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Ballad of Blood: Book 5 in the Spellsinger Series

Page 25

by Amy Sumida

  “I think you do,” Declan murmured as he undid his pants. “I think you want it very badly.”

  Declan slid his fingers between my legs and then into me. He removed his wet hand to rub it over his erection. That firm flesh glistened in the moonlight as he lifted one of my legs with a jerk. Declan pushed my knee back and up so that it was nearly even with my face. Torin took it from him so that Declan could lift my other leg around his hip and settle the head of his cock against me. I cried out as he shoved himself forcibly inside me and came instantly.

  Declan laughed cruelly in my ear as he slammed into my body. I glanced aside and saw Gage stroking his member; eagerly awaiting his turn. Both of Torin's hands were busy holding me, but Banning continued to use his free hand to grope my body as if he'd never touched it before. And all of them kept up the charade with naughty taunts of what they were going to do to me.

  With a satisfied shout, Declan came and then carelessly dropped my leg to tuck his cock away and do up his pants. Torin let my leg down as he and Banning released me. I fell forward bonelessly, but Declan caught me. He bent me over and held me up with his arms beneath my waist; right beneath the Golden Girdle.

  “Who's next?” Declan asked.

  “You and Torin go ahead,” Banning said to Gage. “I want her blood for dessert.”

  I felt Gage shove my legs apart and then angle himself into me. He slammed home, and I cried out; giving Torin the perfect opportunity to shove his manhood into my mouth. I moaned around Torin's flesh as Gage lifted me by the thighs and set me into a horizontal line. They established a cruel rhythm; shoving me back and forth between them. I choked on Torin as the slap of wet flesh echoed off the trees, and my blood tingled with excitement. I reached for Torin; holding his cock steady as I sucked him in. He groaned and gripped my jaw tightly as he shoved himself deeper into my mouth. Gage was going wild behind me—his large hands digging into my thighs as he spread them wider and plunged deeper—and it wasn't long before he roared in release. Gage fell away and Banning took his place. A moment later, Torin cried out and filled my mouth; his fingers clenching on my scalp before sliding away.

  And then it was just Banning and me.

  Banning yanked me up; holding me pressed to his chest as he supported me by my thighs. I angled my arms behind me to hold onto his neck as he drove up into me. Ban pulled my thighs apart, and the other men came to stand before us and admire the view. They called out encouragement to Banning as they started stroking themselves back to hardness. Seeing them like that—staring at me with pure lust as Banning filled me—drove me over the edge and into another orgasm. I had begun to moan my way up into ecstasy when Banning yanked one of my arms down to bite my neck. My pleasure shot up with his blooder magic, and I screamed out my release; my cries echoing through the forest.

  Banning followed shortly afterward, and then he lowered me to the ground. I stood on shaking legs and tried to catch my breath. Then I started to smile; thinking it was over. But Torin grabbed me and shoved me onto my hands and knees in the damp grass.

  “This has only begun, little bird,” Torin growled as he slammed home.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  We didn't get back to Kyanite till early in the morning; all of us exhausted in the best possible way. We stumbled into the bathroom; some of us using the shower while others used the tub until we were all clean enough to climb into bed. We had gotten really dirty; not that I'm complaining. It had been exactly what I needed, and far more enjoyable than I would have thought. I'd never been into sexual games before, but that single episode had changed my mind.

  After we dried off, we passed out across my massive bed. It was just large enough for all of us if we didn't mind getting close. And the men were way too tired to mind. Hell, after what we'd just done together, needing space would have been hypocritical.

  We slept late; luxuriating in the fact that we could and in how our bodies ached deliciously. I moaned and stretched across my lovers as they rubbed at my knotted muscles for me. Talk about the height of hedonism; waking up surrounded by beautiful men who get right to pampering you. Who needs Erotic Alley when you have this?

