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Page 11

by Liz Crowe

  “Ah, Dustin. Yes!” She closed her eyes, let herself go, let the man she loved bring her to the brink with his lips, tongue and fingers. “Oh God, I missed you.” Her vision slowly returned to normal and he moved up her body, licking and kissing everywhere he went, coming to rest at her lips, the heat of his cock against her still pulsing sex. “Nice recovery, Prufrock,” she mumbled around his lips. “One might think you’re on medication.”

  “No need with you around, Turner.” He propped himself up and stared at her. “I love you. So much.” He kissed her forehead, cheek and lips.

  “May I join you?” The soft, accented voice startled her, but she tore her eyes from Dustin’s deep greens to meet Erik’s bright blues. He stood, towel around his waist, his hair a flaxen waterfall over his shoulders, his fair skin flushed from exertion and hot water. She took a deep breath, looked back at Dustin, unsure, uneasy. When he nodded she turned to Erik. He settled himself on her other side, up on an elbow. Nervousness flooded through her but Dustin’s quiet words calmed. “Relax, my love. See where it takes you.”

  She shut her eyes then reopened them at the sensation of a fingertip against her cheek. Erik. He stared, as if studying her for a test, but when his lips touched hers, it seemed like coming home. She gave in to the urge to wrap around him, to feel every inch of his large, strong body against hers. He lay back, pulling her on top of him, their lips never breaking contact.

  His hands roamed her body, as if unsure what to touch first. They clutched at her ass, ran up her back, tugged at her hair. She shifted, loving the feel of his extreme thickness. He moaned into her mouth, tore his lips away, fingers fisted in her hair. She sat up and he cupped her breasts, holding, running fingers over her nipples.

  Dustin moved behind, gripping her waist, lips on her shoulders. “Do you want this, Helena?” She started, her body prickling. She ducked out of his reach. Erik let go and stayed quiet.

  “Little late to ask me now, isn’t it?” She glared at him.

  He sat beside the two of them.

  “I want you to be happy. I want you to have whatever it is you want. And there is not a man in the world I’d want more than this one,” he glanced down at Erik, “to be with us.”

  A thrill of panic ran down her spine. This was nuts. She had no business letting him talk her into a…a…threesome. Sex with two men at once was not a new concept to her, but somehow, with Dustin involved she felt dirty, wrong, exactly the girl his parents expected her to be. She put a hand over her eyes, started to climb off Erik’s prone body. Dustin grabbed her arm, keeping her in place. She let the tears fall. Damn the tears.

  “And you? What do you want?” She glared down at Erik, as anger started to nibble away at the hard core of lust she’d been building for the last hour. “Oh spare me. You want to fuck me. I get it.” She turned to look at Dustin, ready to end this whole improbable scene now. “I want…I don’t know what I want. There, I said it. Are you happy now?” The words kept coming as she clambered off Erik’s body and stood, her legs shaking. Erik rose, sat next to Dustin. She bit her lip and forced all the erotic images of the two of them together out of her head.

  “You keep pushing me with this marriage thing. And expecting me to just fall at your feet grateful for the opportunity to be a rich wife. But I can’t.” Betrayed by tears, she turned away, wiped a hand across her face and grabbed a discarded towel to wrap herself in.

  “Keep talking.” Dustin’s voice was light, not his usual tight, angry tone. She shot him a look. “No, really. Please. This is first time you’ve ever had anything resembling a decent explanation.”

  Erik started to rise. “I should go,” he muttered.

  Dustin put a hand on his leg. “No. Stay. I started this and I plan to end it one way or another.”

  The sound of his words sent a thrill of panic down Helen’s spine. But he was right. She owed him an explanation. After all their years of passion, hard work, mutual goals for the company and… “I love you, Dustin.”

  He shrugged. “I would hope so. Finish the next sentence that begins with ‘but.’”

  She took a shuddering breath. “But I can’t marry you. I’m not willing to give up the small bit of me, of what I am, to become the next Mrs. Prufrock. I just can’t.”

  Erik cleared his throat and both Helena and Dustin looked at him. He stood and pulled on a pair of boxer shorts. “This is completely not my business but I will go on record as saying you,” he pointed at Dustin, “need to be more in tune to what she actually needs from you. You don’t have to marry her to prove something to your parents.”

