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Boss Bitch (Bitch Series)

Page 3

by King, Deja

  “Hell nah! I did my time and learned what not to do to avoid stepping foot back up in this joint.”

  “Yeah, you lucky.”

  “You gon’ be lucky too. Just wait and see.”

  “I hope you right, Peaches, ‘cause shit is looking all sorts of shaky for me.”

  “I know, Ma, but when things seem to be at their worse that’s when you have to be at your strongest.”

  “So true and trust me I’m working on it.”

  “Plus, I need you to get out so you can help me run this empire I’m building,” Peaches beamed. “Empire? Girl, you only twenty-one, what type of empire you building?”

  “The same kind your daddy got and I ain’t talking ‘bout music.” We both laughed for a sec before curiosity got the best of me.

  “You must have a serious connect if you ready to build an empire.”

  “You have no idea. But like I said I want you right next to me as a partner.”

  “You want me as your partner?” I pointed to myself in disbelief.

  “Why you acting so surprised? Yes, I want you,” she pointed back. “What’s so hard to believe about that?”

  “For one, I don’t think I’ll be getting out anytime soon, and even if I did, I think we’re both a little young to be trying to build an empire in that particular line of work.”

  “You’re underestimating your capabilities. I saw how you turned into a beast trying to protect me and I’ll never forget that shit.”

  I knew exactly what situation Peaches was talking about and that shit seemed like it happened yesterday. My mind thought back to when it all went down. Peaches had been my cellmate from the start but she never said shit to me. At first I thought she couldn’t talk. After I had been there for a couple of weeks she started saying a few words to me but not much. I figured she was shy. She kept to herself, would read, she would eat by herself and didn’t bother nobody. I was cool with a couple of the inmates, nothing major but everybody knew who I was because my case was so high profile so nobody really fucked with me but the same couldn’t be said for Peaches. This one little click of chicks had it in for her bad. They started off doing stupid silly shit, like tripping her so she would drop her tray of food. Or hanging up the phone when she was on a call but then shit started escalating. One day when she was in the shower they tried to jump her and that shit didn’t sit right with me and I wouldn’t allow it. I was able to let the other bullshit slide but when you’re locked up and you see a tiny girl that don’t bother nobody about to get her ass beat down it does something to you.

  “Why are you guys doing this!” I heard a voice scream out as I was getting dressed. It was coming from the shower area I just left. Then I heard a gang of girls laughing and joking, a few seconds later I heard that same voice crying out pleading for them to stop. I looked around and all the women kept doing their own thing as if they didn’t hear the girl pleading for help. I went back to the shower to see what was going on and it was four girls surrounding one girl who was on the shower floor using her hands trying to cover her face and body as they kept kicking her. As I stepped closer I realized it was my cellmate. She looked like a wounded puppy surrounded by wolves. I had to do something.

  “That’s enough,” I called out. At first nobody acknowledged me. I wasn’t sure if they were purposely trying to ignore me or because of all the commotion they simply didn’t hear me so this time I walked closer and spoke even louder. “I said that’s enough!” This time they all stopped and turned to see who was interrupting them.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’re turn around and get the fuck outta here ‘cause this ain’t none of your business,” the leader of the pack warned me. At that moment I knew I could do one or two things; walk away and let the innocent girl be beat and possibly raped or I could just start swinging. I had been locked up long enough to know there was no negotiating with words. Inmates saw that as a sign of weakness. So without saying another word, I just walked up to the woman that threatened me and punched her in the mouth with all the strength I had. She hit the floor so fast and hard the other three girls were in shock.

  “Bitch, are you crazy!” One of the girls finally said so I grabbed her by her hair and punched her in the mouth too and then I slammed her head down on the shower floor. Then the last two girls standing decided it was do or die so they knocked me down and jumped on top of me. By this time my adrenaline was pumping to the next level. I wasn’t even scared I had no fear. I was swinging my fist and kicking my legs. They was getting a few punches in but I felt no pain. Then the other two girls I had laid down got back their composure and came at me too. I guess with all this going down Peaches grew a backbone and decided to become my hero. She came back swinging, and I mean literally. She got a hold of a broom and started cracking backs with it. Those hoes started scrambling like cockroaches.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said wiping the blood from the side of my mouth.

  “Why did you help me?”

  “Because that shit they was doing to you was fucked up.”

  “I can’t believe you stood up for me like that. You got a lot of heart. I’ll never forget what you done for me and one day I’ll return the favor. That’s a promise.” From that day on Peaches and me became super cool.

  “Just because I protected you doesn’t mean I’m equipped to be your partner in building an empire.”

  “I told you then and I’m telling you now . . . you got heart. That’s the most important thing you need to be a great partner. Plus this shit run through your blood, you were built for this.”

  “You sound so confident in me.”

