Racked and Stacked

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Racked and Stacked Page 25

by Lorelei James

  These boots were pull-ons with zippers on the inside. They were fairly easy to get on and off herself . . . as long as she was sitting down. “I need to sit to do that.”

  “Then let me.” He stood and switched their positions, settling her on the bed while he dropped to his knees in front of her.

  Ike made quick work of removing her boots and his own. Watching her face, he popped the pearl buttons on his western shirt and let it flutter to the floor. Then he yanked the T-shirt he wore under it over his head, leaving him bare chested.

  Riss might’ve forgotten how to breathe. His arms and shoulders were well-defined—which she’d suspected because she had squeezed his muscles a time or ten. But the definition in his chest? The thick mat of dark blond hair that spread out nearly to his nipples and then disappeared down his flat belly into the waistband of his jeans? That made her mouth water.

  “Riss, darlin’?”

  “Jesus, Ike. You haven’t spent all of your time watching TV. Where did you get those pecs and abs? And can I lick them right now?”

  He laughed. “You can lick and touch to your heart’s content. But right now I need to strip you outta them britches.”

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen that the rug matches the drapes.” She hooked her finger into his belt loop. “I haven’t seen this part of you.”

  “You gonna be disappointed if my dick size is average?”

  As Riss looked into his eyes, she realized for maybe the first time—or maybe it was the first time that she’d actually cared—that men also had body image issues. “I’d only be disappointed if your dick wasn’t hard and ready to get an intimate introduction to my pussy.”

  “Darlin’, that ain’t ever gonna be a problem where you’re concerned.”

  She traced the thick ridge behind his zipper until he groaned and pulled away.

  “Lift up.” Ike’s hands tugged hard on the sides of her yoga pants until they were to her knees, then he slipped them, and her black lace underwear, past her ankles and over her feet. Still in his jeans, he rested on his haunches and pushed her knees open, his gaze glued to the red triangle of curls between her thighs.

  Slowly, he stroked his fingers up the backs of her calves, and then the outsides of her legs to curl around her hips. “I’m gonna take my time eating this sweet cunt, but I ain’t patient enough to do it now, so we’ll put a pin in that for later.” His hands glided up her body as he stood, stopping on his way to make her head spin with a blistering kiss.

  As soon as he was standing, he peeled his jeans off.

  Of course the man preferred boxer briefs because they were sexy as fuck.

  In the next instant they were gone and she was a foot away from his cock.

  Riss licked her lips and said, “Gimme.” Maybe it wasn’t the biggest dick she’d seen, but it had decent girth with a wide head. She liked that he was circumcised and that he kept his bush trimmed. He angled himself close enough that she could swipe her tongue across the slit for a small taste of him.

  Then Ike was gone, searching her purse for the box of condoms.

  She scooted into the middle of the bed and somehow flung the covers aside so she had the cool sheets on her back, sending goose bumps skittering down her legs and up her belly to tighten her nipples. Somehow through the roar of blood in her ears, she heard the rip of plastic and her heart kicked up another notch.

  Warm, velvety soft lips started kissing the inside of her left ankle and traveled up her shin, across her knee, zigzagged across her quad to the innermost portion of her thigh. He pressed his mouth on the upper rise of her mound and straight up her belly, over her sternum and between her breasts. “I love the taste of your skin on my lips. Sweet and musky with the tiniest hint of coconut.”

  He balanced on his knees and said, “Will it hurt you if I put your cast above your head? With the back of your hand against the mattress?”

  “I don’t think so. But at this point, I don’t really care. You’ll just have to make me feel good enough to forget about it.”

  “That I can do.” Ike gently moved her arm so the bend in the cast framed her head.

  “I wish I had both hands to touch you,” she admitted.

  “If I had a dozen hands to touch you, it still wouldn’t be enough,” he murmured.

  His deep voice rumbling in her ear was nearly as potent as his words. “Ike.”

