector again.

  Tori whipped her hands out of the pockets and clapped them together. “Now we’re on the same page. What do you want to know?”

  Running her fingers through her curls, she dropped onto the sofa and kicked her feet up on the coffee table.

  Rio perched on the arm of the sofa and hunched forward with his hands on his knees. How exactly was he supposed to get a kid out of Alexi Zherkov’s compound with its guards and motion sensors? He didn’t figure Alexi would allow his son to go anywhere with his nanny without protection.

  “Look, Tori…”

  They both jumped at the sharp rap on the hotel door. “Room service.”

  Holding up his hand to Tori, Rio crept toward the door. He squinted through the peephole and assessed the waiter with the cart. He swung open the door, keeping possession of the handle in case he had to smash it against the waiter’s face.

  The waiter wheeled the cart into the room and hoisted a silver tray. “On the coffee table or credenza?”

  “Right here.” Tori patted the gleaming surface of the coffee table in front of her.

  The waiter unloaded several items from the cart. “Enjoy.”

  Rio dug some bills from his pocket and handed them to the waiter on his way out. When he turned back to the room, Tori had already lifted the covers from two plates.

  She closed her eyes and sniffed. “This smells great. Last thing I had to eat, if you can call it that, was the shaved ice. Don’t get me wrong. It was exceptional, but hardly a meal.”

  “About getting to your son…”

  She picked up a french fry and waved it in the air. “We don’t need to discuss the details now. I know you can get him out.”

  Tori had a helluva lot more confidence in him than he did. He let out a breath and joined her on the sofa. She had one thing right. The food smelled good and his body demanded sustenance.

  They ate in silence for several minutes until Tori dropped her half-eaten burger onto the plate. “Whoa. Ate too fast.”

  Rio touched his nose. “You have some ketchup on the tip of your nose.”

  She snorted and dabbed her nose with her napkin. “That’s another reason why they kicked me out of Glazkova.”

  “How’d you wind up marrying him?”

  Holding the napkin over her mouth, she slumped against the cushions of the sofa. “I was young and stupid. While I was in college, both of my parents died in a plane crash. I wanted to quit school and go home, but my brother forced me to stick with it. Once I graduated, I didn’t want to go home anymore. Instead, I decided to travel.”


  “Not at first. I spent time in different countries and kept hearing about Glazkova—the parties, the beaches, the lifestyle. I decided to check it out for myself.”

  “And was it all you dreamed it would be?” Rio cocked his head to study her face. He had a hard time imagining this single-minded woman relaxing.

  “Oh, yeah.” She twisted the napkin in her lap. “For the tourists anyway, there seemed to be no rules, no laws. It was one big party, presided over by the partier-in-chief, Prince Alexi.”

  “Were his parents already dead?” He’d heard once the old prince had died, the younger generation had let loose. Alexi’s father had also been involved in criminal enterprises, but not drugs and not arms dealing.

  She nodded. “They died a few years before I arrived, so party central was in full-swing.”

  “And you met Alexi at one of his parties?”

  “Not just any party, his big birthday bash.”

  “What was it? Love at first sight? He swept you off your feet beneath a full Glazkova moon?” Rio’s jaw tightened. For some reason that scenario left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Tori gave a short laugh and dragged a fry through a puddle of ketchup on her plate. “Not exactly.”

  “A slow courtship? He wined and dined you. Introduced you to the beauty of his country, the magnitude of his wealth and power?”

  She compressed her lips and smashed the fry on her plate. “Not. Exactly.”

  The blood pumped in Rio’s veins, fast and hot. Had the SOB coerced her in some way? He knew it. No chance a classy woman like Tori would fall for scum like Alexi.

  Rio reached for her hand, entwining his sticky fingers with hers. “What happened, Tori? How’d you become Princess Victoria of Glazkova?”

  For the second time that night, someone knocked on the hotel door. Gasping, Tori disentangled herself from Rio and jumped from the sofa. She shushed him and tripped toward the door.

