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Something For The Pain

Page 8

by Victoria Ashley

  I’ve never had anything screw with me so much before, and make me lose all sense of control. I can’t seem to focus for shit and I know that I need to go and talk to her. We’ve said few words here and there, but nothing more. It’s my fault. It’s because I’m scared she may not look at me the same way. The last thing I want her to think is that she’s just another girl. That’s the last thing she is. She’s the girl. Always has been.

  Bringing my ass back to reality, I do twenty more push-ups before doing a set of side planks and moving on to a set of sit-ups. I’ve been in here working out for the last two hours and I still feel so tense that I could probably go for another two hours.

  I’m sweating so hard right now that I can barely even see through the sweat that is dripping down my eyes. I don’t think I’ve worked myself this hard for as long as I can remember. It’s either work this aggression out in the gym or in someone’s bed. Right now, someone else’s bed is the last place I want to be.

  I let myself sweat it off for another thirty minutes before exiting the rec room and stepping out into the hall. My ears instantly perk up at the moans coming from Lucas’ bedroom. It’s at least two in the morning. I guess Tripp couldn’t sleep either.

  Taking a deep breath, I blow it out dramatically before jogging up the stairs, just wanting to get as far away from the sounds of Lucas fucking Tripp as I can. The sound of his bed slamming against the wall is enough for me to explode right now.

  Once I get to the top of the stairs, I instantly take notice of Tripp’s bedroom door closed. I find it to be a little odd since she’s not in it, but I just shrug it off and walk into my room, stripping myself until I’m standing sweaty and completely naked.

  Something about being naked just feels so good. The only thing that will feel even better right now is some hot as fuck water beating down on my body and sore muscles.

  I open the door to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks, surprised, when I see Tripp stepping out of the shower in all her naked glory.

  She looks like a damn goddess, standing before me.

  Her long, thick hair is dripping water down the front of her perky tits and the curve of her thighs are so firm and smooth that I immediately think about dropping to my knees and licking her body all over.

  Her eyes widen in surprise as her lips open in shock. She seems frozen in place from my presence before she turns the other way and reaches for a towel, struggling to cover herself up.

  She’s not fast enough for me to miss a glimpse of her perfectly plump ass though.

  “Shit, Alex!” She finally manages to get her towel wrapped around her body. “I didn’t think you were home. I couldn’t sleep so I . . .” She shakes her head. “Never mind. I’m done so you can have the shower.”

  After getting over the initial shock of seeing her completely naked, my brain finally registers the fact that Lucas is downstairs right now fucking someone that isn’t Tripp. Screw being naked. I’m not going to hide from her. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before.

  “What the fuck.” I feel the rage swarm through my body as she just stands there, facing the other way. “I thought you were downstairs in Lucas’ bed.”

  She shakes her head and lets out a small breath. “I haven’t felt like being in his bed. He’s free to have his fun.”

  I watch as she reaches for her door handle and pushes it open, escaping to her room. Following her through the bathroom, I grab a towel, wrap it around my waist, and enter her room a few steps behind her.

  She looks back, confused, when she notices that I’ve followed her into her room. “This is how things work between us. You don’t need to worry about it.”

  We both just stand here in silence, both of us obviously thinking of who is going to speak their mind next.

  “I’m sorry, Alex.” She takes a seat on the edge of her bed and swings her wet hair over her shoulder. “I don’t want you to think any differently of me now that we’ve kissed. You’re my best friend. You haven’t been acting the same and it scares me.”

  “I don’t.” I lie. “You don’t need to worry about that. That was just me feeling stupid for taking advantage of you. I don’t want to be around you any less.”

  My mind is spiraling out of control, as I stand here watching her, knowing that we’re both naked under these towels. It would be so easy to lose these towels right now, and for me to climb onto her bed and give her the best fucking of her life. Lucas is a fucking loser. He doesn’t even deserve to have her that way.

  He needs to see how a real man pleasures a woman.

  “I think we should do it.” I step closer to her, stopping right in front of her bed.

