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Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

Page 65

by Peter Janney

  and Timothy Leary (see Timothy Leary) 3, 26, 37, 83, 86, 204, 216, 219, 271–73, 278, 325, 373, 435

  Relationships (significant) of, Anne Truitt, 30, 32, 36, 73, 79, 174, 190, 202, 218, 219, 252, 277; author’s relationship with (see also: Peter Janney); Ben Bradlee, 1, 59, 70, 75, 80, 114, 187, 228; Cicely Angleton, 1, 3, 38, 64–65, 70–73, 79, 136, 162; Jackie Kennedy, 36, 64, 144, 252, 270; James Angleton, 3, 32, 35, 65, 70, 73, 77–80, 85, 87, 370, 391; James Truitt, 1–2, 32, 70, 73–74, 83, 162, 202, 225, 250, 364; Katharine Graham, 249, 271; Ken Noland, 14, 64–65, 184, 201, 204–207; Kenneth O’Donnell, 24, 64, 228, 274, 283; Philip L. Graham, 38, 249; Robert Schwartz, 159–164, 201, 209; Scottie Fitzgerald Lanahan (Smith), 64; Tony Bradlee, 78, 80, 228, 366; William Attwood, 149–154, 156, 263, 275–276; William Walton, 31, 64, 242, 264, 302–304

  Meyer, Quentin (Cord Meyer’s twin brother)

  death of, 167–168

  impact on Cord Meyer, 173, 178

  (see also: Cord Meyer Jr.)

  Miller, Merle (journalist): on Cord Meyer, 169, 195

  Milton Academy: see Mark Meyer Mitchell, William L. (alleged runner on towpath), 61–62, 130–132, 320–325

  alleged aliases of, 324

  alleged confession to Leo Damore (1993), 328–332, 377–378, 401–424

  as alleged runner on towpath, 61–62, 130–132, 320–321

  as mathematics instructor at Georgetown University (see: Roberta Hornig), 131, 322

  and Bermuda shorts runner, 132, 320–321, 333–336

  and CIA safe-house address, 322, 329

  and clothing of Ray Crump, 61–62, 128

  description of “Negro male” as Ray Crump, 61–62, 93, 103, 112, 130, 135

  first appearance of, 61

  and Leo Damore’s search for, 321–322, 327, 328, 401–424

  and Dovey Roundtree’s belief about, 320

  Dovey Roundtree’s cross-examination of, 130–132

  Listing in Pentagon telephone directory, 321–322

  and murder of Mary Meyer, 324, 328, 329–332, 333–336, 339, 401–424

  testimony at trial, 130–132,

  and young white couple, 132, 320–321, 424

  Minturn, Gertrude (mother of Rosamund Pinchot), 153

  and divorce of Amos Pinchot, 147

  Monroe, Marilyn

  alleged suicide of, 231

  and Bobby Kennedy, 231

  JFK’s affair with, 213, 231

  Moore, Bishop Paul, Jr.

  Ben Bradlee, 68

  officiating at Mary Meyer’s funeral, 68–69

  “paranoia surrounding Mary’s murder,” 69

  and Pinchot family, 68–69

  relationship with Cord Meyer, 68, 194

  Moore, Purcell (private investigator for Dovey Roundtree)

  pursuit of repair ticket for stalled Nash Rambler, 104

  and Ray Crump’s girlfriend Vivian, 95

  Murray, Robert V. (D.C. Police Chief)

  FBI Crime Lab Report delivered to, 60, 98

  Museum of Modern Art (Buenos Aires): see Pan American Union

  Naftali, Timothy (author): on William Walton’s trip to Russia, 34

  National Archives,

  alteration of JFK autopsy photos, 293, 295

  and author Joan Mellen, 20–1

  and CIA threats, 21

  classified assassination documents at, 21, 293, 295

  JFK’s brain photographs, 293, 295

  Oswald’s phony defection to Russia, 21


  legal team; Dovey Roundtree, 93; Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, 93

  Medgar Evers, 105, 264

  National Enquirer (newspaper),

  and Deborah Davis, 221, 225

  and James Truitt, 1, 70, 80, 225, 371

  1976 exposé “Former Vice President of Washington Post Reveals JFK 2-Year White House Romance,” 1–3, 18, 70, 72–3, 75, 78, 80, 82, 139, 221, 225, 365, 367, 371

  National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC)

