Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2) Page 5

by Magenta Phoenix

  She wouldn’t be so foolish to trust him. She knew nothing about him except that he’d been sent after her and he wasn’t above using underhanded ways to accomplish what he wanted. He was dangerous; regardless of his seemingly innocent words.

  Reaching into the paper sack, he pulled out a small plastic bowl and a spoon. Tearing the plastic lid off, the welcoming scent of eggs floated into the air caused her stomach to rumble with hunger. Her suspicion of him only multiplied as he held a spoon full of fluffy yellow eggs in front of her mouth expectantly. Jerking back, she eyed the food with hesitation. Could he have drugged it? It would be a sure way to keep her weak and compliant. He’d already proven that drugging her didn’t bother him in the slightest. Pressing her lips firmly together, she looked up to meet his hard gaze.

  Sighing heavily at her stubbornness, He lifted the plastic bowl with a questioning look. “I thought you wanted some.”

  “I refuse to eat handcuffed.” She replied haughtily. Drawing her legs up, she sat up as much as her bound hands would let her.

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he shook his head; clearly telling her that it would not be happening. “Do I look stupid to you? Just eat.” He ordered, thrusting the food toward her face once more. Still she kept her lips clamped together in refusal. “Are you hungry or not?” he bit out in frustration before dropping the spoon inside the bowl he held.

  “I won’t be fed like some bambina. If you want me to eat; uncuff me.” She demanded.

  The intensity of his stare felt like it burned though her soul. She wanted to look away from his gaze, but she found she was too afraid to. Her breath froze in her chest as he reached past her to set the bowl on the table. Turning his attention back to her, she couldn’t deny that his stormy expression didn’t awaken concern her. Had she pushed too much?

  She wasn’t prepared when he suddenly turned back to her roughly gripping her legs just below her knees and jerking her further down the bed. Her head hit the pillow as he moved over her; his powerful legs straddled her hips, pressing her further into the mattress. Planting his hands on either side of her head, he leaned closer into her personal space. Heart pounding, her entire body trembled beneath him.

  Leaning closer, his nose lightly trailed along her cheek bone as she averted her face. “I don’t think you are in any position to demand anything.” He whispered roughly, his hot breath fanned against skin on her neck.

  Oh Dios mio. What would happen now? Would he rape her?

  It wouldn’t be much of a rape…her traitorous thoughts echoed through her mind.

  Following the sound of her nervous gasp as he moved over her was the clicking of metal behind her head. Blinking up at him with surprise, she realized that her hands were free of their bonds. Rolling off her and springing off the bed to his feet, he turned back to look at her startled expression.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” He grumbled, taking a seat on the second bed with a huff. Pointing at the food that sat beside her, he added. “Eat quickly, we’re leaving soon.”

  Rubbing at her sore wrists, Gabriella slowly allowed her eyes to drift around the small room. Her bed was just a few feet from the locked door. She could make a run for it, but it was doubtful that she’d get very far with him so close. No, she needed to be smart about every move she made if she wished to escape with her life.

  Be smart, be patient. She silently reminded herself.

  Shifting her gaze across the room to her captor, she observed him as he laid back on his bed with his hands tucked behind his head. It was a struggle not to look at the alluring way his roped muscles along his arms tightened temptingly with his position. Though his eyes were closed as he appeared relaxed, she knew he was aware of her every move.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” she blurted out, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

  His eyes snapped open before he turned his face towards her. “Not. Important.” He bit out with a sigh. “Just do what you’re told and eat. You need it to keep up your strength.”

  She scoffed. “You must think I’m an idiota if you think I will make it easy for you to poison me.”

  Jerking into an upright position, he glared at her. “Poison you? If I wanted you dead, you would be dead. When I want someone dead; I don’t go about it with poison. Furthermore; why would I have saved you if I wanted you dead?”

  “You call drugging and kidnapping me, saving me?”

  “That’s not what I was talking about.” He bit out with exasperation. “Last night; I wasn’t the only one that came to your apartment looking for you.”

