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Hunting Che

Page 26

by Mitch Weiss

  Johnson, Harold, 90

  Johnson, Lyndon, 44, 107, 146, 192

  JROTC. See Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

  Julio (Mario Gutirrez Ardaya), xi, 180

  Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC), 265

  Kennedy, John F.

  Bay of Pigs and, 75, 148, 149, 207

  counterinsurgency and, 43

  Kiosko Hugo

  radio at, 71

  Shelton, R., at, 86–87, 147, 149, 267

  Special Forces at, 86–87, 94, 96–97, 122–23, 147, 149, 267

  Valderomas at, 71, 98

  Korean War, 42

  Labor unions, 51, 92, 105, 131

  La Cabaña, Cuba, 78

  La Esperanza, Bolivia, xiv

  dancing in, 152–53, 154

  Debray in, 68, 69

  Kiosko Hugo, 71, 86–87, 96–97, 122–23, 267

  Ovando Candía in, 97–98

  public relations in, 85–87, 96–97

  road for, 96

  Rodríguez, F., in, 147–48

  school in, 71–72, 86, 96, 99, 120, 178, 258, 266

  Shelton, R., in, ix, 39–42, 65–70, 83–87, 93–98, 118–21, 122–23, 139, 140–41, 147–50, 156–59, 177–79, 183–84, 257–58

  Special Forces in, xiii, 39–42, 65–70, 83–87, 93–98, 118–21, 122–23, 139, 140–41, 147–50, 156–59, 177–79, 183–84, 257–58

