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Smooth Moves

Page 2

by Betty McBride

  After pouring a glass, he swiftly wrote his e-mail address on a napkin and said, “Send me a copy of the blogs. I’m serious about working here, okay?”

  Thinking of her empty pantry, she asked, “Were you serious about lunch too?”

  “Yes. I don’t open for another couple of days but put my number into your cell phone and text me.” He waited until she pulled her cell phone out to rattle his number off, then motioned for her to text him. Grinning, he said, “Excellent. I’m glad you ran into me today, Candice. Get that juice into the fridge quickly.”

  Trying to keep her suspicions hidden, she nodded and tucked the napkin into her purse. He suddenly grabbed her hand, lifting it to his lips. Her eyes widened as he breathed over it, “Don’t forget about our lunches.”

  As if I could!

  He suddenly stood and grasped her chin again, “Damn, you have the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  His gaze dropped to her lips, causing her to tense as she pulled away. Aching in places she’d completely forgotten, she scurried out the door and put off going to the grocers with thoughts of at least one free meal a day.

  Chapter Two

  Ben Danton watched her leave before calling out to his twin, “You really need to work these girls, Rich. She’ll come around. Do you see how easy it’s done?”

  The more grounded of the two, Rich appeared from the back, “You always did make it look really easy, Ben, but I don’t like exploiting illnesses.”

  Rich’s lip curled as he scowled at his twin. Even though the two were identical, they differed in personalities. With a careless shrug, Ben said, “You wanted change, don’t like women falling all over themselves for you, and now you’re going to complain about this too?”

  Rich’s eyes narrowed, “I’ll manage and I’m sure you’ll love the photo shoots and commercials. You can have all the women you want.”

  Ben grinned, “Lose the shyness, Rich, for your own good. Just think about how healthy these sickly girls will be when they get better.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, Rich bit back his retort. He loved his brother but grew tired of the playboy persona which Ben wore so well. Winking at his twin, Ben said, “Wait until you see this new one’s eyes. She’d be truly beautiful without the rash and the self-deprecating attitude.” Dimples sprang onto his cheeks, “Makes me want to stick around. I set up the lunches as follow up. Don’t blow it.”

  “Aren’t you headed toward a commercial shoot, Ben?”

  Checking his watch, Ben nodded, “Yeah. I guess this end of it is all yours. Now remember, they expect to see Richard Danton as the face of Smooth Moves so, if anyone asks, you’re the one doing the commercials.”

  “Why can’t we just tell them it’s you?”

  Wincing, Ben explained, “One of the model’s mothers is out for my blood. Besides, Dad already okayed it.”

  Rolling his eyes, Rich nodded, “I should have guessed.”

  He wished his twin goodbye, thankful that he was out of his hair. Having watched them from the back, Rich had glimpsed Candice’s silvery eyes. Intrigued instead of turned off by her attitude, he couldn’t wait to get to know her better. Unlike his twin, Rich didn’t make friends easily.

  Society’s penchant for labeling people ground on his nerves. The fact that his family was in the health food industry, using those very labels had worn on him. Secretly, he hoped to lose his shyness while sincerely befriending people instead of luring them with false charm like his brother had done in the past.

  At first, Rich had opted to be in front of the camera so that he didn’t have to take an active role in baiting the unhealthy. He’d quickly grown tired of the attention and, needing a change, had decided to switch positions with Ben. Currently, he cleared the food from his twin’s meeting and flipped open the phone Ben had left behind.

  Unbeknownst to Candice, Ben had taken a photo of her when she’d sent him the number. Viewing it now, Rich couldn’t wait until he saw her again. After a bit of research, he was shocked at her high school pictures and popularity.

  She hid herself as if she were a Leper. The more Rich was around her, the more interested he became. Over the next two weeks, he watched her peek out of the shell she’d placed herself within while consistently fighting resentment at herself and society.

  Recognizing that her shielding was self-serving, he spent too much time contemplating on how to get her to drop those walls. The rest of his time was spent mesmerized, watching her vibrant eyes shift from silver to blue. When she’d refused to invite him over to her place, he created a plan.