  Arthur C. Lundahl, 287–290

  “Bill Smith,” 290–291

  and CIA, 287–292

  Dino Brugioni, 287–292

  Homer McMahon, 290–292

  Morgan Bennett Hunter, 290–292

  Secret Service, 289–292

  Zapruder Film, 287–292

  National Security Action Memoranda NS AM 55, 237

  NSAM 57, 237

  NSAM 288, 277

  NSAM 273, 277, 309

  NSAM 263, 275, 309

  National Security Council (NSC)

  and “Top Secret Directive 10/2” (June 18, 1948), 233

  CIA’s unchecked power, 233,

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 242–3

  meeting of July 20, 1961, 237–8

  “plausible deniability,” 233

  Newman, John M. (author-historian),

  Angleton’s handling of Oswald, 345

  author interview with, 367

  on James Angleton, 345

  Oswald and the CIA, 345, 367

  Nixon, Richard M.,

  and Arthur Lundahl briefing, 288

  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 310

  and Joseph Shimon, 381

  quote of, 63

  and support of CIA, 234

  “war on drugs,” 195

  Timothy Leary’s assertions about (according to Ron Rosenbaum), 373

  Vietnam War, 195, 310

  Nobile, Philip (coauthor with Ron Rosenbaum).

  (see Ron Rosenbaum).

  Noland, Ken (artist),

  as champion of Reichian therapy, 206

  author Nina Burleigh’s interview with, 206–207

  and Bradlee cocktail party, 207; and Georgetown Day School, 14

  JFK’s remark about, 207

  and LSD use, 206

  and Mary’s loss of son Michael, 201

  and orgonomy with Dr. Charles Oller, 205–206; relationship with Mary Meyer, 14, 33, 64–65, 184, 201

  and Robert Budd, 204–206

  and Washington Color School, 65, 184, 204-

  nuclear test ban treaty (see: Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963).

  O’Blazney, Mark: research assistant to

  Leo Damore, 25, 330–331

  Letter from Seymour Hersh, 25

  O’Donnell, Kenneth P. (“Kenny”),

  alcoholism of, 328

  and Bobby Kennedy’s funeral, 328,

  caving to FBI pressure, 284–286

  and dinner with Tip O’Neill and Dave Powers, 284–285

  interviews with author Leo Damore, 24, 64, 226, 228, 284

  and JFK and Vietnam, 275

  and James H. Smith, Esq., 24, 328

  Lyndon Johnson and trip to Dallas, 253

  and Mary Meyer; confrontation with JFK, 228; and dedication of Pinchot Institute, 63; JFK’s love for, 64, 226, 230; O’Donnell’s fear of, 283, 358; post assassination visit with, 283–285, 296–297

  1970 Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign, 24

  Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI),

  JFK as Navy ensign, 209

  and Lee Harvey Oswald, 355; and author Anthony Summers, 430; author Joan Mellen, 430; Victor Marchetti, 430

  and paranoia regarding JFK and Inga Arvad, 210

  O’Neill, Edward [“Ted”],

  contact with Dovey Roundtree, 100

  Legal Aid Society of D.C., 52,

  Ray Crump’s denial of bail and preliminary hearing, 53

  O’Neill, Thomas (“Tip”), and Dave Powers, 284–285

  and Kenny O’Donnell, 284–285

  Man of the House (1987), 284

  references to Warren Commission, 284

  Oller, Dr. Charles I.,

  as protégé of Wilhelm Reich, 205

  and colleague Dr. Morton Herskowitz,

  Mary Meyer’s treatment with, 205–206

  (see also: Ken Noland),

  practitioner of orgonomy, 205

  and Robert Budd, 205–206

  termination of treatment with K
en Noland, 206

  Olson, Frank (CIA/Ft. Detrick),

  and author H. P. Albarelli; A Terrible Mistake, 324

  Captain Al Hubbard’s belief about, 204

  CIA chemical warfare expert, 204

  destabilization of via LSD, 204

  and LSD experiments; Pont-Saint-Esprit experiment, 203

  suicide death as disguise, 204

  Operation Mockingbird (See also: Frank Wisner, Cord Meyer, Allen Dulles, and Philip L. Graham).

  as CIA manipulation of media, 191–192, 234, 248

  control of Life Magazine,

  and Edgar Applewhite (CIA),

  and Mary Meyer’s awareness of, 191

  and National Student Association, 191

  Ramparts Magazine, 192

  and Washington Post, 192

  Operation Phoenix (CIA), 195

  orgonomy: as developed by Wilhelm Reich, 205–206

  (See also: Dr. Charles Oller, Mary

  Meyer, Ken Noland, Dr. Morton Herskowitz, Robert Budd).