  Helena started, realizing he’d put into words what she’d long thought but couldn’t bring herself to accuse Dustin of. She knew he loved her. But also knew his issues with his family were bone-deep. Dustin frowned, licked his lips. Erik turned to her, pointing a long finger, his blue eyes snapping with anger. “And you, you need to lighten the fuck up too. You’re both too damn intense for your own good, finding trouble where there isn’t any.” He flopped into a chair and put his feet up on a nearby table.

  Helena glared at him. “You don’t even know me.” She allowed a bit of self-righteous indignation tinge her words. “You aren’t entitled to an opinion.”

  Erik’s laugh was loud, musical and made the rapidly increasing tension in the room dissipate somewhat. Dustin walked over to him, put a hand on his shoulder. The two of them standing there together did a song and dance on her nerves. She ran a hand up the pebbling skin of one arm. “He’s right though. As much as I hate to admit it. I may very well be thumbing my nose at my parents. But I’ve been doing that my whole life. Me even opening the damn brewery was a gigantic ‘up yours’ to the Prufrock food empire. You know all of this, Helena. When I met you I’ll admit the whole thing seemed pretty elicit and forbidden but I will be damned to hell and back if you didn’t make me fall in love with you, you fucking stubborn female.”

  Before she knew it Dustin was in her face, his lips covered hers and he did what he did best—kissed away her worries. He picked her up and tossed her back on the bed. “Now, I solemnly swear before you both I will not ask you to marry me again. But I don’t want to live without you. Or work without you. Or sleep without you. Ever. Is that clear?”

  She nodded, speechless and getting breathless. Dustin climbed up onto the bed, propped himself on an elbow. His amazing, open face held no secrets. She sensed something give in her psyche then. A lightening or at least a letting go of long-held assumptions about him poured over her heated brain. She put her hand to his rough face. “I do love you. So much.”

  He smiled. “But you haven’t answered me.” He took her hand and put it to his lips, making her shiver at the touch. “Is it clear?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Because it finally was. He understood her now. Now they could get on with the business of being in love without the pressure to do what everyone else thought they should.

  “Finally.” Erik joined them on the other side of her. She felt blood flush through her from head to toe. “That,” Erik ran a finger up her leg, to her hip, along her side, “was beautiful just then.”

  “I know.” Dustin kissed her, cupped a breast, thumbed her nipple, as Erik worked his way lower, making her squirm. “She is amazing.” He leaned back, his grin sexy, one eyebrow raised. “Where were we, hmm?”

  She squealed as Erik pulled her up as he lay back, making her straddle him again.

  He rubbed her thighs, shifting, making her gasp at the feel of his impressive girth beneath her.

  “Jesus, if I weren’t so secure, I’d worry about you two being perfect for each other.” Dustin knelt next to her, pulled her face to his. Erik’s hand left her thigh and trailed along Dustin’s back and leg. She shivered. “But you are mine, Helena. Forever. Mine.” He slanted his mouth over hers, sweeping into her with his tongue, leaving her breathless. He released her slowly and she opened her eyes. “And don’t ever forget it.” He fell back on the bed. “Now, why don’t you just relax a
nd enjoy yourself?” He propped his arms behind his head. “It’s my damn turn to watch.”

  Erik cleared his throat. “Glad I can oblige you both.” They all laughed and Erik tugged her close again, kissed her, his lips strong, different, the rasp of his beard rough against her face. Her body reacted immediately. His tongue asserted its intention between her lips, making her heart pound. She felt Dustin’s touch on her ass, then her lower back. She shifted and pressed her needy clit against Erik’s shaft.

  Breaking the amazing kiss, she stared at the man she’d just met that day, the long yellow curtain of her hair shutting out everything but the two of them. His blue gaze intent, he angled his hips down then thrust forward.

  “Holy shit!” she cried out and closed her eyes.