  Seeing her skin clearer than it had been in a while, Candice hastily put on makeup. She hadn’t worn it in so long that she’d forgotten how it made her vibrant silvery eyes stand out. At one point in her life, she’d thought they’d made her special but, when the Lupus hit, she’d seen them as an unwanted attention grabber.

  Taking multiple pictures from her webcam, she frowned when her doorbell rang. Quickly glancing through the peephole, her eyes widened when Rich stood impatiently on the other side with a cup and paper bag.

  Forgetting she even wore makeup, she opened the door while hoping the cup held juice for her. Actually craving it now, she grinned when he held it out and said, “Hey, what happened to lunch? Was I usurped for a hot date?”

  Frowning, she took the cup and bag while rolling her eyes, “Of course not. A client wanted a photo shot for an article. I figured I might as well try to get a good shot while my rash has faded a bit. It’ll probably be worse tomorrow.”

  Motioning toward the cup, he shook his head, “Not if you drink enough of that. There’s two more bottles in the bag but you need to put it in the fridge right away. Nice place.”

  “Thanks. Did you get my latest blog?”

  “Yes and thank you for the kind words. I’d really like to read about a change in your health though, Candice. Seriously, I think if you cut out junk and continued to drink juice…” His lip curled as he picked up a bag of chips, “…you’d see a big difference.”

  Licking the fresh juice from her lips, she dragged in air and blushed when his gaze lowered to her mouth. Having grown accustomed to his flirting and affections, she snatched the empty chip bag out of his hand to deposit in the garbage, “I’ll think about it. Did you make a special trip just to bring juice and nag me?”

  Grinning, he nodded, “You’re the only friend I have in this town. The shop just opened and we’ve had a few customers in the last four hours.”

  She frowned over her laptop before choosing the best of the pictures. Tensing, she sent it and hoped the client would be okay with the black and white image. She picked up the fresh juice and jumped when the lights went out. Groaning, she shook her head, “Oh, no, No, NO!”


  As her face heated with embarrassment, her shoulders dropped in defeat, “I paid half the electric bill because I had to pick up medicine, pay the doctor…” She groaned as she shoved fingers into her hair, trying to keep the tears at bay.

  “Your electric was cut off!?!”

  Sinking down in a chair, she nodded but quickly asked, “Can I use your Wi-Fi at the deli?”

  Rich looked around, nodding distractedly before he said, “Wait a minute, Candice. You can’t live here without electricity! I have a three-bedroom house. Just stay with me until you get it back on.”

  Staring at him as if he’d lost his mind, she shook her head, “I can’t do that. What’ll people think?”

  “Who cares what people think?”

  She gasped before blurting out, “I do. You don’t need bad publicity right now! You’re trying to lure people…”

  His eyes narrowed, “You’re too hard on yourself, Candice, and I won’t take no for an answer. In fact, it’ll be good for you to have someone nag that juice into your system instead of…” He pointed at her cigarettes, “…carcinogens.”

  They both went for the cigarettes at the same time. She got there first, baring her teeth at him but shrieking when
he pulled her within inches of his body while attempting to wrestle them out of her grasp. Stuttering as she tried to pull away but never loosening her grasp on her cigarettes, she tensed when his other arm swept over her lower back to hold her there.

  “You have no idea how pretty you are under all your self-doubt, do you?”


  His dimples appeared at her breathless tone but she started pushing at him. He tightened his grip, nodding as she shook her head, “You need someone to care, Candice, because you’re too busy digging a hole to hide in. You cannot stay here.

  “I’ve done it before, Rich…let me go!”

  “You’ve…?” Astonishment flooded his face as he shook his head, “Not this time. If I have to pack your bags and kidnap you, you’re staying with me. And we’re getting you healthy. No more chips for breakfast!”

  He suddenly let her go but scowled when she immediately lit a cigarette. She narrowed her eyes and snapped, “I want you to be honest. Why are you doing this?”

