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The Winner Takes It All (Love in L.A. Book 3)

Page 14

by Audrey Harte

  One Year Later…

  “Ten minutes, Miss Chang. Final call.”

  “Thank you, I’ll be right there,” Annie told the stage hand who had been sent to notify her that it was time to take her place on stage before the show started. She was about to give her twentieth performance since opening the new show in Las Vegas. Winning The Next American Superstar had been everything she hoped it would be and more.

  She had little to no time left for herself once she was announced the winner of the first season. As soon as the taping of the season finale results show ended, she was whisked off for one post-show interview after another. Bedtime didn’t come until almost three the following morning, and she was only able to sleep for two hours before she had to be up for another appearance on one of the national morning talk shows. The crazy schedule continued for weeks until she was finally allowed to go home to L.A. for a week to pack up her life and move to her new house in Las Vegas.

  Alex and Katie had helped her pick it out, scouring the real estate ads and sending her pics of their favorites. She had hired them both on as wardrobe consultants and personal assistants, and they kept her sane. She didn’t know what she would do without them. Katie had offered to decorate the house for Annie, who pounced on the offer. She literally had no time to pick out house furnishings, and she loved Katie’s style, so she had been excited to see what her friend could come up with.

  The final result was beyond what Annie had hoped for. Katie had kept everything clean and modern looking, but had added classy, feminine touches that were very Annie. She couldn’t wait to throw some parties in her new pad, except she had no time for anything but work.

  Her favorite part of the new house was the state-of-the-art recording studio, where she spent the bulk of her time writing new music. Over half of the songs she performed in her new show had been written by her in that studio. She even brought Erin in to record a duet with her, and was still trying to work out a deal to have her former competitor and best friend included in the show for the number.

  But Erin was super busy with having to return to her full-time job as an Executive Assistant for a video game publisher back in L.A., and she was also splitting her free time between her home city and the Big Apple. Erin’s relationship with Traver, the bartender/actor/model, had gotten pretty serious, and even though Annie was skeptical of her friend’s long-distance relationship, so far it seemed to be working for the two of them.

  As for Annie’s love life, things had not turned out quite the way she had expected.

  After she finished her twentieth show, she sat in her dressing room and rubbed her foot as she moaned in pain. She had a new blister forming on her big toe from her new dance shoes.

  “Babe, let me do that,” a male voice said as the door to her dressing room opened and then shut again behind a lanky, tall man with short, spiky brown hair and warm brown eyes who was sporting multiple tattoos on both his arms and wearing a pair of black designer jeans and a white t-shirt. Gabe sat down on a nearby chair and pulled her feet into his lap as he inspected the blister, then gently rubbed her feet, taking care not to put pressure on the sore area.

  As her dream man sat there pampering her sore feet, Annie smiled contentedly. Gabe had proven to be both loyal and patient. He had waited for her to not only finish the talent competition, but to figure out what she wanted with Casey, and not once had he rushed or pressured her for an answer.

  After the first season of The Next American Superstar had ended, Casey had returned to touring with Kayla Miles, who of course welcomed him back with open arms. He and Annie talked about trying to rekindle their relationship, but Casey was man enough to admit that he didn’t think he was the right fit for Annie. Their careers were too important to the both of them, and neither of them was willing to sacrifice everything to be with the other.

  When Annie had arrived in Las Vegas, Gabe waited until she had settled in before he made his move. Then he asked her out to dinner. After a fabulous meal and an enjoyable evening filled with great food and easy conversation, he asked Annie when her first available weekend off was. After consulting her rehearsal and recording schedule, she found a weekend that would work. Gabe refused to tell her anything about his plans, only telling her to pack an overnight bag and be at the Las Vegas Airport by five in the afternoon on the Friday of the weekend she had designated for their getaway. She didn’t hear from him again for another two weeks until the appointed date rolled around.

  He met her at the airport where he asked if she trusted him. Regarding him thoughtfully, Annie gazed into his eyes for a long minute before finally answering. “Yes, I trust you,” she said, smiling softly. He then instructed her to put on the blindfold he handed her, which immediately wiped the smile from her face, making him laugh.

  “Remember, you said you trust me,” he reminded her.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t know you were going to hand me a blindfold,” she protested.

  “Come on. Where is your sense of adventure?”

  “I must have left it at home. Maybe I should go back and get it.”

  Gabe smirked at her and reached out to pull her to him, pressing her close against him. Gasping, Annie wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tight against her as well. She could feel the heat of his erection pressing against her stomach.

  “Are you horny all the time, or is it just because of all this talk of trust and blindfolds?”

  “I’m horny whenever I’m around you, but I’m sure the talk of trust and blindfolds isn’t helping,” he admitted, making her grin impishly up at him.

