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Warrior Wolf: Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (Protection, Inc. Book 4)

Page 24

by Zoe Chant

  Nick squeezed her hand. Mischief glinted in his eyes, but it was outshone by the radiance of his love and pride. “Don’t be embarrassed. It was the most fucking awesome thing I’ve seen in my entire fucking life.”

  “What did you say, Raluca?” Catalina called out. “This is sounding good.”

  Raluca’s face burned. She was glad she’d done it, and glad that Nick had appreciated it, but there was no way she could bring herself to repeat it.

  “I’d just come to,” Nick said. “I opened my eyes a crack, and saw the whole fucking gang descending on us. Price and his guys. That asshole dragon dude and his assassins. As far as they and Raluca knew, I was still unconscious. And she couldn’t shift. But she stood up and put her own body between them and me, in high heels and a mini-skirt and a black leather corset, and yelled louder than Catalina’s bull-horn, ‘Get lost, or I’ll burn you all to fucking ashes!’”

  Everyone stared at Raluca. Even, to her slight alarm, Catalina.

  Hastily, Raluca said, “I believe my actual word was ‘begone,’ but otherwise, yes. As Nick says.”

  To her relief, Catalina returned her attention to the road.

  With immense satisfaction, Nick said, “My mate is fucking badass. I never thought I’d have one of the greatest moments of my life when I was lying in an alley with my leg broken and my worst enemy coming to kill me, but that seriously was one of them.”

  Raluca loved his pride and delight in her, but she had to say, “Treasure the memory, because I will never speak that word again.”

  “Oh, believe me, I will,” Nick replied. Then, with another boyish grin, he added, “But I wouldn’t make any vows like that. Remember, I’m a bad influence. And we’re mates. We’re gonna have a long time together.”

  “Goes both ways,” Shane remarked. “Maybe you’ll get a vocabulary upgrade.”

  “Not fucking likely,” Nick said, then grew more serious. “Shane, I wanted to tell you... I’m sorry I yelled at you when you’d been shot. I wasn’t really mad at you. It was that you looked so bad, I was scared you were going to die, and I was so fucking furious at those guys who hurt you, I — ” He broke off, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Stop talking. You’re making more work for us.” Shane turned a dial on one of the machines hooked up to Nick. To Raluca’s relief, that seemed to help Nick’s breathing. Then Shane said quietly, “I know, Nick. I’ve always known. Don’t worry about it.”

  Nick relaxed. His eyelids fluttered, then closed, and his hand went slack in hers.

  “Is he all right?” Raluca asked.

  Shane nodded, his fingers on Nick’s pulse. “His vital signs are good. He’s just dozing.”

  “It’s normal,” Ellie added. “He’ll need to sleep a lot for the next few days.”

  “You might too, Raluca,” Catalina called from the front. “This sort of thing can be exhausting if you’re not used to it.”

  “This sort of thing?” Raluca repeated. “Being attacked? Having to fight for my mate’s life and my own? Seeing my mate almost get killed? I certainly hope I never get used to it!”

  Shane leaned over to flick Catalina’s arm. “Not everyone in this bus is an adrenaline junkie superhero.”

  But for once, his blue eyes were warm. Shane had the same fond look that Hal had worn when he’d ruffled Ellie’s hair, and Ellie had given Hal before she’d turned back to her work. It was the same way Nick looked at Raluca. No wonder the team had figured out that they were mates.

  The ambulance pulled into Protection, Inc.’s underground parking lot. Shane and Catalina carried Nick’s stretcher out. Like Shane and his mysterious friend, he and his mate moved in perfect sync, easily keeping the stretcher level despite their different heights.

  Once they were all crammed into the elevator, Ellie reached for the button for the lower floor, but Shane shook his head. “Better take him to the lobby. The doctor’s coming by helo. It’ll save time if he has to be medevaced.”

  When they reached the lobby and Nick was lifted on to the pristine white sofa, Raluca remembered his story. At least this time he’d already been bandaged and wouldn’t bleed on anything. Shane and Ellie had cleaned but not bandaged the scrapes on his face, but Ellie covered his pillow with a blanket before she slid it beneath his head. Once he was settled in, Raluca sat on the edge of the sofa and held his hand.

