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A Call to Arms: Book One of the Chronicles of Arden

Page 9

by Shiriluna Nott

  Annwyne laughed and touched her bosom as though his words delighted her. “And what will you do if I don’t, Radek? Your father may be a king but you’re a bastard with no authority.”

  Diddy gasped, but Hasain merely clenched his jaw. “Leave. Now.”

  She waved him off flippantly and went back to washing the table. “I have a job to do.”

  Gib felt someone tap his shoulder and turned to see Kezra giving Annwyne a dirty look. “Let’s go. We’ll have chores soon enough.” Gib rose with the rest of his friends.

  As they climbed off the bench, the foul girl waved her rag in the air and called to them. “Oh, don’t let me break up the little party. If you’re going to go on about the queer, then by all means continue. I enjoy a joke as much as anyone else.”

  Gib wasn’t familiar with the word and Nage looked equally confused, but the reaction from everyone else was instant and fierce.

  Nawaz’s voice rose above the others and his face had turned an angry red. “You keep your filthy mouth shut! Joel Adelwijn is no concern of yours.”

  Annwyne laughed, clapping her hands like a giddy child. “Oh, what fun! I forgot that you were one of the ones to try to protect him. There’s nothing any of you can do. He deserves to be ostracized, lest his perversion infect the rest of us.”

  Hasain stepped forward and pointed savagely at her. “Joel is far braver than most men I know and you’ll not speak so lightly of him. He has committed no crime and has never been anything but a decent person, something you would know nothing about.”

  She cackled and went back to scrubbing the table. “He’s queer. He’d rather lie with a man, be his whore, than have a normal, respectable relationship with a woman.”

  Gib’s head was spinning. The entire world seemed to tilt on its side, and he grabbed the table for support. He barely grasped what was going on here, but her words hit him like a kick in the gut. He was vaguely aware of a commotion. Kezra was shouting some sort of profanity and leaping over the table. He managed to look up, wanting to see where she’d gone, and was shocked to realize that Nawaz had taken Annwyne by the front of her frock and lifted her clean off the floor. She was shrieking at him to put her down and he was yelling at her to shut her mouth. Kezra, Tarquin, and Diddy were all pulling on his arms, trying to get him to put her down as Hasain paced back and forth behind them.

  This wasn’t good. Someone was bound to hear. Just as Gib thought to run and look for an adult, for anyone who could bring sense to this nonsensical situation, the shrieking stopped. Nawaz had set Annwyne down, and she was flailing backward, spewing all sorts of horrid names at him.

  Hasain came forward at that point and she cringed back. He glared down at her, his voice so low Gib could barely hear it. “If I ever hear such foul things from you again, I’ll have you removed from Academy. You may think I hold no sway, but I assure you, I know my father well and I’ll make this happen. Snakes such as you need to be weeded out of the general population.”

  Annwyne remained defiant. “It must be a comfort for you to have fallen into such a lofty position. You go ahead and try to protect Joel Adelwijn and other perverts like him. One day you’ll see. They are the ones who will be weeded out. And then the rest of us will be safe.”

  Nawaz smiled eerily. “Joel isn’t the one you’ll need to remain safe from if you don’t keep that forked tongue in your mouth.” She glared back at him but didn’t say anything more.

  Hasain turned back to the others. “Let’s all take our leave. Now. I feel we’ve worn out our welcome.”

  With numb feet, Gib followed the others. He was grateful when Diddy hung back, so they both could leave the hall together. As they stepped out into the sunlight, the fresh air caught Gib and he felt as though he could breathe again. What had happened in there? They’d been eating and talking then all hell had broken loose. And what had that girl been going on about? What was this about Joel? Was any of it true? Nawaz and Hasain had both leapt to his defense, but neither of them had denied any of the accusations. Gib shuddered. She’d been so cruel about it. Why should she care even if it was true? He was only vaguely aware of Diddy’s arm going around his shoulder.

  “Gib. Are you all right?” The prince’s dark eyes were concerned. “I’m sorry you had to see that. Are you going to be all right? Please, speak to me.”

