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Rae, Beverly - Chasing Cally [Night Runner Werewolves 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Page 3

by Beverly Rae

  Roxy managed a weak smile. “Yeah, of course it is.” She snorted. “I don’t believe that crap.” Her gaze zeroed in on Cally. “Do you?”

  “Of course not. We’re grown women. Not kids.”

  “Besides, even if the stories are true, it’s kind of hot, don’t you think?” Roxy bit her bottom lip. “Kind of like the sexy werewolves in the movies.”

  Cally laughed, the tension easing from her neck. “What’s next? A vampire?”

  “Can we come in or are you two planning on having a party on your own?”

  Cally whirled to face the group of men standing on the other side of Roxy’s screen door. “Now where would the fun be in that?”

  “Talk about a woman after my own heart.” Max shoved open the door and led the way inside.

  Cally slid her gaze over them, admiring how each was just as handsome as the next. She stopped her appraisal to give Max more of a look. Even among the sexy group, he was the one who made her heart skip a beat.

  Damn, but he’s hot. She licked her lips, admiring his body. He was solidly built, not in a too-much-muscle bodybuilder kind of way, but in an easy way that said he didn’t have to work out to keep his body ripped. She always liked men with dark hair and eyes, men who exuded a subtle dangerous vibe, but he took that dangerous edge to a whole different level. Every time he glanced at her, her pussy tightened in anticipation.

  Could the danger she sensed be real? She tossed the thought away, the memory of Max coming to her rescue taking its place.

  She took another swallow of her drink and made the decision to concentrate her attentions on him. “Help yourselves to the beer, guys.”

  Roxy swayed over to offer Ranlon a drink. “Yeah, please do. Sorry I don’t have anything stronger.”

  Ranlon smiled his thanks to Roxy, then slid his arm around her waist. The intense look he gave Roxy mimicked the way Max looked at her.

  “This will do fine.” Max snagged a bottle then sauntered over to Cally. “Wanna sit?”

  She followed him to the large two-part sectional couch that spanned two walls and sat beside him. Close beside him. Heat radiated from him in waves and she squirmed in her seat, once more feeling the tug between her legs. Beads of perspiration crawled down her spine. “Roxy, do you have the air conditioner on?”

  Roxy laughed at whatever Ranlon had just told her. “It’s on full blast.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Cally. “It is hot in here, but not from the weather.”

  “You can say that again.” Nick plunked down on the other side of Cally. “I really liked your singing.”

  “She writes the songs she sings, too.”

  Cally shot Roxy a glare, but she had to admit she liked it when her friend bragged about her work.

  “Really? You’re very talented.” Max settled in closer to her.

  “Thanks.” She blushed, not from the compliment, but from Max gliding his hand along her leg. Sizzling under his touch, she closed her eyes and imagined his hand moving farther up and to the right. She let her legs fall apart, just wide enough for his hand to fit in case he kept moving it closer.

  Jimmy found Roxy’s iPod station and started fiddling with the settings as William took a beer, then leaned against the far wall.

  “Hey, how about we get some tunes going?” In seconds, Jimmy had music blaring from the speakers.

  Roxy took Ranlon by the hand and started gyrating next to him. He kept rhythm with the song and moved with her, his body close to hers as she shimmied her breasts. Jimmy joined in to dance behind her, his bulging crotch close to her bottom.

  “Come on. Let’s join the fun.” Nick set his bottle on the side table then grabbed Cally by the arm and tugged her onto her feet. Resting his hands on her hips, he swayed with the music, enticing her to dance.

  “I liked your dancing, too.”

  She smiled at Nick, enjoying the way he moved. Reaching up, she ruffled his red hair. “I don’t usually like red hair, but I like yours.”

  “Yeah? So does it matter that my red came from a bottle?”

  She twirled, letting the beat of the music flow into her. “Nope. Not a bit.” Again, she twirled, this time ending up with her back to Nick. She grinned as Max jumped up and started dancing in front of her.