  At the mix of fear and confusion on her face, Robert rose from the bed to cross to hers. When she nearly jumped toward the headboard in fright, he struggled not to moan in despair. Though he was firm on his decision not to claim her as his mate, he hated knowing she feared him. Inside the depths of his soul, his bear stirred at the term; mate. This woman—for reasons unknown to him was his mate and regardless of his feelings about it, he had to keep her safe until he passed her onto Doyle and Aria.

  No! His bear snarled, causing Robert’s head to ache with the force of his words. Our mate! No one touches our mate!

  Pushing aside his beast’s displeasure, he picked up the discarded food before taking a seat on the edge of the occupied bed. Dipping the spoon once more, he lifted it toward her scowling mouth in offering. When her lips remained firmly clamped shut, he growled with irritation.

  “Look,” he hissed out exasperated. “You’ve had a powerful sedative in your system; the best way to get stronger is to eat. You’re a doctor; you know I speak the truth in this.”

  “How do I know it’s not drugged?” she asked, tensely gesturing at the food with a tilt of her chin.

  “My aim isn’t to drug you; though I am starting to wish I would.” He grumbled, setting the bowl aside once more.

  “What is your aim then?” she asked, pulling her knees to her chest.

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, he didn’t reply to her question. She eyed him with curiosity. Seeing that no answer was forth coming, she asked, “You said someone else came looking for me. Who was it?”

  Sighing, he glanced back at her. “Someone sent by your employer most likely. He wasn’t there for peaceful reasons; that’s for sure.”

  “He said that to you?”

  The more he spoke, the more confused she was becoming. Why did he speak of Malca like he had no real association with her? If Malca did send this man after her; why would he say another showed up to harm her? Something wasn’t right here.

  “No, the gun he aimed at you told me that.” he bit out. The memory of the bullet that tore through his shoulder just last night had him consciously rubbing at the area above his collar bone. The wound was healed, without leaving a mark to show for it. “He was there to kill you.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she nodded. Gabriella knew that it was only a matter of time before Malca put a price on her head, but why send one to capture her alive and then other to kill her?

  “He was your partner?” she prodded.

  “No.” he bit out. “If I had to guess, I suspect he was one your employer’s soldiers.” Seeing the mistrust that clouded her eyes, he added. “I never nor do I have any intentions of killing you, get that through your pretty head right now.”

  “Why not? Malca wants me dead, so just be a man about it and do it.”

  His eyes flashed at her outburst. Shifting closer to her, he ignored the way she flinched back from him. “Why would Dr. Malca want you dead? I thought you worked for her.”

  Scoffing, she rolled her eyes at his false innocence. “Don’t bother with the pretence. I know you’re one of her hired guns. She hired you to come after me. What I don’t understand is why she would send someone else to kill me when you claim you won’t. Is this your way of establishing trust with me?” she asked with disbelief.

  Robert shook his head at Gabriella’s words. She thought he worked for Malca? Where would she get such an idea? She hadn’t seemed sur
prised when he’d mentioned another coming after her. Was there more going on here than he was led to believe? Part of him felt urged to let her believe what she wanted, pack her in his rental car and rush back to Darkwood Springs without pause. But deep down, he couldn’t abide the look of mistrust and fear deep in her eyes.

  Sighing at his weakness, he shook his head before whispering, “I don’t work for Malca.”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Gabriella’s eyes clouded with confusion at his words. Her gut twisted with uncertainty. What did he mean he didn’t work for Malca? He had to. Who else could be after her? If Malca hadn’t sent him—who was he?

  Sliding off the bed, she stepped away from him. “Who are you?”

  His hazel eyes met hers, unflinchingly. For a moment, he just stared back at her as his hands clenched and unclenched among the thin comforter. Glancing away, he sighed.

  “My name is Robert Mackenzie. I was asked to find you, as I told you earlier.”