  Lucas came in a few minutes later, and was quickly followed by Hal, Rafa, and Destiny. They all clustered around Nick. Hal and Lucas pulled up chairs, Destiny perched on the sofa arm, and Rafa sprawled on the thick carpet. Shane stood with his arm around Catalina’s shoulders, and Ellie settled into Hal’s lap. Everyone spoke softly, so they wouldn’t wake him.

  “How is he?” Destiny asked.

  “He’ll be fine,” Ellie assured everyone. “He’s not in any danger.”

  “Do we have an ETA on Dr. Bedford?” Hal inquired.

  Rafa replied, “Two more hours.”

  “And Grigor?” Hal asked.

  “Locked up downstairs. I’ll fly him to his dungeon tomorrow.” Lucas stifled a yawn. “Or the day after.”

  The door opened, and Fiona came in. She wore an elegant business suit, but her long white-blonde hair had been pulled into a hasty ponytail rather than braided.

  “Everything’s squared away with the police,” she began, her normal tone sounding loud after everyone else’s whispers. Then she caught sight of the sofa. “Nick!”

  Nick woke with a start.

  Fiona ran to his side and dropped to her knees, her eyes wide with concern. “Nick, don’t try to talk. Shane, how bad is it? Have you called the doctor?”

  Before Shane could reply, Nick looked around, first in confusion, then dismay. “Oh, fuck. Fiona, I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry about what?” Fiona asked.

  “The sofa,” he said. “And the carpet. Again.”

  Raluca followed his gaze. She’d been so focused on Nick that she hadn’t noticed before, but the carpet was now marred by a trail of reddish footprints, and the white sofa had somehow gotten stained with blood.

  “To hell with the sofa,” Fiona said. “You’re what matters, Nick. Are you in pain? Would you like a drink of water?”

  Nick was silent for a moment, staring at her, then ducked his head and muttered, “Got something in my eyes.”

  Fiona patted his face with the sleeve of her expensive silk jacket, blotting up sweat and blood. “Is that better?”

  Nick cleared his throat. “Yeah. Thanks, Fiona.”

  “He’ll be fine,” Shane said reassuringly. “He broke his leg and some ribs, and his shoulder’s bitten. He’s got some other injuries too, but that’s the worst of it. The doctor’s on her way.”

  Raluca was still puzzling over the footprints. They led straight to where she was sitting. And that was also where the sofa was stained. Then she remembered how much blood had gotten on her.

  “The sofa and carpet are my fault,” she confessed.

  “Having anything white in a bodyguard agency is just asking for it,” Catalina said cheerfully. “Whose idea was that, anyway?”

  Regaining her composure, Fiona said, “Mine,” in a tone designed to shut down any further discussion.

  “Guys,” Hal said firmly. “Nobody cares about the sofa.”

  “Except Nick,” Rafa put in.

  Catalina and Ellie burst into a fit of giggles, quickly followed by Destiny and Rafa himself. Then Hal too began to chuckle. So did Lucas. Even Shane, whose face wasn’t made for humor, started to laugh. At that, Nick gave up his attempt at glaring at Rafa and joined them.

  From Fiona’s expression, she and Raluca were united in disbelief that anyone could laugh at a time like this. But only for a second, and then Fiona gave in and laughed until tears ran down her face. Raluca felt as if she was surrounded by lunatics.

  Then a tickle rose within her chest. She tried to resist it. But a moment later, a most unladylike snort emerged from her lips. Then another. And then Ra
luca gave in. She laughed at Rafa’s wisecrack, at Nick’s complete failure at being annoyed by it, at the doom Nick had once again brought to Fiona’s décor, and at her own actual responsibility for it. She laughed out of relief that she was alive and safe, and that Nick would be all right. And she laughed in camaraderie with the people who cared so much about him. His team, his pack, his family. Her family.

  Like Nick, Raluca had come home.



  Nick took Raluca’s elbow as they walked up to the roof of their new home, but not because he needed her support. After a week in bed and another week alternating resting with working out at the Protection, Inc. gym, Nick’s limp was gone and his strength was back. He held her arm because he liked to touch her as much as he could, just as she loved to touch him.