  I called for some breakfast to be brought up, and then we dined near the open doors to the balcony; enjoying the view of Kyanite. As we were eating, a messenger arrived from the Copper Kingdom. Sara received him for me and brought up the package he had delivered. It was a wooden box, which she set on the dining table before me with a curious look. Then she stood back expectantly. I lifted a brow at her.

  “Aren't you going to open it?” She asked.

  “What if it's personal?” I shot back.

  “It's from the Copper King,” she huffed. “If it's personal, I really want to see it.”

  “Just open it, little bird,” Torin said with a chuckle. “Stop torturing Sara.”

  I opened the box and found a bouquet of flowers made of polished copper. They gleamed like rose gold, which seemed the perfect color for flowers. I lifted the bundle out, and both Sara and I sighed. It was stunning; every little petal worked into lifelike contour. And there was even a crystal vase set into the box beneath it. I pulled out the vase and placed the flowers inside it; putting the arrangement in the center of the table for all of us to admire.

  “The Copper King has sent our consort flowers,” Declan said conversationally to Torin.

  “Should we be concerned?” Torin asked back.

  “I don't think so,” Gage said. “The man had a definite gay vibe about him.”

  “King Cyrus is not gay,” I chided Gage.

  “Even the name sounds a little gay,” Banning added.

  “There's a note,” Sara pointed into the box.

  I reached in and pulled out a piece of creamy parchment. I scanned the beautiful calligraphy and then read it aloud.

  “Thank you for making a difficult evening into one of the most glorious nights of my life,” I read. “Your song gave me the confidence I needed to face my kingship as I think I should and not in the way others are insisting that I rule. I will follow my heart and my instincts, and that is all because of you. Please accept these flowers as a token of my respect and friendship, and if you're willing, I would like to discuss future trade between our kingdoms. Contact me at your leisure. Also, I hope that your consort is safe and well. Sincerely, King Cyrus of Copper.”

  “Seems innocent,” Sara noted.

  But my consorts were looking at each other with skeptical, narrowed gazes.

  “Come on,” I huffed. “This isn't a love letter; he just wants to be a good king, and he's grateful for my help.”

  “And wants to trade,” Torin said.

  “Isn't that normal?” I shot back.

  Torin grimaced. “I suppose. But you are the first he's offered such an arrangement to; as far as I know.”

  “At the feast, Cyrus talked about making such arrangements with other kingdoms,” I pointed out.

  “Did he?” Declan asked. “Or was that instigated by other monarchs? I can't recall.”

  “You should have gone with the gay out I gave you,” Gage whispered to me. “Now, you have to deal with this.”

  “You're not worried that Cyrus is hitting on me?” I asked Gage.

  “I didn't smell one whiff of arousal from the dude when you were near,” Gage said evasively.

  “When I was near?” I lifted a brow.

  Everyone at the table turned their curious stares toward Gage.

  Gage grimaced and then admitted, “I smelled a little something when I got close.”

  “No fucking way!” Sara screeched. “The King of Copper has the hots for your consort, Your Majesty!”

  “One sniff doesn't make a guy gay,” I said.

  “Words to live by, I'm sure,” Torin drawled.

  Sara burst out laughing as the others smirked at me.

  “Okay, maybe he's gay,” I admitted. “But it's none of our business either way.”

  “It is if he comes onto our Gage,” Declan said.
r />   “Now you sound gay,” Banning pointed out.

  “Gage is one of us,” Declan said simply. “That makes him ours, as we are all his; in the sense of our bond. Which, I'm sure, you knew I meant. All jesting aside, you're like brothers to me; even closer than that. If nearly losing Gage has shown me anything, it's how much I value what we have together. I love each of you very much.”

  “I love you too, man,” Gage said.

  “I couldn't conceive of this working so well when we first were brought together, but now I cannot conceive of living any other way,” Torin added.

  “Since we're getting serious, and Declan had to go and ruin my joke, I have to say; this isn't the life I would have chosen.” Banning nodded to Torin. “But it's become one that I would fight to keep.”