  She looks up at me and swallows nervously as I lean forward and place my hands on the outside of her thighs. “Do what?”

  Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine as she waits patiently for me to answer. I may be making a huge mistake with these next words, but I can’t help but to want this more than anything I’ve ever wanted before.

  “Have sex.” I lean over her, causing her to let out a small moan as she looks up at my chest. “I think that Lucas needs to see how a real man fucks. If you’re going to be exclusive to Lucas then he needs to know how to satisfy you in every possible way. You deserve that at least.”

  I take notice of her breathing as it picks up and the red of her cheeks as her whole body flushes from my words. “Alex, I don’t . . .” She swallows hard and squeezes her eyes shut. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend. I need you.”

  I hate that she thinks she could ever lose me. Grabbing her hip, I scoot her across the bed until I’m leaning completely over her with my body aligned with hers. “That would never happen,” I say gently. “I need you just as much.” I run my fingertip over her bottom lip. “I can’t stand the thought of him fucking other women while you just sit around. You deserve to be pleasured just as much as he does. I promise you that there is nothing to worry about. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Her eyes meet my lips as she whispers, “I trust you.”

  “Alright,” I say softly. “Get some sleep. We don’t need to worry about the details right now.” I bend down, kiss the tip of her nose, and smile, as the tension seems to leave us both.

  She smiles back and pushes my arm as I roll over beside her, wrapping my other arm around her waist. I lay here for a while until she falls asleep next to me. Then, I go and take a shower before going back to my room and just sitting on my bed, staring at the wall that she painted for me. I love her for that damn wall. I stare at it until my eyes become so heavy that I have no choice but to close them.

  I’M ZONING IN ON THE table that I’m cleaning, when I feel something bounce off the back of my head. I swear, sometimes Harley acts like such a two year old, and I’m just really not in the mood for it.

  “I’m not cleaning that up.” I point out. “I’ve been busting my ass for the last hour. I’m ready to go.”

  “Yeah, so leave it for the morning cleaner. Who gives a crap about a tiny beer cap?”

  I hear the click of her heels as she walks around the bar to join me by the table I’m cleaning.

  “Is Lucas picking you up tonight or do you want a ride?”

  I toss my towel down and turn around to lean against the table. “Lucas is on his way to get me.”

  We both look up when we hear Dax’s office door slam closed.

  “I need to get the hell out of here before I lose my shit.” He looks around the empty bar. “Can you girls handle closing up while I go choke out my little brother? He’s in trouble again and this can’t wait.”

  Harley gives him two thumbs up and I nod my head, not really wanting to deal with him or ask him about his troubled brother.

  “Thanks.” He walks past us in a hurry. “I’ll see you in the morning, Harley.” He taps the doorframe before speaking again. “Enjoy your day off, Tripp. I’ll see you on Friday.”

  I just look at him and nod my head.

  “Alright,” he mumbles while r
ushing out the door.

  “Why have you been so tense lately?” Harley questions, while looking me over. “Do you need to get laid or something? I don’t like it. This distance bullshit does not look good on you, sweets.”

  I roll my eyes and toss my towel down beside me. “No. What? I don’t know.” I look up at her. “It’s complicated. Just never mind.”

  Harley jumps up and takes a seat on the table I just finished cleaning. “Oh no . . . I don’t think so. Spill it.”

  Feeling as if I will explode if I keep it in any longer, I decide to spill the details. Well some of them at least. “Alright . . .” I take a seat in one of the chairs and Harley reaches out and tugs my hair until I’m close enough for her to play with it.

  “Lucas wants to watch me have sex with another man. There . . . that’s what’s up.”

  I let out a small yelp as she yanks my head back and screams in my ear. “He actually said that?”

  I pinch her thigh, letting her know to loosen her damn grip on my hair. “Yeah, but if you keep pulling my hair every time I spill the details, then you’re not going to hear much. Trust me.”

