Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 4

by Magenta Phoenix

  “Settle down,” he ordered, twisting her arm behind her back with a crushing force, he jerked her back against his chest.

  “Help—!” she attempted to scream out but was silenced when a big hand slapped over her mouth, muffling her scream.

  “Keep your mouth shut before I make my threat about gagging you a reality!” he hissed out beside her ear. “I’ve lingered here too long already and I am short on time. Let’s get this over with.” From behind her she could feel his arm reaching toward his hip. Her heart froze in fear. Was he going for his gun? In the next moment she didn’t know what came over her. Opening her mouth behind his covering hand, her teeth bit down savagely into his hand.

  “You bitch!” he cried out jerking his hand back as she bit though his flesh.

  Quickly twisting her arm from his grip, she turned toward her T.V. beside them. Grabbing the crystal vase on top, she turned back toward her stunned attacker. Smashing the vase against the side of his face, she felt a momentary swell of pride as he fell to his knees. Rushing around his fallen form, she raced for the door.

  Her shaking hands struggled to undo the lock as she could hear advancing steps behind her. Finally managing to twist the lock, she jerked the door open. As she sprung forward she was jerked to a stop as a strong arm locked around her neck in a choke hold. Dragged back from the door she fought against his arm as she struggled to breathe.

  “You’re going to pay for that stunt.” He bit out, reaching from behind him once more. Fearing that the at the next moment she would feel the burning pain of a bullet, her eyes widened in shock as she felt the sharp stab of a needle in her shoulder. As the needle was ripped away, she felt herself going weak in his arms.

  “What did you do?” she gasped out as his arms moved to support her as her knees buckled.

  “My job, now just go to sleep like a good little doctor and this will all be over soon.”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Robert bent to sweep Doctor Vega up into his arms as he felt her body go limp with unconsciousness. Cradling her against his chest, he allowed his startled gaze to sweep over her. In his rush he’d never fully read the details of the report that Aria and Doyle had given him upon accepting this mission. He didn’t recall the file saying that he’d be kidnapping a woman!

  Against his will his body responded to the sweet scent of lilacs with an undertone of vanilla that drifted from her skin. He’d admit she was beautiful in an exotic way. Her long dark hair fell over his arm, tempting him to bury his face in the silky bounty. She was thin, but still possessed arousing curves that made him harden with desire. His eyes were drawn to her face and more importantly to her parted lips. His mouth grew dry the more he stared at her.


  His body jerked with surprise as the inner voice echoed off the walls of his mind. It was the voice of his bear, his animal half. Never before had his inner spirit spoke to him. There was only one thing that would draw this animal to the surface; a true mate—his true mate.

  His lips parted with astonishment. When he was younger he’d dreamed of the day that he would find his true mate. But after the years passed on and not even hearing a murmur of his bear’s thoughts, Robert had given up hope that there was even a mate out there for him. In his youth, he had made a vain attempt to choose a mate among his own kind, but in the end it only affirmed what he believed now. Even after witnessing his brother finding his mate, he still remained committed to the idea that he would have no mate.

  Now every instinct he possessed screamed at him to claim the woman before him. Why would the creator be so cruel to him as to pair him with a woman like this? According to the file; Doctor Vega was no different than Malca. She’d experimented on innocent people and in doing so; killed many.

  Mark her…Claim her now! His beast roared from deep within.

  Tightening his arms around her slender form, he shook his head. Inhaling deeply, he shoved his beast back down into its cage. He pushed aside the driving need to claim her; his true mate as his nature demanded. It didn’t matter what his beast thought. He would have no mate, especially this one.

  Moving to the couch, he gently lowered the unconscious body in his arms onto the soft cushions before taking a step back. Clenching his hands into tight fists he fought against the need to touch her…taste her. Her sweet scent wasn’t making it any easier.

