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Freedom: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  Frankie held his hands up again. “I don’t disagree with you, Flora, I’m merely stating the facts as I see them but it would seem likely that the Alpha is behind this. No wolves would do such a thing on their own.”

  “We’re agreed then?” Max asked. “All four of those wolves are going to pay for their actions?”

  “Yes,” Frankie concurred as I nodded enthusiastically.

  “Let’s get on our way then.” I pointed to the deep, dark woods. “I’m anxious to get this over with.”

  “Don’t jump down my throat.” Frankie stared intently at me. “But do you have control of yourself? I’ve dealt with more than my share of vampires and you look as if your bloodlust is ready to take over. I understand how angry you are but I can’t allow any innocent wolves to be injured, by you or anyone else.”

  He looked pointedly at Max then back at me. I stepped forward, closing the distance between us and glaring up at him. “I can assure you I will not hurt any wolf but those involved in the massacre at our home. I have all four scents imprinted inside me and I will not deviate from them.”

  Frankie nodded as Max joined us, his tone icy. “However, if any others attack us, then we will have no option but to protect ourselves.”

  The Enforcer tilted his head, staring hard at us for a brief moment. “That’s acceptable, although deadly force may not be required in those circumstances.”

  Max’s eyes closed to mere slits as he snarled, “As an Enforcer, you should be aware that in the throngs of a fight those distinctions are not always possible.”

  “I agree,” Frankie replied calmly. “But I have the feeling that if there are others around that they might be ordered to intervene, even if they don’t want to. All I ask is that if that happens that you attempt not to kill.”

  “We’ll do our best,” Max conceded, looking to me for agreement.

  “I have to be honest.” I shrugged. “It depends on who it is. If it’s one of the wolves who made my life a living hell then I might not be able to hold myself back.”

  “Indeed.” Frankie nodded. “I would not expect you to in those circumstances.”

  “I’m glad we’re all on the same page, now, can we get going?” Max snapped. “We’ve wasted enough time and I want this situation to be over and done with. I have human staff who I’ve had to send away for their own safety and they are grieving for their loss. They should be at home and not in a hotel in Edinburgh.”

  “Certainly.” Frankie turned toward the forest. “Let’s go.”

  “Will you be able to keep up with us?” Max asked pointedly.

  “If we go at a fast pace, not your supernatural vampire speed, I’ll be more than able.” Frankie smirked cheekily. “Not even an Enforcer in human form can run as fast as a powerful vampire, or two.”

  “Fine.” Max looked down at me. “Stay close, baby.”

  “I will,” I replied, my desperation to get going making me antsy.

  “Let’s go.” Max took off.

  I was right behind him and Frankie stayed next to me where he could, sometimes falling behind me when the path was narrow with tree branches and bushes closing in around us. I couldn’t help but be amazed at how silent he was. He must’ve weighed a freaking ton and he barely made a sound as we ran on and on, the scent of the wolves pulling us toward the inevitable deathly confrontation.

  ~ Chapter 5 ~

  I knew we were close to the camp, my excitement and anger growing together at the thought of getting my claws into those bastards who’d caused such grief. Agnes’ shocked, white face came back to me over and over. Once again I couldn’t imagine how she could carry on without her love at her side. I couldn’t even contemplate losing Max.

  I just hoped that having a Council Enforcer with us would stop the entire Pack from attacking. I knew Max was powerful, much more so than I was, but I doubted we would be able to tackle a whole Pack of wolves. All thought of waiting to deal with those responsible until they were separated from the other wolves, well, let’s just say that went flying out the window the closer we drew.

  Their scent grew stronger, the musky taint of blood cloying in my nostrils and I was sure that Frankie growled several times as we got closer and closer. Max’s pace slowed down to a jog and finally a walk. Frankie maneuvered passed me, placing a hand on Max’s shoulder.

  “I’ll take the lead as we go in and announce I’m from the Council and I’ve been sent to take over as temporary Alpha.” Frankie raised an eyebrow. “I hope that will ensure we don’t have a full Pack of angry wolves attacking.”

