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The Proposal Problem: A Billionaire Royal Hangover Romance

Page 142

by Natalie Knight

  I lick it then, my hand starting to stroke him as I wrap my lips over his pulsing erection again.

  I’m teasing him, and loving every second of it.

  My lips move slowly over his tip, my tongue lapping at it and making him completely insane with lust. I smack my lips as I pull out again, the sound of it making him throb against my curled fingers.

  He can´t take it anymore and grabs a handful of my hair, and then starts to push my mouth down his cock, the anxiety of flaming desire lashing it out all over his body. I suck and lick him as my hand keeps busy stroking him, his thick cock completely ravaging my mouth.

  As I look up at him, his cock going in and out at full speed, he takes a deep breath in order to stop himself from coming. After a few seconds, he starts thrusting his hips at me again.

  I keep still as he ravages my mouth, half-expecting him to simply let go and come inside my mouth, but that’s not what he does. Instead, he pulls his cock out of my mouth, and pulls me up to my feet.

  Moving fast, he slides his hands down the side of my body and hooks his thumbs on my skirt; two hards tugs and the whole thing goes flying down my legs. I wiggle my hips from side to side, helping it on the way down, and that’s when he throws me on top of the bed.

  He follows after me fast, moving like a caged wild animal that has just been released, and I almost expect him to go straight for the kill.

  “Fuck me, Blake,” I find myself saying.

  I can’t believe that I’m saying it like that. Did I ever ask Dale to fuck me? Did I ever feel the need to tell him with those two words how much I wanted him? No, and that’s because I never really wanted him to fuck him.

  But now it’s different.

  “Someone’s impatient,” he teases me, taking his hand straight to my pussy. I arch my back as I feel the pressure of his hand in there once more. He then starts pressing hard, rubbing my pussy over my thong, flicking his wrist at a steady rhythm as he keeps his eyes trained on me.

  “Say it…one more time,” he asks me, his voice heavy and brimming with pent-up desire.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I whisper back at him, the devilish tone in my voice making his eyes shine.

  Gritting his teeth, he cups my wet pussy with the palm of his hand, his thumb falling over my clit and he starts rubbing on it. At the same time, he parts my drenched folds with his fingers and then, swiftly, he slides is index finger all the way in, curling it upward like a hook, sending it straight to my g-spot once more.

  The moment he hits that spot inside of me, I let out a moan so sudden and loud that I swear he can feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

  Flicking his wrist at a steady pace, he lets a smile creep on his lips as he looks at me.

  I have my head thrown back against the mattress, my hair already slightly disheveled and my eyes closed. As for my lips, they´re slightly parted, just enough for me to breathe out heavily and let Blake know all about the pleasure he´s inflicting on my body.

  He continues, pressing hard on my G-spot as he rubs my clit fiercely, and then I let out a scream as I come.

  I breathe out fast, the tension in my body slowly crumbling as slight spasms take over my muscles, and a shiver goes up my spine as I realize I’m doing this.

  Did he just make me come twice with nothing but his fingers? That’s a feat Dale couldn’t do even with his cock!

  “Ready for the main course?” He asks me as he slides the fingers out of my pussy, my creamy juices coating them.

  He then cups my ass, finally feeling it wholly in his hands. He pushes and pulls at the flesh, the sweet valley between my ass cheeks almost making his skin prickle in excitement. He pulls at my thong viciously and rips it apart, the fabric tearing easily in his strong hands.

  “More than ready,” I tell him, seductively narrowing my eyes as he reaches for my hand and grabs it. With that, he pulls me on top of him.

  Before I can even react, he grabs his cock and starts brushing it against my soaked pussy. He rubs its tip up and down the length of my pussy and then feeds one inch of it into me. I let out one wild scream, and I’m only reacting to his thickness.

  “I’m right here,” he whispers, taking me as if he were doing it for the first time. His shaft strains against my insides, pushing my inner walls back and, slowly, he starts sliding his whole length inside of me, only stopping when all of it is buried deep.