  Growling in frustration, Robert moved to the two bags he’d seen before. Jerking the zipper on the book bag, he sifted thought the contents. Seeing nothing out of the normal for someone planning to run, he moved on to the next one. The second bag was a laptop case with a long shoulder strap. Opening it he found only a small laptop inside. If this woman worked for Dr. Malca it was possible that this computer would hold damaging information.

  Carefully collecting both bags he rushed them down to his rented SUV. Tossing both in the trunk, he returned back upstairs. Careful to make sure that no one saw him entering Dr. Vega’s home a second time, he moved toward the unconscious form of the beautiful doctor. He’d lingered there too long. If he wanted to get his unconscious companion out of the apartment unseen he had to move now.

  Bending to slide his hands beneath her still body, he froze as his superior hearing picked up the subtle sound of movement behind the front door. It was the sound of footsteps. Carefully rising to his feet, Robert moved to stand behind the door as the sound grew closer.

  The door emitted a soft squeak as it was push inward. Remaining hidden in the shadows, Robert waited until whoever it was moved fully into the room. Was it a boyfriend? The thought of another man touching his mate made his blood boil. Ignoring the feeling he called upon his bear, allowing his claws to emerge as he waited for his chance. From beyond the edge of the door a handgun peaked out and then an arm, followed by a tall man dressed in black. This was no boyfriend, it was an assassin.

  Robert’s eyes glowed in the darkness behind the assassin as he stepped toward the couch. Not making a sound, Robert struck. Grabbing the weapon wielding arm, Robert jerked it backward while driving his other arm up from beneath. The assassin’s bone snapped like a twig, causing the gun to fly from his hand and slide across the floor. Slashing the assailant across the face, Robert shoved him across the room. Taking stance in front of the couch, he watched as the assassin rose to his feet.

  Stepping into the light Robert could see that the man possessed an athletic build and wore his hair the same way Raoul had when they had first met. This wasn’t just an assassin; this was one of Malca’s soldiers. Blood streaked down the man’s face but even as it bled the deep slashes across his face began to slowly knit back together. His right arm that Robert had broke laid limp at his side until the arm jerked with a loud snap. Smirking at him, the man lifted his right arm experimentally.

  “Congratulation on getting the drop on me,” he said softly. “No one has been able to do that to me in a long time.”

  “Who are you?”

  “You can call me Wyatt since I will be the last person you see on this earth.” He promised darkly.

  Chuckling Robert shook his head. “I don’t think so. In the next five minutes I plan on taking this woman—” he said pointing to Dr. Vega’s unconscious form behind him. “—and leaving. You can try to stop me, but I doubt you will leave here alive if you do.”

  “Though I admire a man that can sneak up and break my arm within the same minute, I can’t let you leave with her.”

  “You’re welcome to try.” Robert invited with his arms spread wide. Without hesitation, Wyatt charged at Robert. Driving his shoulders into Robert’s stomach, Wyatt gripped both of Robert’s legs as he slammed him to the floor. Two of Wyatt’s punches slammed Robert’s head against the laminate floor before Robert caught his pounding fist.

  Crushing the bones of Wyatt’s hand, Robert slammed his fist into the side of Wyatt’s jaw causing his head to snap back. Shoving him away, Robert leapt to his feet. Reaching across the floor Wyatt’s hand closed around his discarded handgun. Jumping to his fe
et, using his good hand he aimed at Robert with a triumphant grin. Glaring at the weapon trained on him, Robert fought against the impulse to shift and rip his opponent to shreds.

  “I guess this is where we end our little game.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it.” Robert growled out. “The second you pull that trigger everyone in this building will come running.”

  “I’m counting on it.” Wyatt stated with a careless shrug. “You see my original plan was to stage this whole thing like a break in and with you here it will make for a more convincing story. Malca does hate loose ends and all.”

  From the couch, Dr. Vega emitted a soft moan, momentarily drawing Wyatt’s attention from Robert. Lunging forward, Robert knocked Wyatt’s weapon away for a second time, but not before it when off and hit Robert in the shoulder. Snarling, Robert tossed Wyatt through the air and sent him crashing head first into the T.V. set. The impact sent Wyatt stumbling to the floor as bits of plastic and glass from the broken T.V. rained around his bleeding body.