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 69, 84, 292, 296–299, 329

  and alleged murder of J.D. Tippit, 281, 298, 475

  as “lone assassin,” 282–283, 290, 370

  death of, 282

  entrance into Dallas movie theater, 281

  False defector program, 21, 430

  and George de Mohrenschildt (CIA), 34

  and Jack Ruby, 282, 308

  and James Wagenvoord, 308

  and John M. Newman, 345, 367

  and Joseph Trento, 349

  manipulation of James Angleton, 2, 85, 361, 367, 370,

  and Mark Lane’s “Defense Brief for Oswald,” 297–298

  and Robert Crowley, 355; Atsugi air base, 355; Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), 355

  and Robert Morrow, 315,

  Senator Richard Schweiker’s assertion about, 21

  and tirade of William Walton, 305

  Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), 281

  Pan American Union art exhibit (Nine Contemporary Painters: USA), 31

  Museum of Modern Art (Buenos Aires), 31

  and paintings of Mary Meyer, 31; Clearing, 31; Fire Island II, 31; Foxglove, 31

  Parmet, Herbert (historian and JFK biographer):

  on JFK’s relationship with Mary Meyer, 36, 434

  Pearson, Drew (Washington Post columnist): on Jackie Kennedy’s post stillbirth recovery trip to London, 199

  Perkins, Elsie (Ray Crump’s neighbor), 484

  neighbor to Ray and Helena Crump,

  Pall Mall cigarettes, 57

  and Ray Crump’s clothes, 57, 439

  Perry, Dr. Malcolm (attending physician at Parkland Memorial Hospital),

  and Mark Lane, 297–298

  and nurse Audrey Bell, 296

  press conference on wounds of JFK, 295

  throat wound as entrance wound, 295–296

  Phillips, David Atlee (CIA): on James Angleton as CIA’s answer to the Delphic Oracle, 370

  Pickering, Ruth (mother of Mary Meyer). See: Ruth Pickering Pinchot.

  Pinchot, Amos (Mary Meyer’s father), 32, 143–48, 153–55, 190, 194, 234, 443, 452

  (see also: Rosamund Pinchot), 452

  and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 147

  and birth of Mary Eno Pinchot (Mary Pinchot Meyer), 147

  death (1944) of, 32, and Gertrude Miniturn (first marriage), 147

  hysterical blindness episode of, 153

  and James Pinchot (father), 145, 146

  “Keep an anchor to windward in case of revolution,” 239

  marriage to Ruth Pickering (1919),147

  and Mary Jane Eno (mother), 145, and Norman Thomas, 147

  and Roger Baldwin, 147

  and Teddy Roosevelt’s inner circle, 35, 147

  and William Attwood, 263, 443, 452, 472

  and Yale University, 145

  Pinchot, Antoinette [“Tony”]: see Antoinette (“Tony”) Bradlee

  Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce, (wife of Governor Gifford Pinchot), 146, 147

  also known as Lelia, 146, as ‘grand dame’ of Pinchot clan, 147

  role model influence on Mary Meyer, 146

  writing in Nation, 147, 148

  Pinchot, Gifford (brother of Amos Pinchot), 146, 239, 273, 451

  influence on Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas,

  as uncle of Mary Meyer, 35, 273,

  Governor of Pennsylvania, 60, 103

  Grey Towers, 63, 273

  and loss of Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race (1914), 146

  and Teddy Roosevelt, 35

  U.S. Forest Service, 35, 63

  Pinchot, Mary (see Mary Pinchot Meyer).

  Pinchot, Rosamund (half-sister to Mary Meyer), 153–55, 443

  suicide of, 153, 443

  Amos Pinchot’s reaction to suicide, 153, 154

  Amos Pinchot’s tribute to, 155

  author Bibi Gaston, 154

  and early diary of Mary Pinchot (Meyer), 154, 155

  and horseback riding of, 153, 154,

  and influence on Mary Pinchot (Meyer), 154

  and Mary Meyer’s poem “Requiem,” 154, 155

  Pinchot, Ruth Pickering (Mary Meyer’s mother), 16, 63, 68, 146–48, 187, 274, 440

  as ‘grand dame’ of Pinchot clan, 147

  as journalist, 146–48

  at daughter Mary Meyer’s funeral, 68

  at 1963 dedication of Pinchot Institute, 63, 274, 440

  Columbia University, 146

  feminist, 146-48 1954 “husband dumping trip,” 187

  on Mary Meyer’s early self-worth, 148

  reaction of after funeral of her grandson Michael Pinchot Meyer, 16

  and Robert Schwartz,

  the Nation, 147, 148

  the New Republic, 146, 147

  the Masses, 146

  and Vassar College, 146

  Pinchot Institute for Conservation: 1963 dedication of, 63, 274, 440, 498

  Pittman, Steuart (Tony Bradlee’s first husband), 182, 187, 340, 366, 448

  as Cord Meyer’s attorney for 1977 negotiations with Harper & Row, 448

  and daughter Nancy, 366, 443,

  marriage to Tony Pinchot, 182, 340, 366

  and separation from Tony, 187

  Washington lawyer, 182, and Wistar Janney, 3, 11, 20, 27, 64–8, 340, 338–43, 364, 365, 371, 373, 448, 477, 485, 504