  “Oh, God,” I moan, my insides burning so fiercely that it feels my whole body is made out of flames. I can’t even open my eyes, and breathing feels like a chore.

  When he starts to thrust…oh, when he starts to thrust, that fire grows. Each stroke of his cock makes me feel as if there’s electricity running through my veins instead of blood.

  When my mind finally starts working again, I start swaying my hips, trying to match his rhythm. It doesn’t take long for him to stop thrusting and allow me to take the lead. And that’s exactly what I do; with both arms thrown over his shoulders, I ride him as if my life depends on it.

  I go as fast as I can, and beads of sweat are already forming on my forehead, a stray lock of hair plastered to my skin.

  That fire inside of me spreads from between my thighs to every extremity in my body, consuming everything in its wake. It feels like a sharp needle is stabbing every single one of my nerve endings. I never felt something like this. There’s something to be said about his prowess, that’s for sure.

  “Tired already?” he asks me, tucking that stray lock of hair over my ear. I make the effort to open up my eyes and, with a sly grin, I just roll to the side and lay down on the bed, spreading my legs wide.

  I tease him, sliding one hand down from between my tits and moving it straight to my clit. Using only two fingers, I start rubbing it as I bite on my lower lip, inviting him in.

  He lies on top of my body and, grabbing his cock with one hand, he guides it home once more. This time he doesn’t tease me; no, he goes straight for the kill, sheathing his cock in me up to the hilt.

  I gasp as he does it, crossing my legs behind his lower back and my arms around his neck. My fingers are digging into his shoulder blades, but he doesn’t even seem to notice. He’s inside of me in one sudden thrust, one hand holding my head while the other one runs through my hair.

  Slowly he starts kissing my right ear, breathing heavily into my hair, gently moving his cock in and out of me, as I rest my hands on his back. I let my fingers lay there as I feel his muscles moving, every inch of Blake’s body focused with a sole intent in mind: pleasure.

  He keeps on thrusting at that gentle pace until time seems to melt away around us.

  This moment is perfection itself.

  He keeps on going until I’m more than ready to explode. That sweet pressure has grown inside of me once more, making every single muscle in my body tense up.

  My blood’s boiling, and every single thought inside my head feels like a bomb going off. I can’t see, breathe, or think. I’m nothing but pleasure made flesh, and it feels absolutely perfect.

  “OH GOD!” I scream at the top of my lungs, feeling as if my soul has just checked out. And he wasn’t even going hard at it; he was being gentle and kind, taking his time as ecstasy consumed.

  “There’s more,” I hear him say, but his voice seems to come to me from the other side of the universe. He pulls his cock out of my pussy and climbs off of me. Lying on his side, he places one hand on my waist.

  Making me roll to the side, my back turned to him, he presses his body against mine and guides his cock between my thighs. He’s inside me just like that, almost as if his cock never left my pussy, and his thrusts resume that soft rhythm.

  He takes his hand to my neck, his fingers curling around it, and holds me steady. His movements become faster as he starts to fuck me savagely. With both hands I grab his wrist as if to steady myself, moving my hips back and forth, unable to wait for his strokes.

  He goes at it hard, his shaft going in and out, glistening with my juices. I arch my
back against the mattress and let out a high pitched scream, my whole body shaking and trembling as if a high voltage current is running through me. And, still, Blake keeps on pounding me, the burning desire inside him forbidding him to stop.

  “Don’t…don’t stop!” I beg of him, and that’s exactly what he does: he doesn’t stop. Instead, he redoubles his efforts, fucking me with such intensity that I can’t even seem to remember who or where I am. All I know is that my body is being consumed by the holy fire of pleasure, and I’m loving every single minute of it.

  “Fuck!” I moan, another orgasm blanketing both my soul and body at the same time. I don’t even know how many times I’ve came already.