  She shook her head with disbelief. “Why? Who paid you to come after me?” she inquired forcefully. Could he be working for a government rival of Malca’s? Swallowing against the lump of worry that began to choke her, Gabriella waited patiently for his answer.

  Rising to his feet, he held out a calming hand to her. “I wasn’t paid. I’m doing this as a favor for my brother’s ma—” Robert’s words broke off as he nearly said the word “mate”. Now was not the time to reveal what he really was to this woman. If he revealed he was a grizzly shifter she would think he was crazy or the odd chance; she’d believe him and run screaming. All he could do at this point was try to reassure her that he didn’t work for Malca; the very person that was hunting her as well. Perhaps his job of getting her to Darkwood Springs would go smoother if she didn’t believe he would cause her harm.

  Clearing his throat, he began again. “I’m doing this as a favor for my brother’s wife. She believes you may have some information that can help her.”

  “What information could I possibly have for a stranger? I’ve never met you; which means I don’t know whoever your sister-in-law is.”

  “She knows you. Her name is Aria.” As the name fell off his lips, Robert watched as fear ignited like a flame through her eyes.

  Pressing a hand against her throat in terror, her eyes widened. “Aria…Do you mean Arianna Koski?”

  Without needing a reply, she knew the answer. It wasn’t Malca that had sent this man after her; it was Malca’s most feared lieutenant. Gabriella remembered Arianna too well from her earlier years of working under Malca. She had been a fearsome soldier that had lived for one purpose it seemed; to obey every order without question, no matter what. Many times those orders included killing subjects once they outlived their usefulness. Arianna seemed to possess a cold darkness within her then. She followed every order without a flinch or second thought.

  In the labs, many of the other scientists spoke fearfully about Malca’s soldiers that had taken the first enhancement serum. They became stronger, faster, and deadly. Arianna; being one of the successfully enhances soldiers had been the topic of many fearful rumors. These past few months there had been rumors that she was dead, while others whispered that she was working with a rival group to overthrow Malca.

  “To us; she is known as Aria.” Robert’s firm voice drew her from her turbulent thoughts. “She asked personally that I bring you to her. Aria believes that you have answers that she needs. Now enough talk. We’re leaving now before more people start coming after us.” Advancing towards her, he reached out to grip her wrist but she jumped out of reach. Taking another step away from him, Gabriella shook her head with a slow movement.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Narrowing his eyes, his expression turned dark. “Yes, you are.”

  “What will you do if I fight you? Will you drug me again?”

  “No.” he replied, the muscle along his jaw clenched with his emotions. “Drugging you was a onetime thing. Instead I’ll handcuff you again, toss you over my shoulder and lock you in the trunk of my car.” Taking the final step to bring him into her personal space, with lips thinning his hand shot out to grip her arm, unyieldingly. “Would you like that?”

  The ferocity that poured from his very being stole Gabriella’s breath. From the hard look in his eyes, she wasn’t willing to bet that he was bluffing. But there was more than one way to skin a cat; or so people said.

  Glancing down at his restraining hand, she whispered. “Could you at least let me use the bathroom before we go?” She purposely made certain to appear meek and submissive in that moment. There was no way she was going anywhere with him, she’d die first.

  Releasing her arm with a jerk, he growled in the back of his throat. “Make it quick. You’ve got two minutes and then I’m breaking down the door and dragging you out.”

  Not meeting his gaze, Gabriella nodded with mock obedience. Moving to the bathroom, she slowly closed the door behind her. The second the door clicked shut; she flipped the lock before pressing her back to the wall. Looking around the small bathroom she spied a window in between the bathtub and the toilet.

  Thanking the holy mother for her luck, she rushed forward. Through the window she could see a back parking lot housing only three cars. The window was level to her chest and would cause her little difficulty to fit through it.