  sugar mill in, 40–41, 68, 70

  supplies in, 94

  Lafuenta, David, 166

  Lafuente, Remberto, xiv, 46, 47

  Lagunillas, Bolivia, 11

  La Higuera, Bolivia, 197, 198, 206

  Che bust in, 260

  Che in, 207–8, 212–13

  guerrillas in, xiv, 180, 190, 191, 221

  Rodríguez, F., in, 226

  Vallegrande and, 226

  Language, 273, 274

  Laos, 43, 70, 120

  La Paz, Bolivia

  airport of, 3, 4

  CIA in, 225

  Hotel Copacabana, 6, 237

  martial law in, 105–6

  Ministry of Interior building in, 145

  presidential palace in, 130

  radio station in, 136

  school in, 105, 106

  thin air in, 248

  U.S. embassy in, 229

  Latin American Solidarity Organization (LASO) conference, 150–51

  La Tusca Canyon, Bolivia, 199, 200

  Loayza, Lucio, 11, 14

  Loma Larga, Bolivia, 197

  Lombardi, Vince, 122

  Lopez, Gonzalo, 5

  M-1919A6 machine gun, 123

  Malraux, André, 265

  Manosanta Humerundo, 158–59

  Marcos (Antonio Sanchez Diaz), 173–74

  Marksmanship, 157

  Martial law, 51, 105–6, 141–42

  Martinez Caso, Jose, 245, 253

  Martinez Tamayo, Rene. See Arturo

  Martins, Carlos, xiv, 45, 46

  Matanzas-Havana Highway, Cuba, 131–32

  Maymura, Freddy. See Ernesto


  ambushes in, 28, 48, 49

  on Barrientos Ortuno, 114, 141–42, 143

  Bolivian, 28, 48, 49, 60, 146, 244, 245

  Bolivian Liberation Army statement in, 91–92

  Bustos in, 60

  Che in, 23, 29, 48–49, 88, 113, 139–40, 192, 193, 243, 244–45, 252–53

  Debray in, 61, 62–63, 230

  guerrillas in, 28, 48, 49, 113, 192

  international, 62, 63, 92–93, 114, 141–42, 143, 192, 249, 252–53

  Ovando Candía in, 251–52

  in Vallegrande, 244, 245

  Medical care

  for Second Ranger Battalion, 104–5, 153

  for Special Forces, 156–57, 158–60

  Mendigutia Silvera, José Antonio, 74

  Miami, Florida, 74, 75, 132, 148–49

  Miguel (Manuel Hernandez), x, 175, 180

  Military law. See Martial Law

  Military zone, 50

  Milliard, Roland, ix, 42, 67, 68

  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 121–22

  Milwaukee Braves, 122

  Miners, 49, 92, 105, 106, 131

  Mini Mokes, 90

  Mining, 49, 92, 105, 106, 130, 131

  Ministry of Interior, 145

  Mitchell, LeRoy, ix

  MNR. See National Revolutionary Movement

  Mobile training team (MTT), 36, 65–68

  Moises (Moises Guevara Rodriguez), x, 169, 173

  Mortars, 124

  “Mr. Shorty,” 86, 125

  MTT. See Mobile training team

  Muyapampa, Bolivia, 57–58

  Nancahuazu river valley, Bolivia. See Rio Nancahuazu valley, Bolivia

  Nance, Ernest, 229

  Napalm, 51, 132

  National Revolutionary Movement (MNR), 20–21

  Nato, 169

  New York Times, 142, 143, 192, 252–53

  Nicaragua, 132–33, 134

  Night maneuvers, 101, 117, 126, 155–56

  Nuestra Señora de Malta Hospital, Bolivia, 165, 245

  Office of Current Intelligence in Latin America, CIA, 37

  Officer Candidate School, 43

  Ongania, Carlos, 142

  OPCEN. See Operations Center

  Operation 500, 231

  Operation 600, 231

  Operations Center (OPCEN), 66

  Operation Wilderness, 265

  Organization of American States, 149

  Ortiz, Alejandro, 201

  Ortiz, Felix Moreno, 26

  Outward Bound, 265

  Ovando Candía, Alfredo, xii, 108

  Barrientos Ortuno and, 89–90, 91, 93, 130, 229, 230

  in Chaco War, 89

  death of, 264

  Henderson and, 253

  in La Esperanza, Bolivia, 97–98

  in media, 251–52

  predictions of, 193

  requests for help by, 50–51, 89, 91, 114

  Rostow on, 254

  statement by, 251–52

  in Vallegrande, 253

  Pacheco, Julio, 58

  Pacho (Alberto Fernandez Montes de Oca), xi, 110

  Paco (José Castillo Chavez), x

  on guerrillas, 169–75, 211

  interrogation of, 169–75

  Rodríguez, F., and, 80, 163–70, 171–75, 211

  on Tania, 171–72, 173

  Palacio Quemado (presidential palace), Bolivia, 130

  Panama, 21, 31

  Fort Gulick, 33, 44, 157

  Howard Air Force Base, 65

  Pantoja, Orlando. See Antonio

  Papa Cansado, 204, 209–10. See also Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

  Paraguay, 20, 151

  Pashtu, 273, 274

  Passports, 146

  Pastor, 173, 174

  Pathet Lao guerrillas, 70

  Paul VI (pope), 265

  Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 20–21

  Pearson, Drew, 140

  Peña, Pedro, 198

  Peredo, Guido. See Inti

  Peredo Leigue, Robert. See Coco

  Perez, Carlos, 198

  Peterson, Jerald, ix, 104, 121, 122–23

  Phoenix, Arizona, 125, 266–67

  Phoenix Program, 268

  Pig (chancho), 107

  Pino, Nestor, 234

  Pinochet, Augusto, 265

  Plato, Hernan, xiii, 11, 14, 15, 17

  Playa Girón. See Bay of Pigs, Cuba

  Plaza de la Revolución (Revolution Plaza), Cuba, 256–57, 271

  Pombo (Harry Villegas),

  Porter, Robert, Jr., xii, 38, 166, 178–79, 255

  Prado, Julio, 26

  Prado Salmon, Gary, xiii, 102, 103

  Barrientos Ortuno and, 25–26, 27–28, 31–32

  Che and, 201–4, 205–8, 215–19, 220–21, 222–23, 226–27, 240, 257, 259, 261, 263–64

  Prado Salmon (cont.)

  Company B and, 183–84, 188, 189–90, 197, 198–208, 229

  The Defeat of Che Guevara: Military Response to Guerrilla Challenge in Bolivia by, 264