  This is pure madness…and it’s exactly the kind of madness I needed in my life. I can’t believe I’ve lived all my life without experiencing this kind of sex. Sweet mercy, Blake has made me feel like a virgin once more.

  And he isn’t done.

  Changing positions, he goes behind me and, grabbing his cock with one hand, nudges the tip between my pussy lips as he rubs it up and down. He presses into me, sliding slowly inside my pussy, as I bite down hard on my lip.

  Grabbing me by the hips with his wide hands, he pulls me, easing himself into my drenched pussy. He slaps my ass hard enough to leave a red mark over the spot where his palm landed and, as if taken over by frenzy, he starts thrusting wildly inside me, his erratic and jerky movements discharging bolts of lightning and pleasure all over my body.

  “Harder!” I scream, my voice sounding raspy and high pitched, its tone nothing more than wild abandonment.

  He takes note of my instructions and, in an instant, my screaming is completely out of control as his thrusts grow stronger and vicious, his thighs hitting my ass cheeks over and over again, the sound of flesh on flesh making him keep that vicious tempo. I just want to let myself explode with the intensity of a raging wilfire.

  My shouts become cries of pleasure - high and low, high and low. I feel my whole body shake as the delicious clench of a hard hitting orgasm starts to grow inside me. I grab and pull at the sheets, my hands curled into fists, and rock my hips back and forth violently, his unrelenting cock sliding in and out of me.

  He goes as fast and as hard as he can until my screaming makes my throat go sore. Even so, I let out a harsh moan that makes my skin prickle, my body convulsing as an out-of-control climax is taking hold of my body.

  The sound of my moaning drives sparks of electricity down my entire body, and I feel a pleasant tightness taking hold of his body. His cock jerks deep inside me and, grabbing me by the hips, so hard that it feels like he can’t control himself, he joins me in absolute paradise.

  He closes his eyes as his cock explodes inside of me, his cum filling my pussy and dripping down onto the sheets. He breathes out, long and hard, as if he’s breathing out all the tension that had accumulated in his body.

  He rolls to the side, allowing his body to rest right next to mine. I’m breathing hard too, as if I’ve run a marathon – not that he is in a much better condition, mind you.

  Judging by the way he’s breathing, I’d say he ran the same marathon I did. God, my lungs are working hard, my heart working overtime, all of my muscles feeling sore from the effort.

  I close my eyes for a second, just so I can catch my breath. Then I roll to the side and just look at him.

  He has his eyes closed, just like I had, and there’s an expression of pure delight on his face. My eyes are drawn to the smile on his lips, and I feel my heart tightening inside my chest.

  God, what’s happening to me?



  “What’s that look?” Katherine asks as she turns to me.

  “What look?”

  We've barely moved after this latest romp, and I’m slowly beginning to catch my breath. I should feel spent. But oddly, I seem to still be full of life –in more ways than one.

  “You’ve got that Cheshire cat smile,” she says. “You know, the one that says you’re just too pleased with yourself. Either that or you've won an obscene amount of money in the last thirty minutes. Which is it?”

  I laugh, because she’s caught me. I am pleased with myself. Being with her makes me feel good, but I’m not about to tell her what I’m feeling.

  Instead I look out the window and say, “Nothing. Really, it’s nothing.”

  It’s easier for me to act like what just happened between us is no big deal. My typical M.O. is to have sex, lay next to the woman for exactly one minute and fifteen seconds (which I am very good at counting silently to myself), and then make my excuses and leave.

  But both times with Katherine, last night, and just now, I’m not preparing my exit remarks and surprise, surprise, I’m in no hurry to get out her apartment. I’m want to show her what I brought.

  “Whatever you say,” she interrupts my thoughts, “I’m not going to hold it against you. But admit it, you were thinking of something. Was it about your next appointment…after me that is?”

  It’s obvious my lack of communication is making her have second thoughts about how utterly sexy and desirable she is, and that’s not what I intended. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her and I need to stomp on this line of questioning quick.

  “If you must know,” I say, trying to sound nonchalant, “I’m smiling because of you.”

