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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 12

by Magenta Phoenix

  “Look at me.” He urged. Meeting his eyes, despite the pain swimming in their depths, she instantly felt her racing heart slow. “Don’t look at him. He got what was coming to him. He was planning on killing you.”

  “So were you…” She argued, turning her face away.

  Sighing, he nudged the side of her face with his arm. “It wasn’t true. I said what I did to buy us time.”

  Scoffing, she shook her head at him. “Why should I believe you?” Before he could reply, Eric turned to see that they were no longer following him.

  “Yo, love birds, is there a problem?”

  Latching on to his question to distance herself from Robert’s lingering eyes, Gabriella tilted her head toward the shelter where their bags still remained. “I’ll need my bags. If you want to help Robert, I will grab them.”

  Without a word, Eric walked passed them to the rocky shelter before collecting not only her two bags but Robert’s as well. Slinging the straps crisscrossed over his shoulders, Eric turned back to them with urgent steps.

  “Alright, now get moving.” He said motioning ahead of them. Jerking still, his eyes narrowed as he tilted his head back to breathe in deeply. Eric’s eyes widened as he looked at Gabriella. “We’ve lost our advantage.”

  “What does that mean?” She asked fearfully.

  “It means they found us quicker than I expected.”

  “We have to move.” Robert urged.

  “I agree. I will be right behind you. Run straight for the top. Once you get to the top of the ridge, there is a collapsed cave beside a group of trees; my hummer is hidden there. The keys are in the ignition. If you get there without me, leave and don’t look back.”

  A wave of nausea suddenly hit her as she realized what he was saying to her. Malca’s soldiers had found them once more; only this time there would be more than one. To make matters worse; she would be running for her life while playing crutch to a two hundred pound bleeding man.

  No pressure…

  Taking in her paling face, Robert squeezed her shoulder. His voice rumbled next to her ear, “Let’s get out of here.”


  Panting, Gabriella rushed forward as quickly as she could with the weight of Robert leaning against her side. He staggered away from her in an effort to resist her help, nearly sending both of them tumbling to the ground for the third time.

  “Stop it!” She hissed low while adjusting his heavy arm over her shoulder once more. “Just concentrate on staying on your feet. I’ll do the rest.”

  “We’ll move quicker if you aren’t helping me. I can walk without your help.” He grumbled with a wince.

  “Keep making things harder and I will just leave you here.” Reaching the top of the ridge, Gabriella felt her heart lighten at the sign that they were almost out of here.

  Narrowing his eyes at her, Robert growled low, sounding more like an animal than man. “Let’s have some sympathy for the man with the bullet in his leg thanks to you, alright?” He sniped.

  Pinching her lips together while panting from exertion, Gabriella turned to face him. “Me?” Outraged, she fought the urge not to just push him down the steep hill they had climbed. “You’re blaming me for someone else shooting you?”

  Shoving away from her, Robert limped ahead of her. In the short distance ahead, he could see the collapsed cave that Eric had mentioned. His vehicle couldn’t be far off.

  Sighing wearily, he motioned impatiently at her. “I see the cave from here. Let’s get going.” Ignoring the Spanish curse words that she mumbled under her breath, Robert headed toward their destination. A low whistle reached his ears as it echoed in the distance. Pausing, he turned back to Gabriella who eyed him with confusion. As realization struck, Robert sprung into action and tackled Gabriella to the ground. Not a second later, the trees behind above them explode in a rain of splinters as bullets sprayed over head.

  Clutching her close, Robert dragged them both behind a large tree, shielding them from fire. As the gunfire ceased, Robert risked a glance backward. His enhanced eyes could make out the running form of Eric as he rushed towards them. This would be their only chance.

  Looking down at Gabriella’s frightened face, he lightly shook her shoulders. “Time to go,”

  “WHAT?” She nearly shrieked, nodding across the terrain. “You expect us to run through a bunch of flying bullets?” She gasped out with disbelieve.