  Dr. Bedford had set Nick’s leg and examined him, but hadn’t thought he needed her hospital. So once Lucas had flown Grigor to join Constantine in the dungeon, Nick and Raluca had moved into the bedroom at Protection, Inc. It had been easier on Nick than returning to either the hotel or his own apartment, and Raluca’s clothes were already there.

  Lucas’s mate, Journey, came to visit Nick there once she returned to the US. She’d been traveling in Madagascar while Lucas had been working undercover. Journey had lived in Brandusa and visited Viorel, and loved both countries. Raluca enjoyed meeting her. Though she’d made America her home, it was good to have friends she could talk to about Viorel without having to explain everything.

  Once Nick recovered enough to start driving again, he took her back to the diner and introduced her to the rest of the wolf pack and their mates. Kate and Dan thoughtfully provided her with a selection of fresh-squeezed, unsweetened juices. And Destiny made good on her promise of a girls’ night out, and gathered Fiona, Catalina, Ellie, and Journey for a wild night that started at a bar, continued at a club featuring men in varying states of undress, and concluded with a picnic beneath the stars.

  Once Nick was ready to move out of the bedroom, they set out in search of a home to share. He refused to even show Raluca his apartment, which dated back to his gang days, saying it was so crappy that he was embarrassed to let her see it.

  “I didn’t even let the team in,” Nick said. “You help me pick something better. I’m not poor any more, so don’t worry about the price.”

  “I can pay as well,” Raluca replied.

  But Nick shook his head. “I’m going to let you bedeck me. Let me pay the rent.”

  They chose a spacious top-floor apartment with a roof where Nick could barbecue and lift weights, Raluca could take off and land, and both of them could relax and look at the stars.

  On Nick’s suggestion, they decided to throw a housewarming party on the day they moved in. Before the guests arrived, Raluca and Nick turned to each other and said, “I have something—”

  They both broke off in confusion, then smiled. She had an idea of what Nick might have; he’d vanished for a long stretch of the day before, and kept patting his pocket after he returned.

  “Come up to the roof,” Raluca said. “There is something I wish to give you, under the open sky.”

  Once they reached the roof, she opened her purse and removed a velvet bag. “Take off your jacket.”

  When Nick carefully laid his jacket on a chair rather than tossing it over the back, she knew for sure. Her heart warmed even more as she opened the bag. “It is your mating gift. I know it isn’t exactly a surprise, but I wanted to be sure you would like it.”

  With a grin, Nick offered her his left arm. “Go on. Bedeck me.”

  She’d had it custom-made after a consult with Destiny on the meaning of “punk” and with Nick on the meaning of “guy jewelry.” Then she’d taken him to the jeweler to have his arm measured, so he knew it would be an armband of some kind. But the details would be a surprise. Nervously, Raluca hoped he’d like it.

  He will love it, her dragon hissed. It is stunning. And punk.

  Raluca snapped it on. Nick lifted his arm, turning it this way and that in fascination. A heavy silver dragon wrapped around his left arm, as if it had coiled itself around his tree branch tattoo. Its edges were cut with deliberate roughness, and it had no fine detail or inlay. But its deceptive plainness conveyed a stark beauty and a sense of power. The dragon was clearly not resting or sleeping, but lying in wait.

  “I love it.” Nick’s voice was husky. “I was going to wear whatever you gave me, and like it because it came from you. But this is really... me. It’s like my tats. I want it on my body forever.”

  Raluca gave a sigh of pleasure. It satisfied her to the depths of her heart to have finally bedecked her mate, to see him wear her silver, and to hear his sincere happiness at receiving it.

  I told you, hissed her dragon.

  “Now let me bedeck you.” Nick reached into his pocket and held up a velvet case. He opened it to show her an elegant band of silver set with a single, perfect diamond.

  Delighted, Raluca held out her hand and let him slide it on to her finger. “It will be the greatest treasure of my hoard.”

  They kissed until they heard the doorbell ring. Then Nick put his jacket back on, and they went to greet their guests.

  The entire team showed up, along with Nick’s wolf pack friends and their mates. Everyone trooped up the stairs after Nick and Raluca; it was to be a rooftop barbecue. Raluca, who knew nothing of barbecuing, had left that part to Nick.