  “Aw,” Sara said. “How sweet.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed with a goofy grin.

  “In a really gay way,” she added.

  We all gave her matching expressions of “fuck off.”

  “I'm joking,” Sara huffed as she turned to leave. “That's what I get for trying to amuse a table full of royals.”

  “Has there ever been a gay monarch?” I asked the Shining Ones as Sara closed the door and continued muttering to herself.

  “I don't know of any,” Declan said. “And my memory goes back pretty far.”

  “Me either.” Torin shrugged. “Copper must be a very open-minded jewel.”

  “I'm here for it,” I declared. “But maybe he's just bisexual. I could simply not be his type of woman.”

  The men looked at each other and laughed.

  “What?” I huffed.

  “That's like saying prime rib isn't a carnivore's type,” Banning said.

  “Are you comparing me to prime rib?” I gaped at him.

  “Yes,” they all said.

  “I don't know how I feel about that.” I grimaced.

  “You're mouthwateringly beautiful, and I love to sink my teeth into you,” Banning said. “Baby, you are definitely prime rib. In fact, you're the appetizer, entree, and dessert; a full meal of a woman.”

  “Yeah; that didn't help,” I muttered. “I think it made it worse.”

  “You are an elite female,” Torin amended Banning's explanation. “Most men would kill just to be able to touch you.”

  “Now, that was romantic,” I admitted. “But, it still doesn't mean that every man would want me. That's simply impossible; everyone has different tastes.”

  “Not every man might think you're the most beautiful woman in the realms—and they'd be wrong, by the way—but they will all think about sleeping with you,” Declan said. “That's simply the nature of the beast. And if Cyrus didn't think about it, his beast bends differently.”

  “I don't think I trust you to speak on behalf of all men.” I smirked at Declan. “But thank you for the compliment.”

  “He's right, little bird,” Torin backed up Declan. “Men are made to procreate; our thoughts often wander toward that end. We can't help but contemplate sex when we see a beautiful woman; even if that woman may not be to our usual tastes.”

  “So, now you're saying that you think about having sex with every pretty girl you see?” I demanded.

  They all went quiet.

  “Son of a bitch, Torin,” Banning huffed. “You were doing so well until you added that crap. There are some things women should never know about men, and that is at the top of the list.”

  “There is no point in dissembling with her.” Torin shrugged before looking back at me. “We're men, Elaria, we think about a lot of things that we don't act on. It doesn't mean that we're tempted by every attractive female; just that the thoughts rise on their own.”

  “Along with other things, evidently,” I murmured.

  “I can honestly say that I haven't been aroused by another woman since I first laid eyes on you,” Torin said sincerely. “Thoughts are just the products of brain activity, and most of the brain functions automatically. We cannot direct those base instincts, only the way we respond to them. I choose to ignore any thought that turns me away from you, because what matters the most are the prompts of my heart, and my heart is all yours, little bird.”

  “Nice save,” Banning whispered.

  I rolled my eyes. “Way to ruin a moment, Banning.”

  “As if you don't admire a handsome man when you see one.” Declan chided me. “We are bound by love and deep respect, but we're not dead or blind. On top of that, two of us are Shining Ones; it's in our nature to appreciate beauty wherever we find it. But that's all it is; an appreciation.”

  “Fine; I'll agree to that,” I gave in. “The heart may not control every thought you have, but as long as it drives your decisions, I'll be okay with it.”

  “Good.” Declan sighed. “Because I don't have the energy to fight anymore; especially not with you, sweetheart.”

  “No; the battles are over for now,” I said and then tapped my belly; the Girdle making a solid sound. “But there is one last thing we have to do before we can truly relax.”

  “I'll procure the breathing potions,” Declan offered.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Before we went to Sgáthan, we traveled to Hawaii to buy some wetsuits. This time, we wouldn't be bringing an entourage with us to the shore; we were going to use our stones to travel directly to the Coral Court. Going from land to water would be difficult, and this would be the first time this sort of travel would be attempted. To play it safe, we'd go into the ocean behind my house in Hawaii and then travel from water to water. That way, we could be sure that our underwater breathing potions had taken effect before we were miles beneath the surface.