  He shook his head. “No. but you can. I’ll just slow you down.”

  Gabriella resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his idiotic words. Not taking no for an answer she gripped his arm as she rose to her feet. “Get up! I’m not leaving you behind so you can play out some twisted martyr fantasy. Furthermore; I am not dying for you either! Now get up!” Tugging harder she was met with the same result. When he still wouldn’t budge, she was forced to pull out the big guns. Bending low, she gripped him roughly by his ear before giving it a savage tug upward.

  “Ouch! Let go of me or you will wish you had.” Robert hissed out as his hand settled around her wrist.

  “I will not until you get your lazy butt up!” She responded with another hard yank. Growling with the promise of vengeance, Robert crawled unsteadily onto his feet. As more gunfire echoed through the trees behind them, Robert gripped her hand tightly before running as best he could. All the while, he tugged her along beside him.

  Reaching the collapsed cave, Gabriella spotted the black hummer just as Eric had said. Rushing alongside Robert, she gasped as more bullets struck close to their location. Roughly, Robert shoved her flat against the side of the hard frame as second before the passenger side window exploded.

  “Get in! We’re not waiting for that mangy dog.” As she rushed to open the driver’s side door, she screamed in fright as the side mirror was shot off. Instantly Robert moved to cover her. Roughly jerking the door open, Eric’s voice shouted from behind them, taking them both by surprise.

  “Get in the back! Time to get the hell out of here!” Moving away, Gabriella reached for the second passenger door. Her shaking hand fumbled with the door latch several times before she was able to jerk it open. Shoving Robert inside first, she was surprised as two strong hands gripped her hips before picking her up.

  “Catch, my friend!” Eric said shortly before literally tossing her into the vehicle like a suit case.

  Robert’s arms shot out to catch her as she landed on top of him. Scrambling off him with a muttered apology, she watched as Eric jumped behind the wheel just as two armed soldiers emerged from the tree line. As the vehicle roared to life, Eric shoved it into gear.

  “Hang on!” He warned just as his foot slammed down on the gas. Spinning the hummer around with the ease of a stunt driver, Eric sped away across the clearing.

  “Get down!” Roughly, Robert’s hand covered the back of her head before jerking down across his reclined body. The sharp popping of bullets hitting the exterior of the hummer caused Gabriella to grip Robert’s arms fearfully as the side window exploded.

  “Stay down!” Eric ordered firmly as more bullets struck the back as they sped further away.

  The terrain was bumpy and jostled them roughly before they turned off onto a dirt paved road. Sighing with relief, Eric met their startled expressions through the rear view mirror. “All clear,” He said while jerking his seat belt across his front.

  Sitting up, Gabriella shoved her hair out of her face as she turned to look out the window. They had done it! Turning back to Robert with a hopeful grin on her face, she froze as Robert struggled weakly to lift himself up into sitting position. Seeing this she moved closer to grip the sides of his injured leg.

  “Don’t move.” She ordered with concern. Bending close she could see that the wound was bleeding more than it had earlier. “Your leg is bleeding badly.” Raising her head, she turned toward Eric in the front seat. “He needs to get to a hospital.”

  Making a sucking sound against his teeth, Eric shook his head in denial. “No can do. Look under the seat, th
ere should be a first aid kit. There’s probably not much left, but it will do until we get to the compound.”

  “What’s the compound? Is it a military base?” She questioned, sliding onto the floor. Bending low, she reached under her seat until her hand encountered the small kit.

  Meeting Robert’s wincing face through the mirror, Eric chuckled from the front seat. “You didn’t tell her anything did you?”

  “It’s not necessary for her to know. Keep your mouth shut.” Robert bit out.

  “Tell me what?” Laying the kit on the seat, she opened it. Pulling out a roll of gauze and scissors, she closed the lid before tossing the kit back beneath the seat. Still kneeling on the floor, she moved closer to Robert’s legs until she was between them. Not bothering to ask permission, she took the scissors to the leg of his jeans, slicing through the material until the wound was revealed. Cutting a length of gauze, she pressed it over the weeping wound.

