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My Bad Boy Biker

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Let me help.” Dan took hold of the opening and ripped the fabric apart. Buttons flew in every direction. He yanked the last little bit off her arms.

  “What are you do—” She didn’t get to finish what she was about to say. He fisted her hair, tilted her head back, and claimed her lips.

  Mandy fought for a second and then gasped as he moved his other hand down her body and pressed against her mound through the loose skirt she wore.

  Dan took full advantage, plunging his tongue between her lips. She responded. Pressing her body against his and moaning her surrender. She ignored the small voice inside her head to run as far as she could from this dangerous man. For once, she wanted to do something so outrageous. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she held on as he took possession of her mouth and made it his.

  “You taste like vodka,” he whispered as he pulled away.

  “Bill won’t give me full shots.” Her speech sounded breathy and out of control.

  “He better not be charging you full price.”

  “He isn’t.”

  “You’re one sexy woman.” Dan pushed her skirt to the floor, “Anyone ever tell you that?”

  She shook her head. Her boss didn’t count. He was a letch and married, the bastard.

  “I’m telling you now. You’re fucking hot.” Dan pulled his shirt off over his head and dropped his jeans to the floor.

  “Shouldn’t we talk or something first?” she asked.

  Holy shit, he’s got an anaconda in his jeans. Fucking hell. Is it possible to be that big without surgery?

  Mandy knew she was staring and watched as he fisted the large shaft. The tip glistened in the light.

  “I take it you like what you see?”

  “You’re very big.”

  He chuckled and she was amazed with how at ease he was with his own body.

  “Thank you.” He walked toward her and she couldn’t help taking a step back. “So what do you want to talk about? I don’t feel like talking, Mandy. I want to fuck you.”

  She frowned. How did he know her name? She didn’t recall telling him.

  This is your last chance, Mandy. Get a grip and make a choice. Either get your clothes on and walk out the door and never experience that cock inside you, or grow a pair and follow him to the bedroom. Have a steamy night of sex and leave feeling more like a woman than you ever have before. In the last hour alone, he’s made you feel more like a woman with his demands than any other man throughout the whole of your life.

  Dan held his hand out and slowly. Weighing up her options, she placed her hand inside his.

  Chapter Three

  Dan saw how skittish she was. He wasn’t surprised. Her family had been one strict household in which to grow up. It’s why her brother loved causing trouble. For a second, Dan wondered how she’d react if he pinned her against the wall and drove into her pussy in his sitting room.

  Seeing how nervous she was, he settled on the bedroom. He’d take her against the wall as soon as he got her to relax.

  And he knew the best way to get a woman to relax.

  When they entered his room, he removed her bra and watched her large breasts sigh in relief. Her tits were full and would overspill his hands and the bra was too tight to fit her full-figured curves. She shouldn’t be strapping them up so snugly.

  He cupped their weight in his hands. Her large nipples were hard and erect

  Dan didn’t say a word. He had a feeling she’d run the moment he started talking. He’d already fucked up in speaking her name.

  Picking her up, he enjoyed the feel of her as he held her to his body. He needed to cut off his thoughts. This was supposed to be a one-night stand. She couldn’t remember who he was.

  He placed her in the centre of his king-sized bed and climbed on next to her. First he started at her lips. Kissing and sucking while his hands roamed her body. Touching and testing to see where she loved being caressed. She cried out when he touched her breasts and nibbled her neck. Slowly, making her enjoy every second, he moved down her body. He laid a kiss onto each of her tits and sucked her tight little nubs into his mouth before moving down. She had a tantalisingly fleshy waist and full hips.

  He gripped her hips and felt the strength in her body. Some men preferred women who were skin and bones. He hated them. A full woman with big hips, huge tits, and the ability to love got him every time.

  Dan stripped the panties from her body. Mandy was so responsive. Did she know who he was yet? It had been a while since he’d last seen her, but he’d never forget the colour of her intensely dark brown eyes.

  With her elder brother, Rick, he’d partied and caused a lot of trouble. The trouble they’d gotten into had worked up a storm. No matter what they did, trouble had always found them. They were like two magnets attracting the bad. With no choice left, they’d hit the road and would only visit home every few months. After some time away, Dan joined a bunch of bikers and travelled, doing odd jobs.

  Rick had returned home first. Then Dan didn’t have the letters she sent her brother, and he knew he needed to go back home. When Rick had been with him, Mandy’s letters had been the one comfort Dan had. Dan knew he needed to go back home to see the girl who’d developed into a mature young woman and who’d helped him during his hardest points with the reading of her lovely, charming letters. Now he was back home and had little Mandy Straus on her back.

  She had the smoothest legs he’d ever felt. When he had the panties off, he threw them across the room. She wouldn’t need them any time soon.

  Her pussy was trimmed and her scent teased his nostrils. She’d be so damn tasty. Opening her legs he watched her lips part to show him her wet, juicy slit.

  Her clit peaked out from its hood, swollen and red. Cream leaked out of her. She was so damn turned on.