  Gib swallowed. “Uh, sorry. My head is kinda full. I just—what was she talking about?” He regretted it as soon as the words escaped his mouth. “No. Wait. I mean, you don’t need to tell me anything.”

  Hands wringing, Diddy replied, “Joel is a wonderful person. You’ve been his roommate for several sennights now. Have you ever once had any reason to distrust him?”

  “What? No. Of course not. I’m sorry I asked. It’s really none of my business. I don’t even know if she was speaking the truth or not. She seemed hysterical.”

  The prince pressed his mouth into a thin line and looked at the ground. “You’re right. It’s not our place to discuss such things. I would only ask that if you do feel inclined to distance yourself from Joel in the future, do it civilly. Please. He’s been through so much already.”

  Gib nodded but wasn’t sure what he was agreeing to. But he had to go do his chores. The chores would take several marks, and he would be too busy to think about any of this. He could look forward to that. But at some point he’d have to see Joel again. The thought alone made Gib’s mouth dry. He didn’t know how he was going to look his roommate in the eye after all that had been said.

  Gib closed his eyes and willed away all thoughts on the matter. He had chores to do. He’d have to focus on that now and make up a plan for later when later arrived.

  After Gib had changed out the bedding in all of the stalls of his assigned section in the stable—and then volunteered to help water and feed the horses that were not his charges as well—he meandered back to his room. He’d concluded that he wouldn’t discuss the events from midday meal with Joel. It would be best to pretend as though he’d never heard the heated conversation between Annwyne and the other students. Gib could spare his roommate from having to talk about the controversy by feigning blissful ignorance.

  Hoping for Joel to be gone, Gib reached his door and squeezed his eyes shut. He entered after a quick knock. His stomach clenched. Joel sat upon his bed and read from a scroll in his lap. He looked up briefly and a small smile flitted over his features—a warm welcome by his standards. “Hello.”

  Damn it. Despite his best efforts, Gib froze in the doorway. He recovered as quickly as he was able and stumbled through, closing the door a bit too hard. He winced at his own buffoonery and tried to think of something to say. As if on command, his mind went blank. “Uh, sorry.”

  Inquisitive blue eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and Gib knew he was being judged. He tried to breathe and remain as casual as possible. He’d go to the desk and sit down. At least he could pretend to be reading. Except his feet were like lead and his legs paid no heed to his wishes. He managed to trip on his way there and nearly knocked the chair over before he sat down. The binding on his study manual was also getting the best of him, and he was red faced by the time he found where he’d left off earlier. With all the grace and poise allotted a common sack of manure, Gib finally sank down and pretended to read.

  A short while later, Joel lifted his delicate voice. “How was your meal?”

  Oh damn it. Damn it all to hell. Gib was content to ignore him at first. He glared down at the manual and willed his hands to stop shaking, but it wasn’t easy with Joel staring. Gib wanted to stare back, not openly, but with the same dignity of any decent peeping tom—from over the top of his book.

  A long stretch passed and the silence grew, the weight of it threatening to crush both of them. Finally Joel sighed and pitched his scroll aside. He brought his hands to his temples and slammed his eyes shut. “Who told you?”

  Gib couldn’t breathe. His lungs had frozen. Mouth ajar, he tried to force something—anything—to come out but failed

  Joel’s voice was pained. “Who told you?”

  Gib jumped in his seat and the book slipped onto the floor with a loud thud. “T—Told me what?” Even to himself, his voice sounded foreign. He wasn’t sure Joel could even hear him from across the room.

  The mage student’s fair face twisted into an ugly mask of strife. “Don’t play stupid with me, Gibben Nemesio. I can see it in your face, the abject horror, the disgust and disbelief. I know you’ve been told.”

  Gib swallowed and forced a small half-nod. “All right. You’re right but it’s not—I don’t think—I don’t even know if it’s true—”

  “Which part?” Joel’s voice was caught somewhere between being stone cold and deceptively calm. “The part about me preferring men? Or the part about me bringing shame to my entire family?” His voice broke just a little, and a single teardrop escaped from each of his eyes.