  He moved between her legs, all the while kissing her, nuzzling her, turning her inside out. His hands, his mouth, his body: everything was focused on her. In that moment when he pushed his cock inside her, his eyes owned her too. Intently watching her face as he rocked into her, filling her slowly, as if savoring the connection of their bodies.

  “Baby, I gotta ask if this is workin’ for you.”

  “It’d be workin’ a lot better if you’d move like I know you want to.” She nibbled the cord straining in his neck and flicked her tongue across the pulse beating beneath his jawline. Her left hand mapped the contours of his muscular arm as he held himself above her. “Show me every dirty thing you’ve imagined doin’ with me.”

  “There are so many. But let’s start here.” He eased out and snapped his hips, ramming into her so completely that she felt his balls slap her ass.

  Once she caught her breath, she said, “Yes. Like that. Again. God, that feels so good.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart, you feel perfect. Hot and wet and tight.” He reached down and gripped her hip. “Tilt up a little more.”

  Just that tiny adjustment made her eyes roll back in her head.

  He groaned. “There it is.”

  Then Ike’s mouth returned to hers as he switched between long, slow rolls of his hips and hammering thrusts that drove the breath from her lungs.

  Her body tingled in a continuous wave from her toes to her tits. She closed her eyes and let him drive her through the storm. His kisses were crazy hot, or slowly sweet. Kisses on her lips, a brush of his hot mouth up and down her neck, his tongue following the line of her collarbone, his teeth sinking into the tops of her breasts as he sucked the delicate flesh, as if he couldn’t decide what part of her deserved his feast of attention next.

  When that first little buzzing started in her tailbone, she latched onto his ass cheek, pushing her pelvis up to catch every bit of that delicious friction.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Please keep doin’ that. Don’t switch back and forth. It’s too intense.”

  “Too intense in the best possible way.”

  “That too. God. Just think,” she panted against his chest, “we could’ve been doin’ this the past two years instead of arguing.”

  “Next time we argue, we’ll turn it into a hate fuck.” He groaned. “Jesus, Larissa, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.”

  “I’m right on the edge.”

  “What will get you there?”

  “Just don’t stop.”

  Ike pushed up higher, watching his body moving in and out of hers. Then his gaze ventured up, stopping at her breasts. Each thrust sent her tits bouncing and a grin creased his face. “Hot as hell, darlin’. Every move of this body, every glorious inch of you.” He urged her to tilt her head, giving him access to the underside of her jaw. He licked and bit and nipped at that sensitive skin, all while keeping up a steady, smooth rhythm.

  Then he blew in her ear and growled, “Come apart for me. I wanna feel this wet pussy pulsing around my cock.”

  “Oh god.”

  “That’s it, Larissa. Give it all to me. Don’t hold back. Wrap your legs around me.”

  The next time he put his mouth on that spot below her ear and gently bit down, she exploded. Gasping, writhing, moaning as her sex throbbed deep inside where she felt the contractions to the tips of her nipples. She babbled words of praise for his cock and his stamina and his amazing l
ips until he slammed his mouth down on hers. Kissing her stupid as she spiraled down from that point in space and time where she existed only as a vessel of pleasure.

  Then as the last pulse faded, those lean hips began to jackhammer into her.

  When Riss canted her pelvis and squeezed her inner muscles around his cock, he buried his face in the pillow next to her ear, and his guttural grunts vibrated against her scalp, sending another round of gooseflesh pebbling her skin.

  Ike slowed his movements and then stilled completely.

  She swept her left hand down his sweat-dampened spine and he trembled beneath her touch.

  Riss kept caressing him as he regained his composure. She licked the dimple in his chin when they were face-to-face again.

  “Let’s do that at least a million more times.”

  She grinned. “You are ridiculously amazing in bed, Ike Palmer.”

  “And you, Larissa Thorpe, rocked my world to the point it’ll never be the same.” He pressed soft kisses on the corners of her smile. “Thank you.”

