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Smooth Moves

Page 8

by Betty McBride

  Armed with this knowledge, he was determined to take their relationship beyond friendship. He knew what he wanted but now had to break through Candice’s hardheaded display of friend’s only. The only way he knew how to do this was to create an atmosphere where the attention was on something other than herself. Nadia had eagerly agreed when he’d explained that he was madly in love with Candice.

  In the meantime, Candice scowled every time Nadia’s lilting voice hit the air. Trying to focus on the article, she felt a wave of nausea and groaned when her stomach cramped. Grumbling as she reached for the wastebasket, she didn’t see Nadia appear in the doorway.

  With arm outstretched as the nausea worsened, she could only sigh in relief when the nurse came into view. As she became sick all over again, Nadia sank onto the bed next to her. Pulling her long hair out of her face, Nadia held her as the light breakfast she’d consumed landed in the wastebasket. She produced a wet washcloth, gently cleaning Candice while telling her, “I’m here for you both. Don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Candice weakly asked, “How do you know Rich?”

  With a small smile, she shrugged, “I’ve known his family for a long time. I grew up with Ben and Rich. In fact, his father put me through nursing school when my parents went bankrupt and gave my mother a job at one of the shops. She had breast cancer.”

  Her glow when she said Rich’s name did nothing to squelch Candice’s jealousy. Before she could stop herself, Candice blurted out, “We’re seeing each other.”

  Nadia’s eyebrows flew up, “He said you were close friends. Is it more than that?”

  “Close friends? Um…yeah, it’s more than that.”

  Detecting the jealous tone, Nadia slowly nodded, “Okay. Does he know how you feel?” Candice’s gaze lowered as Nadia added, “Because he emphasized the word friends.”

  With a sigh, Candice said, “That’s my fault. I wanted to take it slower but we are more than friends.”

  Nadia’s head tilted in a way that provoked more jealousy from Candice but the nurse’s next words made her heart stop, “You’ll want to correct that then. There’s a line of women that would love for him to dote on them…me being one of them.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, Candice urged, “What about Ben? I thought he was the playboy of the two.”

  Nadia grinned, “Who wants a playboy that’s stuck on himself when a much more caring carbon copy is available? Ben attracts shallow women but any woman with brains can see that Rich is the grounded one.”

  Candice’s eyes widened as her hand shot out to stop Nadia as she stood, “You’re not pursuing him…are you?”

  Slyness bled into Nadia’s eyes, “Until he tells me otherwise, I’ll chase. After all, I know him like the back of my hand. If you really want him and think you’re more than friends, you better start proving it because I intend to make a move if you don’t.”

  Her uncle called for Nadia so she rushed into the next room, leaving Candice’s head spinning but not from illness this time. Oh, shit. How do I compete with…her?

  With her laptop forgotten in front of her, she chewed a fingernail as a plan formulated in her mind. She pulled herself from the bed and plowed through her suitcase, searching for something more seductive to wear. After years of amassing long pants and shirts, her selection was nonexistent. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted a transparent long sleeved shirt.

  Grabbing a lace bra and panty set she’d recently purchased, she quickly laid them out on her suitcase before she settled back into bed. When she heard Rich’s car pull into the drive, she slowly made her way out of the bedroom. Nadia was busy checking her uncle’s vitals so Candice met Rich at the door, “Do you need any help?”

  Ignoring her question, he asked, “Why are you out of bed?”

  “To help you.”

  “Where’s Nadia?”

  “Busy helping Uncle Mike.”

  “You look pale. Are you okay?”

  She nodded and asked, “Can you get me some of that soup when we’re done putting this stuff away?”

  Setting the bags on the table, he nodded as he scooped her into his arms, “But we won’t be putting the stuff away. You need to stay in bed.”

  When he released her on the bed, she grabbed his arm, “I want to take a shower but I get dizzy when I stand for too long. Can you…um…?”

  “Wash your back? Take one with you? I’d prefer the latter.”