  Gib tore his gaze away, face hot with a mix of shame and pity. “Both. But it’s not like you make it sound.” When Joel glared, Gib lifted his hands to signal his peaceful intentions. “I mean it. I’m not horrified or disgusted. I don’t think any less of you. I just—I’m terrible at keeping secrets. I meant to not burden you with what I’d heard. I’m sorry. I should have just been honest.”

  Joel’s face fell into an unreadable mask. He looked away. Gib didn’t push, but he likewise didn’t close himself off. He didn’t pick up his book and pretend like nothing had happened.

  After a few tense moments, Joel slouched and a small sob shook his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just—I’m so tired of being everyone’s topic of conversation.” He covered his face with trembling hands.

  “Understandable. I’m sorry it was brought up.”

  Joel shook his head and wiped at his damp cheeks. “I should have told you myself, but Diddy spoke so highly of you and you’ve been nothing but wonderful. I haven’t had many friends since—it’s difficult to go from having many to having so very few and I didn’t want to chase you away.”

  Gib frowned but nodded. He thought he understood. “It’s still a fresh wound, isn’t it? This isn’t something that was discovered long ago.”

  “Just last Academy season. I mean, I’d known a bit longer than that but—I only grew the courage to speak of it last year. I was a fool for being so open. I’d thought I was in love and didn’t wish to hide. So I told my family and spoke openly of it at the courts—I was an idiot. I should have known better. The scandal and shame has torn my family apart.”

  Rubbing the back of his neck, Gib ventured on with uncertainty. “For what it’s worth, I met Hasain and Nawaz today. And they were both right there to defend you when—when it happened. Diddy too. They’re all your family, aren’t they? They weren’t ashamed of you.”

  Joel’s laugh sounded forced. “I know. But not everyone is as forgiving as they.”

  “I’m sorry.” Gib didn’t know what else to say.

  “I don’t need your pity.”

  “What you did took a lot of courage.”

  Joel had wrapped his arms around himself and was glaring out the window. “I was selfish. I spoke without regard for my family. I brought shame to them and that is something I’ll never be able to undo.”

  “Horseshit. You did what you felt was right. Your family will come around.”

  Joel shook his head. “No. Father is getting flak from the other councilors, Mother cries every time she returns from court, and Liro can hardly stand to look at me. We used to be so close. It breaks my heart—” Another treacherous tear slipped down the mage trainee’s cheek. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to listen to all of this.”

  “If not me, then who? I don’t mind listening if you need someone to talk to. It seems like you could use a friend.”

  Those crystal blue eyes widened. “Friend?”

  Gib smiled slowly, shyly. “If you would have me as one, then yes.”

  Joel stared out the window for a long time, his mouth set in a line and brows furrowed. Then at last, the mage trainee sighed and turned his eyes toward Gib. “I’d like that very much.”

  Chapter Five

  “Can you at least tell me where we’re going?” Gib huffed as he tried to keep up with his roommate.

  Joel’s smile was an enigma, as always. The mage trainee sighed as he waited in the corridor ahead for Gib to catch up, pristine white robes hidden beneath a heavy fur cloak. The halls were cold enough that both boys had donned protective outerwear before leaving their shared room. Gib was grateful his mop of brown curls was now long enough to cover the back of his neck from the frostbitten air, and he was also thankful to be wearing the mage’s cloak from the previous year. It was a bit worn and hung too long past Gib’s knees, but it was warm and kept him protected from the cold.

  Gib raised an eyebrow as he caught up with his friend. “You know I don’t like surprises. Can you give me a hint at the very least?”

  The older boy laughed, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “All right, one hint.”

  Gib couldn’t help but smile. Since Joel’s secret had come to light nearly a moonturn ago, Gib had noted an improvement in his roommate’s mood. Joel was no longer so aloof, nor was he prone to choosing solitude over companionship. The mage trainee had allowed himself to open up, to laugh and make jokes, to forge a real friendship with Gib.

  “Well?” Gib asked, trying to catch his breath in the thin, chilled air.

  Joel’s eyes danced. “We’re going somewhere that will aid with your studies.”

  “Are we going to the library?”

  The other boy sighed with dramatic intent. “Well, my best attempt at surprising you just went flittering out the window, but yes, I’d planned to take you to the library.”