  Pollan, Ray (Park Police officer): interview by author Leo Damore, 97, 445

  Powers, David F.

  as close aid to JFK, 24,

  as witness to JFK assassination, 284, 285

  at JFK Library, 284

  interview by radio producer Woody Woodland, 284, 285, 476

  and Kenneth (“Kenny”) P. O’Donnell, 24, 64, 226, 228, 230, 253, 274, 275, 283, 284–86, 296, 328, 358, 431–33, 435, 440, 464, 467

  reference to Tip O’Neill and Man of the House,

  and Secret Service entries of “Dave Powers plus one,” 226

  Prouty, Colonel L. Fletcher, 21, 235, 326, 327, 349, 412, 420, 483

  and alleged communication with author Leo Damore, 327–29, 412

  and Allen Dulles, 237, 326

  as mentioned in notes of James H. Smith, Esq., 24, 327–29, 420, 432, 433, 436, 483

  and FBI, 327, 420

  JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (1996), 420

  and Joseph Trento, 349, 350, 359, 372, 379

  and knowledge of “William L. Mitchell,” 420

  reference to ‘shadow government,’ 21

  and role in CIA, 235, 326, 327, 420

  The Secret Team (1973), 21, 327, 420, 483

  template for role of “Mr. X.” in the film JFK, 327, 420

  Ram Dass (formerly Harvard Professor Richard Alpert), 241

  and Harvard Psilocybin Project, 215–216, 258

  quote of, 241

  and Timothy Leary, 216

  Rayford, Dr. Linwood L. (Deputy Coroner), 48, 54–55, 59, 114–115, 133, 337, 438–439

  at murd
er scene, 48, 114, 337, 438–439

  and Ben Bradlee identification, 59

  gunshot wounds of Mary Meyer, 48, 55, 114–115, 133, 436

  nitrates on Crump’s hands, 115

  powder burns, 55, 115

  and Randolph M. Worrell (morgue technician), 54

  testimony at trial, 114–115, 133, 436, 438

  time of Mary Meyer’s autopsy, 54

  Reich, Wilhelm, 205–206

  and Dr. Charles Oller, 205–206; Mary Meyer as patient of, 205–206

  and Dr. Morton Herskowitz, 206

  former protégé of Sigmund Freud, 205

  Ken Noland’s interest in, 205

  references to orgonomy and orgone therapy, 205–206

  Robertson, Julius (Dovey Roundtree’s law partner): untimely death of, 93

  Robeson, Alan (part of Ray Crump’s defense team): on Crump testifying at trial, 134

  Ronsisvalle, Joseph (Park Service map maker), 116–117, 136

  cross-examination of Dovey Roundtree, 116–117, 136

  and exits from towpath, 116, 136

  Rosenbaum, Ron (author), 70–76, 78, 84–85, 144, 155, 364–365, 367–370, 372–373, 432

  and Anne Truitt’s phone call, 73–74, 76–77, 85

  and Ben Bradlee, 70–77, 85, 364–365, 367, 370, 373

  boasting of,

  Cicely Angleton, 70–75, 370

  “The Curious Aftermath of JFK’s Best and Brightest Affair” (1976), 70, 144, 432

  diary (sketchbook) of Mary Meyer, 74–81, 85, 364

  interviews conducted by, 70–71, 74–75, 144, 432

  and James Angleton,70–71, 73–79, 85, 367–370

  James Angleton’s hoodwinking of, 78, 367–368, 371

  James Truitt, 70, 73–74, 364

  and Kim Philby, 368–369

  New Times (magazine), 70, 75

  reference to Nina Burleigh, 71, 373

  and reference to Timothy Leary, 373

  and Scottie Fitzgerald Smith, 155

  The Secret Parts of Fortune (2000), 372

  Tony Bradlee, 70, 73–76, 78, 85, 367–368

  Roselli, John (“Johnny”), 312, 386–387

  and assassination of Fidel Castro, 386–387

  and Joseph Shimon, 312, 386–387

  and Mafia, 312, 386–387

  Roundtree, Dovey (Ray Crump’s attorney), 26–27, 90–97, 99–104, 106–117, 119-140 267, 318, 320–321, 333–334, 336, 341, 365, 416

  Alan Robeson, 134

  author Katie McCabe, 444

  born, 90

  Allen Chapel AME Church, 90

  Charles Duncan, 106–107

  and Detective Bernie Crooke, 101–103

  Eleanor Roosevelt, 92

  George Knox, 134

  and George Peter Lamb, 97, 99

  and Howard University, 92


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