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Chosen by the Wolf (BBW Steamy Werewolf Shifter FMMMMM Menage Romance Novella)

Page 6

by Willow Wilde

  “This is them?” I asked innocently.

  “That’s right. Rionn, Rosco,” he introduced them, each nodding politely as their name was mentioned, “I’d like you to meet Chloe. She had some trouble with her truck, and we’re going to let her sleep here for the night.”

  “Am I?” I turned on him, staring inquisitively.

  “You…really don’t want to go back out there until sunrise,” he replied, before turning his attention to the others. “Our feral friend is back. Caught him about to make mincemeat of our guest. I followed him for half a mile. He was going straight for her.”

  The others grew solemn, and I studied everything going on around me with rapt attention.

  “We’re going to have to take care of him,” Randall continued. “We can’t have him attacking anyone in the middle of the night. If he can’t control himself, we’ll need to take things up a notch. Nobody gets hurt in my woods, you understand?”

  The others nodded. One of them piped up. “What do you want us to do?”

  “Find him,” Randall answered. “Bring him here. Chain him up until he changes back. We’ll figure something out afterwards.”

  “My hero,” I murmured, and although all of them turned to me at my words, they declined to comment. Rionn and Rosco left, the door clattering shut behind them. For a brief moment, I thought I saw some sort of glow from outside, but when I stepped up and flipped the curtain aside, there was nothing there.

  Not even them.


  “The werewolf doesn’t mean any harm, not really,” Randall explained as we were seated in the living room. “He’s a recent change, still can’t control his feral urges. It’s a rough time at the start. Doesn’t look like he has a pack or anything. Must be just him. Alone and figuring things out. Without guidance, it’ll be a while before he can retain his intelligence as he transforms.”

  “So, you’re seriously telling me that there’s a werewolf out there,” I sighed. “And what makes you the authority on werewolves?”

  “Well, he’s a bit of what you might call a…distance cousin,” Randall explained. “Shifters and weres are a bit different from each other. We’re lumped together all the time. Common mistake. But the differences are key.”

  “I’m sorry, shifters?” I laughed. “What, like, shapeshifters?”

  “Yeah,” he smiled warmly. “Shapeshifters. My packmates and I are wolf shifters, and we keep an eye on these woods after dark. Even without our furry friend, there can be some odd things in the woods. We generally try to keep people like yourself safe when you wind up out in them at night.”

  “Right. So, you turn into, like, a wolf and stuff?”

  “You don’t believe me.”

  “Of course I don’t fucking believe you.”

  “Right. How about a demonstration? But I must warn you…witnessing the change can inspire some feelings within certain women.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” he smiled seductively. It was true that his incredible features made me practically melt, but that smile. On principle alone, I wasn’t going to fuck him, but…he was attractive. Highly so.

  I followed him out to the porch, and he stepped down into the grass. “Isn’t this a bad idea?” I asked, motioned out to the woods. “Isn’t your buddy still out there? He might come surprise us while we’re here.”

  “My brothers are already on the hunt for him. By now, they will have found him, perhaps even cornered him,” Randall explained. “You have nothing to fear right now. Are you ready?”

  I nodded, and Randall stepped a few more strides away, then turned to face me. The air around his body began to glimmer with a soft glow…and then he suddenly dropped to all fours, his body changing within a few blinks of the eye. The hair atop his head rustled down his body as his limbs contorted, and his body grew briefly as the muscles swelled up, growing leaner as they adjusted to their new configuration.

  After a moment, I was gazing upon the largest wolf I’d ever seen. He pawed a few steps towards me, climbing up the stairs as I began to step back. He came up to me, and then licked my hand, and I instinctively ran my fingers through the fur atop his head. He gave a soft grow in appreciation, and I scratched a little harder before pulling back. The wolf gazed upon me one last time, still bearing that brilliant tinge of green to his eyes, before padding down the steps and transforming back just as quickly.

  “There you have it,” Randall smiled. Unfortunately, his jeans had shredded with the transformation, and he was now completely naked on top of everything. I could see that the definition to his muscles didn’t stop at his waist, as his legs were fully sculpted as well…and that he had a massive swinging cock between his thighs. “I’m sorry,” he nonchalantly mentioned as he realized his nakedness, although he made no ill attempt to hide it. “I’ll find some jeans in a moment,” he smiled.

  There was a rustling outside the trees, and he instantly turned to regard whoever was approaching in the dark. “Rionn? Rosco? Is that you?”

  “We can’t find him!” Came a call from the brothers…but in the distance. Whatever was here…it wasn’t them.

  “Oh fuck me,” I blurted out, taking another step backwards. “That thing is here!”

  “Turn around!” Randall demanded, whipping around to face me. “It won’t target you if you don’t see it!”

