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Page 7

by Rayne,Amber

  When we went backstairs. Aiden stayed close, only a few times did he leave to talk to guests and bid. I’d shot him a glance twice because he was bidding on one of things he’d asked me to bid on.

  I was sipping on my third glass of white wine, watching the door, waiting for Councilman Matthews. My curiosity about Aiden’s father was consuming too much of my time but I was okay with the distraction it gave me. What was the reason behind their discord? Aiden was so level headed and cool, what about his father that changed that?

  “You were always a good lay, a fantastic fuck,” Josh’s husky voice said from behind me. He was so close his alcohol laced breath brushed against my neck. “I’m sure Aiden is having quite the time with you.”

  I didn’t bother to turn around. Instead I took another drink from my glass. “Too bad I can’t say the same for you.” He was frowning when I turned to him. His new wife was across the room talking to a couple but glancing periodically in our direction. “And wish I could say the same thing about Rebecca having quite the time with you. But you’ve never concerned yourself with your partner’s happiness, have you?”

  He grabbed hold of my wrist when I started to walk away. “Look, it’s over. Obviously, you’ve moved on and so have I. We can have a cordial relationship. I want us to be friends.”

  Was he really going to act like the time that had passed between him breaking off our engagement, me moving out of his home and him asking for his ring back was so long ago that we could be friends??? He was the king of assholes.

  Yanking away from him I said, “No. Because you’re not the type of person I would want to be friends with.” It was freeing to say it because I meant it. But it didn’t faze him because there was a time that I would have done it, just to make him happy.

  “You’re hurt. It’s understandable but I really hope we can get to a place where we can be friends.”

  Aiden sidled in next to me, his arm slipped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His lips pressed against my lips as he spoke against my cheek. “What am I missing?”

  “Nothing,” I offered.

  “We were just discussing getting together for lunch sometime. I’d love for you to join us,” Jason offered in a cool professional tone.

  What the hell! Jason was an opportunistic bastard. He didn’t want a friendship, he wanted a pathway to Aiden.

  Aiden’s chuckle was dark; ominous. “I doubt Ella wants to have lunch with you or anything else. She thinks you’re an asshole and I must say, I agree.” He walked past Jason, his shoulder bumping Jason’s shoulder as we left.

  Once we were a few feet away, “We’re going back to the house. Do you want to go get dinner or order in?” he asked me toward the door.

  I stopped, “What? I thought your dad, was coming,” I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock, “in a half an hour or so.”

  He grinned, “He is, which is why we are leaving.”

  “What about the fundraiser?”

  “My assistant will handle the rest.”

  Aiden started walking toward Bane who stood outside waiting for us and opened the door. Aiden waited for me to get to the car, but I stopped and stood in the middle of the walkway confused. I didn’t want him to leave because of me.

  His lips lifted into half grin before he said, “I had no intentions of staying.”


  “Ella, get in the car,” he said firmly.

  “But he’ll be here in a few minutes. Just stay, don’t leave because you think I want to. Let’s stay.”

  “I’m leaving because I want to. Get in the car,” he said, his voice brusque and cool. I wasn’t dealing with Aiden, Café Americano anymore but the owner of Kline Industry and it was very evident.

  His voice softened but not by much when he added. “Please.” The ride back was an odd silence—an uncomfortable silence.

  Once Aiden opened the door, I said goodnight and headed for to the bedroom. I didn’t make it to the stairs before he called my name.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. His voice was as cool and impassive as his appearance.

  “You’re upset with me.”

  “And if I am, why should it bother you?” he asked, slipping off his jacket and tossing it over the arm of the chair. He went to the bar and pulled out two glasses and poured Scotch in both and lifted one in my direction but I didn’t move. Planted on the stairs I just stared at him trying to figure out when this night started to turn into this.

  “Ella, come have a drink with me please.” The way his said my name, the silky deep sound, made me think of all the things we’d done over the past few days and even more so earlier. It made me think of the way his lips felt on mine, the taste of his kisses, the way he commanded my body with a touch. Someone saying my name really shouldn’t make me respond like that. I slowly came down the stairs and took the drink from him. I didn’t drink Scotch, but I took a sip. Aiden took a deep draw from his, as he moved closer to me.

  “Why are you here?” He asked; his hand at my waist, his thumb making small circular patterns as he waited for an answer.

  “Because you asked me to come?” He removed his finger, immediately I felt the absence of his touch. The way a light stroke caused sensual heat to coil around my body. A persistent throb that made me ache for him.

  The dark chuckle filled the large space. “Is that it? Because I asked you?” His thumb dipped into his drink and the he traced my bottom lip with it. I slipped my tongue out tasting him. I drew his thumb into my mouth, sucking it gently. Teasing it. I laved along the tips giving it the same treatment I’d given his cock so many time this week. He pulled it out, resting it along the edges of my lips as he waited for a response.

  “I wanted a vacation. To get away from everything and because I thought this would be fun.”

  “Exactly. So why complicate things by worrying about anything other than what this week is about. Follow the rules—my rules and you will enjoy yourself.”