  She nodded, “That would be good.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, he slowly said, “Let me put this away. Do you want the soup before or after?”

  “Before. I’m really hungry.”

  Grinning, he nodded and went out of the room. Within minutes, he reappeared with the soup. She frowned as she ate, telling him, “Did you get bananas and do you have peanut butter? A peanut butter and banana sandwich sounds great.”

  “That soup didn’t fill you up?”

  She muttered, “No. This is crazy. I normally don’t even like peanut butter. Do you think it’s the salmonella?”

  Holding a finger up, he said, “I’m not sure but one peanut butter and banana sandwich coming up.”

  When he returned, he handed the request over with a knowing look. Candice’s eyes narrowed, “What’s on your mind?”

  Refusing to give into his own hopes, he shook his head, “Hurry up and eat. I can’t wait to shower with you.”

  Remembering her conversation with Nadia, she ate the sandwich faster than she’d ever consumed anything. She groaned afterward, rubbing her stomach and said, “Maybe I should have stuck with the soup instead of mixing it up.”

  “It could be a good sign that you’re getting better.”

  Helping her undress, he grinned at her slight shyness before shedding his own clothes. Her eyes flew everywhere but she lost the battle, resting with obvious heat on his chest. Every other time she’d seen him in the buff had been in frantic activity and too dark to really see. Now her hands tingled with the need to trace every muscle, elicit response, and satisfy her own craving.

  With her arms crossed over her chest, she leaned forward and kissed his chest. The minute his chest hair tickled her lips, she sighed and dropped her arms to rest her full length against him. His arms folded her in an embrace, holding her tightly against him as he breathed into her hair, “You sure about just being friends?”

  “Um…actually I wanted to talk to you about that. I think we passed the point of slowing down at the hot tub. Maybe we should just recognize what’s there and move forward.”

  Squeezing her to him, he groaned, “That’d be great, Candice.”

  Nuzzling into him, she yearned to wrap her fingers around his hardening cock but resisted the impulse. Instead, she grabbed her toothbrush and said, “Why am I still hungry?”

  His eyebrows flew up as he tipped her chin so she’d look at him, “Could you be pregnant, Candice?”

  Her whole body jerked at the word. Staring at him, she breathed, “Oh my God, don’t say that!”

  “Would it be so bad?”

  “Rich, I have Lupus. I’d never forgive myself if something were to happen to a child because of me.”

  Tenderness flew over his face as his eyes widened, “Many women with Lupus have healthy children. I mean, you’d be at high risk just like any illness but…”

  “Please…stop. I don’t want to think about that. Besides, I’m always irregular so…”

  “You’re late!?!”

  Her face flushed as she nodded, “Like I said, though…Rich, don’t start hoping.”

  He couldn’t help it. A grin spread over his face, making his eyes twinkle, as he watched her brush her teeth. Starting the water, he said, “After we shower, I’ll run down to the pharmacy and buy some tests.”

  She groaned around her toothbrush but had to admit the possibility. Even though it scared the hell out of her, she knew deep down that she loved him. Her insecurity rose up to ensure her that he’d have to stick around if she were with his child. Frowning to herself, she thought of
his declaration of love. Still unable to truly believe that he loved her, her mind flew to Nadia once again.

  If she were with child, no other woman would be able to claim him. Seeing the pregnancy possibilities in a new light, she had no idea that her own lack of self-esteem and high self-loathing played a role in her inability to believe that a man would ever love her. She stepped into the shower, warming to the idea of pregnancy but for all the wrong reasons.

  He slowly washed every inch of her, exploring as he lathered, while she did the same. By the time they were finished, she was so aroused that she was hinting about shower sex. He grinned, “With your uncle and Nadia in the next room, they would hear every bit of it.”

  Grumbling over a lack of privacy, she winced when the nausea returned. He rushed them through rinsing, helped her out of the shower, and wrapped her in a thick robe before demanding that she get back in bed.

