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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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by Magenta Phoenix

  Big, Bold & Bearing

  Grizzly Affairs: Book 2

  Magenta Phoenix



























  Author’s Note

  Other Books by Magenta Phoenix

  IMPRINT: Paranormal Romance

  Paranormal Romance

  Big, Bold & Bearing: Grizzly Affairs: Book 2

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2016 by Magenta Phoenix

  First E-Book Published March 2016

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.

  All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

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  She never wanted any of this….

  Doctor Gabriella Vega is looking for a way out. After being selected to work with the best researchers and doctors for a special government program she feels flattered to have been chosen. Until she sees what is really going on. As things begin to get worse in the labs, Gabriella strikes outs against her superior; Dr. Malca and rushes to set things right. The information that she possesses Malca will kill to retrieve. Malca suddenly becomes the least of her worries when she is kidnapped by a handsome stranger. Though he growls a lot and would rather toss her over his shoulder than listen to reason, Gabriella feels a connection with him that she cannot explain. He promises to protect her from harm, but can she trust him when she witnesses a darker side to him lurking beneath the surface?

  He never wanted a mate…

  Robert McKenzie is enjoying his vacation, nothing but himself, plenty of fishing and sun. That was until his brother calls him up with a request. A resurfaced memory from Aria directs them to a lead that could lead them to Malca’s whereabouts. Being the best tracker in Darkwood Springs, he’s asked to hunt down a doctor on the run from Malca and bring her to the compound. Alive and unharmed, easy and simple…or is it? He never thought for a second that the stubborn and temperamental Latina would be his mate. As Robert gets to know Gabriella he discovers that he no longer wants to be without his mate. But can he win her heart before she wins her freedom back?

  As Malca’s plans come to light, they race against the clock to stop the deadly doctor before it’s too late. Can Robert protect and win his mate before she walks out of his life forever and he loses the only woman meant for him and his bear?

  This book is not a standalone novel. To better understand and enjoy this book, I would suggest reading the previous book, “Bearing it All” first before continuing on.

  For my readers that expressed excitement about this release,

  This is for you.


  “This is unacceptable!” Doctor Malca shouted, tossing the folder of recent test results back at her subordinate. “I expected better from you! You are a disappointment, Doctor Vega.” Crossing her arms in front of her, she leaned back against her desk, her eyes narrowed on the young doctor while she bent to gather the scattered papers off the floor.

  “What would you have me do?” straighten up; Dr. Gabriella Vega glared back at her cold hearted superior. The Bio tests from the new enhancement serum had come back showing only three out of a hundred test subjects had improved, the rest were simply ordinary. She feared what that meant for the test subjects.

  “I expect results.”

  “You expect only the best results! The human body is a delicate machine. With everything you are having us pump these prisoners with—it’s a miracle that they are alive. We need to go back to the drawing board for the serum.”

  “No. Perhaps I should see the results for myself, since I cannot trust you to do your job correctly.” Half turning, Malca looked over at two of her soldiers that stood against the far wall, silently watching their exchange. “Soldier,”

  “Yes, Doctor?” One of the two stood to attention with a blank expression on his face. Back where he once stood, shielded in the shadows of the room remained the second soldier.

  “Go bring me two of the test subjects of trial B46N9.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” With a nod he quickly left to do Malca’s bidding.

  Looking smugly over at the woman in front of her, Malca ignored the glare she was receiving in turn. “Stay right here, Doctor. I want you to witness this first hand.”

  “What is the point of this? I’ve shown you the results already.” She stated exasperated as she indicated to the file in her hand.

  “The point will be evident in a few moments.”

  A short knock on the office door was the only warning they got a few minutes later as the soldier returned with two chained subjects; a man and a woman. On their wrists and ankles were manacles with a short length of chain leading to the other. The tall soldier entered behind them, shoving them along.

  With a grim look, one by one, the soldier forced each subject to their knees. Taking a step back, he crossed his arms in front of him as Dr. Malca took a step forward. Her lips pursed, dissatisfied as she looked in between the two ragged looking test subjects and Dr. Vega. Before she could speak, the male subject spoke first.

  “Let us go. I promise I will—we will not tell anyone.” He begged with his hands clasped together in front of him.

  “Let you go?” Malca asked shaking her head as though she found the three words utterly confusing. “Don’t you understand why you’re here? You’re providing a great service to your country by helping us.”

  “We’re not lab rats!” the woman shouted. Ignoring the man’s pleadeding look she continued, “We have rights! You won’t get away with this!”

  “That’s where you are wrong. The both of you have no prospects other than sucking the life blood out of the people of this country that actually matter. You should be thanking me. I’ve given the both of you a purpose in your measly lives for once.”