  Growling at the pain of his injury, Robert glanced down at his bleeding shoulder. No matter how many times he’d been shot in the past, he never got use to the burning pain of a bullet tearing through his flesh.

  “You’re going to regret pissing me off.” Wyatt mumbled as he fought to climb to his feet.

  Moving up behind Wyatt as he crawled to his feet, Robert gripped the sides of his head and in one fatal move snapped his neck. Wyatt’s lifeless body crumbled to the ground like a boneless doll. Landing on his front with his slack face nearly twisted over his shoulder.

  Breathing heavily Robert pressed his hand against his throbbing wound. So much for getting this job done quietly. Turning away from the broken corpse, Robert made his way back to the couch. He was almost within reach when a small snap sounded behind him. Freezing in place, he turned to look at Wyatt’s still body.

  His slack arm to his side jumped with small snaps as the bones in his hand shoved back into place. Still watching, Robert shook his head with disbelief as the spine at the base of the neck shifted beneath the skin before a loud snap echoed through the room. With the final bone crushing sound, Wyatt’s head jerked back to its normal position. Wyatt’s body jolted as a choking cough exploded from his mouth as he drew in a large gulp of air.

  “That’s just gross.” Robert commented with a look of disgust.

  Pulling his gun from his hip, Robert took aim. Keeping his presence unknown was no longer an option. He would have to end this the old fashioned way. Before he could squeeze the trigger, through the thin walls the sound of clamoring voices in result to the gun shot reached his ears. He didn’t have time. If the police got here, their only lead to Malca would be lost to them.

  Moving quickly, Robert shoved his gun into its holster as he rushed back to the couch. Lifting Dr. Vega’s limp form into his arms, he fled from the apartment. Shoving past neighbors as they stepped from their homes to inspect, he rushed down the hallway to the emergency stairs. Flying down the dark stairwell, he clutched his captive close to his chest to keep from dropping her. Coming to the bottom of the stairwell, Robert spied a small door ahead marked Exit. Not bothering to shift his current package to fight with the door, he simply gave the door a savage kick causing it to hit the side of the building with a loud bang.

  Stepping out into the night air he moved across the grass and onto the dark sidewalk just as several police officers rushed toward the lit entrance doors. Moving carefully as not to attract attention, he adjusted Dr. Vega in his arms so that her head laid resting beneath his chin and giving the illusion that he was simply carrying a sleeping woman to his black SUV.

  Opening the passenger side door, he gently placed her in the seat before strapping the seat belt around her. Closing the door, Robert took a careful look around before climbing behind the wheel. Pulling out of his parked spot on the side of the curb, he took off down the road just as two more flashing police cruisers flew past him.

  Turning off onto the expressway, he glanced over at the relaxed face of his sleeping mate. No matter what, he had to remind himself of why she was laying beside him unconscious. She may he his mate; but he would never claim her. His job was done. All he had to do was safely deliver her to Doyle and Aria.

  Simple and easy...

  You wish…


  Slowly coming awake, Gabriella groaned as her head pounded with the force of a wayward orchestra. Flashes of images began to rush back to her of the previous night, causing her heart to pound painfully within her chest. She remembered fleeing to her apartment with the intention of getting out of the county, but one of Malca’s soldiers had been waiting for her. Fear caused her throat to tighten as she forced herself not to panic.

  She was still alive, so that was something, right?

  Looking around, she saw that she was lying on top of a lumpy, twin size bed. From the faded green wallpaper and scuffed up furniture around her, she determined that she was in a cheap motel room of some kind. Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw no sign of the man that had broke into her home and knocked her out. Breathing a sigh of relief, she allowed her head to fall back against the ruffled pillow beneath her.

  She had to get out of here before he returned to more than likely do the job he was hired for. Whether it was to kill her or simply to return her to Dr. Malca, so that she may have that honor herself; Gabriella didn’t know. However she refused to stick around to find out.

