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Killer in The Woods: A Psychological Thriller

Page 15

by Flowers, R. Barri

  Not me, that’s for damn sure, the detective thought, dismissing the prospect as highly unlikely.

  “Grab some plates and dig in,” Cramer ordered the Herreras. He pointed to a spread fit for royalty.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Quinn said.

  Cramer smiled. “Good. There’s too much food here for it to go to waste.”

  Selene eyed Cramer and decided this was not the right time to talk about Ashley Leighton. Instead, she said, “If all else fails, I’m sure Quinn would be more than happy to bring some ribs home with him, Dennis. And it might get me off the hook from cooking for a day or two.”

  Cramer threw his head back and laughed at the thought. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Melody Cramer joined them. She hugged Selene and said, “I’ve been meaning to thank you for organizing the community the way you have. Heaven knows we needed to band together to try to stop this killer.”

  “I only did what anyone would have, if they’d had the time,” Selene said modestly.

  “But that’s the point...most of us don’t have the time. That’s why we’ve been so disorganized...until now.”

  “I just hope we can achieve our primary objective,” Selene said, “and find the killer before another woman dies.”

  “Yeah, you and everyone else,” Cramer muttered bleakly. “Let’s not go down that road now and spoil the picnic, at least not till everyone’s had plenty to eat!”

  “I think we’re well on our way to that,” Quinn said, licking barbecue sauce from the corner of his mouth.

  “That’s for sure,” Julian offered spiritedly as he joined them. He grabbed some chips and stuffed them in his mouth.

  Everyone laughed, though Selene knew that no one was laughing on the inside as long as a killer was in their midst.

  * * *

  Later that evening, Selene was finally able to corner Cramer away from everyone else. Even then, she hesitated, not wanting to cause trouble where there was none for Ashley. But she also knew it was her duty to try to protect all abuse victims—for their own good.

  “Has Ashley Leighton been at work lately?” Selene asked curiously.

  Cramer raised a brow. “No, she’s taken some time off.”

  “Oh...” That seemed just a little too convenient to suit Selene.

  “Why do you ask?”

  She met his eyes. “A mutual friend hasn’t been able to get in touch with her. She’s worried and, frankly, so am I.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not unusual for people in highly stressful jobs to take some time off for personal reasons—”

  “In the middle of a murder investigation?”

  “There’s never a good time,” Cramer said. “Let’s face it, this case is starting to get to everyone, including me. If I could, I’d take my family on vacation tomorrow. But I don’t have the same luxury as Ashley right now.”

  Selene was far from convinced. “You said Ashley took time off for personal reasons?”

  “I was speculating.” He peered at her. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  Selene wondered if she should tell him about the domestic violence. Once it was out there, Ashley could no longer deny it to her colleagues and superiors. But what if she wasn’t being battered anymore and things were working out between her and her husband?

  Do I have the right to bring it to the attention of her boss?

  Selene shrugged. “I heard she was having marital problems.”

  “What kind of problems?”

  “Maybe you should ask her,” Selene said.

  “Look, I appreciate your friend’s concern. And yours, too,” Cramer said. “But no marriage is perfect. Mine certainly isn’t...but don’t tell Melody that.” Cramer chuckled. “I know Ashley’s husband, Robert. Well, sort of. He really loves her—anyone can see that—but I’m sure they have their ups and downs like the rest of us. I trust her to come to me or the chief if she’s got something to say.”

  Maybe the police really were naive when it came to their own and denial, Selene thought. Or Robert Leighton had effectively managed to pull the wool over just about everyone’s eyes.

  Selene knew then that the best way to ensure Ashley’s safety, without jeopardizing her right to separate her private life from her career, was to pay her a visit.

  * * *

  Dennis Cramer watched as Selene returned to her husband. He considered the possibility that Ashley Leighton was having some marital problems that she might not have wanted to disclose. He recalled her swollen eye and other bruises, aches, and pains, which Ashley had quickly dismissed as insignificant or caused by something other than her husband.

  Then the realization suddenly hit Cramer head on. How had he not put two and two together? Robert Leighton was obviously abusing Ashley, and keeping her from the job in one respect or another. The Bluffs Bay Police Department had zero tolerance for men beating their wives. He would have to let Officer Leighton know that she had the department’s full support on this.

  Weighing equally heavy on Cramer’s mind at the moment was the very real possibility that one of his guests at this barbecue was a serial killer.


  Ashley Leighton tossed and turned in bed. She had been unable to sleep for days—or ever since becoming self-confined in her home. Feeling the pain of her husband’s fists and verbal assaults once again, she lacked the energy to do anything but stay in bed and feel sorry for herself. It hadn’t been easy to take time off from work when everyone on the force was feeling the heat from an unsolved serial killer case.

  Yet she had done just that. She knew she was a fool to stay with a man who beat her, even when he begged for forgiveness afterwards and promised it would be the last time he ever hit her. She had heard it all too many times before, including repeated promises to go to anger management therapy, which of course he never did.

  Now she lived in constant fear.

  Fear that the next time he might kill her. Or make her wish she were dead.

  Fear that if she opened up to her colleagues they would think she was inferior and thereby unworthy of being a police officer.