  “Of course you have to one-up me on compliments on your sexual prowess.” She traced his beautifully full lips with the tip of her tongue. “For now, I’ll hold back any more praise until you prove your tongue game is all that when your face is buried in my pussy.”

  “I love this dirty-talkin’ mouth.” Keeping his eyes open and on hers, he kissed her with a mix of tenderness and wonder.

  Ike lowered her cast and slowly rolled them to the side. They’d lost the connection of their bodies, but they remained chest to chest, with their legs entwined.

  As Riss watched him kissing her breasts, stroking her belly, whispering endearments against her skin, and saw the pure enjoyment he took in her body, she felt reborn. This didn’t have to be a night where she crammed in as many sexual positions as she could and got off two or three times because her chance for partner-produced orgasms would be gone in the morning. She could look forward to Ike figuring out all the different ways to drive her crazy, to make her moan, to make her beg, even when she’d never wanted to open herself up to that kind of vulnerability with any man. But being with Ike, she knew she could be the lover he needed.

  “What are you thinkin’ about so hard, sweetheart?”


  A tiny flash of fear showed in his eyes before he banked it. “Yeah.”

  “I’m glad this isn’t a hookup. I’m glad I don’t have the mind-set of . . . ‘We’ve scratched the itch, satisfied the question of how hot it’d be between us.’ I’m happy to imagine how we’ll spend tomorrow together. And next week, and next weekend.” She ran her fingers through his hair, loving the soft moan he made and how he angled his head for more. “It’s a new feeling. And I’m not scared of it.”

  Ike’s eyes were so serious when they hooked hers. “That’s awful damn close to a declaration of intent, Larissa.”

  “I know. I gave you a dose of tough love in hopes you’d see that you were wasting your potential. I’m not the type of person who can dish it out and refuse to see my own flaws. I will go out of my way to change things when I’m backed into a corner. And usually that change means I fall back on the tried and true.”

  “So falling back on it now, because you’re scared of how not temporary this feels, would be . . . ?”

  “If I kissed you good-bye in the morning and treated you like a one-night stand. I don’t want to do that.”

  “Thank god.”

  “That’s not to say I won’t fuck up somewhere down the line, Ike, because that’s what I do.”

  He shook his head. “Not anymore. We can call each other on our bullshit. That’s what our previous antagonism was about. Testing each other to see if we had the guts to look deeper.”

  Riss nuzzled the patch of hair in the center of his chest. Breathing him in, taking a break from the intensity in his eyes, she admitted, “I want to ask you to be patient with me even when I know how ridiculous that sounds.”

  “Won’t sound so ridiculous if I ask you to do the same with me?”

  She smiled. “I guess not.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Let’s put that whirlpool soaking tub to good use.”

  “Good plan.”

  While the tub filled, Ike grabbed a plastic dry-cleaning bag out of the closet and covered her cast. “Just be careful because it ain’t watertight.”

  “No splashing around.”

  “There goes my plan to fuck you wildly in the tub.”

  Ike stepped in first and lowered until the steaming water stopped at his armpits. He held his hand out. “The only way to keep that cast outta the water is if you sit on my lap.”

  She snorted. “And we’ll talk about the first thing that pops up?”

  “Fine. I’ll behave.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, cowboy.” Stepping in, Riss dropped to her knees, facing away from Ike. He curled his hands around her rib cage and pulled her back to his chest with her ass resting on his thighs. She could prop her cast on the edge of the tub, but that meant Ike’s arm had to go underneath, which put his hand directly over her mound.

  “I’m likin’ this a whole bunch. Your soft, wet skin sliding against mine.” His mouth moved to her ear. “You don’t know how many times I imagined bustin’ in on you when you were lounging in the tub in my guest bathroom.”

  His deep voice in her ear tightened her skin and he immediately reached across to toy with her hard nipple.

  “I wanted to catch you playing with yourself, getting yourself off with that waterproof vibrator.”

  “What would you have done if you’d caught me?”