  Moving to sit up from her position on her side, she was jerked to a stop as her hands refused to moved from beneath the pillow. Trying once more, it was then that she noticed a light weight around each of her wrists. Teeth gritting together, she bit back a curse at the feel of the cool metal that encircled each wrist. Jerking and tugging persistently on her bonds did nothing but hurt and tire her out. Her head snapped toward the door at the sound of the lock disengaging. Her next breath froze in her chest as the door was pushed open with her captor striding through. In his hands, he carried a white paper bag with a matching paper cup.

  His hard gaze settled on her with a frown. “You’re up.” He stated, almost with displeasure. Walking around her bed, he moved with graceful strides that seemed nearly predatory. Coming to a stop beside her, he set the bag and cup on the table between both beds.

  “How observant of you,” She stated sarcastically. “Why am I handcuffed?”

  “I think even you can work that one out, doctor. If it bothers you that much; next time I’ll just keep you drugged, would you prefer that?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow. When she pinched her lips together in silence, he nodded. “That’s what I thought.” Lowering his hand to the bottom of his black t-shirt, he jerked it over his head.

  Startled at his action, she blinked at the sight of the rippled muscles that were now displayed before her. The hard muscle of his six pack stood out like an armor lurking beneath his tanned skin. Eyes widening, her gaze traveled up to his equally impressive chest and to the thick roped muscles of his arms that flexed with movement.

  Gulping against the sudden tightness of her throat, she stuttered. “W-What are you doing?” she inquired while his large hands began unbuttoning the front of his jeans.

  “What does it look like? I’ve been in these clothes since last night, plus their covered in sweat and blood.”

  “Blood?” she gasped out with dread. What could he mean by that? Who’s blood?

  Briefly raising his eyes to hers, he shrugged his wide shoulders. “Don’t worry about it.” Carelessly he shoved his jeans down, he now stood in nothing but a pair of forest green briefs that looked like they were painted on his muscular buttocks. Bending down, he tossed his dirty clothes on the second bed before walking toward the attaching bathroom. Each step he took was mesmerizing and held her attention.

  Disgusted with herself, she jerked her eyes to the ceiling above her. What was wrong with her? Here she was ogling a man that had drugged, kidnapped, and was probably planning to kill her. Hearing his approaching footste
ps, she glanced to her right. He now was dressed in a pair of blue jeans with the top buttons undone while he held a t-shirt in his hand.

  “Couldn’t you just get dressed out of my sight?” she hissed out, attempting to distract herself from the delicious view of masculinity before her.

  Chuckling, the sound of clothing shuffling preceded his response. “Don’t look if it offends you so much. Or perhaps you like what you see…”

  “Don’t be stupid.” She bit out against his teasing tone. “Why didn’t you just kill me?” she asked, turning to look back at her—now fully dressed— captor.

  Pursing his lips, he shook his head at her. “If I wanted you dead, you would be. I was asked to bring you back alive.”

  “How gracious of you,” she sneered.

  She would rather die than be dragged back to Malca. She needed to escape somehow before that happened and get as far away she could. She wasn’t foolish enough to go to the police for help. Without a doubt; Malca had already made sure that she’d be arrested upon sight.

  Glancing at the items on the bedside table, she asked. “What’s that?”

  Busy stuffing his dirty clothes in a gym bag, he responded without looking at her. “There’s not a whole lot in the way of food around here. So I went to a local diner this morning. I figured once you woke up that you’d need something to eat.”

  Pausing for a moment to consider her options, Gabriella gestured toward the food with her chin. “May I have some?”

  Turing to face her, he nodded before plucking the bag up. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside her, the smooth line of his back was presented to her without hesitation. She didn’t understand it. With his teasing demeanor a moment ago and now with this offer of food, he didn’t seem the type that Malca would send after her. Perhaps everything about him was a ploy to get her to let her guard down? Her expression tensed at the thought.


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