  Everyone but William danced around the small room and managed on purpose to bump into the girls. Roxy and Cally laughed, enjoying the attention. Still, Cally remained close to Max, unable to stray from him. Just as she wanted him to, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. He rested his palms on her hips and moved with her to the beat of the music.

  “Do you guys live at the Matheson ranch?”

  Max blinked, giving her the impression that she’d caught him off guard. “So I guess you’ve heard of the place?”

  “Sure.” She studied his emotionless face and felt her stomach tighten. Why beat around the bush? “Are the stories true?”

  He stopped moving for a moment, but it was enough to signal an alarm in her head. “What do you think?”

  Her breathing quickened. “I think I believe what I see with my own eyes and not what a bunch of old men gossip about at the barbershop.”

  His laugh eased her worry and lightened the mood. “I think you’re a smart woman.” He met her gaze almost as though he wanted to dive into her soul. “And a very beautiful one.”

  “I’m glad you think I’m both smart and beautiful.” She tipped her chin, her sight settling on the muscles of his hard chest no shirt could fully hide.

  “Why’s that?”

  “You how the saying goes. Beauty fades, but stupid stays.”

  She smiled, loving the way his laugh made her feel. She could live a lifetime hearing his laugh.

  They talked, their dance becoming more about wanting to be with each other than with keeping rhythm to the beat. They spoke in light tones, exchanging bits of information.

  He loved pepperoni pizza while she craved the veggie kind. He cheered for the Texas Longhorns football team while she was a closet Oklahoma Sooners fan. He liked rock and roll more than country—with the exception of her songs—and she vowed to convert him, promising one day to take him to the Grand Ole Opry.

  She loved his dark eyes, the lines around them, and the way he tilted his head whenever he didn’t understand her answer. Laying her head on his chest, she listened to his heartbeat and sighed as he caressed her back.

  At last Cally had to stop, begging off to take a break and grab another drink. William had taken Nick’s spot on the couch and kept a silent vigil on the antics of the others, and she joined him, hoping Max would follow.

  “Don’t you like to dance?” Cally chugged half her beer, the pleasant buzz spreading over her.

  “Not much.” William’s gaze settled on her. “I like other things a lot more.”

  She played the innocent, even batting her eyes. “Oh. What other things?”

  The corners of his mouth tilted up. “Sex. I like sex, and I’m sure I’d love sex with you and your friend.”

  “You don’t mince words, do you?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  Max eased to the other side of her. “Is this guy bothering you?”

  She could’ve said a lot of things including thanking him again for rescuing her from Burke’s clutches. But the beer warmed her stomach and lightened her head enough for her to take the brave step. “Not as much as you bother me.”

  Max jerked back, confusion etched in his brow. “Sorry? I’m bothering you?”

  She handed William her bottle and shifted toward Max. “Yeah, you are. But in a good way.” She pressed a palm to his chest and almost cried out with joy at the hardness underneath her skin.

  He crushed his mouth to hers, taking her breath away. Sliding his hands down her back, he tugged her T-shirt out of her skirt, unhooked her bra in one smooth motion, and tossed them to the floor.

  “Holy shit.”

  Cally started to cover her naked breasts, but Max stopped her.

  “You can say that again, W
illiam. Holy shit is right.” His features softened. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Once again, she blushed. Since when do I blush so much? She opened her mouth to thank him, but was interrupted by Roxy’s squeal.

  Ranlon picked up her friend then flung her onto the other section of the couch. He yanked off her shirt then followed it with her jeans. Latching onto her nipple, Ranlon worked his clothes off.

  “They sure hit it off.”

  “I think it may be more than just hitting it off.”

  “Really, Max?”

  She turned back to Max to find him disrobing. His rock-hard body took her breath away. She’d never seen eight-pack abs before, much less a chest as strong and mountain-like as his. Wide shoulders emphasized his slender waist and muscles defined arms twice the size of hers. He was, without a doubt, the sexiest man she’d ever seen.

  His dark eyes blazed with flecks of amber. “Yeah. But that’s for Ranlon to decide.”

  Nick and Jimmy stood to the side, each of them tugging their boots, jeans, and shirts off to let them fall to the floor. Their bodies equaled Max’s, but he held a vibrancy, an essence that the others lacked. If she believed in fairy tales, Max would be her naked knight out of shining armor.