  But it was too late. The creature had stepped out from the trees, and the clouds parted just in time to show it in the light of the full moon. Standing on its hind legs, it was a horrendous beast, shaped like a hunched man, but easily seven feet tall with the head of a wolf and broad, shaggy shoulders that ended in fierce arms and thick claws. With a face filled with murderous intent, the beast snarled a tremendous burst of fury from its lungs.

  And it immediately locked eyes with me.


  “Fuuuuuck…” I gasped.

  Randall turned to face it, then back to me. “Get inside. Find a safe place. NOW.”

  I bolted back inside, throwing the door shut and bolting it, and took a few steps back before the door slammed hard. Banging against the bolt, I could see the frame starting to crack, and realized too late that it wasn’t going to hold.

  Turning and fleeing for the stairs, I made it up a couple before the sound of cracking, splintering wood rocketed into the night. With an inhuman screech, the monster came, racing towards the stairs and bellowing as it lunged upwards towards me. I shrieked as I turned a corner at the top, throwing myself into a bedroom and slamming the door shut. Luckily, there was a closet, and I slammed the shutter as I hid, trembling and holding my breath as I waited for my inevitable death.

  I heard the creature’s toenails clattering across the floorboards as it stomped about, breaking down doors and stalking me. It didn’t see which room I ran into, I thought to myself with a slight hint of victory. But I wasn’t out of the woods yet, in a manner of speaking.

  Another door broke down, and hen another; I realized that it was in the room. Through the wooden slats of the closet door, I could see the shadows move as the creature clicked closer, growling long and low from the bottom of its lungs. I heard another noise…sniffing…

  The light was blotted out from in front of me. With a sudden burst, the door was reduced to splinters in front of me, and I covered my face and shrieked as the werewolf loomed, ready to cut me down…

  WHAM! It was slammed into the wall with enough force to rattle everything around me. I looked up to see the naked, muscular form of Randall, standing directly in front of me. With the tightest, most incredible ass a man could have, he had put himself between the murderous creature and myself, standing his ground with complete confidence.

  “You will not harm this woman,” he spoke menacingly, before releasing a tremendous growl from his chest. The werewolf clamored to its paws, hulking above my savior before releasing its own roar, apparently defiantly demanding otherwise.

  The werewolf lunged for me, and Randall shot forwa
rd, grabbing it around the waist. In a tremendous volley, they fought it out in front of me, and Randall met its fearsome swipes with dexterous dodges before countering with mighty blows from his fists. Ducking away from the creature, he let loose a battle roar before launching himself at it, grabbing around its throat and riding it out of the room. I heard the fracas move towards the staircase before the truly vicious sounds of them duking it out as they rolled down the stairs.

  Unable to resist, I fled to the rail, watching them on the first floor. The other two raced into the house, both in their wolf forms, and their still-human leader snarled as they all closed in on the cornered werewolf, ready to pounce at the creature…

  I felt the wood beneath my foot give way – likely from the weight of the creatures fighting across the hallway, and threw an arm out to steady myself. Unfortunately, I couldn’t grasp the railing in time, and my head smacked hard against the wall as I crumpled to the ground, everything going black around me.


  When I woke up, I realized I was on the couch downstairs. Panicking and lunging up to a seated position, Randall quickly urged me back down, his warm smile pulling into view.

  “There, there, nothing to fear…it’s all taken care of.”

  “Is it?” I turned, gazing at him as I held my head in a hand. “But the…the creature, I remember there was a…”

  “The werewolf? He’s been taken of,” the shifter reassured me. “He’s locked up in the basement. Knocked out. Just like you were. He transformed back into a man, and without the light of the moon, he won’t be able to assume his less friendly form again. For good measure, we chained the temperamental bastard up. He won’t hurt you again.”

  “I…see…” I murmured, resting for a moment. “You saved me.”

  “Not just me,” he murmured softly, his fingers brushing against my face. “The rest of the pack chipped in, too. Turns out that Rionn and Rosco have taken a serious liking to you, too.”

  “Too?” I started to blush.

  “Well…it shouldn’t be a surprise that I find you incredibly beautiful. You’re the sexiest young woman I’ve seen, and I’m happy to let you stay as long as you need to, while you get things sorted out with your truck.”

  Oh, right, I thought to myself. Nearly forgot, in all the excitement.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” he continued, clearly seeing my crestfallen face. “You just stay here and we’ll take care of everything for you. The mechanic in town owes me a favor, anyway.”

  “Does he?”

  “Yeah, it’s the least he can do for trying to murder you tonight, the poor sod,” Randall chuckled. “But you just get your rest. It’s been a crazy night for you.”

  “Randall, did you…say I was beautiful, a moment ago?” I asked softly, moving my hand aside. I could see that he had found some jeans to put back on – a shame, that, I thought to myself as my eyes traced the shape of his impressive shoulders and just about every visible inch of skin attached to them. I also happened to spot the other two shifters behind him, lounging in the kitchen but watching carefully.

  He searched my eyes for a moment. “Yes,” he answered. “Incredibly beautiful.”