  “Alright, fine. I’ll put on the blindfold. Do with me as you wish,” Annie said in surrender as she raised the blindfold to slip it on over her head, pulling it down over her eyes so she couldn’t see anything.

  “Ooh, baby,” he murmured in her ear, sending chills down her spine as his lips brushed against the sensitive skin of her earlobe.

  Blindfolded, Annie waited while Gabe sat her down in a wheelchair and proceeded to wheel her to their gate. He then helped her onto the plane and settled her into her seat. The flight was very short, and before she knew it, they were exiting the plane and she was being wheeled out of the airport and to a waiting car.

  After she had been buckled into her seat, Annie finally turned to where she believe Gabe was sitting in the driver’s seat. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going, yet?” she asked.

  “Not yet, but we’ll be there shortly.”

  True to his word, it wasn’t long before they had reached what she could only guess was their final destination. She had barely gotten out of the car when Gabe picked her up and started carrying her somewhere.

  “Whoa, what are you doing? Where are we going?” she demanded in a panicked voice as she smacked his chest a little too hard.

  “Oof,” was his response. “Hey, careful, babe.”

  “Sorry,” she said apologetically. “Can I take this thing off now please?” she begged.

  “Just a second.” Then he stopped walking and gently put her back down on the ground, feet first. “Okay, you can take it off now.”

  Annie grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off, squinting against the light as she eyes tried to focus. As she took in the sight before her, she gasped. Gabe had brought her back to the Sanctuary at Camelback Resort in Phoenix, Arizona and had recreated the night when they had first come there and taken a bubble bath together underneath the stars in the night sky. From the rose petals scattered around the Chinese Rock garden patio to the candles that burned all around them to the Robin Thicke song playing, it was just like that perfect night the two of them had shared over a year before. The only difference was that there was a new addition to the enclosed patio. A canopy bed complete with fluffy pillows and a white comforter was set to the side.

  “Come dance with me,” he said softly as he took her hand in his and pulled her to him as he started to sway back and forth. She moved easily in his arms, a radiant smile curving her lips as she
nuzzled his chest. It was perfect. He was perfect. She couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than this very moment. Then he slid a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. Slowly he lowered his head and then his lips were claiming hers in a slow, tender, sweet kiss.

  Annie felt the heat start to burn low in her belly, and as he continued to devour her mouth, the fire in her began to grow hotter and hotter. She was desperate to feel his bare skin against hers again. It had been too long since they had been together like this. All of a sudden, her knees wobbled and she leaned against him for support as she remembered a certain accessory he possessed and how unbelievably wonderful it had felt when he thrust inside her.

  As they continued to taste and explore each other’s mouths, they began to pull at each other’s clothes, fumbling with buttons and zippers until they were finally standing naked in front of each other. Gabe gazed down at her with lust-filled eyes, drinking in the sight of her naked body which was quivering with her need for him.

  “I have something to ask you, Annie,” he said as he reached down to fumble in the pocket of his jeans. As she glanced down, expecting to see him opening a condom, instead what she saw made her gasp out loud. Gabe was holding a beautiful diamond engagement ring. He then got carefully down on his knee and reached out for her hand. Tears ran streaming down her face as he began to speak again, his voice cracking a little.

  “Annie Chang, I lost you once, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I love you more than anyone or anything in this world, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. I already own a house here, and it’s not a problem for me to make Las Vegas my home base. I want to have children, but I know your career comes first right now, so I’m willing to wait until you’re ready for that. We have plenty of time for starting a family anyway, but what is most important to me is that I never lose you again. Please say you’ll make me the happiest man alive by saying yes. Will you marry me?”

  A few tears leaked from Gabe’s eyes as he scanned her face for her answer to the biggest question he’d ever asked anyone in his life. Annie couldn’t believe that this was finally happening. It wasn’t what she had expected at all. It was better.

  “Yes,” Annie said finally once she could speak again. “Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”

  A huge smile threatened to crack Gabe’s face in two as she consented to marry him. He quickly slid the ring on her finger, then kissed her hand before getting to his feet again. Before she knew what was happening next, Annie was being lifted and carried to the canopied bed.

  Then Gabe’s head was between her legs and his tongue was licking the folds of her pussy, making her gasp from the sensations. He lavished love and affection upon her until her toes curled and she groaned with the pleasure that he brought. When he finally moved to cover her body with his and positioned himself to thrust into her for the first time in over a year, Annie was more than ready for him.

  He pushed slowly into her, making her gasp as her tight pussy stretched around his large, swollen shaft. And the piercings! How could she have forgotten how amazing those little balls of metal could make her feel? As her gorgeous, attentive lover and new fiancé pumped in and out of her, Annie moaned with delight, ecstatic that she would get to continue having the best sex of her life until they were old and grey. They moved together in perfect unison, pushing each other closer and closer to the brink. Then Gabe tensed, groaning her name and whispering “I love you” in her ear as he came. His orgasm triggered hers, and a tear trickled down her cheek as she came, her hands clutching his arms as she looked up into his eyes that were so full of love for her.