  “I’m going down to get those tests. Do you need anything before I leave?” When she shook her head, holding up the crackers, he said, “Ask Nadia to get you stuff. That’s what she’s paid for.”

  At the mention of the nurse, Candice’s eyes narrowed. Detecting a bit of attitude, Rich asked, “What? You don’t like Nadia?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like her. She’s got her eye on you.”

  Amusement cut across Rich’s face, “She grew up with us. She’s just flirtatious. You should see her around Ben.”

  “She told me she doesn’t like Ben but will chase you.”

  “Really?” She glared at him when astonishment replaced the amusement, practically snapping, “Hey, I might have a baby on board over here.”

  He sank down onto the bed beside her, “Candice, I care about Nadia as a friend only. I can’t imagine life without you because I love you. There’s a huge difference. If she were to return to her homeland tomorrow, I wouldn’t chase her. You, on the other hand, I would follow wherever you ran.”

  A part of her wanted to believe him so badly that it hurt but the other part was scared of being hurt. She muttered a hasty thank you before stuttering, “I…um…Rich, I think…”

  He put a finger over her lips, “When you’re ready, Candice, the words will come.”

  She slid her fingers into his hair, bringing his face to hers for a kiss. Already missing him even though he was only traveling to the pharmacy, she broke the kiss and asked, “When do you think we could…?”

  “After Nadia leaves and your uncle is asleep.”

  She scowled, aching so bad she squirmed as he stood to leave. Rich ducked into her uncle’s room, telling them both, “I’m going to run into town for a few supplies that I forgot.” His focus shifted to Nadia, “Thanks for whatever you told her. It worked like a charm but now you can back off a bit.” His gaze flew to Uncle Mike, “Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?”

  “I’m good. Nadia is keeping me captivated with stories about her relatives in Sweden.”

  Grinning, Rich patted his hand and told Nadia thanks before leaving. He missed her sly expression as she turned back to Mike. She’d been truthful with Candice about chasing Rich. She’d seen this as prime opportunity to get what she wanted; a place in the Danton household.

  Candice quickly dressed in the transparent shirt with lacy panty and bra set underneath. Sinking beneath the sheets and blankets, she thought about the possibilities while lightly rubbing her stomach. Grabbing her laptop, she brought up information about pregnancy and how soon the symptoms appeared. Next, she researched pregnancy with Lupus. After discovering the truth within Rich’s earlier words—high chances of a healthy child—she thought about raising a child with him.

  When she grew hungry again, her eyes widened as she ticked off the time since their hot tub tryst and the lateness of her period. She gasped as she realized the chances. Although it had only been a little over a week since they’d first had sex, she had thought her late period—one week to be exact—was due to stress.

  Hearing Rich return, a small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. She grabbed the robe and headed for the kitchen but stopped when she remembered his demand that she stay in bed. Pausing at the door, she heard Nadia’s lilting voice as she helped him inside before the nurse gasped.

  Opening the door slightly to eavesdrop, Candice grinned when Nadia hissed, “A pregnancy test?”

  Rich made a shushing noise before saying, “She might be. I’m hopeful. Look what else I got her.”

  This time, Nadia’s harsh gasp made Candice jerk the door open. A rustling of something before Rich called, “Get back in bed, Candice. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

  She glared at Nadia who was staring at her with a mixture of astonishment and distaste. Spinning around, she left the door open as she went back to the bed. Within moments, Rich came into the room and pitched a pregnancy test on the bed while grinning from ear to ear, “You said you’re irregular. How late are you?”

  “Yeah but it’s only a week. I’m always irregular.” Her breathy tone and wide eyes made him assure her, “You know how I feel about you, Candice. I’d love to have a child with you. The box says the test can detect up to a week after missed period.”

  She climbed off the bed but frowned, “I’m going to need some juice or water. I don’t have to go yet.” She grinned, “And I’m hungry again.”

