Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

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Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace Page 63

by Peter Janney

  as founding father of U.S. intelligence, 2, 65, 181, 192, 232–233, 236, 286, 372

  as orchestrator of JFK assassination, 65–66, 269, 286–287, 302, 327, 370

  asked to resign by JFK, 236–237, 286, 301, 466

  and Ben Bradlee’s reference to, 369

  and Bay of Pigs fiasco, 234–236

  betrayal of JFK by, 65–66, 235–236, 269

  and C.D. Jackson (Life Magazine), 286–287

  and CIA overthrow of Guatemala, 232, 234–235

  and Cord Meyer, 66–67, 180, 184, 186, 248, 286, 391

  and curtailment of Warren Commission, 301

  Daniel Schorr’s commentary on, 236

  and death of Frank Olson, 204

  and Edward K. Thompson, 308

  final comments regarding JFK, 237

  and Gerald E. Miller, 180

  and idea of first strike, 238–239

  and James Angleton, 2, 65, 237, 286, 370, 372, 382, 391

  James Wagenvoord, 308

  and John Foster Dulles, 234, 327, 465

  and L. Fletcher Prouty, 235, 237, 326–327

  and letter to Lawrence Houston, 301

  Mary Meyer’s regard for, 66, 184, 237, 302, 312, 391

  And National Security Action Memoranda 55, 57, 237

  and National Security Council meeting of July 21, 1961, 237–238

  and Operation Ajax (Iran and Mossaddeq), 234

  promotion by President Eisenhower, 232

  promotion given to Cord Meyer by, 186

  and Ray McGovern’s analysis, 302, 479

  and recruitment of Captain Al Hubbard, 203

  recruitment of Cord Meyer, 66

  recruitment of Wistar Janney, 67

  relationship with Nazis, 372, 379

  replacement of by John McCone, 236–237, 286, 466

  and Richard Bissell, 234, 236–237

  and Richard Helms, 65, 237, 248, 286, 372

  United Fruit Company, 234, 465

  and Warren Commission, 2, 65–66, 269, 301, 370, 391

  and Truman Washington Post editorial, 301–302

  Duncan, Charles (Assistant U.S. Attorney),

  and Dovey Roundtree, 106, 137

  and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 107, 137

  and Ray Crump murder case, 106, 137

  and replacement by Alfred Hantman, 107

  Eisenhower, President Dwight D., 381

  and Allen Dulles, 232, 233, 234, 236

  C & O Canal as historic monument, 35

  catastrophe of Bay of Pigs, 235, 236

  and CIA, 232–236, 288

  departing warning of, 232, 233, 390

  and Laos, 234

  and ‘legacy of ashes,’ 232

  and military-industrial complex, 233, 390

  Nikita Khrushchev and 1960 Peace Summit, 232

  and NPIC, 288

  Operation Ajax (Iran), 234

  Escobedo Rule, 49

  and Detective Bernie Crooke, 49

  reference to Escobedo v. Illinois,49

  Emmerich, Andre (art dealer): on comment by artist Ken Noland regarding Mary Meyer’s murder, 65

  Evers, Medgar (Civil Rights worker): murder of, 105, 264

  Evening Star (see Washington Evening Star)

  Exner, Judith: as lover of JFK, 144, 213

  Farber, Dr. Leslie, 249, 252

  Chestnut Lodge, 252

  and Philip L. Graham, 249, 252

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) arm-twisting of witnesses in Dealey Plaza, 285

  Crime Lab Report on Mary Meyer, 60,61, 98, 99, 107

  Dave Powers regarding shots fired at JFK in Dallas, 284–286

  G. Gordon Liddy, 220

  and Inga Arvad, 210, 211

  and J. Edgar Hoover (Director), 220, 285

  Kenny O’Donnell regarding shots fired at JFK in Dallas, 284

  and L. Fletcher Prouty, 21, 235, 237, 327, 349, 412

  and Lee Harvey Oswald, 34, 84, 361

  and neutron activation in hair samples, 133

  and Oswald material delivered to Life, 286, 287, 297, 299

  Paul Stombaugh (FBI special agent), 133

  and Ray Crump’s hair, 133

  and role in JFK assassination, 133

  and Thomas K. Kimmel, 350, 352–354, 360

  and Toni Shimon, 388–389

  Warren Johnson (FBI firearms expert), 132

  and William K. Harvey, 246

  William L. Mitchell as ex-FBI,320–324, 328–330, 339

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (see FBI)

  FitzGerald, Desmond (CIA), 181, 248, 504

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott (author)

  and daughter Scottie, 39, 64, 155

  and Jack Wheeler, 162

  Fitzgerald, Scottie (daughter of F.