  as hero, 257

  as liaison, 84, 85, 95–96, 118–20

  Salazar and, 155

  Shelton, R., and, 84, 85, 95–96, 118–20, 183–84, 257–58

  Prayer, 88

  PRC-10 radio, 136, 200, 209, 210

  Presidential palace (Palacio Quemado), Bolivia, 130

  Press conference, 254

  PT-6 plane, 210

  Public relations, 85–87, 96–97, 119–20, 152

  Pucara, Bolivia, 179–81, 194

  Quarry Heights, 35

  Radio, 79–80

  Bolivian National, 183

  CIA, 136

  at Kiosko Hugo, 71

  PRC-10, 136, 200, 209, 210

  RS-48, 225, 229

  Ramon. See Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

  Ramos Medina, Félix. See Rodríguez, Félix

  Rations, 95, 194–95

  Rea, Fidel, 162

  Reagan, Ronald, 268

  Red zone, 66, 135, 194

  Repetition, 103–4


  in Bolivia, 20–21, 92, 217

  Cuban, 19, 21–22, 29–30, 49–50, 74, 78, 92, 93

  exporting, 29–30

  restorative, 19, 21–22, 49–50, 92, 93

  Revolutionary Workers’ Party, 51

  Revolution in the Revolution (Debray), 58

  Revolution Plaza (Plaza de la Revolución), 256–57, 271

  Reyes Zayas, Israel. See Braulio

  Ricardo, 110

  Rio Grande, Bolivia, 11, 161–64

  Rio Nancahuazu valley, Bolivia, xiii

  guerrillas in, 9–17, 20, 44–48, 144, 145

  map of, 144, 145

  Rivas, Francisco, 190

  Rivera-Colon, Hector, ix, 42, 67, 68

  Robbins, Marty, 86

  Roca, Dorys, xiv, 99, 125–26, 266, 267

  Rodríguez, Félix, xi, 73

  Barrientos Ortuno and, 131–35

  Braulio and, 170–71, 174

  in Brigade 2506, 74–75, 131–34, 238

  Che and, 76, 77, 80, 149, 209–10, 212–13, 225–26, 227, 228, 229, 230–42, 248, 268–69

  CIA and, 73–80, 129–34, 225–26, 231, 241, 247–48, 253, 268–69

  on communism, 148, 149, 169

  in Cuba, 74–75, 131–34, 149

  in La Esperanza, 147–48

  Lafuenta and, 166–67

  in La Higuera, 226

  Paco and, 80, 163–70, 171–75, 211

  in Pucara, 179–81

  in Santa Cruz, 135, 147

  Saucedo and, 135, 147, 164–68, 172, 247

  Shelton, R., and, 140–41, 147–50

  on Vietnam War, 148

  Zenteno Anaya and, 181–82, 211, 212–13, 226–27, 228, 231–32

  Rodríguez, Rosa, 75–76

  Rojas, Honorato, xiv, 161–62, 164, 193, 265

  Rope climbing, 101–3

  Rostow, Walt Whitman, xii, 146–47

  on Bolivia, 106–7, 192–93

  on Che’s execution, 254–55

  on Ovando Candía, 254

  on Second Ranger Battalion, 255

  Roth, George Andrew, xi, 58, 59, 60, 62

  RS-48 field radio, 225, 229

  Ruling class, 25

  Rusk, Dean, xii, 90, 91

  Ruta del Che (Che Guevara Route), 260

  Saavedra Arambel, Luis, xiii, 45

  Saint John’s Day Massacre, 106, 141

  Salazar, Mario, xiii, 267–68

  dancing and, 152, 153

  on death, 153–54

  enlistment by, 87–88

  guerrillas and, 252

  near Vallegrande, 188, 193–94

  Prado Salmon and, 155

  in training, 101–4

  Salmon, Rosario, 26, 27

  Samaipata, Bolivia, 109–13, 131, 151, 192

  San Antonio, Texas, 122

  San Antonio Canyon, Bolivia, 190, 199

  Sanchez, Ruben, xiii, 44–46, 47, 48

  Sanchez, Tito, 204–5

  Sanchez Diaz, Antonio. See Marcos

  Sanjines-Goytia, Julio, 90

  Santa Clara, Cuba, 271

  Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 22, 27, 67

  highway of, 113

  intelligence officers in, 135

  Rodríguez, F., in, 135, 147

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 265

  Saucedo, Arnaldo, xiii

  pictures for, 236–37

  Rodríguez, F., and, 135, 147, 164–68, 172, 247


  in La Esperanza, 71–72, 86, 96, 99, 120, 178, 258, 266

  in La Paz, 105, 106

  Valderomas and, 71–72, 99

  Scorpions, 105

  Second Front of the Escambray, x

  Second Ranger Battalion, ix, 276–77

  A Company, 189, 198, 199

  ammunition for, 94–95, 124

  Barrientos Ortuno and, 114–15

  B Company, 183–84, 188, 189–90, 197, 198–208, 229

  C Company, 155, 157, 188, 193, 252

  deaths in, 153

  field sanitation for, 97

  gifts for, 178–79

  graduation of, 183

  guerrillas and, 159–64, 172, 179–80, 182, 187–91, 193–94, 197–207, 211, 230, 249–50, 254, 257