  Using his fingers, he slid them through her wetness, missing her clit and going for her cunt. With one finger, he tested her, pushing it inside her. Mandy was tight, soaked, and hot. Fucking her would be hard at first because of how small she was compared to him. Getting her to loosen up and accept him would take a little time. He couldn’t wait to feel her.

  He looked at her face. Her eyes were closed, and she lay so tensely. Her hands fisted in the pillow behind her head. He didn’t like seeing her that way while in his arms. Didn’t she know he’d never dream of hurting her?

  She doesn’t know who I am.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” he whispered. Dan wanted to taste her. To feel her cum explode on his taste buds.

  Dan gripped her thighs and opened her wider. Not waiting for permission, he ran his tongue through her wet, creamy slit. She screamed, and he held her hips firmly in place.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  Dan didn’t answer. Instead, he showed her what he wanted to do with his tongue. He teased her clit and glided down to push inside her tight heat. Within moments, she was writhing with pleasure under his hands.

  Cream leaked from her body, and he tasted her, her unique scent driving him closer to taking her. Never had he liked going down on a woman as much as he enjoyed taking Mandy to that peak with his tongue. She was so beautiful and innocent and sexy she drove him to distraction.

  As she calmed down because his touch stopped to allow her to relax, he moved his fingers down her body to her pussy. He inserted two fingers and gently pressed them inside her tight channel. Dan wanted her wet and ready to take his cock. Pushing his fingers inside her, he tongued her clit, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. He wanted her screaming in pleasure before he fucked her. To hear her soft little moans of completion.

  Her pussy contracted around his fingers, and he felt the change within her and knew she was getting closer and closer. He nibbled her clit and pressed a third finger inside her juicy cunt, stretching her as much as possible without hurting her.

  “Oh, my god,” she screamed seconds later as her climax rushed through her. Her cum coated his fingers. He reached over to his open drawer and pulle
d out a condom. Dan pulled away and he fingered her clit with one hand as he grasped his cock, quickly aligned his body with hers, and thrust inside her.

  Mandy struggled, gasping for breath. He moved his fingers, took her hips, and slammed inside her. She was tight, wet, and he wanted to be seated so deep inside her.

  “That’s it. I’ve got you,” he said. Holding her felt so right. He didn’t want her to be anywhere else. Luck must have been on his side this night, finally, after only ever imagining Mandy in his dreams. She was in his arms where she was supposed to be.

  “Feels good,” she moaned. Dan smiled and kissed her.

  Pushing in and out, he took her over the edge a second time, touching her tits and holding her full, voluptuous body.

  Pulling out so only the tip of his cock remained, he swivelled his hips and slammed back inside. The force of his thrust caused her to be pushed further up the bed until she was holding on to the headboard for support.

  Dan couldn’t see past his need. She climaxed a third time around his shaft. Her tight cunt hugged him like a fist. Unable to hold back, he plunged inside her again and again. His peak drawing nearer with each powerful thrust.

  “Kiss me,” he demanded. Mandy leaned up, circled her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

  Tasting her on his tongue and having himself surrounded by her scent pushed him over the edge.

  With one final thrust, he climaxed, releasing his seed inside the condom when in fact he wanted his sperm to be deep inside her cunt. He collapsed off to the side. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  ~* * *~

  Mandy didn’t know what she was doing. She’d had sex with a stranger and for the first time she’d orgasmed three times. Surely, she’d been doing it wrong in the past. Never had her body felt so alive. She took deep breaths as she tried to get her bearings.

  Licking her lips, she turned her head and blushed. Dan was staring back at her.


  “You look cute when you come.”

  He had the ability to say the crudest things. He reached out and cupped one of her breasts.

  She gasped as her nipple tightened and a pool of pleasure grew in the pit of her stomach.

  “How do you do that?” she asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Make me feel so good, so quickly?”

  “Because I know what I’m doing,” he answered honestly. “I know your body better than you do.”

  He skimmed down her body, over her stomach, and ended on her mound. She gasped as he used to fingers to tease her aching bud.

  “You want to go again?”

  “No, baby. I want you to feel good.” He got up from the bed and picked her up.

  She held on, scared in case he would drop her. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to my shower.”

  He walked unhurried with her in his arms. Mandy liked the feel of his muscles holding her. Dan Sawyer was the first man to ever pick her up and carry her. She was having a princess moment. Her knight in shining armour was taking her away from her evil boss and the rest of life’s frustrations.

  Get a grip, Mandy. One night stand, remember?

  Dan placed her on the toilet seat and turned some dials before picking her up and placing her in the warm shower. “I can walk you know.”

  “I know, but this is my place, and I get to do what I want.” He followed her into the shower.

  Looked as if the night was going to hold a number of firsts. She’d never showered with anyone before.

  Facing the shower spray she dropped her head and let the warm water wash through her hair. Her body was sore from sex, which never usually happened—breaking all of her first times with a bad boy biker.

  “You’ve got such a nice ass.” He squeezed the cheeks.

  Mandy didn’t know what to say.

  “I want to fuck it.”

  Frozen still, she waited for him to speak again.

  “You’ve gone quiet. Has no one ever fucked this hot little ass?”

  She shook her head.

  “I can make every little dream and fantasy you’ve ever had come true. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do,” he whispered against her ear. His breath fanned over her neck, sending her body into tight knots.