  “One minute!” Robert’s voice shouted though the door behind her. Moving quickly she lowered her hands to the bottom of the window. Her muscles strained as she attempted to lift the window pane up, but nothing happened. Reaching above she searched for a lock that could be preventing her from opening it. Her small fingers encountered a metal stump where a knob had once been. It was broken, preventing the window from being unlocked. Before she could consider another option, the door behind her burst open.

  Spinning around, she stared with fright as Robert strode into the bathroom with a fierce look. Reaching into his pocket he withdrew a circular knob, holding it up for her to see. “Looking for this?”

  Her face scrunched with anger at the sight of his smug grin. “You’ll have to kill me, because I won’t let you take me to her.”

  Tossing the knob on the edge of the sink to his right, Robert sighed. “We’ve been through this already and I won’t repeat myself.” He beckoned to her with an open hand. “Come on. We’ve been here too long.”

  Shaking her head, she pressed herself against the wall. “Touch me and I’ll scream.” She threatened, glaring at him.

  “I wouldn’t advise it.”


  Trees flew past the window above her at a steady pace as Gabriella continued to fight for freedom from her bonds. Lying against the passenger seat, Gabriella could do nothing but stew in her displeasure. Not but an hour earlier, she’d faced off her captor in the small motel bathroom. When he’d approached her, she’d held firm to her threat and screamed for help.

  Within a second, he was on her. Tackling her to the cold tiled floor the familiar feel of handcuffs kissed her skin as he jerked her arms behind her back. Making good on his earlier threats, Robert fashioned a torn strip of a towel into a gag and tossed her over his shoulder. Stopping only long enough to grab his bag off the bed, he strode out the door carrying her struggling form without difficulty.

  Now here she was; gagged and handcuffed with her irritable and unreasonable captor at the wheel. Turning her head, she glared at him as his eyes focused on the road ahead. Since tossing her in the car, buckling her in and slamming the door, he’d barely acknowledged her existence. Why would he? It wasn’t as if her comfort was a concern of his. He was just the delivery man sent to pick her up and then drop her in the lap of the person that probably just wanted to torture and kill her.

  Unable to bear being silent any longer she attempted to speak through the cloth tied over her mouth. “Mher er mu akin gee?” her muffled words emerged unintelligible.

  Glancing over at her, his dark brow rose in confusion. Ignoring her glare, Robert’s hand reach
ed toward her face. Grabbing the cloth over her mouth he jerked it down to her neck roughly.

  “What?” He bit out, turning back to keep his eyes on the road.

  “Where are you taking me?” she replied curtly, repeating her earlier words. When he remained silent, she huffed in anger. “Look; you’ve got me tied up and you’ve kidnapped me, the least you could do is tell me where you’re taking me.”

  “Why should I? As you just said; I kidnapped you. That means you don’t really have a choice where I take you regardless.”

  Her eyes flashed with anger. “You know she will kill me right?” She hissed out.

  “You mean Malca?” He asked dispassionately.

  “I mean Arianna Koski. You’re just as bad as Malca’s soldiers by helping her hurt people and Arianna’s heart is just as black as Malca’s.”

  The only reaction he showed to her heated words was the sound of his knuckles cracking as his hands tightened around the steering wheel. Feeling hopeless, Gabriella turned back to look out her window at the flying scenery. There was no reasoning with him. She couldn’t deny the facts anymore. She was going to die. Whether it was by Malca’s hand or her vengeful lieutenant, it didn’t matter. She’d failed. Now no one would know the truth of what Malca was doing and the people she was harming.

  “You’re wrong.” He whispered a moment later.

  Turning her face toward him, she sighed. “About what?” she grumbled out.

  “About Aria and about me, we’re not the black hearted villains you want to paint us as.”

  “Then tell me differently.”

  Slapping his hand against the wheel in frustration, Robert growled in the back of his throat. This was just what he was trying to avoid. She wanted information and it was information that he couldn’t give her; at least not all of it. Most of the information she would learn upon meeting Aria would be explained to her. But informing someone that you were able to change into a six hundred pound grizzly bear at will wasn’t something you mentioned idly.


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