  “Go to hell.” The woman bit out as two trails of tears tracked down her scowling face.

  With a grim expression, Malca jerked the file out of Dr. Vega’s hands before flipping it open. Scanning over the page she looked back at the kneeling duo. “You’re results have come back from your last test. I’m not impressed. Don’t get me wrong, you two are just a few of the others that have failed me. I don’t accept failures in my work.”

  “Y-You’ll let us go?” the man asked with a shimmer of hope in his eyes. Malca offered him a friendly smile.

  “Of course,” Holding the folder out, she waited for Dr.
Vega to take if from her hand. As her hands gripped the edge of the folder, Dr. Malca turned her still smiling face to her. “Pay attention, Doctor.” Allowing Dr. Vega to take the folder, she turned to look back at her lieutenant that stood at the back of the room, awaiting orders.

  “Lieutenant,” Without needing further invitation, the second soldier moved from the shadows until she stood beside Malca.

  “Doctor?” she asked with a hard tone before turning to look at Malca.

  “Let them go.”

  With a nod the second soldier turned her gaze to her comrade. Without a word, he stepped away from the kneeling couple as the lieutenant stepped forward. Slowly, she reached for her holstered gun at her hip. At her movements the fear in the man and woman’s eyes began to deepen.

  “W-Wait…she said to let us go!” the woman shouted as more tears fell down her face. Turning her eyes from the uncaring soldier and back to the doctor, she begged. “Please. I’ll do whatever you want! I promise!”

  “You said, you’d let us go!” the man shouted at Malca with fear. However the good doctor was not moved by their pleas.

  “Proceed.” The words left Malca’s thin lips without emotion.

  A deep sob nearly choked the woman on her knees, her dark eyes jerked back to the lieutenant's hands as she cocked her handgun. “Please!”

  No sooner than the beseeching word fell from her lips, the lieutenant took aim at the woman’s head and fired. The loud bang caused the man to jump as he watched his girlfriend crumble to the floor. In a matter of seconds, dark blood pooled beneath her body as her eyes emptied.

  Sobbing, the man looked up at his executioner with fear. “Please…don’t do this.” Without fail, another shot was fired. The loud bang echoed off the walls before leaving the room in a cold silence.

  “Well done, Lieutenant.” Malca murmured quietly. Turning to face Dr. Vega she smirked at her. “As I said, I will tolerate no more failures. Fix the problem or you will be the next person kneeling before a loaded barrel. Am I clear, Gabriella?”

  Meeting her superior’s hard gaze, she nodded. “Crystal clear, Doctor Malca.”

  Nodding with acceptance, the doctor shoved past Gabriella and left her to stare at the two bleeding corpses. Gabriella was barely aware that the first soldier had followed Malca out until she saw the lieutenant holster her firearm and turn to leave.

  “You’re no better than her.”

  Turning the lieutenant lifted her chin at the doctor’s assumption. “I’d watch what you say. It’s your fault they’re dead. Stop fighting Malca and do the job you wanted so badly.” Pushing her shoulders back, the lieutenant moved to exit the office as well but was stopped by the doctor’s anger filled words.

  “You’re a monster, Arianna. Just like Malca.”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Jerking upright, Aria came awake with a choking gasp with her heart thudding in her chest. Pressing a shaking hand to her chest she closed her eyes against the repeating images in her head. Shoving at the blankets, she crawled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Coming to a stop before the sink she silently glared back at her reflection. Her blonde hair fell around her face in chaotic waves and her blue eyes held dark circles beneath them. Evidence that sleep continued to elude her as it had these past two months.

  Night after night she was plagued with dreams—memories of her past. However lately she’d only had one dream in particular, the same one she’d had tonight. Why? Why was she dreaming of this one? It didn’t point to where Malca was hiding or impart any useful information. What was the point?

  After Raoul had discovered the base where she’d been kept, they’d hoped that it would lead them to Malca. But all they had discovered was Malca’s lack of reverence for life and leaving her with more questions to her past. While there she and Doyle had discovered one captive left alive, Athena. The small red head seemed beyond odd to her and Athena’s very presence seemed to make Doyle nervous—not that he would say why. Beyond uttering that she knew where Malca was, their strange house guest had said little else.

  Irritated, she released a tired groan as she speared her hand through her unkempt hair. Sleep was out of her reach for now. As much as she hated to admit it, she found it hard to sleep without Doyle lying next to her. Being called away on pack business, he’d been gone for the past week. She missed him. Shaking her head, she decided some fresh air would help clear her head. Walking to the dresser that now held both her and Doyle’s clothes she pulled out a pair of black jeans and a matching t-shirt. After sliding on a pair of tennis shoes she slowly edged the bedroom door open.