  Studying her for a second, he calmly said, “Because you treat yourself like a dog. You’ve taken every stare and harsh comment from society and shrouded yourself in it like you do those scarves. You’re hiding, Candice. Now, let me ask you; what are you hiding from?”

  She stared at his intense green eyes, wondering how this man could see into her soul. He was right but she’d hidden away for so long that she didn’t know how to stop. Shrouding herself was much easier than facing everything. The very thought of stepping into the fast lane, changing herself into what society deemed normal was now terrifying.

  Fresh anger at herself and her situation burst forward, causing her face to twist, “Fine. I’ll stay with you but…”

  His head tilted as she bit back don’t touch me again. As if he knew his nearness had rattled her, he stepped toward her. She scrambled backwards, thrust a hand in front of her, and barked, “Quit it. I don’t like invasion of my space.”

  “That’s because you haven’t let anyone near you for the past…how long?”

  She took a long drag of her cigarette, turning away to hide her shaking hand and said, “Can you just grab my laptop? I’ll go grab some clothes.”

  Hearing him shut down her laptop as she hurried toward her bedroom brought a sigh of relief. She stopped and glanced at herself in the mirror, pulling her face closer. The rash had been reduced to redness with flaking skin. The beginnings of her true looks peeked through the guarded expression staring back.

  Her wavy light brown hair looked healthier than it had since starting the medication. She hadn’t had a haircut in over three years. Raking eyes from her brow down her perfect nose, other than the redness spreading over it and onto her cheeks, she had to admit that her appearance wasn’t half bad. Remembering the girl from high school that the jocks fought over, she sneered at herself and turned to gather clothing.

  She didn’t see Rich hovering behind her door, watching as she viewed the person she’d become. He swiftly walked back down the hall, calling out his intentions of putting her things in the car. After hearing her positive response, he stepped outside her apartment and pulled his cell phone out to text his brother.

  Even though Ben had known from the minute he’d laid eyes on her that she could help his business, Rich was captivated by Candice. Driven to achieve, his brother sought out people like her once they settled into new towns. Nothing spoke of success like a walking billboard. Ben called and asked how things were going.

  “Great. Remember Candice? She’ll be staying with me for a bit. There’s an issue with her electricity.”

  At his brother’s response, he quickly assured, “Yeah, it worked out perfectly. How are things with Cassie?”

  When Candice walked out, he quickly said, “Okay thanks, bro. I’ve got to go. Talk to you soon.”

  At her inquiring look, he said, “My family runs the other deli’s we own.”

  “How many does your family own?”

  “This one makes five. My father wants eight of them.”

  Helping her put her belongings in his backseat, he offered a shy grin when an older woman stopped alongside them to say, “It’s nice to see you getting out more, Candice.” She thrust her hand out to Rich, “I’m Liz Buckman. How are you, Richard? I’m so glad we have Smooth Moves in town now.”

  Candice watched the woman’s gaze drag down Rich as if she’d love to show him a few smooth moves. Suddenly feeling territorial, Candice wondered how she knew him while blurting out, “I’ll be staying with him for a while.”

  Liz’s eyebrows flew up, “Really? Is he a long lost cousin or something?”

  Rich grinned but shook his head, “No kin. I’m a friend helping her out.”

  “I see.” Studying Candice with renewed zeal, Liz took in her hourglass figure, clearing skin, and mesmerizing eyes, “That juice must be exceptional. You’re looking much…healthier.”

  Candice glared at the woman’s curled lip, forcing an obligatory thank you out before swinging into the passenger seat. She and Liz had never gotten along. The woman was normally hostile.

  She’d seemed ecstatic every time Candice’s rash had broken out. Holding her catty attitude in check, she graciously accepted Rich’s offer to drop by the deli but shot a scathing look back at Candice before entering the building.

  When Rich settled into the driver’s seat, Candice groaned, “That woman’s such a royal bitch. Her sister and I had it out in our junior year.”

  As he pulled out of the lot, he asked, “How long ago was that?”

