Racked and Stacked

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Racked and Stacked Page 24

by Lorelei James

  The woman gasped. “That is awful!”

  “It was. But Ike picked me up and carried me four miles back to the tour bus. Four miles! Lord, we were a mess. I got a gash on my head that bled all over us and my arm was obviously broken. And Ike is yelling at people to get out of the way . . .” She sent him a grateful smile. “It was romantic. Made me realize how lucky I was to marry this man—”

  “We’d be plumb grateful if you’d let us attend this meeting.” Ike whipped out his wallet and pulled out his ID. “She’s been goin’ on and on about this seminar changing her life.”

  “We’re usually sticklers on requiring IDs, but it’s up to my discretion, so I’ll cut you two a break. Sounds like you need one.”

  “As long as it’s not another broken arm I’ll take it,” Riss added.

  The woman laughed and jotted down Ike’s information. Then she handed them lanyards, buffet tickets and two prospectuses.

  Riss said, “Bless you.” Before she could add anything else, Ike took a hold of her upper arm and led her away.

  He chose seats in the very last row. After draping his arm across the back of her chair, he put his mouth on her ear. “How convenient for you that I’ll have to deal with telemarketers since you used my real name. Why didn’t you show them your ID and make up a name for me?”

  “Because you would’ve blown it for both of us.”


  “No offense, but Ike . . . you have no imagination.”

  “Yes, I do. I went along with the Clem and Bootsie bit, didn’t I?”

  “That’s the difference. You went along with it. You didn’t come up with a believable story on your own.”

  Ike gently blew in her ear. “I came up with a believable story for Louie.”

  Riss turned her head until they were mouth to mouth. “But now we’re in a relationship so I’m disqualifying that one.”

  “For fuck’s sake. You always gonna change the rules?”

  She smirked. “Probably. Besides, that woman wouldn’t have believed you left your ID since men always have their wallets. I’ve legitimately forgotten my purse half a dozen times since I got this stupid cast.”

  “But your purse is in the truck.”

  “She doesn’t know that. Anyway, here we are. About to learn all the secrets of getting ahead in life.”

  “I’m not takin’ notes for you,” he warned.

  Riss sent him a sideways look. “Dude. We’re here for the buffet, not the seminar, so I don’t give a damn if you fall asleep until they open the chow line.”

  “Good thing I’m wearing my hat.” Ike kicked his legs out in front of him, pulled his hat down to hide his face and crossed his arms.

  Well, that sucked. Now she wouldn’t get to sneak looks at that handsome face. Before the truce she took pleasure in dismissing Ike because he was almost pretty, with his longish blond hair and full lips. But now, she liked looking at him as she tried to find ways to make him smile. He had more smiles than a man had a right to, all of them different. She challenged herself to categorize each one.

  “Stop staring at me,” he said softly.

  “Ego much?”

  “You like the way I look, sweet cheeks. You admitted that much to me less than an hour ago. I like lookin’ at you too so we’re even.”

  “Except you’ve seen me naked several times.”

  Ike lifted his head and gave her the smile she called I-can-make-you-beg. “Just say the word and I’ll strip. I won’t even insist you keep your hands and mouth to yourself.”

  “I’ve only got one hand.”

  His grin widened. “Not a problem. You already told me you could go lefty on yourself. I figured you could go lefty on me too.”

  She opened her mouth. Closed it.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Global Communications Outreach Program! I’m Eric, one of seven team leaders here tonight to assist in starting you on the road to success.”

  Her gaze moved to the guy in the front of the room wearing a suit. And the two guys beside him.

  Holy crap. They were all hot. Was that how they sold the program? By hiring good-looking dudes and putting them in expensive suits?

  “I’ll warn you, Jimmi Sue, not to flirt with the seminar leaders. I’m a possessive fucker when it comes to my sweet, sexy wife.”

  Her stomach flipped and her chest tightened at hearing his gruff tone that wasn’t playful at all.

  Thankfully the program leader saved Riss from responding. “Before we get to the nuts and bolts of how Global Communications can change your life, let’s watch this short video featuring our most recent success stories.”

  Two hours later, Riss’s stomach grumbled loud enough that Ike heard it.

  He leaned over and said, “How soon before the brainwashing is over?”

  “It looks like they’re setting up the buffet in here, which gives the leaders a chance to corner people one on one before and during the meal.”

  “After we’ve gorged ourselves on free food, got a plan for politely passing on access to their exclusive training programs for five easy payments of one ninety-nine, ninety-nine?”

  “Bathroom breaks? I’ll go first and then you follow five minutes later? We’ll meet by the pool?”

  “Nope. Gets me hot and horny seein’ my wife in action creating alternate realities.”

  Riss ran her finger across the brim of Ike’s cowboy hat. “Then it’s a good thing I have a brand-new box of condoms in my purse to service those hot and horny needs of yours.”

  Ike’s eyes turned molten. “You seriously have an entire box of condoms in your purse?”

  “Yep. I’m fully prepared now that we’re dating.”

  He made a growling noise.