  Careful not to make any noise and risk waking her houseguest, she entered the kitchen quietly. Risking a glance towards the couch, she was surprised to find Athena awake. Sitting up, her eyes gazed out the window, patiently waiting for something. Turning to look at the clock on the wall, Aria saw that it was near two in the morning.

  “What are you doing up so early?” she asked, coming to stand beside the couch.

  “I want to see the sun rise. I can’t remember when I ever did.”

  Raising her eye brow in confusion, Aria shook her head before moving back toward the kitchen. “You have a couple of hours before you need to worry about that.”

  Placing the kettle on the stove, she spent the next few minutes making a cup of coffee. Once her heavenly brew was complete, she plucked up her cup with a sigh of contentment. Seeing that Athena was still busy staring out at the night sky, she quietly let herself out onto the front porch, closing the door behind her. Lowering herself down on the edge of the top step she lifted her cup to take a slow sip as her eyes scanned around her.

  Winter had come and gone and spring was finally here. All around her the forest had come back to life and with it herself. For the first time in a long time, she felt content and even possibly happy. Sometimes it was hard to think that everything she was and what she had now was real.

  Her thoughts shifted to discovering the unique gift that had evolved her from the simple soldier that she once was. Raoul; who was once under Malca influence as well, believed that her memory loss and gift came from the result of the injections that Malca gave all her soldiers. She didn’t know what to believe. All she knew was that with her returning memory, she could finally see that Malca wasn’t the only monster here.

  You’re a monster…

  Pulling one of her hands away from her mug she couldn’t resist checking it for blood, blood of innocents that she’d willingly slain. Her stomach rebelled at the very thought. The more she remembered the more she wanted to forget. No matter what memories returned to her, she refused to concede that she was still the cold hearted killer her dreams portrayed her as.

  Lifting her mug to her lips she savored the first taste of the best coffee she’d ever made. Closing her eyes, a sigh of contentment escaped from her lips and for a moment she just savored the silence. A moment later, her eyes jerked open at the rough rumbling of a truck approaching from the dark forest road. Her mind calmed as she recognized it as the sound of Doyle’s pickup. Sure enough, the sight of the red pickup broke through the darkness and came to a stop a short distance from the porch.

  As the cab door opened, she felt her heart somersaulted at the sight of her mate—her Doyle. Closing the door behind him, his eyes instantly fell on hers. Lines of weariness were evident across his face, but as his smile grew the weariness seemed to lessen. Part of her wanted to run and throw herself into his arms but as the strong muscles beneath his shirt flexed with movement, she found herself paralyzed with the sight. No, instead she decided to just take in the sight of him while shooting a warm smile his way.

  Coming to a stop just a foot from her position on the stairs, Doyle crossed his arms over his chest with a skeptical look.

  “Is this really anyway to greet your mate? You’re just going to just sit there and stare? Is an “I missed you” or a kiss too much to ask for?” he teased with a look of false disappointment.

  “Is that how you
wanted to be greeted?” she asked with a coy smile.

  “See, that’s how I welcome my mate back home.”

  “You’re right. It’s so much better than what I expected.” Moving to lower his face to hers once again, he paused as a soft voice called from the living room window.

  “Eww! Can’t you two suck face elsewhere?”

  Doyle groaned, pressing his forehead into the crook of his mate’s neck as he was forced to stop. Unlocking her legs, Aria slid down his hard body only to smirk at his pouting expression. Patting his chest mockingly, she returned to her spot on the edge of the porch.

  “How much longer did you say our house guest was going to be staying?” he whispered as he followed behind.

  Glancing over her shoulder at him, she shot him a knowing look. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the man that suggested she stay with us to begin with?”

  “Come on, we couldn’t just leave her there—as you pointed out, love,” he replied, pointing an accusing finger at Aria as she lowered herself down next to her mug. Taking a seat next to her, he reached out and took possession of her steaming mug. Taking a swig, his face instantly scrunched up as if forcing down some awful substance. “Good God, what is that?”

  “My coffee,” Taking her cup back she took a long sip with a smile. “It’s perfect.”

  “It’s poisonous.” Grimacing at the taste that still filled his mouth he moved his focus on his mate. “I missed you.”

  Nodding with a faint smile, she looked away. “The bed is too big without your big bear hide taking up all the space.”

  He laughed. “This coming from the woman with legs longer than an octopus’s tentacles and just as dangerous,” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he scooted closer to her. “Is that your way of saying you missed me too?”


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