  Fear that if she just ran away, Robert would track her down and drag her back kicking and screaming.

  Fear that there was nowhere and no one to turn to. She had ignored Kay’s messages and visits, not wanting to further involve her friend in an ugly situation that Ashley felt was of her own making.

  She had considered returning to the shelter where Selene Herrera really seemed to care for women like her. But that also seemed like a bad idea. Robert had let it be known in no uncertain terms that he wanted no outside help. In other words, stay away from S.A.W. House if you know what’s good for you.

  Ashley had taken his not so veiled threat seriously, knowing full well what her husband was capable of doing. Especially to women.

  Which brought Ashley to her worst fear of all. Fear that Robert would drive her to kill him as the only means for her to avoid being killed. Unlike shooting someone in the line of duty, which she had never done, Ashley was even more reluctant to use her gun against the man she had promised to love and cherish. It just wasn’t right, regardless of what he had done to her.

  In spite of those feelings, Ashley wasn’t so battered and beaten to know that she had reached a breaking point. This couldn’t go on any longer without serious consequences.

  She said a quick prayer that God would give her the strength to fight back by some means.

  For now, she just wanted to sleep and stay out of Robert’s way whenever she could.

  * * *

  The doorbell rang, jarring Ashley awake. She was surprised that she’d actually managed to fall asleep.

  Ashley wanted to ignore the unwanted visitor, but something inside her made her get up to see who it was. She assumed it was Kay checking on her again.

  Glancing at the clock, Ashley saw that it was six-thirty p.m. Normally, Robert would have been home, but he was away for a few days at a confer
ence about understanding the law. She considered that pretty ironic, since he was so good at violating the law whenever he saw fit.

  Ashley dragged herself out of bed and made her way to the intercom.

  “Yes,” she called out tonelessly.

  “Hi, Ashley,” the voice said. “It’s Selene Herrera...from S.A.W. House.”

  Ashley shuddered. After a moment, she asked nervously, “What are you doing here?”

  “Kay was worried about you. I just want to make sure you’re all right.”

  Oh, Kay, why did you have to go to her? Ashley knew the answer. Her dear friend was merely trying to help. Even if the help wasn’t wanted.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” she tried to say convincingly.

  “Will you let me in, Ashley?” Selene persisted. “I just want to talk for a few minutes. Then I’ll be out of your hair, if that’s what you want.”

  Ashley thought about it. Normally this would be out of the question, since Robert could come home at any moment. And he would have a fit if she’d let someone in who could then see up close what he’d done to her—especially Selene Herrera. But since he wouldn’t be back for another day or so, maybe she should talk to Selene.

  This could be a good thing.

  Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, Ashley didn’t like what she saw. The left side of her face was swollen to practically twice its normal size and her hair was a tangled mess. There were numerous bruises beneath her nightgown.

  Do I really want her to see me like this?

  Ashley was starting to have second thoughts when she realized that this was exactly what Selene Herrera was used to seeing. And probably a lot worse.

  Ashley decided that she needed to talk to someone.

  * * *

  When the doors opened, Selene was horrified at what she saw. Ashley Leighton looked like she’d been worked over by a prizefighter. Although Selene had seen it all before, it never got any easier.

  “Ohhh, Ashley,” Selene said. She opened her arms and took the battered woman into them. “I’m so sorry he did this to you.”

  Ashley was trembling as she pulled away from Selene. “Guess I must seem like a real idiot to you, huh?”

  “No,” she said. “You seem like a frightened person who’s caught in a vicious cycle of violence and denial.”

  “You think so?” Ashley asked tentatively.

  “I know, believe me. But you’re not alone, not anymore. Let me help you. Please—”

  Ashley assessed her warily. Selene seemed to have the confidence that Ashley felt she sorely lacked. Maybe that could change.

  “I think I need your help...” Ashley finally said, and invited Selene in.


  Selene tried to ignore the trappings of Robert Leighton’s success as she sat in the living room. Next to her was Ashley, who had spoken painfully of her ordeal and her fear of the unknown. She had taken the first step towards regaining control of her life, but the journey would still be a long one fraught with pitfalls and setbacks.

  “Have you seen a doctor?”

  “Robert wouldn’t let me,” Ashley said. “He was afraid they’d get the wrong idea. I agreed...”

  “Actually, I think he was more afraid the doctor would get the right idea,” Selene said. “When is he coming back?”

  “The day after tomorrow.”

  “Well, until we get you protection, I think you should stay at the shelter.”

  Ashley fidgeted. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Listen to me, Ashley,” Selene said firmly. “Like every abuser, your husband is all about control and coercion, along with brute force, whenever he thinks you’re stepping out of line or disrespecting him. If you don’t take a stand now, he will kill you, trust me—”

  “I know,” Ashley said solemnly.

  “Then it’s settled.” Selene hoped to act fast before Ashley changed her mind. “I’ll help you pack some things and we’re out of here.”

  “Will Robert be arrested?”

  “You’re a cop, Ashley. You know the law. He assaulted you. It doesn’t matter that he’s your husband. You owe it to yourself to break the cycle of abuse. And that includes pressing charges. It’s your life, take it back...”