  He was right. This week was simple. A week of pleasure—nothing more. It was shallow, hedonistic, and purely physical. That was all it was supposed to be. His odd relationship with his father—not my problem.

  He slipped his finger under my dress, under my panties. His thumb rubbed my clit, a firm pressure that made me think about nothing other than sex and pleasure. Warm lips pressed against me and I could taste the alcohol on his breath but his kiss was intoxicating. He walked me back into the wall and tugged the thin string of my thong until it ripped away. He quickly removed his pants and my legs widened to accommodate the thick invasion. His tongue teased mine as my back bit into the wall as he thrust into me.

  No strings attached, that’s all this was supposed to be.


  The city was absolutely breathtaking as I took in the panoramic view as the restaurant slowly turned. Aiden was looking at me when I finally turned around; the light smile on his face, the deep intoxicating cognac gaze, the supple wide lips that had brought me an undeniable amount of pleasure. He was handsome and I kept wondering what would happen in three days, when our time was up.

  “Have you been here before?” he asked.

  “Once. This is where Jason brought me when he proposed.” It was odd that just last week, the thought of this place would have made me sick, let alone the idea of eating there; but I felt nothing.

  “Do you want to leave?”

  I shook my head.

  He leaned into the table and looked at me. Far more perceptive than most people I encountered, he seems to be able to determine when I was lying or doing things to please him and not myself.

  “You know there isn’t anything wrong with doing things for other people even if it makes you uncomfortable.” I pointed out, taking a drink from my wine glass. I was breaking all my rules, too. Day drinking was something I just didn’t do. Aiden had caused me to break all my rules: Sleeping with a stranger because that is what he was. I knew very little about him. His coffee preference was café Americano, he
had a sister, he had an odd relationship with his dad, apparently he owned a corporation along with several other homes and he had an amazing sexual appetite. That was the extent of what I knew about him.

  “Do you have children?”


  “Nieces or nephews?”

  He nodded. “One of each.”

  He took a couple of sips from his glass of Scotch, amusement played at his lips and I knew that he was giving me these liberties and the moment he was ready, he would stop. I hated that he had so much control but hadn’t figured out how to take a piece of it.

  “I’ve never heard you mention your mother, are your parents still together?”

  “No, they’re divorced. She lives in London.” He answered in a cool voice, his attention directed out the window as it shifted slowly, providing an unobstructed panoramic view of the city.

  There was a long silence—uncomfortable, cold silence and I hated it. There were rarely moments like that between us and that was probably because whenever there were, Aiden started to take off my clothes. Sex, it filled our silence and most of our time. I’d gone from having sex once a week at the most to several times a day.

  Aiden studied me for a long time, I tried to pay attention to my salad taking small bites glancing up at him periodically. The more he stared, that more aware I’d become of our amorous activities. Me on my knees taking him in my mouth in the middle of the living room before Bane brought the car around. My back pressed against the wall as he pounded into me, hard and rough, taking my breath into his mouth sending waves of ecstasy through me. Aiden was raw primal sexuality and I was too busy getting to know him to take advantage of the pleasure he could give me. What did I want after this week?

  “Why did you say yes?” Aiden asked.

  “To you?” I asked confused. Please don’t ask that question? Because I had absolutely no freaking idea.

  “No, to Jason. Why did you want to marry him?”

  I looked out the window taking in the spectacular view but the beauty of the city wouldn’t improve the ugliness of the reason. “Because it was what I was supposed to do.” I still hadn’t turned to him, instead blindly reached for my glass of wine and took a sip. “My parents adored him, we’d dated for four years. And my mother thought he would make a great husband.” I sighed into the answer.

  “So it was to please your parents?” he asked. I didn’t have to look up, I could feel his intense, disapproving gaze on me even before I looked over in his direction.

  I nodded.

  “I didn’t say it was a good reason,” I smiled but the embarrassment of my reality made me blush. He took a drink from his glass. He peered to the right with disinterest at a man with Aiden’s similar features: deep emotive eyes, defined jawline, supple lips and an air of confidence that commanded his movements. Dressed in a tailored blue suit, the platinum watch which, I assumed, sparkled each time the florescent lights hit it. When he was just a few feet away, Aiden's lips tightened, his jaw set and eyes narrowed at the interloper. The older gentleman smiled and it had the same meld of sinful charm and charisma as Aiden.

  When he was just a few feet from the table, he said, “Good afternoon son.”

  “How did you know I would be here?” Aiden asked draining his glass, barely acknowledging his father as he kept a steady gaze on me.

  “It's Thursday, where else would you be? Son, you are a creature of habit, aren’t you?” His father’s passing look quickly became more as he fixed his entrancing amber eyes on me. Even Aiden’s eyes were similar to his father’s, and with the exception of the years of experience, a life that were prolifically expressed in them, it was like looking into Aiden’s.

  “I need you to sign the agreement,” he said in a low firm voice, leaning on the table.