  Max’s jaw tightened as he ground his teeth. He waved his arm before him. “After you,” he said, obviously unhappy at Frankie’s suggestion.

  Me? I thought it was a smart move but kept my mouth tightly shut as I followed behind Max.

  There was a flurry of movement as a dark figure emerged from the left, a hulking body barring the way. “Who the f—”

  Frankie didn’t miss a beat, punching the man with such force that his body lifted up and flew backwards to crash against a tree trunk and crumpling to the ground. “A sentry,” the Enforcer said quietly.

  “Shit,” I whispered as I realized I hadn’t even thought of that possibility. Stupid! I knew the pack had guards and should’ve been on the alert for them.

  “I’m going to circle the camp and come in on the opposite side,” Frankie told us quietly. “Wait until I’ve announced my arrival before you enter.”

  Max wasn’t happy, that was clear, but he barely nodded as Frankie disappeared into the darkness.

  I closed the distance between us and his arm automatically circled my waist, drawing me against him. “Are you all right?” I asked as I looked up at his drawn face.

  He looked down at me, his eyes boring into mine. “I’d be much better if you were back at the Manor.”

  I swatted his chest. “That was never going to happen.”

  “I know but I’d still feel better if you were anywhere but here,” he whispered as he leaned down his lips covering mine in a brief kiss. “I hate that you’re here, baby, I don’t want you anywhere near these fucks.”

  “I need to do this,” I moaned against his lips, his fleeting touch igniting my ardor as it always did. “I didn’t realize it until we arrived but I still feel tied to the pack somehow and I won’t ever feel truly free until I’ve faced them.”

  “I understand your reasons, Flora.” Max’s eyes softened as he gazed at me. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “I’ll try and stay close by.” I tried to ease the worry I could feel growing inside him.

  “That’s a start,” he conceded. He started to bring his lips down to mine again but just as my eyes fluttered closed his body tensed and he pulled away.

  Our vampire ears picked up another scuffle, Frankie must have found a sentry and dispatched him in the same manner. There was no warning shouts to the Pack, thank goodness. The Enforcer was massive but moved with a silent grace that astounded me, add that to his obvious strength and he was a formidable foe. I was just glad he was on our side.

  Max looked around us, double checking that the area was clear then back down at me, his eyes now red with anger.

  As I looked up his finger shot to his lips shushing me before I could say anything and pointing forward. We edged toward where he’d motioned and the camp came into view as well as the hulk of Frankie standing in the open area before the Alpha’s cabin.

  Shit. This was it.

  We stood in the shadows watching intently as Frankie’s head fell back and a blood-curdling howl ripped from his throat.

  My hand shot to my chest. I didn’t even know a wolf could do that! Not whilst in human form. Maybe it was an Enforcer power. Whatever it was it got the attention of the pack as lights started to pop on in cabins all around the camp.

  The Alpha’s door opened and the man I expected to see stormed out: Donald, my father’s old Beta stood with hands on hips and a snarl o
n his face.

  “What the fuck is going on? You’re one second from being ripped apart, stranger.”

  Frankie stayed where he was, raising his voice so the entire camp could hear. “I’m an Enforcer sent by the Council. I’m taking over as Alpha until this pack is sorted out and some issues have been dealt with.”

  “What?” Donald shouted indignantly, and even from where we stood we could see the color draining from his face. “What are you talking about? What issues?”

  Frankie waved a hand in our direction as he continued on, ignoring Donald. “They are with me so anyone who attacks is also attacking the Council. Be warned that they are under my protection.”

  Max stiffened at that but strode forward with me right beside him.

  Donald snarled as soon as we came into view.

  “Get the fuck off my land,” he growled, his wolf barely contained.

  “Like you stayed off mine?” Max snarled right back. “I’m here for justice against those that came onto my land, into my home, and destroyed my property and murdered one of my human staff.”