  Standing on tiptoes, she peeked out the peephole. Then she spun around, and with her face as white as a sandy beach, she drew her index finger across her throat.

  Chapter Five

  Tori’s already rapidly beating heart went into full gallop when Rio charged toward the door. What exactly did he think he was going to do to Alexi in her hotel room?

  She rushed at him and grabbed his forearms, the muscles corded and tight. Drawing him close, she whispered, “You can’t do this now. You have to hide.”

  Rio huffed out a warm breath, stirring her damp hair. “I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

  “It’s what I wanted. It’s what I came for.” Not that she didn’t want to leave that door closed on Alexi forever and fall into this man’s warm, protective embrace. But she had to get Max. Nothing else mattered. “You’ll be putting me in more danger if Alexi finds you here, if he figures out who you are.”

  Alexi rapped on the door again. “Victoria, I know you’re in there. Let me in.”

  Tori shoved at Rio’s solid chest, although she had no idea where he could hide in the suite. His chocolate brown eyes darkened and he crushed her against his body and murmured into her hair, “Be careful.”

  Rio cruised past the coffee table and scooped up the extra plate and glass and then slipped through the sliding glass door.

  “Just a minute. I’m here.” She unlatched the chain from the door and swept it open. It was a mistake to show any weakness in front of Alexi. He’d detect it and go in for the kill.

  The lean, dark man lounging against the wall pinned her with piercing dark eyes in a craggy face. He had a few more lines than she remembered. Drugs? No, Alexi sold but never indulged. Stress. Must be nerve-racking to have to watch your back 24/7.

  Her gaze slid past Alexi to the dark shape hulking in the background. She leveled a finger at the bodyguard. “He’s not coming in here. He scared me spitless when he grabbed me earlier.”

  “Still giving orders, Victoria?” Alexi’s heavy lids fell over his eyes as if she bored him already. “Damn straight.”

  He raised his brows. “If you came all the way to Maui to talk to me, you can at least let me into your hotel room.”

  Stepping aside, she ushered him in, sweeping her arm into the room. “After you.”

  Alexi strolled around the room, wrinkling his nose at the tray of half-eaten food. Good thinking on Rio’s part to take the extra plate and glass. She’d have had a hard time explaining the table for two to Alexi.

  He plucked a napkin from the tray and wiped off the edge of the credenza before leaning his hip against its edge. “What is it you want, Victoria?”

  “How’s Max?”

  “Maksim is fine. He’s a little prince—imperious, demanding and self-confident—everything he should be.”

  Tori gulped against the sour bile rising from her gut. He was turning her sweet boy into a monster, just like his father. “I want to see him.”

  Alexi clicked his tongue while he smoothed back his hair. “You abandoned your son. You have no rights.”

  “We’re not in Glazkova anymore.” Tori clenched her fists and took a step toward Alexi.

  “And that means?” He brushed an imaginary speck of lint from his black turtleneck.
/>   “That means I can make life a living hell for you here while you’re…doing business. Attorneys, court appearances, subpoenas, law enforcement.”

  Alexi snapped his fingers. “I can whisk Maksim back to Glazkova at a moment’s notice if I choose.”

  Tori swallowed her fear and straightened her spine. “You may send Max back, but you’ll still be here. And I’ll come at you even harder.”

  Alexi pushed off the credenza and wandered toward the sliding door to the balcony. His eyes met hers in the reflection of the glass. “And what if I allow you to see Maksim?”

  Tori shoved her hand in the deep pocket of the robe so she wouldn’t smash her fist into his smug face. “If I can visit with Max while he’s in Maui, I won’t cause any trouble for you.”

  “Of course, I couldn’t allow unsupervised visits.” Alexi spread his hands and shrugged. “An adulterer is hardly a fit mother for my son, the future Prince of Glazkova.”

  Gritting her teeth, Tori smiled. “We both know the truth about that charge. However, I don’t mind supervised visits. Is Irina still with you?”