  There, I did it. Feelings out in the open, like a pair of perfectly ripped jeans on display in the main window at Saks Fifth Avenue.

  “Me?” she asks in a way that’s devoid of any pretention, and then she reaches over and gives me a soft kiss.

  “Hmm…” The woman’s got me purring, for fuck’s sakes.

  I am what’s typically known as a romantic dilettante and a serial dater, but this woman has got me by the balls.

  That’s why I want her to see what I’ve brought. I want her to understand what’s going on. That is if I can explain it, because I for one am baffled as shit. It’s better if I just cut to the chase.

  “I’ve got something to show you,” I say, and move from the bed.

  Pulling the sketch out of my shoulder bag, I hold it close as I sit back on the bed. I can tell I’ve piqued her curiosity.

  “What's that?” she asks, sitting up.

  “Listen, about this morning, I know I left in a hurry—”

  “I’ll say you did. In fact, I was kind of surprised when I saw you at my door today. I thought your hasty exit was a way of saying, ‘see you later, bye.’

  “No, that’s not it,” I say.

  Katherine looks vulnerable, and a little hurt. It’s the last thing I want because I need her to understand what’s happened to me since I met her.

  “You don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings. I’m a big girl. I know what I’m getting into with you.”

  “It’s really not like that...I mean…awww, hell…”

  How do I explain to her what I’m feeling when I don’t even know what I’m feeling? This is so completely new to me I’m at a loss for words, a rarity in my life. I need to move this thing along before it gets any more uncomfortable for us.

  “Here,” I say, handing her the sketch.

  I'm expecting a reaction from her, some form of expression, anything. A moan, a grunt, a sigh, but all I’m getting is silence. Ten seconds…twenty seconds…a minute…

  “Say something,” I finally blurt out, with a hint of exasperation in my voice.

  “I’m…I…I’m not sure what to say.”

  “Well, do you like it?”

  “When did you draw this, when I was sleeping?” she asks. And I can’t tell if she’s annoyed or elated because neither her voice nor her face register any emotion.

  “Yes but, actually, it’s from memory. See, that’s why I didn’t wait for you to wake up. I was in the studio all morning.”

  Katherine purses her lips and looks out the window and I feel as if I’m losing her. I reach out for her, putting my hand on her thigh because I want to keep this connection betwee
n us. I want Katherine, I want this, I want the painting to come to life, I want all of it. So I tell her the truth.

  “You’ve sparked something inside of me that I thought was dead.”

  She raises an eyebrow and stares at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “This sketch…”

  I can see she’s searching for what to say.

  “…it’s so personal.”

  For a moment I don't know how to respond.

  “It's what I see,” I finally offer. "You’re a beautiful woman. And I know that's like, the oldest cliché of all time, but it's true.

  “So here’s the thing,” I look into her chocolate-brown eyes and I'm momentarily lost. “I've got to have you.”

  Now she laughs in earnest. “You just did, and I’m not quite ready for another go.”

  Smiling, I shake my head, “No, I mean I need you to pose for me.”

  Katherine gives me a concerned look. “Hello, have we not met? Let me introduce myself, I’m Katherine. I’m a writer. Not a model.”

  “Look at this,” I say pointing to my sketch of her, “I did that from memory, and we both know it’s damn good. But it’s just a start.” I run my fingers through my hair.

  “How can I put this? You’re a writer, and I’m sure you’ve written dozens and dozens of outlines, but those outlines aren’t a completed manuscript. Well, this drawing isn’t a painting. It’s just an outline and I want – no…I need to bring it to life. Please, you've got to sit for me while I paint you.”



  My lips mechanically move to the mug, and my brain only kicks in when the liquid touches my lips. I cringe. I hate lukewarm or cold coffee, but it’s the only thing within reach.

  I feel his eyes on me. They caress my face, my lips, hover at my v-neck tight fitting blouse and keep going. It’s as if he is slowly undressing me from head to toe.


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