  intelligence officers in, 124–25

  liaison for, 84, 85, 95–96, 118–20

  medical care for, 104–5, 153

  night maneuvers, 101, 117, 126, 155–56

  rations for, 95, 194–95

  readiness of, 177–79, 181–82

  recreation for, 152–53, 154

  Rostow on, 255

  snipers in, 124

  Special Forces and, 36, 38, 68–70, 78–79, 83–85, 117–20, 122–27, 141–47, 153–57, 177–78, 184

  training camp for, 94–95, 101–4, 117–18, 156–58, 178

  in Vallegrande, 187–91

  weapons for, 123–24

  Zenteno Anaya and, 179, 188–89

  Segundino Parada, 10

  Selich, Andres, xiii, 166, 211–12, 219, 220

  Serrano, Bolivia, 220

  Serrate (Major), 210, 211, 247

  Shelton, Margaret, 33–34, 265

  Shelton, Ralph “Pappy,” ix, 277

  assignment of, 33, 34, 36–37, 38

  career of, 265

  Shelton, Ralph (cont.)

  dancing and, 152–53

  death of, 266

  early life of, 34, 39–40, 42–43

  family of, 33–34, 43, 120, 265

  Henderson and, 121

  at Kiosko Hugo, 86–87, 147, 149, 267

  in La Esperanza, ix, 39–42, 65–70, 83–87, 93–98, 118–21, 122–23, 139, 140–41, 147–50, 156–59, 177–79, 183–84, 257–58

  language training of, 43–44

  Prado Salmon and, 84, 85, 95–96, 118–20, 183–84, 257–58

  public relations by, 85–87, 96–97, 119–20

  Rodríguez, F., and, 140–41, 147–50

  Villoldo and, 140–41

  Shinsha, 275, 276

  Show and Tell, 273–74

  Siege, state of, 105–

  Sierra Maestra Mountains, Cuba, 30, 143, 170

  Sigle Veinte, Bolivia, 106

  Siglo XX mine, Bolivia, 106

  Siles Salinas, Luis Adolfo, xii, 179, 264

  Silva Bogado, Augusto, xiii, 9–17

  Silver Bullet Affair, 21

  Silver Star, 42

  Singh, Harry, xii, 96

  Smith, Magnus, xii, 35–37

  Snakebite, 156–60

  Snipers, 124

  Social justice, 96

  Soldiers, 35

  Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), U.S., 35–36, 53, 114, 255

  Soviet Union

  Bay of Pigs and, 148–49

  Che on, 30

  Cuban foreign aid from, 236

  Spain, 21

  Special Forces. See also Eighth Special Forces Group; La Esperanza, Bolivia; Shelton, Ralph “Pappy”

  arrival of, 67–68, 70

  briefing of, 68–69

  FID, 274–75

  friendships with, 275

  history of, 274

  at Kiosko Hugo, 86–87, 94, 96–97, 122–23, 147, 149, 267

  in La Esperanza, 40–42, 65–70, 83–87, 93–98, 118–21, 122–23, 139, 140–41, 147–50, 156–59, 177–79, 183–84, 257–58

  medical care for, 156–57, 158–60

  restrictions on, 78–79, 141

  Second Ranger Battalion and, 36, 38, 68–70, 78–79, 83–85, 117–20, 122–27, 141–47, 153–57, 177–78, 184

  supplies for, 94

  Spotter-plane pilots, 136

  State Department, U.S., 30, 52–53, 254, 256

  Sternfield, Larry, xi, 73, 76

  Stevenson, Adlai, 75

  Strikes, 105, 106

  Student demonstrations, 107

  Sugar mill, 40–41, 68, 70

  Summer of Love, 35

  Supreme Bolivian Command, 231, 239

  T-6 plane, 200

  Tania (Tamara Bunke Bide), x, 22, 58

  death of, 172, 192, 193

  grave of, 172

  Paco on, 171–72, 173

  Tanzania, 77

  Tatarenda, Bolivia, 10, 11

  Teachers, 105, 106

  Tehran, Iran, 268

  Telegraph, 110, 207

  Teran, Mario, xiv, 239

  Third Tactical Command, Bolivian military, 166

  Thompson, Wendell, 66

  Tilton, John, xi, 130, 241

  Tope, William, xii, 38, 53–55

  Torrelio Villa, Celso, 189

  Totti, Tomas, 200, 204, 215


  B-26 bomber plane, 132

  C-46 plane, 94

  C-47 plane, 165

  C-130 plane, 94

  helicopter, 200

  Mini Mokes, 90

  PT-6 plane, 210

  spotter-plane pilots, 136

  T-6 plane, 200

  Tree viper, 156–59

  Trinidad, Cuba, 75, 148

  Trujillo, Rafael, 74


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