  A groan of pain at the pressure of her hand sounded above her. “I thought you doctors were supposed to ‘do no harm.’” Robert griped through clenched teeth.

  “I’m not that type of doctor.” Using the rest of the roll of gauze Gabriella wrapped the length around this thigh to hold the pressure over the wound before tightly tying it off.

  The muscles along Robert’s jaw clenched at the throbbing pain in his thigh. Unwillingly his claws lengthened as his fingers dug into the seat on either side of him. Looking down, Robert saw that he’d drawn Gabriella’s startled gaze to his hands. Breathing deeply, he forced his claws to recede as his hands became fully human once more.

  When her gaze lingered too long at his hands, Robert knew he had to focus her attention elsewhere before she asked questions that could get her killed. Already he could practically see the wheels in her mind turning as questions blossomed. It was one thing to pester him about what she’d witnessed last night, but to do so here and now when an alpha werewolf was within hearing range? He might as well kill her now.

  “Are you done or do you want to torture me some more?”

  Flinching from his harsh tone, Gabriella dropped her hands from his injured leg before rubbing her blood smeared hands against the material of her pants. As her lips pinched together and her gaze hardened, Robert could see that all sympathy for his injury had faded.

  “I’m done. I’ve bound the wound the best I can for now. You’ve lost a lot of blood; you should go to a hospital.” She said earnestly despite the look of indifference she gave him.

  Shrugging, he waved a dismissing hand at her. “I’ll take care of it later.”

  Rolling her eyes at his response, Gabriella climbed back into the seat beside him, scooting as far from him as she was able to. The movement caused pain to shoot up her bruised shoulder, instantly drawing Robert’s sharp gaze.

  “Does your arm still hurt?” Shifting her injured arm to lie in the cradle of her lap, Gabriella kept her gaze trained out the window, refusing to answer his question.

  In all the panic, he’d almost forgotten that she was injured as well. Granted her injury wasn’t as severe as his, but where he had the ability to heal quicker; Gabriella didn’t. Unable to do anything to help her, Robert felt his bear snarl at the thought of their mate in pain. Was this what Doyle went through with Aria?

  Sighing, he turned to look out his own window as he took in the familiar scenery that flew by. They had arrived in Darkwood Springs. As though being shot again, the realization of what was about to happen finally hit him, leaving an unfamiliar ache in his chest. They were finally here.

  Within an hour they would arrive at Doyle’s cabin and his job would be done. But the truth was that he couldn’t walk away now. He’d made a vow to her and he intended to keep it.

  But can you walk away from our mate after this? The voice of his bear nagged at him with the same question he was asking himself. The truth was; Gabriella was his true mate, the one he’d waited his whole life for, but he couldn’t claim her. He wouldn’t.

  As if mentally covering his very heart with armor, he forced his next thought toward his bear. I will protect her until I no longer can, that’s all.

  Emitting a groan of despair, his bear paused before he responded back. Then who will protect you after she’s gone?

  * ~ * ~ *

  Jerking her keycard away from the scanner, Malca shoved the door open in front of her as she turned to the soldier that rushed beside her. “When did he get here?” She asked urgently. Her heels clicked against the concrete floor as she rushed through the dimly lit corridor.

  “Just a few hours ago,”

  Scoffing, Malca rolled her eyes as a mixture of rage and irritation boiled in her stomach. Coming to stop before another locked door, Malca disengaged the lock with her access badge before shoving the door open with a hiss. “You assured me that there would be no problems with the men you sent.”

  “With all due respect, madam; I believe that there were some things that you kept from the alpha team. In doing so we lost nearly all the soldiers you ordered me to send out.”

  Coming to a stop, Malca turned to face her second lieutenant, Daren. As head of her elite force of enhanced soldiers she had trusted him to apprehend Dr. Vega with stealth and precision. Now all she had to show for it was one missing traitor and missing information that could destroy her whole operation.