  She ached to touch them, to run her tongue over each tight muscle, to skim her palm over the tender parts of the men. A lump formed in her throat, and she wondered if she’d gotten in over her head. Especially when her gaze slid to their erect cocks.

  Roxy moaned as Ranlon slid between her legs and Cally experienced an even stronger tug of her pussy. She lay back, her attention focused on Max’s face as he slid her skirt and thong off in one smooth motion. Going to his knees on the floor, he pulled her to him.

  Cally gasped as Max pushed her legs apart and brought his face to her pussy. Spirals of lust spread outward from her core as he lapped her already flowing juices. Her body jerked and she gripped her breasts, fondling them as she wished he would do.

  Nick pushed her hands away and bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth. He sucked, mimicking the way Max sucked on her clit. She cried out, but her cry was lost under Jimmy’s mouth.

  She closed her eyes, letting the sensations their mouths gave her spread throughout her body. Nick lashed his tongue around her taut nub, pinching her whenever he lifted his mouth. Max groaned and rested her legs on his shoulders. Jimmy’s tongue played with hers then he brought it into his mouth.

  She whimpered, opened her eyes, and reached out for Jimmy’s impressive cock. He broke off the kiss and got on the back of the couch, then offered her his prize.

  “Take it, baby. Yeah. That’s it. Wrap your tongue around me.”

  She did as he asked, starting at the base, then skimming her tongue along the purple-veined length to the top of the mushroomed tip. He tunneled his fingers into her hair and closed his eyes, moving his hips to help her drag him in, then out, then in again.

  Cally glanced over at Roxy. Her friend arched her back as she moved to her hands and knees and crouched over Ranlon. She drew in Ranlon’s cock in the same moment William thrust into her bottom.

  Max nipped at Cally, bringing her attention back to him. His hair tickled the inside of her thighs, and his amber-flecked eyes sought hers. She smiled then cupped Jimmy’s balls as she dragged him in again and made the muscles in his hard abdomen flex.

  Nick cupped her other breast and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. She reached out and took his shaft.

  The first orgasm ripped through her, sending her whirling, and she shouted a sound that was part pain and part joy. She stroked both steellike shafts as Max renewed his tongue-lashing of her clit. She tightened, her body preparing for another release. It swept over her, riding her to the edge again and throwing her off.

  She shuddered, the black behind her eyes flickering with sparks of life. Harder she pulled on their shafts. Wider she spread her legs, offering herself to Max. She cried out at the same moment Roxy screamed her climax.

  Max left her clit and she opened her eyes, intent on begging him to keep eating her. Instead, she paused, her pulse echoing in her ears, to watch him lift away from her. Was he finished with her? Would he take his turn with Roxy? She wanted to ask him, to coax him to stay, but the way he ground his teeth told her he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Offering her his hands, he waited for her to take them then tugged her away from his friends. Nick and Jimmy sat back without argument and waited for whatever Max had in mind.

  Max brought her to her feet, held her close, then whispered in her ear. “Ride me, baby. Ride me and hold on so you don’t get bucked off.”

  If she hadn’t already been wet, she would’ve come at his words. Unable to speak, she nodded and let him sit on the couch. He lay back, moving his pelvis to the edge of the sofa, then helped her on top to sink slowly onto his cock. She inhaled, loving the feel of him, the way her vaginal walls enclosed around him and held on. Easy at first, he pushed into her and groaned, his intense gaze scorching her. She circled her bottom, taking all of him until she was sure he’d struck the end.

  “Harder,” she murmured. He gritted his teeth and did as she asked. She gripped his hard pecs for support as he drove into her. Her hair bounced along her shoulders and her breasts jiggled. Max took her hips, keeping her steady.

  Nick pushed against her back then slid his hands around to fondle her breasts. “Hang on.” He swiped his tongue along her shoulder, leaving a chilly path as the cool air followed in his wake.

  Jimmy edged closer, his amber-flecked eyes clouded with lust. Slipping his hand between them, he played with her clit, rubbing her, pinching her as he took his shaft and began stroking himself.