  A hearty chuckle made its way from within Gib’s throat. “Oh, you’ve been full of surprises, my friend, let me assure you.” When that earned another smile from his roommate, Gib felt his face go warm. He didn’t know what to make of it, so he pressed on. “If you’d like, I can act surprised when we arrive regardless?”

  Joel snorted as he led the way through the corridor but said nothing more, so Gib allowed his mind to wander. He kept his eyes fixed on the mage trainee’s back, lest the two of them become separated. The halls were not as busy as they had been the only other time Gib had been to this area of the building—close to where Dean Arrio’s office was located—but the pair of boys passed by several students as well as a handful of professors as they walked. Most were hurrying, eager to be out of the cold. Gib hoped the library had a fireplace.

  Less than two moonturns until Midwinter, it hadn’t yet snowed, but already the cold winds had blown down from the northern lands and engulfed Silver City in a blanket of frost. The flora lining the courtyard of the academy which had been so beautiful upon Gib’s arrival was now shriveled and brown, and though no snow had fallen from the sky yet this season, Joel predicted it wouldn’t be long. This made Gib antsy. Academy was to release for the Midwinter festival in another six sennights, and he was hoping to be able to go home to see Tayver and Calisto. If it snowed, would the roads be deemed too dangerous for travel?

  The sound of a door flying open startled Gib from his thoughts, and he jumped at the sudden calamity of angry voices. He leapt back even as Joel did, pressing himself against the side of the hallway.

  Diedrick Lyle’s voice rose high and loud. “You’ll return to my office at once and have a proper discussion with me—”

  “Or you’ll what?”

  Gib sucked in a sharp breath as he recognized Kezra despite her disheveled appearance and rigid tone. Hair a mess and eyes livid, she looked like she’d possibly been yelling for quite some time already.

  “Will you force me out of my career path as well?”

  Diedrick came at her fiercely but stopped short of physical contact. Even from a distance, he looked a coward and Gib frowned as he watched. The Instructions Master’s voice shook and his face was an ugly red. “I will do n
o such thing! I have made suggestions I feel will help advance you in the future.”

  “Like hell they will.” Everyone in the hall was staring now, but Kezra didn’t seem to care. She kept her voice high and loud. “I’m training to be a sentinel for Arden. How will embroidery and homemaking help me become a better soldier? Pray tell. If there is something I’ve overlooked, let me know.”

  The Instructions Master locked his jaw and the color in his face went darker still. “You are a woman, are you not? One day you’ll have a husband and home—”

  Kezra balled her fists and took a step toward him. “Over my dead body!”

  Gib smiled when the Instructions Master fell back, but Joel’s face was etched with worry.

  “I’m training so that I may have a job and stand on my own two feet. I’ll be damned if I’m to be tied to a husband for my entire life!”

  The silence that met her defiance was suffocating. No one in the hall—teachers, students, highborn, or low—dared speak. Diedrick Lyle looked as though he would burst, and Gib readied himself for the master’s shouting.

  A softer, gentler voice picked up instead. “Kezra Malin-Rai, we all have our place in this world and it is time you should consider yours.”

  Gib swallowed as he peered down the hall even as Joel flinched. Liro Adelwijn stood behind Master Lyle and addressed Kezra.

  Kezra gave Liro a shrewd look. Her eyes were narrowed into ember slits and her chest was heaving. “My place? I have no worries about finding my place, Liro Adelwijn. And when I do, it won’t come from kissing the ass above me.”

  Joel clapped a hand over his mouth, and Gib found it impossible to breath. No one in the hallway spoke or moved.

  Liro frowned, tipping his head downward. His voice followed suit. “I suggest you come back with us now unless you want further trouble.”

  His words felt threatening, and Gib found himself wanting to jump to Kezra’s defense. The mage trainee put a firm hand on Gib’s chest.

  Kezra stuck her nose in the air, her persona emanating defiance. “I suggest you leave me to go on my way. No amount of persuasion is going to change my mind. There are so few women soldiers and you two have already shamed one girl sentinel trainee into leaving. My roommate and I are the only ones left and I’ll be damned if I back down because of the likes of you.”


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