  “You okay, baby?” Dustin’s voice sounded rougher than normal. She nodded, taking it in, letting herself go, feeling her walls spread farther than they ever had. She sucked in a breath, realizing he wasn’t even all the way in yet. Erik spoke so only she could hear. “You are perfect.” He shoved up higher, releasing her lips to latch onto her nipple. Her back arched at the sensation. A lubricated finger rubbed against her tightest hole. She sensed Dustin’s hips against her backside, the tip of his cock replacing the finger. He slipped in, making her cry out.

  “Oh, dear God,” she groaned, every fiber of her soul crying out for release, but unwilling to let this moment go.

  “Relax, my love.” He caressed her hips. “Push back against me, like I taught you.” He draped over her back, kissing between her shoulder blades. She had never felt more loved than at that moment between the amazing men. Erik sucked her other nipple. Dustin grabbed her hair, pulling back, bringing a bit of pain that she loved. His thrusts took on a serious edge.

  “Make room for me,” he grunted, and Erik withdrew, still loving her breasts, cradling them. Dustin’s grip tightened, and her body gathered energy, her breathing got ragged, the edge of a precipice near. She pictured herself, ready to jump. Ready to take the incredible leap.

  “Fuck me hard, Dustin.” She spoke while staring into Erik’s eyes. Dustin slammed into her, owning her, marking and filling her. Erik sucked at her nipple, and he angled his hips to bring contact to her clit, the result a breathtaking climax that made her sob with its intensity. Erik stayed quiet, nuzzling her breasts as they bounced from Dustin’s efforts behind her. He reached up and brushed her tears away, his gaze soft, concerned. She sniffled as Dustin sighed and withdrew from her ass. “It’s okay. I’m a regular tear fountain.”

  Dustin flopped down next to Erik. “Sorry.” He smiled at the man beneath her. He placed a tender kiss on Erik’s lips. “Needed that.” He looked up at her, his handsome face open and happy. She refocused on the tall German with his thick cock just outside her pussy. He shifted once, filling her again. She smiled, her entire body buzzing with satisfaction.

  Rocking her hips against him, pressing her clit into his body, she hummed with happiness. He shoved up high, making her gasp and sit up, propping herself on his thick chest.

  “Mein Gott,” he muttered. His gaze bored straight into her soul. “I need to kiss you, I need your lips.”

  She covered his mouth, her tongue darting in, giving him what he wanted. She lifted up then slid back down on his shaft, the delicious spread of him bringing some measure of pain to the pleasure coursing through her.

  He held her close then sat up, bringing her legs around to either side of his hips so they sat, rocking together. His hands were all over her face, her arms, in her hair. Her vision brightened at the new angle. “Let me,” he whispered. He set the pace, the rhythm of their connection. She gasped and clutched at his broad shoulders, saw Dustin watching them, his eyes dark. He mouthed the words “I love you” to her just as Erik angled deep against her G-spot. Her body seemed to split into a million pieces.

  Erik’s breath warmed her neck. “Helena, that was amazing.”

  She loved the sound of her name on his lips, the way his accent drew the syllables out, made them beautiful. With a grunt, he flipped them over, his shoulders and large, hard body filling her universe. And that incredible shaft still pinning her, fucking her. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. “Make me come again,” she gasped.

  He sucked a nipple into his mouth, biting down, making her body move against his, their erotic dance taking on a purpose, a primal function. Their lust permeated everything, made her dizzy with need. “Oh God, Erik.” The orgasm train rushed toward her again, blinding her. His lips covered hers and his tongue invaded her mouth as his body pumped and thrust, filling her deep. And all she knew was Erik.

  He tore his lips from hers at the last minute and groaned, hips thrusting, pounding into her. Finally they calmed and stared at each other. Her heart constricted with something she didn’t recognize. He pulled out and she winced. “Sorry.” He fell down on her other side, chest still heaving. “I’m sort of…”

  “Bloody huge, that’s what. Damn.” She glared at Dustin when he burst out laughing. He rolled her up on her side to face him, cradling her face.

  “My lovely, blunt Helena.” His lips were familiar against hers. “Rest. I’m gonna take a shower.”

  She curled into the curve of Erik’s body, foregoing her usual trip to the bathroom post-sex, too tired, too sated to move. His breathing evened out, warming her neck as the sounds of water and Dustin’s whistling made her smile. Perfect. She drifted off, cradled in his arms.