  Aiden gaze met his father's and held it for a long time before he spoke and when he did there was defiance in his voice that was heading toward anger. “As I stated before, Councilman, discussions about business will be handled during business hours. You need to make an appointment with Aaron.”

  “I’m not making an appointment with a fucking assistant to speak with my son,” he snapped.

  “If you want those papers signed that's exactly what you will do,” he said barely diverting his eyes from his drink to look up at his father.

  Mr. Matthews watched his son for a long time. I could tell they both were used to getting their way. Neither one possessed enough humility to concede. If we were in the jungle these two Alphas would be ready to have a fight to the death to display their dominance but in a civilized world they couldn't. Instead, they just shot each other baleful glances, stern looks, and vitriol insults.

  Finally, Mr. Matthews voice softened. He looked in my direction and smiled with the glint of roguish charm. “She's very beautiful. It's a shame that I'm a married man.” And with that he walked away while Aiden glared into his back.

  For the first time, that mask of confidence and poorly veiled arrogance dropped for just a microsecond and there was so much uncontrolled anger that he had a difficult time reining it in.

  “Councilman, don’t forget the check.” Aiden said as his dad turned and headed out. “You said you would match-- your check for seven hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support. I’m sure your constituents will hear about your generous donation,” Aiden said in a low gruff voice.

  His father stopped mid-stride, looked back and his look match his son’s. Cool defiance, a challenge. “Of course, if I’m not anything else—I am a man of my word.”

  “You are most of the time.”

  I waited until his father was on the elevator because it was only then that the tension seemed to fade.

  “Aiden, what's the deal with your father?”

  He shrugged took another drink and called for the waiter. He ordered another Scotch.

  “Sometimes we don’t get along.”

  “Sometimes? That’s one way to describe it.” I said, watching him carefully, trying to read his body language. But he remained relaxed, taking a sip from his glass, his cool amber eyes pinned on me, the light smirk playing at his lips. There was more than “not getting along.” Whatever was going on with them was deeply rooted with betrayal and anger and I wanted to know. What could a father do to his son to leave him feeling so begrudged?

  “What would you like to do today?”

  “I’d like to know what the hell is going on between you and your father,” I said.

  “He’s considering running for Senator,” he said, coolly.

  That just left more questions than answers. “And you’re angry about it?” I asked incredulous.

  “No.” As he relaxed into the chair, turned up his glass to drain it. “He can do whatever he wants. He always does.”

  There was a finality to his tone. The conversation was over and I would continue to get evasion and monosyllabic responses.

  “What are we doing the rest of the day?”

  With a miscreant smile he said, “We’re going to a going to a showing,” she said.

  The gallery was smaller than most I’d visited but the art was far more intriguing. Bold color and unique pieces made up for what it lacked in size. Located in what I considered to be the of one of the quaint areas of the city that had shed the metropolitan feel for something that was a mélange of hipster and bohemian artsy. Within a few blocks we’d passed several French restaurants, a dance studio, and art schools. I thought we would be overdressed, Aiden in his tailored dark blue suit. Even without a tie, he never seemed very casual. The violet strapless dress draped over my curves and hugged my butt where Aiden placed his hand until we were at the door. But everyone was dressed similarly as I stepped in to the large space open space. Decorative pillars add to the bold statement of the room and acted as dividers between themes.

  Aiden grabbed two glasses of wine off the tray from one of the waitresses who were oblivious to their appearance although I wasn’t. Pert nippl
es were barely concealed by the body art that made up their tuxedo. I looked around the room, everyone was walking art, even some of the people who I thought were patrons. In the corner, men stood like statues painted as exotic animals or statues. A cheetah to my right, to my left was a zebra and across the room an exotic bird. This place wasn’t like any exhibit I’d ever seen. Everything seem to toe the line between art and erotica. Even the art pushed the envelope between lascivious and prurient.

  Aiden lips pressed against my neck as he spoke. “What do you think?”

  His fingers kneaded my skin and heat crept up my back. Between the art on the walls and the arousing way he touched me, I had a hard time concentrating.

  Before I could answer a man approached us. He smiled, he was as dark as Aiden was light. The deep olive skin, dark wavy hair, and eyes a deep jasper that glistened against the light. His was close to Aiden’s height, but leaner. His movements were lithe and sinuous and reminded me of the cheetah that the man was imitating in the corner.

  He was gorgeous and exotic. And if I wasn’t mesmerized by his looks, the oaky musk that surrounded him was just as distracting.

  “Aiden, thank you for coming,” he beamed.

  “Of course. When have I ever denied you,” Aiden said, shaking the man’s hand before giving him a quick hug.

  They both looked over the room, “What do you think?” He asked.

  “It’s you.” Aiden said, with a grin but I suspected there was more to the answer. They were friends, and it was obvious based on how at ease Aiden was with him.

  “Give me a tour,” Aiden said just as his phone rang. He made an irritated grunt and answered it as he walked out the door.

  “I guess it’s just the two of us,” he said. “I’m Kieran, Aiden’s best friend.”


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