  Scott Fitzgerald: see Smith, Scottie Fitzgerald)

  Fitzwilliam, Peter:

  as Kathleen Kennedy’s fiancé, 212

  death of, 212

  Fletcher’s Boat House,

  and Mary Meyer’s walks to, 35

  and police officer Roderick Sylvis, 43, 58, 112, 122, 123, 125

  rowboat crossing at, 122

  towpath exit at, 122

  underpass at, 122

  and William L. Mitchell, 128,130

  and ‘young white couple,’ 35, 43, 122, 123, 125, 321

  Foundry Underpass (at C&O Canal)

  Henry Wiggins, 42, 48

  police radio access at, 124

  testimony of Joseph Ronsisvalle, 116

  towpath exit at, 116, 136

  Fursenko, Aleksandr (historian): on William Walton’s meeting with Georgi Bolshakov post JFK assassination, 304

  Garrison, Jim (New Orleans district attorney),

  quote from film JFK, 281

  Georgetown Day School,

  and Ariel Dougherty, 277

  author’s attendance at, 9,11–12, 14

  and children of Mary Meyer, 9, 11–12, 15

  history of; Agnes O’Neill, 183; Bernard Wanderman, 183; Black Mountain College, 183; Goddard College, 183; Rudolf Steiner, 183

  and Ken Noland, 14, 65

  and Mary Meyer’s interest in, 183

  and Michael Meyer, 9–16

  Giancana, Sam: and relationship with Joseph Shimon, 386–387

  Glamour Magazine: “Young Men Who Care” (1947), 177, 197

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns (historian): on JFK’s issues with intimacy with women, 208–209

  Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney (CIA): Technical Services Division Chief (TSD) of CIA, 267, 332, 378–379

  Graham, Katherine (Washington Post), 268

  as alleged snitch of Mary Meyer’s LSD group, 271

  and Agnes Meyer as mother of, 282

  Anne Chamberlin as friend of, 271, 366–367

  and author Carol Felsenthal, 250–251, 266, 435

  and author Deborah Davis, 363

  Barbara L. Smith, 267

  and Ben Bradlee, 342, 363–365, 416, 435

  and caretaker William Wadsworth Smith, 267

  and Clare Booth Luce relationship, 272

  and Dovey Roundtree, 267

  friendship with Mary Meyer, 38

  Glen Welby estate, 265, 267, 472

  and Katharine the Great, 221

  and LSD, 249

  marriage to Phil Graham, 38, 249

  and Power, Privilege, and the Post, 250

  presence at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 64

  speech at CIA headquarters, 269

  suicide death of Phil Graham, 38, 266

  Graham, Philip L. (Washington Post), 192, 248

  and affair with Robin Webb, 249, 265

  as head of COMSAT, 248

  and Associated Press Newspaper Convention meltdown (January 1963), 249–250, 252

  and Ben Bradlee, 250

  Chestnut Lodge Sanitarium, 204, 251–252, 265

  and CIA, 248, 268

  Deborah Davis interview with Kenn Thomas,273

  friendship with Frank Wisner (CIA), 248

p; friendship with Mary Meyer, 34, 38

  and James H. Smith’s notes on call with Leo Damore, 327–331

  and James Truitt, 249

  Operation Mockingbird, 248

  relationship with John F. Kennedy, 249

  and suicide death of, 38, 265–268

  suspicions of Leo Damore,321–331

  and William Wadsworth Smith (caretaker), 267

  “Grassy Knoll” (and white picket fence) of Kennedy assassination, 284–285, 296

  Graves, Peter (Mission Impossible): author’s interaction with (2004), 317–318

  Grey Towers (Milford, Pa. Pinchot Estate), 16–17

  and dedication of Pinchot Institute for Conservation, 440

  and James Pinchot’s design of, 146

  and Robert Schwartz, 161

  Rosamund Pinchot’s horseback riding, 154

  U.S. Forest Service, 63

  and William Attwood, 152–153

  Gunn, Jeremy (ARRB): as chief counsel to ARRB

  (see also: Douglas P. Horne)

  interview with Audrey Bell, 296

  interview with Homer McMahon, 291–292

  Half Light (one of the last paintings of Mary Meyer), 33

  Halberstam, David (author): on Philip L. Graham’s suicide, 266

  Hamilton, Nigel (author and JFK biographer),

  references to, 434

  regarding Rose Kennedy, 209

  Hantman, Alfred L., (prosecuting attorney at Crump trial), 76, 108, 116, 136, 138, 319, 437

  and Ben Bradlee entrance into Mary Meyer’s studio on the night of the murder, 75, 76, 77, 80