  He spun around to face her. “She is, but Irina is silly and sentimental. I wouldn’t trust her not to fall under your persuasive spell, Victoria. After all, you bewitched me.”

  God, she’d love to see Rio plant his big fist against Alexi’s aristocratic nose. She lifted a shoulder. “Send a guard with us. I don’t care. I just want to see my son.”

  “One guard? You’d probably have him wrapped around your little finger in a matter of days.”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake. Send an army with us.” She knew darned well Alexi wouldn’t want to leave her alone with Max too far out of his domain. But he had to be the one to suggest the compound. She didn’t want him to suspect her eagerness to stay under his roof.

  Alexi brought his hands together and rested his chin on the tips of his fingers. “I suppose if you stayed at my facility here in Maui, I might be comfortable enough.”

  “Stay with you? Are you nuts? I tried that once before. Didn’t work out too well.”

  “Yes.” His dark eyes glowed as he warmed up to the idea. “You could stay in the south wing of the property with Maksim, see him every day, but under the watchful eye of my staff. Take it or leave it, Victoria.”

  She gestured toward the double doors of her suite. “You can’t send Igor out there along with me? I’m sure he’d never succumb to my feminine wiles.”

  “You’d have to give up this nice suite.” He grabbed the handle of the sliding door and yanked it. “Such a beautiful view, but I assure you I have such views from my property.”

  Alexi stepped onto the balcony and Tori’s heart skittered in her chest. He said something else, but he wasn’t shouting so he hadn’t discovered Rio yet.

  “What?” She followed him outside, her gaze darting to the four corners of the empty balcony.

  “I said, my view is nicer because the location is more isolated.”

  Where was Rio? Her suite was on the fifth floor with nothing but ocean fronting the balcony. Did he take another dive? She shivered and hugged herself.

  “Are you cold?” Alexi moved closer and she took a step back. His gaze trailed down her body and she shivered again. “You must’ve been in the shower when I arrived. Are you naked beneath the robe?”

  She pressed her back against the balcony and clamped her arms across her waist, tugging at the robe’s sash. “You are crazy.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t act so shocked. I remember how hot you were. Still are.”

  “That’s funny. I don’t remember much at all about those nights in Glazkova.”

  “You were a party girl, Victoria.” He winked like the one-eyed blinking of a lizard.

  “And you are a drug dealer, Alexi. You had access to all kinds of pretty little pills, didn’t you? Which one did you slip into my drink?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Believe what you will, Victoria. You were a willing companion and we created a superior son.”

  “A son I never get to see.” She was grateful for the darkness that shrouded the balcony and hid the tears sparkling in her eyes. She’d never allow Alexi to see her cry…ever.

  Alexi jerked his head up at a scraping sound from the balcony next door. “What’s that?”

  “I think my neighbors opened their door and then shut it.” Tori held her breath. Somehow Rio must’ve jumped to the next balcony.

  “A suite like this should afford you more privacy. Wait until you see the compound I rented south of here.”

  “I’m sure it’s quite a luxurious prison.” She moved toward the sliding door to get Alexi off the balcony.

  Alexi stepped inside after her, and she released a slow, measured breath. “You can come and go as you please. You just can’t take Maksim with you when you do so. In exchange, you won’t harass me with your American lawyers and writs and decrees and court appearances. You’d lose anyway.”

  No, you’re going to lose this time, Prince Alexi. “Fine.”

  He held out his hand, his long, tapered fingers almost touching her arm. “Shall we shake on it?”

  “That’s okay.” She brushed past him on her way to the door. “Give me the directions and I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  Alexi paused in front of the credenza and wrapped his fingers around Rio’s mini wine bottle. Picking it up, he tilted it toward the other wine bottle on the coffee table. “I thought you never had more than one drink…anymore.”

  “I tipped that one over when I opened it and half the wine spilled out. Not that my drinking habits are your business…anymore. Tomorrow then?”