  “I don’t want anything.”

  His chest pressed against her back. The heat from his body wrapped around her like a glove. He moved her wet hair out of the way and kissed the column of her neck then her shoulder. He moved his hand down her arm and curled around her waist. His large cock seated on her ass.

  “Do you feel how hard you make me?”

  Suddenly, he grabbed both of her hands and laid them against the shower wall, palms down. “Don’t move,” he ordered.

  Mandy stayed very still as his hands roamed her body. He went from her shoulders and down her back. Up and around, cupping her breasts in his hand. “I love your big tits. Your body is so beautiful. I’m hard from looking at you. You’re driving me crazy with the need to fuck you hard and fast.”

  She loved hearing him speak so bluntly about what he wanted and what he liked.

  Dan slipped his hands down to the top of her thighs and then moved her to open her legs wider. She moved without question. She was along for this sensual ride.

  Next he placed his hands on the inside of her thighs until he was cupping her mound. He slipped a finger inside her as he used another to tap her clit.

  Moaning, she fisted her hands on the wall. A riot of sensation coursed through her. She rolled her hips and pushed onto his hand, begging him to go deeper.

  “You’re so fucking wet and tight. I’m big, baby, and I liked the way I had to fight to get seated deep inside your cunt.”

  Mandy felt as if she was a different person. She wasn’t the young woman who was scared of the world. Mandy Straus would never dream of going to a stranger’s apartment and having sex with him.

  “Don’t you have anything to say?” he asked.

  She shook her head. She was more than happy for him to be in control. Her experience was very limited, and so far he’d given her more orgasms than she’d ever hoped to achieve with a man.

  “You want me to be in charge? To take what I want and not care about anything as long as you get some pleasure in the process?”

  Words failed her once again. She nodded.

  A second finger pushed inside her. A cry of passion broke from her lips.

  “I don’t want to be in charge, princess. I want to hear you beg and scream for your pleasure. I want you to tell me what you want me to do to you.”

  “I can’t,” she said as his hands left her body. She whimpered, distraught that he’d stopped.

  “Yes, you can or you can leave and don’t come back. I want a woman in my bed who knows what she wants. Not a girl pretending to be a woman.” He leaned over and turned off the water before leaving the shower.

  Mandy watched him in shock as he dried and wrapped himself in a towel then left the room.

  She stood looking at the shower stall in front of her, fighting with her inner demons. The scared woman inside her was cheering that she had an out. All she needed to do was get her clothes and leave. But the biggest part of her wanted to shove the fear away, walk naked into his room, and demand to be pleasured. Living only half a life for so long was no longer good enough. She wanted everything he had to offer and more.

  Licking her lips, she moved out of the stall, careful to make sure she didn’t slip. Glancing in the mirror, she was pleased she hadn’t worn make-up. Otherwise, she’d look a mess. Gazing down at her body, she saw the red marks from the bristle on his face. Her breasts looked large and her nipples flushed red. Her pussy ached and she loved the feeling. Being empty for so long heightened her experience now.

  He’d said he could fulfil every waking desire. That there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do.

  Taking it step by step, she walked to his bedroom. Pausing with a hand on the door post and one pressed to her stomach, she close
d her eyes and took the final step over the threshold.

  She took several steps into the room before she saw him on the bed staring at her. He had a hand on his cock, masturbating the large shaft.

  “You took your time.”

  Chapter Four

  Dan watched as she stood in his room, her gaze on his cock. She looked sexy as hell with no clothes on. He saw her nerves, and his heart constricted. He fought his rising feelings. Thinking about who she was and in the few short hours what Mandy had come to mean to him wasn’t going to do him any good.

  “I didn’t know what to do,” she admitted.

  He took his gaze away from her and fucked his fist, bringing the attention to his cock. “But you’re here.”

  Glancing up, he saw her nod. “Come here.”

  She walked slowly to the bed, climbed on, and knelt where he lay. Dan liked watching. Her tits bounced with every step and her hips swung. Reaching out, he took her hand, entwined their fingers, and pulled to bring her onto the bed.

  She knelt on the edge and with a bit of manoeuvring, he got her where he wanted her. Straddling his waist.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Kiss me,” he instructed. He cupped her ass, massaging the flesh with in his palms. Her body was to die for, and he wanted to spend the rest of the night exploring every inch. She leaned over and laid her lips against his. He let her take her time. Learning his lips and building her confidence until she tugged on the hair at the base of his neck. Her kisses deepening and her tongue thrusting inside to meet his. He moved his hands to her hips, and he guided her up and over his condom covered cock.

  Slowly, inch by inch he seated her on his shaft. Watching as he disappeared inside her body.

  She moaned and curved her back, taking all of him. Her hands rested on his chest. With his help, he taught her how to meet him thrust for thrust, getting her to ride his body to seek her own pleasure.

  “Touch yourself,” he told her. Taking two of her fingers, he pressed them to her clit and helped her to bring herself pleasure.

  Each movement was meant to further her arousal.

  “Oh, god,” she panted. Her movement became hurried as she took him. Riding the wave.


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