  At his tone, she frowned, “Seven years. I’m not dramatizing this. She knows I react to mosquito bites, Rich. What does she do? Leaves the front door of the building open so they’ll come inside. She hates me because…”


  At his admonishing tone, her eyes darted to him, “You think I just hate myself, don’t you?”

  He sighed before glancing at her as he pulled up to a red light, “You don’t exactly appreciate your health or looks.” When she opened her mouth, he cut her off with a sound of warning, “I’ll make you a deal. Get healthy and prove to me that you don’t hate yourself. When Liz comes into the deli, she’ll be green with envy. She’s already jealous but you don’t see that.”

  She barked a laugh but, at his knowing look, snapped her mouth shut and nodded, “Okay, you’re on! I’m telling you…she just hates me because of her sister.”

  He pulled into his house, nodding at her surprise, “Yeah. We don’t live that far apart.”

  After giving her a tour of his place, he motioned into a spare room, “I’m using the other one for storage. Is this okay?”

  She nodded, dumping her duffle bag onto the bed as he put her suitcase beside it. His hand suddenly rose to lift her hair off a shoulder, “You look ready to smoke a pack of cigarettes. No smoking in the house. Relax. Oh…I have a hot tub too.”

  At her widening eyes, he added, “You didn’t pack your swim suit?”

  Shaking her head as she thought of the various bumps in multiple places, she quickly said, “I don’t do swim suits.”

  “Bare flesh is even better.”

  “I did not mean that and you know it. I don’t do hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, and…anything else showing skin.”

  “Good God, Candice. You haven’t lived yet. That’s okay. I like a challenge.” Before she could say anything, he turned and shot over his shoulder, “Come on. You look hungry.”

  “Um…where can I smoke?”

  He pointed out on the patio, “By the pool. At least you can look at the sparkling water and fantasize.”

  She headed out the patio doors, wishing suddenly that she did swim. Even though it was mid-October, he hadn’t covered it. She wondered if it was heated but got her answer soon enough when, halfway through her cigarette, he walked out to join her. Placing a large glass of juice in front of her, he motioned toward the pool, “You could always wear a T-shirt and shorts. It makes for a nice relaxing sleep.”

  As they ate, she insisted that she wasn’t about to show any skin whatsoever. He assured her that it would help her healing to be relaxed and stress-free. The bantering continued until he dragged a heated gaze over her body, “You really think you’re ugly, don’t you?”

  “Yes. NO! I just don’t want to think about it.”

  Grinning widely, he suddenly leaned forward, “You’re damn sexy when you’re pissed.”

  She gasped, coughing when a bit of juice went down the wrong way. His husky laugher drifted through the air as he rose and rounded the table. She tensed but was too busy trying to drag air into her lungs to resist when he patted her back.

  After about three pats, though, he suddenly pulled her from the chair. Ignoring her sputtering, he swept an arm under her legs and carried her to the edge of the pool. With no other choice but to cling to his neck, her eyes widened as she screeched, “Don’t you…!”

  He stepped forward off the edge, tightening his grip when she tried to push him away. Every stitch—long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and sneakers—molded themselves to her body. Holding her breath as her hair tumbled from the loose ponytail upon impact, she jerked when his feet hit the bottom of the pool to send them resurfacing.

  Sweeping her wet hair out of her face, she vaguely realized the water was actually quite warm before his hot mouth closed over hers. Her eyes flew open to see his amused green ones pinning her in place. While her brain screamed, get him off you right now; her body almost slid down him as desire drenched her senses.

  His hand cupped her ass, dragging her closer to him. The minute she felt his hard length against her, she tensed and pushed at him. He broke the kiss, breathing over her lips, “Kissing is healthy, Candice.”

  Knowing her clothing was molded to every inch of her, she waded through the pool toward the steps. Before she could get up them, he was standing at the end holding his hand out as he dripped water and grinned. She froze, refusing to take his hand. He tilted his head, “I’m sorry but you need human contact and, regardless of what you might think of me right now, I am human.”


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