  A grin split his face while hope sparkled in his eyes, “More soup or another peanut butter/banana sandwich?”

  “Both sound good.”

  Rich dragged her to him, “Excellent. Get back in bed. I’ll be right back.”

  Returning with the tray, he sat down while she ate. Pausing at his amused expression, she asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “If you’re not pregnant, you have the most bizarre diet I’ve ever seen. Chicken soup with peanut butter and bananas?” He shuddered before adding, “Then again, you used to eat chips for breakfast.”

  Halfway through the sandwich, she groaned, “I’m stuffed but I’m still hungry.”

  “Candice, you must be pregnant. I don’t care what that test says. When Cassie was pregnant, she was the same way.”

  She crawled off the bed, now anticipating finding out, “Okay. Let me go take this test.”

  He followed her into the bathroom but she put her hands on her hips, “I am not peeing with you in here.”

  “I’ll be right outside the door. Bring that out with you and no peeking. I want both of us to find out at the same time. Give me that box.”

  Chapter Nine

  He read the instructions, needlessly directing her before she opened the door and came back out. Both of them paced until the time had passed. At the plus sign, she breathed, “Wait. What does that mean?”

  He whooped and swept her into his arms, spinning around with her while saying, “It’s a positive, Candice.”

  Stunned speechless, Candice stared at him as Nadia ran into the room. Neither noticed her until she breathed, “She’s…?”

  Nodding, his gaze flew to Candice when she said, “Nadia, please don’t tell my uncle yet.”

  She smirked, “I think he needs to know.”

  “That’s okay, Nadia. We’ve got this.” He winked at the nurse before ushering Candice into the bathroom. She scowled at him, “Would you quit flirting with her? She’s after your ass. Can’t you see that?”

  Shaking his head, he grinned, “This ass belongs to you but you won’t admit it. Are you feeling okay?”

  His exuberance was catchy but she still couldn’t get used to the idea of pregnancy. To her horror, tears welled up as she muttered, “Rich, I’m scared.”

  Raking his fingers into her hair, he kissed her nose, “We’ll get the best doctors, Candice. You have no idea how much I’ve thought about this. Especially after my nephew was born.”

  “What if Uncle Mike has another heart attack at the news?”

  “I think he’ll be overjoyed at the news.”

  “Oh my God, Rich. I’m pregnant.”

  He bathed her face in kisses befor
e breathing over her lips, “We’re having a baby, Candice. A love child. You have no idea how much I love you.”

  She tensed at the words, trying to force the same out of her mouth but they stuck in her throat. Scared over being pregnant and trying to figure out if she wanted a child in her life, she nuzzled into his chest.

  “I want you to focus on blogging about the aspect of having Lupus while being pregnant. That will help other women with similar illnesses.”

  Realizing he had a point, she asked, “What if the baby’s born with Lupus or worse because of the illness?”

  “We’ll monitor every step and have the best doctors. I promise.”

  “When are you going to tell your parents?”

  “I’ll ask them over for dinner tonight. Since we know you don’t have food poisoning or a 24-hour bug that’s catchy…” His gaze flew over her blouse, “Did you wear that for me?” She nodded and he grinned, “Put a robe on so we can go tell your uncle.”

  She grabbed the robe, taking a deep breath as nerves flooded her system. Before they could get to the door, her uncle’s surprised bark of her name made them both freeze. Glaring toward the hallway, she hissed, “She didn’t!”

  Pulling her along with him, Rich hurried to her uncle’s room. His wide grin drew both their focus from Nadia’s sly expression. He excitedly said, “I’m going to be a great uncle?”

  She nodded, shooting Nadia a disgruntled look, “Rich went and got a test when I started eating peanut butter and bananas with chicken soup.”

  Laughing, his gaze shot to Rich who couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he said, “I’m asking my parents to dinner tonight. Do you think you’ll be up to joining us?”

  He eagerly nodded, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Focusing on Nadia, he asked, “Can you get me a glass of water?”


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