  Frankie stomped toward Donald. “You’re scent and those of three of your wolves were all over the place. You,”—he stabbed a finger at the Alpha—“were the one that killed a human and Mr. Steele has the right to challenge you in retaliation. The other three that were involved are here too so they better come and stand with you or I’ll haul their asses out and I promise I won’t be gentle about it.”

  “I don’t agree.” Donald puffed out his chest. “He’s a vampire and has no say in wolf life.”

  “Indeed.” Frankie crossed his arms and glared up at him. “But I have orders from the Council. You have two choices. You can either face these two vampires, that’s odds of four against two, or you’ll be taken to the Council for immediate termination. The decision is yours but make no mistake, those are your only options.”

  Donald barked out orders, his eyes slitted, and his tone full of anger. “Get your arses over here!”

  Three men pulled away from the assembled crowd, two I knew well, Bert and Drew. They’d been two of my worst tormenters, joining Donald every chance they got to hurt or degrade me. Both of them had given me more than a bruise or two over the years and Bert had given me a real stinker of a black eye when I’d told him to piss off one day. The third man must’ve been new to the Pack because I didn’t know him at all, but he was one of the wolves who’d tore Mallen apart so his fate was sealed, same as the others.

  I hissed as hatred ran through me, Max’s hand grabbed hold of my arm to stop me from lunging toward them. “Wait,” he urged as I fought to control myself.

  All I wanted was to tear them apart for everything they’d done in the past to me and what they’d done to Mallen. They hadn’t killed Patrick. No. That was all on Donald, but they had tortured and slaughtered a poor innocent animal for nothing more than to get back at me.

  Frankie walked slowly over, his eyes raking over the pack. “I’m fairly certain they won’t intervene but if I were you I’d get this over and done with as quickly as possible.”

  “That’s what I’m planning on,” Max snapped viciously.

  “Fair enough.” Frankie never took his eyes off the assembled wolves, walking back to the middle of the open area to address them. “Nobody else interferes or you will have me to deal with. Understood?”

  There were a few mumbled words of assent but mostly there was silence as Donald and his cohorts marched toward where Frankie stood. Donald spat out, his eyes spearing into mine. “So, if we kill them we walk away, right?”

  Frankie merely nodded before backtracking, never once did he turn his back to the four wolves. Smart man. I wouldn’t trust any of them either.

  “Good.” Donald smirked as he faced us. “You thought you could get away with this forever?”

  I refused to answer and Max merely snarled, showing his elongated fangs.

  “Firstly, we all knew who killed your father,” Donald looked at Max with pure hatred in his eyes. “The stench of him was all over your dad and at first we believed you were dead but then we heard whispers that the bastard had turned you. So, I looked into things and true enough, I find out you’re one of those dirty loathful beings. A fucking vampire!”

  I couldn’t bear to listen to his tirade any longer. “Shut up! You’re a disgrace! Both as a man and as a wolf. You’re a bully, Donald, and so are you two, Bert, Drew, think I’ve forgotten how you hurt me? No, I remember every slap, push, and Bert, I remember that punch and the black eye you gave me as if it were yesterday. You lot deserve to die.”

  Max let out a strangled snarl of pure anger. “You’ll die for ever laying hands on her.”

  “Aye, we’ll see about that.” Donald stated. “The odds are in our favor so we’ll just see who’s laughing at the end of this.”

  I couldn’t hear Donald’s voice any longer, every syllable was causing my anger to almost explode from my chest. Max knew it and pushed his thoughts into my conscious. “I’m going for the Alpha first. You can pick who you go after but I would suggest the one that’s trying to circle off to the left. He’s the largest and most devious so don’t mess around, Flora. Go straight for a kill.”

  “Don’t worry, I will,” I replied a second before we sped forward with such speed we were nothing but a blur to the naked eye.

  Max had been training me since the day he’d turned me and I used every ounce of that now. I used our fantastical speed to reach Bert first, the worst of my tormenters whilst I lived within the pack and the one Max had warned me about. I dropped to the ground as I reached him, sliding in and using my legs to knock his from under him. He thudded to the ground with a loud grunt and I was on top of him so fast that his heart hadn’t beat more than twice before I ripped it from his chest.