  “I think I like these suits,” Declan said as he came into my bedroom wearing his.

  Declan stroked his hands over the tight material and smiled. Then he looked over my wetsuit-clad body appreciatively.

  “Although, it was difficult to get on,” he amended. “Perhaps if some adjustments were made; such as access enclosures.”

  “Not everything is about sex,” Gage said as he strode in.

  “No,” Declan agreed. “But most things can be.”

  I blinked as I stared at Gage. Declan looked fantastic in his wetsuit; the fabric clinging to his sleek muscles as if it needed him to survive. But Gage... wow. Every bulge was on display and somehow looked even bigger with stripes of green arching over strategic spots. With his blond hair and tan, he looked like a body-building surfer who modeled on the side.

  “Yes; he's impressive.” Declan grimaced. “Very nice muscles.”

  “You both look amazing,” I said to cover my distraction.

  “And these will keep us warm?” Torin asked as he stepped into the room with Banning.

  I had to sit down; it was just too much to take.

  “Elaria?” Torin asked with concern.

  “She's just appreciating the view,” Banning said with a wicked smile. “Don't bother her.”

  “Ah,” Torin said as he glanced at the other men. “I suppose these garments do display our physiques nicely.”

  “Maybe I shouldn't take you to the Coral Court,” I teased after I finally recovered. “The pretty mermaids will be hitting on all of you, and I already know you'll be thinking about sleeping with them.”

  “Sweet stones, Elaria,” Torin huffed. “Are you ever going to let that go?”

  “No,” everyone answered with me.

  “You've doomed us, Brother.” Gage slapped Torin's back. “But at least we're doomed with her. Just take it like a man.”

  “There's no other way for me to take it.” Torin scowled at Gage.

  “It's a saying,” I started to explain.

  “No; don't,” Gage cut me off with a grin. “Let him wonder.”

  “I'm going to have to find the time to visit here more often,” Torin said. “Simply to goggle things and watch moving films so that I can understand you three.” He gave Gage, Banning, and me exasperated looks.

  “Honey, I told you; it's
Google,” I corrected him.

  “Goggle makes more sense,” Torin huffed. “You're searching for information, correct? And to 'goggle' is to stare at something with dumb amazement.”

  I frowned and looked at Banning for help.

  “He has a point,” Banning said.

  “Should we tell Google?” I asked. “Maybe they misspelled it.”

  “Doubtful.” Banning chuckled. “I'm sure they have their reasons for choosing the name. They could have even misspelled it on purpose; implying a need for knowledge in their very name.”

  “That's a bit esoteric.” I grimaced. “Your average Joe—or Torin—wouldn't get it.”

  “Because it's a stupid name,” Torin declared. “What in all the realms is a google?”

  “At least they're not goggling every woman they see,” I said in a sassy tone.

  “They are if they're men,” Torin shot back.

  We made faces at each other and then burst into laughter.

  “Good; this conversation is over,” Declan said with relief. “Because that was far more idiotic than the Google thing.”

  “See?” I waved a hand at Declan. “Declan can remember the word.”

  I started walking downstairs.

  “Because Declan heard it thirty seconds previous to saying it.” Torin followed me with the others. “That's hardly a fair comparison.”

  “Oh, hey; one more tiny thing before we leave,” I said as I stopped in the living room.

  The men gathered around me with quizzical expressions.

  “The reason Kukulcan took off with me that first time was because he felt this lingering presence on me,” I fumbled through my planned speech.

  “What presence?” Torin narrowed his eyes at me.

  “The orb,” I said. “The one in the Coral Court.”

  “And?” Declan asked warily.

  “I won't get into the whole conversation, but basically, he told me that it's a god; a real god,” I admitted. “He said something about gods being killed or imprisoned by the races they created.”


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