  She lets go of my hair completely. “My bad. Sorry. I’ve been a little sexually frustrated since your party last week, and I refuse to call Ace and let him think that he has the upper hand.” She throws her arms up to show me that I’m safe from her grip. “Okay, so what’s the problem? I would love for a guy I was seeing to request that. You’re not really serious right now anyways, so do it.”

  I run my hands over my face in frustration from the confusion that I’m still feeling over this. “It’s not that simple, Harley. There’s a lot on the line with this.”

  “How?” She wraps her legs around me and squeezes. “Tell me!”

  “Dammit, woman.” I squirm my way out of her ninja grip and jump to my feet. “I’m not getting close to you until you get out your damn frustration.”

  “I’m sorry, but you’re pushing me by taking forever for the details. You know I’m not a patient woman, and mixed with an unhappy vagina I’m a bitch to deal with.”

  I grab for my towel again and quickly start on the last dirty table. I just want to explode. “Because it’s with Alex. That’s why! Tell me that doesn’t mean something.”

  “Oh . . . that means something alright.” She hops down from the table and starts following me around the room, eager for me to keep going. “Are you going to do it? What does Alex think? Does he want to?”

  I stop and think back to my conversation with Alex last night. He made it clear that he wanted us to, but for a certain reason. I’m not sure if that can be the only reason for me.

  “He said we should do it. He has his reasons for it and with it being Alex and how he is, I don’t blame him.” I walk to the back and dump the bucket of rags into the sink, with Harley following close behind. “But what if it feels too good?” I turn around to face her and place my hands behind me, gripping onto the sink. “What if I fall in love with Alex? That’s what I’m worried about. I’m just not sure if it’s worth one night of pleasure with him.”

  Harley lifts an eyebrow and looks at me as if I’m stupid. “I’m sorry, but have you seen Alex? Have you seen those dimples or his sexy as sin body? The only reason I hold back is because you two are so close. I’m not so sure that I could say no if I had the opportunity thrown right at my face. Just saying. This might be your only chance to experience his body. Are you sure you can pass that up because you’re too scared? Just shut your feelings off and think with your pussy. Men do it. Why can’t we?”

  Crap! She has a point, a few actually. Not to mention the fact that Alex wanting to show Lucas how to take care of me has me extremely curious of what he can do to my body. It’s been all I can think about all day.

  Taking a long, deep breath, I turn off the lights, one by one, while making my way back to the front so we can lock up and get out of here.

  “You’re right.” I agree. “They do, but Alex doesn’t when it comes to me. Otherwise he would have made a move a long time ago. Either that or he just doesn’t want me that way. I don’t know, but he did kiss me a few days ago. He was drunk though, so it probably didn’t mean anything.”

  Turning off the last sign, Harley gives me a little shove toward the door, before she pushes it open and we both step outside. After locking the door, she turns to me right as Lucas is pulling up.

  She looks at Lucas’ car before looking me in the eyes. “You know that people’s true feelings come out when they’re drunk, right? Look at me when I get drunk. It’s the only time I will admit to being vulnerable. Alex wants your body just as bad as you want his. When a sexy man and woman are best friends, they’re bound to have sex at least once just for the pleasure of it. I say fuck it and do it. Do it good!”

  I laugh at her and suddenly I don’t feel as on edge about it all. “We’ll see,” I say with a smirk. “I might or might not tell you the details.”

  “Yeah . . . you better.”

  Lucas honks his horn and yells something out his window, but Harley just gives him the middle finger and smiles at him. “I guess I should let you go so you can make plans to fuck your best friend. Eeek!” She squeals. “Have fun for me, and I mean it.”

  “Bye, Harley,” I say stiffly. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  I stand and watch her get in her car, before I hop into Lucas’. I hate it when the waitresses are the last ones out at night. Dax really should make one of the men stick around, even when it isn’t very busy. I’m going to have to talk to him about that before Alex does.

  As soon as I shut the door behind me, Lucas reaches over and grips my thigh. “Have you thought more about it, baby? Alex has already agreed, but I knew he would. He’d be stupid not to.”