  It was an easy kill, my first and as the thrill of it ran through me I made my first mistake. I took a mere moment to stare down at his body to revel in his death and that’s all it took for Drew to knock me flying with a blow that had my head ringing as if it were full of a dozen church bells being pulled at the same time.

  I fell to the ground face forward and dazed. I wasn’t quite sure how long I lay there but was sure it could only have been seconds but it was all it took for him to transform as his massive wolf landed on my back, his jaws snapping at my head. I barely managed to move out of the way, using my vampire strength to buck the writhing beast off my back and rolled to my feet.

  The beast snapped, growled and snarled as it circled me and I could hear another battle going on off to my right but I couldn’t chance looking over or the wolf before me would snatch the lapse in concentration to leap on me and rip my head clean off. I may be a vampire and survive a whole hell of a lot of injuries but losing my head wasn’t one of them.

  I inhaled deeply to steady myself, not that I needed to breathe. It was one of the focusing exercises Max made me do again, and again, and again. It seemed to work, as everything around me slowed down, including the wolf’s manic pacing. I could see its paws lift, move, drop, lift, move, drop, everything in slow motion as I centered my thoughts and my body.

  The wolf grew agitated as I stood immobile, waiting on my next move, but I simply stood as still as a statue and focused on every minute detail of the beast that wanted nothing more than to tear me apart. I pushed away my own anger and hatred. Remembering Max’s words of how emotions can get you killed. Cold detachment always wins over careless rage.

  I felt as if minutes ticked by when in truth it was probably mere seconds, but it was enough to put the wolf off kilter and that’s when I struck. Its attention wavered with the sounds of the other fight and I took full advantage, leaping high into the air and landing on its back, gripping around its furry neck and holding on for dear life. It bucked, jumping and careening around trying to dislodge me but I used every ounce of my super-strength to hold on, tightening my hold until my talons sank into its skin.

  It roared in pain as I dug t
hem deeper, deeper, blood pouring from the wounds as I started to rip open its throat. I slashed and cut with my bare hands, shredding the skin into a bloody mess. I felt the strength slowly leave the beast until it fell beneath me, but still I kept hold, not releasing until I felt the heart stutter, and finally stop.

  A roar of triumph erupted from me as I vaulted from the body of the beast and turned to find Max facing off both the Alpha and what appeared to be his Beta, the new guy who I knew nothing about.

  Shit. I thought he would have finished them off by now.

  The two wolves had slashes and gashes along their fur, blood trickling onto the ground in large dribbles. Max didn’t look as if he even had a hair out of place, a cold look on his face. His eyes locked with mine and he smirked, motioning me toward him.

  Ferfucksake! He’d been holding off to allow me my payback. Damn, but I fucking loved that man!

  He almost danced around the ground, fending off the snapping wolves, slashing at them with his razor sharp claws and rendering them weaker with every wound. His feet moved so fast that it was hard to keep track of his movements as I rushed over to join in. Although I hated Donald with every fiber of my being, I knew that it was Max’s right to end him. I’d take out the other wolf, who I was pretty damn sure was the new Beta.

  I jumped high into the air, spinning around to land in front of his dirty brown beast. “I’ve got this fucker,” I spat out. “You deal with Donald, and Max, please make him suffer for what he did to Patrick.”

  “My pleasure, baby.” Max smiled evilly as he closed in on Donald’s flagging beast.

  The rest of the fight passed in a flash of fangs and claws as Max and I finished off the last two wolves with ease. When I stood looking down at Donald and the Beta’s bodies I let out a long breath before turning to face the pack, my shoulders back and held head high.

  “You should be ashamed of yourselves, every last damn one of you,” I snarled. “Wolves are sworn to look after every member of their pack but even if you didn’t directly hurt me, you sure as hell stood by and did nothing as others did. You don’t deserve to belong to a pack. You should all be shunned as rogues and live alone without the strength of a pack around you. I’m glad I’m done with you, all of you, once and for all.”


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