  In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Annie cuddled close to Gabe. Her life was complete, and her heart was full. She had finally learned how to put herself first, and success had quickly followed. Now she was back together with the love of her life, and everything was as close to perfect as it could get. She had everything she could possibly want and more. Not only had Annie won The Next American Superstar, she had won the man of her dreams.

  I wouldn’t be where I am today, self-publishing my third book, without the help of some pretty fabulous people.

  To Kimberly Knight, I know I’ve thanked you many times before for introducing me to self-publishing and helping me get started in this crazy business, but I really wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for remaining my friend for so many years. I’m thankful I get to share this amazing journey with you. Now I need to go back to Burke Williams ASAP as I don’t think I can feel my ass anymore after sitting here for so long without moving, trying to finish this book!

  To Christopher Neil, my talented cover artist and friend, thank you for creating another beautiful cover for me. Your work ethic and creativity always astound me. I look forward to creating many more original covers with you.

  To Angela Cook McLaurin of Fictional Formats, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an extension and still making magic happen by my deadline. It has been a pleasure working with you on this entire series. I will always sing your praises.

  To my girls at More Words PR, thank you so much for all your hard work setting up my blog tour! I look forward to working with you again in the future. Both of you ladies are incredible, and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me.

  To Joey Luckay, my roommate and friend, thank you for being there for me and helping me on a path to a better, healthier me. Thank you for pushing me to write when I needed to finish this book! And I’m sorry I’ve been so busy with the day job and with trying to get this puppy published in time. I promise we’ll get to hang out more soon!

  To Ellie McLove of Love N. Books and JL Brooks, thank you for taking a chance on this little indie author and letting her sign at the Love N. Vegas signing this year! I am indebted to you both. Thank you for planning what I am sure is to be a fabulous event that I’ve been looking forward to ever since I heard about it.

  To my street team, The HarteBreakers, thank you for your loyalty and all your pimpage, even if I haven’t been able to be as active in our group as I had hoped. I am always grateful for the time you donate to helping me spread the word about my books.

  To all the many authors I have had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with, whether we’ve gotten the chance to meet face to face in person yet or not, thank you for your friendship and thank you for inspiring me to keep writing. We share a common love for literature… and Fireball whisky, it seems! :) Keep being awesome and never lose sight of the fact that we are all in this together. I am always here for you, my lovely, talented book friends.

  Audrey Harte was born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii until she and her family moved to Nebraska where she attended junior high, high school and college. During her time in Nebraska, she pursued her love of the arts, acting and singing in several local theater productions as well as writing poems, plays and musicals in her spare time.

  In 1998, she moved to Los Angeles, California, where she has lived ever since. Her main interests are reading (primarily romance, erotica and fantasy, although she has been known to read the occasional thriller), writing (obviously), karaoke, finger crocheting blankets and hangers for friends and family (she doesn’t use a hook), watching her favorite TV shows (doesn’t have time to watch as many as she used to these days) and hanging out with friends. She is a serious reality TV show addict. Really, she may need an intervention at some point. Before writing started consuming all of her time, she used to play World of Warcraft with Kimberly Knight, who is one of her best friends.

  Thank you for taking the time to read The Winner Takes it All, the conclusion to my Love in L.A. series. I hope Annie now holds a special pl
ace in your heart just as she holds a special place in mine.

  Please take a moment to leave a review on the website of purchase and on Goodreads. Reviews help other readers decide whether to try a book, so they are invaluable to authors.

  I’m excited to finish writing Say Anything, the first book in my crossover series, Love in N.Y.C. Say Anything, which is about Erin, a character introduced in The Winner Takes it All, is currently scheduled to be released in late January 2015.

  Keep an eye on my Facebook fan page for more news on upcoming books, and you can always check the Events tab on my website to see what book signings I will be at. I love to meet my fans, so please don’t be shy. Come say hi to me at any signing! I look forward to meeting you.

  Some of these songs are specifically mentioned in the book, and some are just songs that inspired certain parts of the book. My playlist is available on Spotify. I hope you enjoy!

  Impossible by Shontelle

  You Make Me Wanna by Usher

  Love Song by 311

  The Home We Made Pt 2 by Crywolf

  Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresden Mix) by Andain

  Sweet Nothing (Diplo Mix) by Calvin Harris, featuring Florence Welch

  Georgia by Ray Charles

  Fuckin’ Perfect by P!nk

  Back to Black by Amy Winehouse

  Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey

  Black or White by Michael Jackson

  Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine


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