  I feel my heart beat out of my chest as I allow the words to come out. “I’m in.” I can’t believe I’m saying this.

  Lucas squeezes my thigh, before reaching over and pulling me in for a kiss. “Yes, baby, that makes me happy. I promise you that this will be the most arousing thing you will ever experience. Fucking your best friend while your boyfriend watches, and knowing that it’s perfectly okay. Fuck . . . me.” He growls and then shifts the car into drive. “I promise that you won’t regret this.”

  Please let that be true . . .

  TRIPP SHOULD BE HOME ANY minute and I’ve been sitting here with a hard-on all damn day, just thinking about being inside her. I’m throwing all my fears aside for one fucking night and giving her everything that I have been secretly dying to for years.

  This one night could ruin everything that we’ve built over the last thirteen years. I’m well aware that it could kill us, but I can’t fight the urge to have her anymore . . . not with the opportunity at the tip of my fingers and the desire burning so deep that I can barely breathe. I may just be the biggest idiot for agreeing to this, but Tripp deserves every bit of what I’m about to give her.

  I look up with my jaw tensed when I hear Lucas’ car pull into the garage. This is it. It’s finally about to happen. I’m going to go at this as if Lucas doesn’t even fucking exist, and I’m going to ease her into it as soon as she walks through that door.

  If this is the only night that I’m going to get with her then she’s going to get the full experience of what it would be like to be mine. Too bad for Lucas. What he has given her won’t even compare after this.

  Not bothering to hide my erection, I stand to my feet and walk toward the door as soon as I see Tripp push it open.

  Looking down at the ground, she doesn’t even notice me until my hands are cupping her face with my lips brushing against her.

  Her eyes meet mine and she swallows. “Alex . . .”

  “Tripp . . .”

  Grabbing her thighs, I pick her up and kiss her, causing her to moan out against my lips. Her body is shaking in my arms, her heart beating so fast that it’s becoming hard for her to breathe. I place my hand to her chest when I hear her struggling.

  I can see Lucas fro
m the corner of my eye, watching us, but I work my tongue with Tripp’s, doing my best to block his ass out and focus on making Tripp feel completely fucking taken care of.

  “Damn . . .” Lucas moans out, as I shift my hands to cup her ass and begin walking her upstairs to my bedroom, keeping my mouth locked with hers the whole way. “You’re ready. Well shit . . . so am I.”

  I’ve been ready for way fucking longer than you can imagine, asshole, and you’re about to get the show of your life.

  Kicking my door open, I tangle both of my hands into the back of Tripp’s hair and pull back until her eyes meet mine. “Are you ready, Firecracker?” I whisper.

  She nods her head and tightens her grip around my neck. “Yes . . . I don’t know.” She sucks in a deep breath and buries her face into my neck. Her heavy breath on my neck causes my grip on her hair to tighten and for my already hard cock to somehow harden even more. “Yes, Alex. Make love to me.”

  Her words cause a surge of heat to shoot through my fucking body and my heart to beat erratically in my chest. I’ve been waiting to hear those four little words for what feels like a fucking lifetime, and they feel just as good as I imagined. Lucas definitely doesn’t exist anymore.

  Walking over to my bed, I gently lay her down and stand above her, looking at her as she watches me with a heated stare. I find my eyes retreating to her legs, and the way they tremble turns me on like I’ve never been turned on before. My cock is throbbing so hard it almost hurts and I feel like my zipper is about to burst at the seam. All that I want is to bury myself deep inside her pussy and fuck her slow and hard, until she comes all over my dick while screaming my name. Not Lucas’ . . . but mine: Alex Fucking Carter.

  Gripping her thighs, I pull her body down until her ass is resting at the bottom of my bed. Then I kneel down on the carpet and run my hands up the inside of her legs, before spreading them wide open. Biting my bottom lip and growling, I yank her body even closer to mine with so much desperation that Lucas must think I’m crazy, but I don’t care. I have to taste her, to feel her warmth against my tongue.


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