  “You saved my life.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “It was not nothing. You saved me from that thing when it came for me earlier…and you saved it again when it came back.”

  “The least I could do.”

  I pulled myself up from the couch and, before I knew what I was doing, I planted my lips against his. The touch of his kiss sent sparks down my body, and I felt a jolt of electricity surge down my spine as he kissed back, his passion still clearly restrained.

  “You’re not feeling well, you took quite a blow to the head there,” he murmured as he reluctantly pulled back, but I wouldn’t let him get far.

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Shut up and kiss me,” I whispered, climbing up from the couch.


  Randall drew me into his embrace, the lightest hint of his musk filling my nostrils. I felt a spark flutter down my spine as his lips graced mine, before finally committing to the motion, forcefully and passionately tasting me. There was another big kiss, then another…and his tongue now, flickering against my own, drawing deep, heaving breaths from the bottom of my chest. The fingers of my left hand slid up one of his powerful arms, tracing his muscles as it crept up towards his shoulders. My wrists wrapped around the back of his neck, resting in the crook between his shoulder blades as his lips against mine craved for more, demanded more, settling for nothing less than my all.

  I found myself giving it to him, meeting the demands of his lust by plucking at his belt as his strong arms held me close. Eagerness drove my fingers as I pulled the buckle loose, unzipping his jeans to relinquish his weapon. He kept my lips on his, driving me wild with the heat of his mouth, his tongue sliding passionately against my own. But it wasn’t long before I was less concerned about the heat against my lips and more about the heat sliding into my hand, as his weapon was unsheathed from his jeans. It felt larger, thicker even, than any cock I had handled before. To be honest, a small schism of intermixed doubt and terror slid across my mind, and I knew I had to see it for myself.

  Pulling my face free from his, I dropped to my knees and began to worship his erect spear. Able to properly inspect it now, I realized that it was just as intimidating in sight as it had been in touch – even more so, in particular. My fingers began to deftly stroke it as I studied the prominent vein that ran down the shaft, feeling the skin roll slightly as my fist began to prime this trembling weapon.

  Grunts from above told me that Randall was satisfied with the attention it was receiving; the urging of his fingers, diving into my hair, told me what he needed me to do. At his command, I parted my lips around his throbbing cock and took it between my lips.

  If I told you that it was a perfect fit, then I would be lying my ass off. The thing was huge. It was a monster. I didn’t think I could handle even half its intimidating length, let alone the entire thing.

  But Randall was determined that I would properly worship his thick shifter cock and, with his hands pushing down around the back of my head, he urged me ever downward. I struggled to relax the muscles of my throat, desperately trying to please him and accept more of his generous length into my mouth. Sometimes, I had to withdraw his cock, taking a few deep breaths, but he soon had my lips back around his shifter shaft, halfway down the length at least.

  It wouldn’t have been so difficult if he wasn’t so thick. Just the very thought of it inside me terrified me – how could it fit? How wide would it stretch me?

  But my thoughts were soon distracted, as I realized that the two other shifters had banded around us. Already doing themselves the pleasure of relinquishing their clothes, their throbbing cocks hung at face level on either side, and I couldn’t imagine how I was going to possibly satisfy them all.

  While I began to bob up and down on Randall’s cock, my hands reached for the other rock-hard erections, stroking them firmly and quickly. The shifter pack grinned with pleasure as I performed on all of them, and I found a measure of pride when their eyes closed and their deep, rumbling groans lifted from their throats.

  As I continued to work their shafts, I started mixing it up a little. Pulling my lips free from Randall’s cock, I descended down on one of his slightly less well-endowed packmates, shifting to stroking duty on his cock. Rosco’s firm shaft happened to be closer to my lips, so it was his that I engulfed with my mouth. It lacked the sheer girth of the alpha’s erection, and matched it mostly in length. This made it far easier to please him, and as he took over pushing my head down, I was surprised to realize that I could inch much further down his cock.

  The shifter cock roulette continued on for a while. I spent half a minute blowing one of my partners before my head was pulled free, and my lips were shoved down another. All the while, I kept my hands occupied, ensur
ing that I was always pleasing all three of them at the same time – no matter the specific configuration. To be used by all of them, their throbbing cocks a blur in front of me, was an experience nothing like any I’d had before, and I loved every moment of it.

  But soon, I was growing frustrated that none of the pleasure was mine to have, and the shifters seemed to pick up on this quickly.

  Pulling themselves free, their groping hands descending upon me in a small flurry. Grasping my breasts, with calloused fingers grazing against my puckered nipples, I felt a small rush to add to my mounting desire. Meanwhile, Randall kneeled before me and began to kiss across my abdomen. Slowly, surely, he peppered a trail down my thighs, rising back up to kiss his way to my wet pussy. As I felt his tongue press inside, teasing my folds, another shifter met my gasping groans with his lips, his own tongue sliding passionately across my own.


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