  Cally threw back her head then turned to look at Roxy. Roxy rode on top of William with Ranlon licking her bottom. Cally gave her the only response she could. She smiled then gaped at Max as he slapped her on the butt cheek.

  “Ride me harder, Cally.”

  His look of desire thrilled her almost as much as the feel of him inside her. Mewing, she held on as another climax thundered into her, shaking her. Although the air was cool, perspiration beaded along his brow as he tensed, paused, then rammed into her again. He growled, the sound reverberating around her like a physical entity surrounding her with its presence.

  “I had to be the first Night Runner to take you.” Max took her tit in his hand then lifted to drag his tongue over her aching bud. “I want you to remember that. Remember I was the first.”

  Night Runner? Was that what the townspeople called the men? She tried to remember, but lost the thought as Max’s stomach muscles tightened, foreshadowing his thrust. He grabbed her breasts, squeezing them in a painful yet sexy way, and let out a groan as he climaxed.

  Nick tugged her off Max then bent her over the couch. Max moved to the side to let Jimmy sit. With a wicked laugh, Cally took Jimmy’s shaft and dragged him inside her mouth. In the same moment, Nick stuck two fingers into the crease between her butt cheeks.

  Surprised, she jerked then moaned as Nick added a wet substance around the tender rings and into her anus. His fingers went in easier this time and he pumped them, finger-fucking her as she worked Jimmy’s cock.

  Max took a breast and fondled it. “Your tits are just the right size. Not too much and not too little.”

  She dropped her gaze to his shaft. “You’re ready again? Already?”

  “What can I say? I’ve got a lot of stamina.” Max grinned.

  Nick positioned his cock at her opening then thrust inside.

  She gasped then tossed her hair to the side to take Jimmy deeper into her mouth. Was Max watching? She wanted him to watch, wanted him to get turned on as she gave herself to the others. Afterwards, she’d want him back.

  Roxy’s moans drew her attention away briefly to see her friend, her hair tossed back, her hands clutching her breasts, cry out her climax. Her body shuddered, then grew lax as she fell on top of William.

ut Cally wasn’t finished. She wanted more of Max. She reached out for him. “Change.”

  For a moment, he didn’t seem to understand her. “Change?”

  “Change places with Nick.”

  He tucked his head, almost hiding a smile. Nick slammed into her harder then whipped out his cock and grabbed the blanket off the arm of the couch. He stumbled away, groaning as he climaxed.

  She let out a yelp as Max pulled her onto the couch. His warm breath tickled her ear as he laid her on her side and positioned his cock at her bottom. “We wouldn’t want to leave poor Jimmy out, would we?”

  “Thanks, bro.” Jimmy slid into place then pressed his cock against her pussy.

  As though by an unspoken signal, the men pushed into her at the same instant, one from behind, one from the front. Feeling two cocks inside her sent her into orgasm and she cried out as her muscles tightened around their shafts. With one hand from each man holding a breast, she panted, working both of them.

  Her skin tingled from their touches, her mind blanked from too many sensations. Her body, however, welcomed them, opening to them then bringing them into her heart. She clutched Jimmy’s hair and clasped her hand over Max’s as her orgasm exploded, tearing her apart.

  Chapter Three

  “Come on, you pussies. The women didn’t take this long to get cleaned up. Get moving.”

  Leave it to Nick, the one who spent the most time preening, to egg the others to hurry up. Max stepped around the men crowded into Roxy’s small bathroom and gave William the chance to stick his hands under the faucet.

  William caught Max’s attention, his brows lifted in a question. “Well?”

  Max, feeling more satisfied than he’d ever been, cocked one eyebrow back at his pack mate. “I swear I almost lost it. When she told me to change, I could feel the tips of my fangs breaking through. I don’t have any doubt now. She’s the one.”

  Nick, Jimmy, and Ranlon remained silent, exchanging mixed looks of envy and joy. Although they still waited for their mates, they were happy Max had found his.

  “What about you, Ranlon? You and Roxy seem to have something.”


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