  The group leaders opened the buffet and that was when Riss realized a buffet wasn’t the brightest idea with one arm.

  But Ike came to her rescue. “Tell me what you want and I’ll load up your plate.”

  “You think I’m an idiot for choosing this, don’t you?”

  “Not at all. Some of the advice wasn’t half-bad.”

  Riss pointed to the mound of mashed potatoes. “I thought you slept through the whole thing.”

  “I was resting my eyes, not sleeping, and yes, there is a difference.” He slid two pieces of roast beef on her plate and smothered everything with gravy. “What else?”

  “Meat and potatoes are good for now.”

  She devoured the first plate. And a second plate. The third plate she filled with desserts and French fries.

  As soon as she threw in the napkin, Eric, the program leader, joined their table.

  He shook Ike’s hand. “I’m so glad to see a married couple here.” He pulled out his notebook and stack of brochures. “Genie out at the front table told me your story. All the leaders were fighting over who got to approach you first.”

  “Too bad you got the short straw,” Ike said, flashing a sharklike smile.

  Under the table, Ike’s hand landed on her knee and slowly moved up the inside of her thigh.

  “What job did you used to have, Mr. Palmer?”

  “I was in sales.”

  That startled Eric. “What did you sell?”

  “Things that most people don’t need.”

  “Interesting.” Eric smiled at Riss. “And you, Mrs. Palmer?”

  “Uh . . . I was a truck driver.” Wait. She needed to make something up, not tell him the truth. But how was she supposed to think when Ike’s fingers were stroking so so so close to where she needed them stroking?

  Eric said, “You? A truck driver? For real?”


  Ike slid closer—acting as if he was interested in the brochures—so he could cup his hand over her core. Then he s
lipped his hand into her pants.

  Dammit. Why had she worn yoga pants? She should’ve worn jeans. Then he’d have to work on getting them undone.

  If you don’t want him fingering you, why are you widening your thighs and tilting your pelvis closer to his hand?

  “She’s had her CDL since she turned nineteen, haven’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Uh-huh.” Ike started doing a press and slide maneuver with his thumb that made her skin twitch.

  “Once you’re recovered, you can return to truck driving, right?”

  Ike’s middle finger slipped down to her opening, gathering the wetness on the tip of his finger and sliding back up to rub and tap her swollen clit.

  “Yes! Right there.”

  Eric frowned at her.

  “I think what my wife is sayin’ is she loves it so much that she can’t imagine anything better.” Ike gently pinched her clit, over and over.

  His posture was so relaxed as he leaned across her that if she hadn’t felt his fingers working her, she wouldn’t have paid attention to where his hand was.

  And she needed that hand to stay exactly where it was.

  “Well, I don’t know that I can help you,” Eric said and kept talking.

  But Riss had tuned him out. She looked at Ike as he moved his tongue across his bottom lip in the same rhythm he stroked her sex. When he bit down on his lip and squeezed her clit, she had a mini-O.

  “Oh god,” she said and rested her head on her forearm on the table. Squeezing her thighs together as Ike continued to torment her through the small pulses.

  What the hell? She’d come in, like, thirty seconds.

  Shit. Her thoughts scrolled back to the conversation they’d had about being quick on the trigger as an indicator of bad sex.

  “As you can see, the loss is overwhelming to her, so could you give us a minute?” Ike said to Eric.

  “Of course. I’ll just leave this information here.”

  As soon as he left, Ike’s mouth was on her ear. “Look at me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Baby, people are starting to stare. And we don’t want anyone else comin’ over here. Lift your head.”

  “Move your hand.”

  He chuckled. “Unclench your thighs.”

  As soon as she did, Ike’s hand returned to her knee.

  She raised her head and met his gaze.

  Ike put his fingers over her lips. “They won’t try and hard sell us now. So let’s go with your plan of sneaking out one at a time. You first. I’ll meet you in the front lobby in five minutes.”

  Riss nodded. She gathered her coat and draped it over her shoulder. She didn’t look around the room as she left, she just hightailed it into the bathroom.

  Thankfully no one was in there.

  In the mirror she noticed her bright eyes and the color on her cheeks. What in the hell had Mr. No-PDA been thinking, fingering her in public? Granted, if Eric hadn’t picked up on it as he sat across from her as she had a mini-O, then chances were that no one else had either.

  Why had he done it? Boredom? To prove a point? Overwhelmed by lust?

  Okay, maybe that one was reaching. And dissecting Ike’s motives now was pointless.

  After Riss wended her way down the hallways to the front lobby, she noticed Ike at the front desk.

  As soon as he saw her, he beckoned her over.

  “There’s my sweet Jimmi Sue. Good news, darlin’. I earned a free night’s stay through their rewards program. So we don’t have to drive back home. We can finish our date night in style.”


  “Absolutely.” Ike leaned in the clerk’s window. “I hate to ask this, but can you give us your most secluded room? My wife’s a little . . . loud, if you know what I mean.”

  The male clerk shot her a look.


  “What? You know it’s true. And we don’t have to worry about the kids overhearing us tonight so I want you to really relax.”