  and Charles Duncan, 106, 107, 137

  and confidential Justice Department Memo, 108

  conflicts with Judge Howard Corcoran, 109, 113, 116, 117, 119, 125, 128, 135

  Dovey Roundtree’s first reaction to: gum-chewing of, 119

  and Mary Meyer’s diary, 104, 114, 140

  and Mary Meyer’s violent struggle before death, 115

  opening statement at trial, 112, 113, 134

  and Ray Crump’s shoes, 120

  telephone call from Ben Bradlee, 114, 136, 338

  and trial testimony elicited from: Ben Bradlee, 76, 77, 114; Deputy Coroner Dr. Linwood L. Rayford, 114, 115, 133; Frederick Byers, 129; Henry Wiggins, 118, 119, 120, 319; John Warner, 122, 126, 127, 128; Joseph Ronsisvalle, 116, 117; Roderick Sylvis, 122, 123, 124, 125, 132; William L. Mitchell, 128, 130, 131, 132

  Harriman, W. Averell: as head of Limited Nuclear Arms Treaty team, 262

  Harvard Psilocybin Project (see Harvard University), 215, 218

  Harvard University, 469

  Cord Meyer, 165, 175, 176, 178, 180

  David McClelland, 255

  John F. Kennedy, 1, 6, 20, 25, 30, 59, 144, 149, 177, 231, 241, 265, 284, 327, 347, 420, 471, 502

  Judge Howard Corcoran, 109

  Philip L. Graham, 34, 38, 192, 248, 373

  and resurgence of psychedelic research, 157, 202, 216, 218, 223, 254, 258

  Richard Alpert (see also Ram Dass), 216, 241

  Robert S. Bennett, 138

  Timothy Leary (see also: Timothy Leary), 204, 206, 218, 222

  Center for Research in Personality, 215

  Harvard Psilocybin Project, 215, 218

  Harvard’s firing of, 223

  Mary Meyer’s visits with at, 206

  Harvey, William K., (CIA), 246

  and CIA’s Executive Action program, 386

  as CIA’s “James Bond,” 279, 386

  and Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 64, 242, 244, 247, 256, 288, 358, 386

  and James Angleton, 1, 74, 77, 79, 328, 349, 357, 403, 411, 435, 443, 462

  meetings with Joseph Shimon, 172, 253, 312, 318, 385, 388, 454

  and reference to Roselli and Trafficante, 386

  references made to by Toni Shimon, 380, 384, 389, 454, 503

  “Hawkeye” photographic facility (CIA’s classified photographic station, Rochester, New York), 291

  and alleged Zapruder Film alteration, 287, 290, 291, 308, 477

  as “clean facility,” 291

  capabilities of, 291

  references made to by Dino Brugioni, 287, 289, 290, 291, 463, 477, 503

  Helms, Richard (CIA), 65, 181, 237, 248, 342, 345, 356, 362, 372, 373, 386, 504

  and Allen Dulles, 237, 248, 269, 286, 363, 373

  as friend of Wistar Janney’s, 340

  as James Angleton’s titular boss, 65

  attendance at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 245

  and Church Committee Hearings, 342

  CIA colleagues of, 181, 237, 248, 286, 345, 373

  and Cord Meyer, 181, 237, 248, 286, 345, 373

  and James Angleton’s final statement, 224

  and John McCone, 236, 286, 289, 290, 309

  and Philip L. Graham, 34, 38, 192, 248, 373

  and Robert Crowley, 267, 379

  and William K. Harvey, 246

  Hersh, Seymour (journalist), 25, 342, 370

  interest in Mary Meyer story, 25

  and sacking of James Angleton, 342, 349

  Herskowitz, Dr. Morton, 206

  as student of Wilhelm Reich, 205

  colleague of Dr. Charles Oller, 206

  comments on Mary Meyer’s grief, 206

  Holden, William: affair with Jackie Kennedy, 198

  Hoover, J. Edgar (FBI Director), 201, 220, 386, 404

  and affair with Clyde Tolson, 382, 412

  alleged intimidation of Kenny O’Donnell and Dave Powers, 285

  and Florence Kater, 201

  and Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., 208

  and Joseph Shimon, 382, 388

  reference to in notes of James H. Smith, Esq., 328, 404, 432, 436; relationship with James Angleton, 412; relationship with Lyndon Johnson, and Toni Shimon, 382, 412