  “I am going to ignore your tone for the time, lieutenant Daren. I realize that Wyatt was a close friend, but he knew the risks as did you. It isn’t necessary that my soldiers are privy to every scrap of information I possess. You knew what you needed to know to get the job done.” Turning away, she resumed walking toward the medical wing where her head security; Wyatt was currently being treated. Only he would be able to tell her what really happened out there.

  Stepping in front of her, Daren cut Dr. Malca off just as they reached the medical wing. “This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I have several soldiers asking questions they shouldn’t be.”

  “We will deal with that when and if we have to.” Folding her arms over the front of her cream, silk blouse, she sighed. “What information do we have about what happened out there?”

  “We know next to nothing for the moment. The only person that really knows what happened is Wyatt. When he failed to check in after confirming that he had possession of Doctor Vega and someone that was helping her, I had his locator chip activated. We found him and two soldiers in the middle of some forest just over the Canadian border. When we found Wyatt he was barely alive. The doctors here just finished patching him up. If he were a normal soldier, he probably wouldn’t have made it.”

  Pressing her lips together in a firm line, Malca moved around him before shoving open the door to the medical wing. Striding toward the guarded room ahead, she asked. “What injuries did he sustain?”

  “From the report the doctors gave me, it appears like he was mauled by some animal.”

  Jerking to a stop, Malca’s surprised gaze clashed with Daren’s knowing one. “An animal? Are you sure?”

  “There was no doubt.” Coming to a stop before the recovery room, Daren turned to his superior with a concerned expression. “Is it possible that same class five specimen from three months ago is helping Doctor Vega?” He inquired in a hushed tone.

  Eyes widening with interest, the corners of Malca’s lips turned upward. “Only one way to find out,” Motioning the two soldiers by the door to move, Malca strode into the small room with Daren following close behind. Closing the door behind him, Daren stood back as she approached the bed placed at the center of the room.

  Reaching the bed, Malca took a moment to take in the sight of her head of security. Wyatt laid buried under layers of blood stained bandages that covered most of his neck and chest. The left side of his face was swollen double its size and was covered as well. Several wires and tubes snaked across his blanket leading from several machines nearby. As though sensing he wasn’t alone any longer, Wyatt’s closed eyes jerked open to meet hers.

Sighing heavily, his eyes drifted back shut as he took a relaxing breath. “Doctor Malca.” He acknowledged.

  “Commander Wyatt, I need you to open your eyes and focus.”

  Opening his eyes, his gaze now held strength despite his appearance. “How did I get here?” Pushing up on his arms, he attempted to move into sitting position. With a groan of pain, he managed it.

  “A second team was sent after you didn’t report in.” Daren answered from the door. “You’ve been in surgery for the last five hours.”

  Wyatt’s eyes narrowed with confusion. “Damn.” Wyatt shook his head with regret, his fingers fisted in the blanket covering him. “They got away, didn’t they?”

  Malca nodded. “Yes, it would appear so.” Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, her suspicious eyes locked onto Wyatt’s unflinching gaze. Wyatt’s loyalty to her ran as deep as Daren’s. If there was anything he knew that could help her, Malca knew he wouldn’t conceal it. “I need to know what happened out there. We were told that someone else intercepted Doctor Vega before you could and then you tracked them to the Canadian border.”

  “Yes.” He agreed with a strong nod of his head.

  “Who was helping her? I need to know if Doctor Vega has shared the information she stole.”

  Looking off to the side as his eyes glazed with memory, Wyatt licked at his dry lips before speaking. “When our first attempt to grab Doctor Vega from her apartment failed, we tracked the man that took her and ambushed him on the road a day later. To evade us, he drove off the road and crashed their vehicle.” He imparted with a flat tone.

  Eyes distant, his brows drew together in confusion as he continued on. “But when we found the smashed vehicle—no one was inside. With the day light gone, we each scouted the surrounding area for a sign of them. I told one soldier to remain behind in case they came back.


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