  “I have a suite in the far corner of the second floor. Empty meeting rooms below it this time of night.”

  “That would be fantastic. Is there an upcharge for a suite?”

  The guy smirked at Ike. “Happy to make it complimentary for you.”

  “Thanks. You da man, Gino.”

  While Gino reworked the room info, Ike said, “I found your purse in the truck.” He draped it over her shoulder.

  Her purse . . . with the box of condoms.

  This was shaping up to be an awesome date.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Riss and Ike didn’t speak on the elevator ride to the second floor.

  But Ike held her hand and rubbed his rough-skinned thumb across the inside of her wrist.

  She shivered with anticipation. She could feel it pulsing from him too.

  Once they were in the room, Riss tossed her purse and coat on the dinette table and took in the suite. The space consisted of a kitchen and a living area with a desk, sofa, two chairs and a large TV. Through the set of folding doors was the bedroom, with a king-sized bed, two side dressers and a wardrobe. Frosted glass surrounding a deep soaking tub separated it from the bedroom as well as the bathroom with a walk-in shower.

  When she turned around, Ike was leaning in the doorway watching her. Her heart skipped a beat or ten. “Nice suite.”

  “Glad Jimmi Sue approves.” He cocked his head. “C’mere, sweet cheeks. Don’t be shy.”

  “I’m not shy. Just . . .”


  Riss couldn’t stop her fear from rushing out. “You got me off in, like, a minute so I was paranoid you’d bring me up here and leave me hanging as punishment, warning me not to judge people—men quick on the trigger—too harshly like I’d done before with . . . you know.”

  “First of all, I’d never do that. You and I have always bullshitted each other, but I’ve never purposely hurt your feelings, not when we were frenemies and I sure as fuck won’t do it now that we’re dating. I don’t care about any other man you’ve been with, or the issues they might’ve had.”

  “Then why did you finger me in a room full of people, Mr. No-PDA?”

  He hitched his shoulder—a tiny show of his nerves. “I didn’t like the way Eric was lookin’ at you. As far as he knew, you were my wife. So when I glanced over at you, I saw this gorgeous, vibrant woman, and I wanted to do something crazy and unexpected like you do to me. Even though I touched you in public, it felt sexy and private.”

  She moved until she stood toe-to-toe with him. When his gaze went to her throat, she wondered if he could see how hard her pulse pounded.

  He reached out and cupped his hand beneath her jaw. “You nervous, beautiful?”

  “I’m anxious.” She nuzzled his hand. “And curious.”

  “Since we’ve eaten and been entertained, this now becomes my date. I got this room—for nothin’, which fits the cheap-date rule. And that means I call the shots. But I’m a team player, so I’ll let you pick where in this suite I fuck you first.”

  A wave of heat rolled through her body. “Did that look just incinerate my clothes?”

  “Nope. But getting naked is an excellent idea. Right after you c’mere and gimme a damn hug.”

  Riss walked into his arms, tipping her head back and offering her mouth to him.

  His gentleness—always a welcome surprise—gave way to hunger. Ike had her pushed up against the wall with his tongue buried in her mouth and his body plastered to hers.

  It’d felt like days instead of hours since Ike had given himself over to the electricity that sizzled between them. When he said he was all in . . . he was all in.

  “Choose,” he urged, as he trailed kisses up and down her throat.

  “Is it lame if I say the bed?”

  She felt him smile. “No, ba
by. Not lame at all.” He breathed in her ear. “Is it rude that I just wanna get us both naked as fast as possible?”

  “It’s necessary, not rude.”

  Ike kept kissing her as he started walking her backward toward the bedroom. He stopped when they reached the edge of the mattress and he switched their positions. He unhooked her sling and tossed it aside.

  His look of concentration as he lifted the stretchy top over her head and down her cast made it hard to breathe. Ike was both cautious and impatient as he slipped his fingers beneath the lace edge of her camisole top, exposing her belly, her rib cage and her breasts. He left the cami dangling from her cast in his haste to get his mouth on her nipples.

  She groaned and let her head fall back, trusting that he’d keep her upright.

  “Do you know how goddamned hard it was to have these beauties right at mouth level the first night you stayed with me, and I couldn’t do anything but wonder how your nipple would feel as it hardened against my tongue like this?” He flicked his tongue around and around before blowing on the tip.

  Riss trembled and dug her fingers into his shoulder.

  “I tortured myself imagining every sexy noise you’d make when I caressed them. When I squeezed them. When I sucked on them. When I bit them. When I pinched them. When I slid my cock here and fucked them.”

  “Yes. To all of it.”

  He buried his face between her breasts and placed sucking kisses on the inside swells. “So fucking gorgeous. God. I’m never gonna let a day go past where I don’t absolutely worship these.”

  “Anytime you want. I love the way the rough skin of your fingertips scrapes across my skin.”

  “I won’t shave for a couple of days and I’ll see how you like havin’ my scruff dragging across them.” He demonstrated with his chin. “Leaving red marks and tender nipples so every time the tips brush against your shirt, you think of me.”


  “Kick off your boots, sweet cheeks. I need the rest of you.”


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