  Ashley closed her eyes for a few moments as she thought about it. “Yes, I want to take my life back!”

  It reminded Selene of the defining moment when she went from a weak, confused, helpless victim to a strong and determined woman who decided not to be someone’s punching bag. Ashley was joining a host of other empowered women around the world.

  * * *

  Robert Leighton got home at one a.m. After a long flight, he wanted nothing more than to strip off his suit and hop in the Jacuzzi tub to soothe his aching joints. He also wanted to see his wife. Things hadn’t been right between them when he left. He’d slugged her once or twice after she mouthed off to him, which he viewed as usurping his authority as man of the house. He would have none of that in the courtroom with his pathetic clients. And he sure as hell wouldn’t allow it from his damned wife.

  In retrospect, Robert wished he’d handled things differently. Everyone had limits. He’d sensed that the cop in his wife might one day make her do something foolish that they’d both regret.

  But what was done was done. Right now, he planned to try and make it up to her. He wanted Ashley to know that he still loved her and never meant to hurt. So he’d bought her a dozen red roses from one of those all night stands at the airport that were probably designed for men like him who needed to get back on their woman’s good side.

  Robert put his bag down in the foyer and turned on the lights. He expected to find Ashley upstairs in bed where he’d left her. She’d take time off from work, which he’d encouraged. He couldn’t understand why his wife should have to work for peanuts when she was being subjected to danger around every corner. Not when he made more than enough to provide them a comfortable living.

  He wished now that he had called her from the conference, but he’d figured that they both needed some time to cool off. He sure did.

  Robert climbed the spiral staircase thinking about the great makeup sex they’d have once he gave her the roses.

  When he got to the master bedroom, he turned on the light. His heart skipped a beat and he dropped the roses. A tall, gray-haired man in a cheap suit stood in front of the bed. There were two uniformed officers next to him.

  “Robert Leighton?” the man in the suit asked.

  “Yeah,” he said, trying to still his nerves. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?”

  “I’m Detective Maxwell from the Bluffs Bay Police Department’s Domestic Violence Unit,” said the cheap suit.

  “So...” Robert regarded him warily. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”

  Maxwell pursed his lips. “We have a warrant for your arrest, Mr. Leighton—”

  “What...?” Robert rolled his eyes as though he’d misunderstood. The truth was he knew exactly what was happening, and why, though he couldn’t believe it.

  “Your wife has accused you of physically assaulting her.”

  Damn you to hell, Ashley.

  Robert grew hot with fury, but tried to maintain his cool. “Detective, there’s obviously been a big misunderstanding. I’m sure Ashley and I can straighten it out. Where is she anyway?”

  He looked around, as though Ashley might come strolling out of the large walk-in closet. But it didn’t happen.

  Maxwell said, “Your wife is safe from you, Leighton. I hate it when assholes like you beat up their women and then wonder why they’re in a boatload of trouble for it.”

  The detective nodded at the officers, signaling it was time for the arrest. He read Robert Leighton his rights.

  Robert had heard it all before, but never as a defendant. He winced and muttered an expletive as the handcuffs were snapped tightly around his wrists. They were humiliating him in his bedroom, while the bitch responsible for this was nowh
ere to be found.

  He suspected Ashley was staying at that damned shelter and that Selene Herrera was behind this intrusion into his private life. She would pay for this.

  They both would.

  By ten o’clock that morning, Robert Leighton had posted bail. He was notified of the temporary Domestic Violence Protective Order a judge had issued, barring him from further abusing or threatening his wife. He was also ordered to vacate their residence immediately, pending a hearing on the matter. He promised to abide by this, as if he had a choice.

  But once he had separated from his attorney and the court, Robert had other ideas. He would be damned if he would sit back and let his wife walk out of the life they’d built, mostly with his hard-earned money. And he wasn’t about to let her to take away everything that was his. No piece of paper and empty words would ever come between them. He certainly wasn’t going to allow Selene Herrera to unduly influence Ashley into turning against him.

  Robert was certain that once he talked to Ashley—sweet talk, of course—they could put this all behind them and get on with their lives together.

  As far as he was concerned, there was no other choice.


  Dennis Cramer had heard about Robert Leighton’s arrest early that morning and was mad as hell that he’d used Officer Leighton as a punching bag. He’d heard that Leighton had already made bail. Cramer hoped he’d gotten the message and wouldn’t try anything stupid. He took some solace in the fact that Ashley was staying at S.A.W. House.

  Cramer had spoken to Ashley and Selene and promised to do what he could to keep Ashley out of harm’s way. In the meantime, he had told Ashley to take as much time as she needed to get herself together before returning to work. He had assured her that they were managing just fine on The Woods Strangler investigation, even if her presence was missed.

  Sitting at his desk, Cramer thought about the investigation. They hadn’t made nearly as much as progress as he would have hoped. So far, they hadn’t come up with anything solid on his neighbors to suggest that any of them might be capable of committing multiple murders. But no one had been eliminated as a suspect either, which was even more troubling. The department lacked the resources to follow every adult male who lived in The Woods, much less haul them in for questioning without probable cause.


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