  Erik woke when a shaft of sunlight found a slit in the room-darkening shades and hit him square in the eyes. He sighed, took a deep breath of the woman in his arms and kissed her bare shoulder. She stirred and moved onto her back away from him. He stared at her, his cock already standing at attention, his chest constricted by the memory of the night before.

  He ran his finger down her face, neck and arm, smiling as the small pink buds of her nipples reacted, hardening, begging for his lips. But he waited, continued to stroke every inch of her. The soft curve of her hip, down her strong thigh and back up.

  “Hmmm…keep that up and I won’t be responsible for what happens next.” She rolled away from him, wrapping her arm around Dustin’s still sleeping form. “Ah yes, just what I wanted.” Erik grinned, watching her arm move.

  Dustin groaned and rolled onto his back. Erik got up and went around to Dustin’s side of the bed, knelt down and touched the man’s darkened cheek. He opened his eyes, and Erik stifled a gasp at the emotion reflected there. “This is good, no?” Something inside Erik gave at the sound of the deep, rumbling voice.

  He stood, needing some space. Dustin went up on one elbow, watching him. “Don’t be afraid of it, Aldrich. Now that I’ve found you again, I don’t plan to let you go.”

  Erik swallowed hard, his eyes drawn to the sight of Dustin’s long, elegant cock and Helena’s beautiful fingers wrapped around it. He should go. Now. Before he…

  “Don’t go.” Her voice pierced his soul.

  Trying not to betray any unsteadiness in his voice, he cleared his throat and sat in a chair next to the bed. “All right. But it’s my turn to watch, I think.” He smiled and fisted his aching shaft. “Show me.” He leveled his gaze at her. “Suck his cock, baby.”

  Dustin put his arms behind his head. “Yeah, what he said. I took a shower for a reason.” His raised an eyebrow.

  “Great. Two bossy men.” But she positioned herself between Dustin’s legs and lapped at him, slipping her tongue along the weeping slit, running it around the edges of his swollen head.

  Erik groaned, using his leaking cum to lubricate his own efforts, watching as she did exactly what he’d told her. Dustin fisted his hands in her hair and arched his back, thrusting into her mouth. The sounds she made as he fucked her throat brought a buzzing to Erik’s ears, and his body tensed, ready for release. But just when he thought Dustin might blow, she released him and moved up his long body to his lips. The man rolled her over, pinned her beneath him. She wrapped both long legs around his waist.
Their eyes never left each other’s. Their lips moved, forming words Erik couldn’t hear. The emotional connection they shared flared sharp, hot and undeniable.

  He moved behind Dustin, caressing the man’s hips while he fucked his woman. Taking in the view of their bodies, Dustin’s slick rod entering her again, the top of his head nearly blew off.

  “Harder.” Her voice was raw with emotion. “Please, Dustin, I feel you. I need you to…oh God, yes!” He leaned down to suck a nipple between his lips, angling his hips higher.

  Every nerve ending Erik possessed burned. His brain shut off and his body took over. He grabbed a tube of lubrication he’d found in the bathroom, positioned himself behind Dustin and shoved into the man’s open and ready ass.

  He groaned, adding to the noises already filling the room. His cock gripped by the tight, soft glove of Dustin’s body, Erik moved forward, used the energy of his thrusts as they synced their movements into her.

  “I’m gonna come again.” He heard her whisper.

  “So am I,” Dustin declared. Erik shoved hard and he joined them as they cried out, bodies pulsing, slick with sweat and passion. Erik clutched Dustin’s body, his hips jerking with effort. Dustin yelled out and shook with the intensity that only a deep massage of a man’s prostate can bring.

  He moaned and wrapped his arms around them both a moment before pulling out of Dustin’s body. Dustin did the same to Helena then flopped down on the bed bedside her, chest still heaving with exertion, his cock slick with their combined fluids.

  Erik smiled at them both before dropping in on her other side. “Mein Gott,” he muttered, his brain already fuzzing over, pulling him into sleep.

  “No shit.” She rolled into his chest and he put an arm around her. Dustin rose and rejoined them on his other side.

  “I’ll ask it once more,” the man whispered, before touching his lips to Erik’s. “Das ist gut, ja?”


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