  “Tomorrow isn’t good.” Alexi grasped the handle and opened the door, revealing his bodyguard still lounging nearby. “The day after tomorrow works better for me.”

  “Does Max remember me?” Tori arranged her face into a stiff mask.

  Alexi’s own face hardened and his black eyes narrowed to slits. “I told my son the truth. His mother abandoned him and was no longer welcome in our country. If he thinks of you at all, it’s with the proper distaste.”

  “Have Igor leave the directions at the front desk. Same place he dropped off that rotting lei, courtesy of you. I’ll drive my rental car out the day after tomorrow.” She slammed the door and pressed her back against it until the sorrow overwhelmed her.

  Then she sank to the floor in a boneless heap.

  THE VOICES FROM TORI’S suite ceased and Rio thought he heard a door slamming. He uncurled his large frame from beneath the table shoved up against the side of the balcony. He climbed onto the side and leaped to Tori’s balcony, his hands grasping for the edge. He swung to the side and hoisted his legs over, his bare feet slapping against the tile.

  Peering into the room, his blood ran cold and his heart froze. He strode across the sitting room carpet and crouched next to Tori, huddled on the floor, her hair creating a veil over her face.

  “Did he hurt you? I’ll kill him.”

  She shook her head and her hair swayed. “Not physically.”

  All the sass had evaporated from Tori’s voice, which quavered and cracked. He’d heard enough of their conversation on the balcony to figure out how that piece of garbage had coerced Tori into bed.

  Rio scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. With one hand he yanked back the covers on the king-size bed and settled her on the satin sheets. Then he tucked the top sheet and blanket around her body, curled away from him in a fetal position.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand between his, rubbing her stiff fingers. He wanted to comfort her but he didn’t have the words. He couldn’t express his thoughts, which swirled in the violence he wanted to inflict on that man.

  So he held her hand.

  After several minutes, she sniffled and stirred. “Sorry,” she mumbled into the pillow. “Don’t be.”

  Rolling toward him, she brushed the curls from her face. He’d expected wet cheeks and a red nose, but she hadn’t shed any tears
. Her freckles stood out on her pale skin, and she blinked her glassy eyes a few times.

  “What did he say to hurt you?” More like devastated, judging from her demeanor.

  “Does it matter? It’s all one big pile of hurt.”

  “I can take some of that hurt if you want to share it with me.” He’d had enough pain in his lifetime—he could shoulder hers without reaching his own threshold.

  She gripped his hand like a lifeline. “He’s been telling lies about me to Max. M-Max hates me now.”

  He circled his thumb against the back of her hand. At least his mother never bad-mouthed Ralph McClintock to him. He’d learned to hate the man all on his own. “Max doesn’t hate you. How old is he—five?”


  “A four-year-old needs his mother. He may agree with his father because he wants to please him, but Max doesn’t hate you. Whatever lies Alexi has fed him, Max will forgive anything. You’re his mom.”

  The corner of Tori’s mouth lifted. “Never figured you for a pop psychologist. That was pretty good.”

  Warmth washed over his face, and he shrugged. “I have a lot of experience with weird family dynamics and an absent parent.”

  Tori glanced down at their entwined hands. “Thanks, Rio.”

  “I overheard a little of your conversation on the balcony. Did Alexi slip you a date rape drug in Glazkova?”

  A rose color flooded her pale cheeks. “I—I’m not sure. To his credit and my discredit, it’s not like he beat me over the head and dragged me off to his bed.”

  He shrugged. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel guilty about bad choices…or hear about her courtship with Alexi. “I didn’t figure Prince Alexi would have to use those methods with any woman.”

  “No.” She ran her hands over her face. “He had charm to spare, believe it or not. He was everything a girl from the sticks dreamed of—urbane, sophisticated, cultured and knowledgeable about art and music and literature. A real catch if you never saw his dark side.”

  He cocked his head. How did a girl from the sticks manage to get invited to parties thrown by Glazkova royalty?


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