  Once everyone reached the roof, Nick threw out his arm in a wide gesture. “Check out our view!”

  Rafa’s sharp eyes caught the glint of silver that had shown from beneath Nick’s cuff.

  “What’s that you’re wearing?” Rafa demanded, his lips quivering with mischief. “Come on. Show off your pretty, pretty bracelet.”

  Nick took off his new black leather jacket and displayed Raluca’s mating gift without a trace of embarrassment. Instead, he looked proud.

  As everyone crowded around to admire it, Rafa made another try at getting a rise out of Nick. “Now all you need is a nice gold chain and rings on every finger, like Lucas.”

  Nick didn’t take the bait. “Nope. I’ve got one fucking awesome piece, and that’s enough for me.”

  Raluca knew differently, but didn’t comment. The armband was the gift he’d wear in public; the other was only for her and him, in the privacy of their bedroom.

  “Also, it doubles as armor,” Nick went on.

  Shane’s strike was blurringly fast, and out of nowhere; Raluca hadn’t even realized he was standing nearby. But Nick whipped up his arm and blocked it. Shane stopped his blow just before it would have bounced off the silver dragon.

  “Nice,” Shane said.

  “Armor was Nick’s idea,” Raluca said.

  Hal laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t think it was yours.”

  “I was kidding her about that,” Nick said. “But she took me seriously, and I’m glad she did. It’s badass.”

  Fiona examined it with interest. “It’s quite a beautiful piece. And you could strike with it, as well.”

  Shane, Fiona, and Nick began exploring the fighting possibilities of his mating gift, striking and blocking at nerve-wracking speeds. Raluca watched until she was convinced they weren’t going to kill each other by accident, then went to greet the rest of the guests.

  The only housewarming guest Raluca didn’t know was the man who had come with Hal and Ellie. He had almost as many tattoos as Nick, and the same sandy-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and snub nose as Ellie.

  Ellie introduced him to Raluca. “This is Ethan, my twin brother.”

  Ethan shook Raluca’s hand, then turned to Nick. “I don’t have a real housewarming gift. I drove straight up from the Marine base. But I did get this on the way.”

  He produced a cooler full of American beer. Raluca politely thanked him, repressing her true feelings about liquids in cans. But Nick grabbed it with genuine enthusiasm and immediately cracked one open. “Hey, thanks, man.”

sp; That set off a flurry of gift-giving. Nick and Raluca were deluged with presents, from the practical (a promise from Fiona to personally set up their home security system) to the precious (a bottle of the rare liqueur dragonfire from Lucas and Journey, which Raluca happened to know was worth its weight in gold.)

  Once the thank-yous were done, Dan, Kate, and Hal went to help Nick barbecue (which turned into them taking over the cooking), and everyone settled down to chat and drink and admire the view. Once Journey noticed Raluca’s new ring, they all admired that too.

  “When’s the wedding?” Kate asked.

  Raluca looked at Nick, who shrugged. “Feels like we’re already married. Up to Raluca, I guess.”

  Destiny punched his shoulder. “Nick! Did you give her an engagement ring, and forget to actually propose?”

  Raluca rescued Nick, who was starting to turn red. “We made our vows earlier, and shall discuss the wedding at our leisure.”

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Nick said, recovering.

  He sprawled in a chair with his arm around Raluca’s shoulder. He looked relaxed and happy, content to be with his mate and his friends. Raluca was happy too, but the more everyone spoke, the less content she felt. The wolves all had jobs or children or both. Journey didn’t work, but that was by choice: she traveled instead. Ethan was a Marine. Ellie was a paramedic. Catalina was a paramedic and was about to become a bodyguard as well. Raluca had Nick, of course. But soon he would be back at work. And then what would she do with her days?

  Nick seemed to sense her thoughts. Quietly, he asked, “What’s the matter, babe?”

  Raluca was about to say she’d tell him later, then reconsidered. She had no reason to keep secrets from his friends, many of whom had become her friends too, nor would they make her embarrassed about her lack of purpose. In fact, they might have some ideas.

  “I have a question,” Raluca said. “Is there anything Americans traditionally do when they’re not sure what to do with their lives?”

  “Road trip,” Nick said instantly. “I’ll take you. No World’s Biggest, I promise.”


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