  “Oh, such dirty, dirty things, Larissa.”

  God. She loved it when he said her whole name in that wicked tone.

  “The first time I would’ve propped you on the edge of the tub and made you slip that vibrator into this sweet cunt.”

  His middle finger started stroking her slit from her clit down to her opening.

  “I would’ve held you up with my hands gripping your ass as I sucked on your clit.”

  When Ike said the word clit, he began rubbing the pad of his finger back and forth, while his other hand pulled and pinched her nipple.

  “I would’ve used my lips and teeth and tongue until this little pleasure pearl was plumped and hot. Making you come against my face so many times.” He sucked the slope of her shoulder, flicking his tongue as a demonstration. “So many times that you’d be so wet, Larissa, that those sweet juices would be running down your leg. And when that piece of plastic wasn’t enough to satisfy you, I’d pull it out, spin you around, bend you over the edge of the tub and plunge my cock into you.”

  She forced herself not to squirm because pressing her body weight into his dick might hurt him if he wasn’t ready.

  And she wanted nothing to break this dirty fantasy he was sharing.

  “I’d hold on to your tits as I fucked into you. Pinching your nipples to that knife’s edge between you wanting me to stop and you begging me to squeeze harder. I’d leave love bites from the nape of your neck to the ball of your shoulder, sucking and biting as you bucked beneath me. I’d overwhelm you by showing you over and over how I can give you every spine-tingling, hair-raising, belly-twisting sensation you need to come hard enough to pass the fuck out in my arms.”

  “God. Ike. Yes.”

  He kept leisurely stroking her clit. “Or my other fantasy. Mmm. This one I jacked off to at least four times.” He angled his head to her other shoulder and peppered kisses up her damp skin, stopping behind her ear. “Same scenario. I strip and join you in the tub, making you stand with your cast braced against the back wall. Your skin is still wet from your bath and you smell like coconuts. It drives me crazy. I need to taste you.”

  Riss was dizzy with the possibilities and suspected she wouldn’t survive when Mr.
Dirty Talker finally put that wicked mouth on her pussy.

  “I’d turn your trusty vibrator on high and make you push it deep into your pussy, making you hold it there while I spread your cheeks wide and eat your ass.”

  Her clit spasmed beneath his finger.

  He chuckled in her ear. “You like your sex a little on the filthy side, don’t you?”


  “Then I’d drag it out. Licking and sucking that tight muscle. Getting off on making you squirm and fucking loving that you let me do anything I want to you. When I sense that vibrator has pushed you to the edge and you start to come, I’d wiggle my tongue into your ass to feel those powerful contractions.”

  All she was capable of at that point was a whimper.

  “Then when your legs are still shaking, and that vibrator is still lodged in that swollen pussy, I’d slick up my cock and drive it into your ass, balls deep. I wouldn’t last long—anticipation and the sheer sexiness of you craving dirty raw sex with me has me worked into a frenzy. The vibrations would tease the front of my dick as your tight channel milked me dry. I’d stay buried deep, so you could feel every jerk of my cock as it unloaded.”

  She turned her head and sought his mouth, needing something to anchor herself after he’d plunged her headfirst and panting into his fantasy.

  Then he broke the seal of their lips to whisper, “Let’s get outta the tub. This position isn’t good for your arm.”

  Arm. What arm?

  He laughed. “Up you go, darlin’.”

  Riss barely remembered getting out of the tub. She followed Ike into the living room, plucking up a condom on the way. She put her hand on his chest and shoved him to a sitting position on the couch, dropping the condom on his leg. “I can’t do this one-handed, cowboy, so lemme see how you handle yourself.”

  Ike ripped the package open with his teeth and rolled the condom on.

  Bracing her hand on the back of the couch, she straddled his lap and watched as he reached between them to align his cock.

  She sank down on him slowly. Savoring every inch of that hardness. Shifting her hips side to side until his dick was in as far as she could force it.


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