  and Warren Commission cover-up, 285

  Horne, Douglas P., (chief analyst for military records at ARRB), 292

  alterations of JFK’s wounds, 294, 295; autopsy photos, 293, 295; x-rays, 295

  throat wound, 294

  author’s interviews with, 292

  Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, 293, 294, 476, 502

  interview with Audrey Bell, 296

  interview with Homer McMahon, 292

  JFK’s brain photographs, 293

  Zapruder Film, 291; alterations to, 291; “Hawkeye” facility, 291

  Hornig, Roberta (journalist), 322

  Washington Evening Star, 322, 408

  and William L. Mitchell, 322, 408

  Horowitz, David (author), 208

  author interview with, 460

  interview with Priscilla J. McMillan, 208, 460

  House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), 21

  and George de Morhrenschildt, 34

  and “probable conspiracy” in the JFK assassination, 21

  Howard, Lisa (ABC News Reporter), and Ambassador William Attwood, 275

  and Carlos Lechuga (UN ambassador), 275–276

  and David Talbot, 276

  and dialogue between Castro and JFK, 275–276,

  and Mary Meyer, 275

  and Simone Attwood, 275

  Hunt, E. Howard (CIA), 299, 346 quote by his son St. John Hunt, 9

  Hunter, Jerry (Dovey Roundtree’s cousin): on Dovey Roundtree’s trips to C&O canal towpath, 102

  Hunter, Morgan Bennett (CIA/NPIC),

  and Homer McMahon, 290–1

  preparation of briefing boards, 291

  and second secret classified event regarding Zapruder Film at NPIC, 290

  “Irish Mafia:” (See Kenneth P. O’Donnell, and David F. Powers), 23, 328

  Jackson, C.D., (publisher of Life): as former CIA asset and friend of Allen Dulles’s,

  (See also: James Wagenvoord and Life Magazine), 287

  Jacobson, Dr. Max, 212

  as “Dr Feel Good” and “Miracle Max,” 212–3

  author interview with anonymous employee of, 213

  and Chuck Spaulding, 213

nd JFK drug use, 213

  Janney, Christopher (brother of author)

  as author’s younger brother, 10, 12

  and recollection of Mary Meyer’s murder, 339

  Janney, Mary Draper (Wistar Janney’s wife): attendance at funeral of Mary Meyer, 64

  Janney, Peter (author), 3–5

  and author Leo Damore, 24, 224, 377

  friendship with Michael Meyer, 9, 12–17, 19

  Georgetown Day School, 9, 11–12, 14

  and James H. Smith, Esq., 424

  New Hampshire boarding school, 9, 17

  relationship with Mary Meyer, 12–18

  and told of Mary Meyer’s murder, 11–12

  Janney, Walter Coggeshall (father of Wistar Janney), 67

  Janney, Wistar [CIA] (a.k.a. Fred Janney and Frederick Wistar Morris Janney), 3,11, 20, 27, 64–67, 338–343, 364–365, 371, 373, 448, 477, 485, 489, 504

  as father of author, 11, 20, 64, 66, 338, 477, 504

  as Grumman Avenger Torpedo pilot, 66

  as pallbearer at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 65–67

  author’s realization of Wistar Janney’s alleged role in the murder of Mary Meyer, 25

  and Ben Bradlee telephone call, 340–341, 373

  and contact with Cord Meyer on afternoon of murder, 11, 78

  death of, 346

  and death of Eddie Larkin, 66–67

  friendship with Cord Meyer, 340

  and Navy Cross, 67

  Office of Current Intelligence (OCI), 67, 338

  and Steuart Pittman, 448

  and Victor Marchetti, 67, 371

  Jefferson Place Gallery, 30

  and Mary Meyer’s first solo art show, 30

  review by Leslie Judd Ahlander, 30

  JFK Records Act of 1992, 293, 488

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines

  announcement of JFK trip to Dallas, 253, 307

  appointment of Judge Howard Corcoran to U.S. District Court, 109

  as co-conspirator in JFK assassination, 387; “Mexico City trump card”, 370

  as “dreadful mistake” for vicepresident, 305–306

  and Billy Sol Estes scandal, 306

  and Bobby Baker scandal, 306–307

  escalation of Vietnam War, 22, 276–277, 309–311

  Gulf of Tonkin incident and Resolution, 309–310

  and Joseph Shimon, 172, 253–254, 312, 380–388

  NSAM #273, 309

  NSAM #288, 277

  refusal to sign JFK’s Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 63, 274, 277

  and Senator Ralph Yarborough, 285

  and William R. Corson’s book The Betrayal, 323, 349

  Kater, Florence,

  contact with J. Edgar Hoover, 201

  interview by Michael O’Brien, 200

  Pamela Turnure as tenant of, 200

  Kater, Leonard (husband of Florence Kater)

  See: Florence Kater.


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