  “Because I am. I’ve watched how you moved since you’ve been here. You might come from privilege but you’re a fighter and you stand up for what you believe in. I respect you, Aaliyah. And when you get out I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “You might be waiting for a long time like twenty-five to life.”

  “I don’t think so but no matter how long it takes, I’ll be here. We’re family now and family takes care of each other.”

  “Aaliyah, your attorney is here to see you,” I heard the guard call out interrupting my conversation with Peaches.

  “Go ‘head, I’ll be in touch,” Peaches said, giving me a hug before I left. “Remember when things seem to be at their worse you have to get stronger.” I smiled at Peaches and left. She was right, during these last few months we had become like family and I was going to miss her. But there was no time for me to think about that. I had a murder charge to fight and there was no doubt in my mind my attorney was here to discuss just that.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Anderson. I can’t say that I’m surprised to see you again so soon, especially since my trial starts in a few short weeks. I’ve been writing things down like you suggested but I still haven’t come up with anything new.”

  “Have a seat, Aaliyah.”

  “I know I’m not being exactly helpful but I really don’t need the somber face.”

  “There’s no easy way for me to tell you this so I’m just going to say it.”

  “What’s going on?” I kept standing up waiting for my attorney to answer me.

  “Sit down.”

  “I don’t want to sit down. I want you to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Your mother is in the hospital with a minor concussion and she’ll be fine but your grandfather is in critical condition.” My legs buckled up underneath me and I was forced to sit down in my chair or I would’ve fallen down.

  “What happened?”

  “He was shot. From what Nico told me, they were ambushed. Your grandfather was protecting your mother and took a bullet.”

  “Is he gonna make it?”

  “I don’t know. It’s serious.”

  “Do they know who did it?”

  “I don’t believe so. I know with all you’re going through, this is the last thing you were expecting but I need you to stay focused on the case.”

sp; “How can I do that with my mother in the hospital and my grandfather in critical condition. When did this happen?”

  “Yesterday afternoon. I found out last night.”

  “Why is my life so fucked up,” I said, shaking my head. “If my grandfather doesn’t make it, I don’t know what I’ll do. All my life, he’s the only person that has stood by my side and never judges me, no matter how many times I’ve screwed up. I can’t lose him.” I had been wearing such a tough exterior while being locked up but with this news I couldn’t hold in my pain. I cried and I couldn’t stop crying. When Amir turned his back on me, knowing I had my grandfather made it bearable but now, I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  “Aaliyah, your grandfather wouldn’t want you to give up. I’ve known him for many years and he’s a great man. If you have any chance of getting out of jail, you have to pull it together. If you can’t do it for yourself then do it for your grandfather.”

  I heard what Mr. Anderson was saying but my mind was someplace else. For just a moment I wanted to go back to a time where I was happy and life seemed beautiful and I didn’t have a care in the world. I was six-years-old and the sun was bright and the sky was clear. My grandfather was pushing me on the swing and I kept yelling that I wanted to go higher and higher. I was giggling and laughing. I never appreciated that moment of pure happiness until right now. I would give anything to have it back but I couldn’t because there was no turning back time.


  “What the fuck happened?” I kept asking as I

  slightly opened my eyes. When I turned to see who was standing over me, I could barely move my head. If I did, it felt as if someone was bashing me with a baseball bat. The pain was excruciating.

  “Don’t try to move,” I heard a familiar voice say. As my vision became clear I recognized the face to be Lorenzo.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re at the hospital.”

  “The hospital?” I asked feeling confused. “Why, what happened?”

  “I don’t know all the details but from what Genesis told me, you, Quentin and Nico were ambushed at his house. When Quentin was trying to protect you, the back of your head hit a stone or something and it knocked you out cold. The doctor said you have a concussion. You don’t remember anything?”

  “It’s all so blurry. I remember all of us walking out the house . . . oh gosh,” I said putting my hand on my head as the throbbing pain kicked back in.

  “Are you okay?” Lorenzo wanted to know as he took my other hand and held it. “Do you want me to get the doctor?”

  “Not right now. The pain is going in and out. I’m okay. So what about Nico and Quentin, are they fine?”

  “Nico is fine but Quentin . . . ” Lorenzo paused and didn’t say anything.

  “What about Quentin?”

  “I don’t want you getting yourself worked up.”

  “Lorenzo, tell me what happened to Quentin. He’s not dead is he?” I asked as my voice trembled. I was afraid to ask the question but I wanted to know.

  “No he isn’t dead but it’s not looking good. He had to get surgery yesterday to remove the bullet and is in ICU.”

  “This all happened yesterday? Who has my son?”

  “Yes this all went down yesterday. But your son is fine. From what I heard, Nico called Supreme and told him what happened. He’s out of town but he’s on his way back so he had his parents go stay with Xavier.”

  “Oh good. I still can’t believe Quentin might not make it. Because he was trying to save my life he might lose his. I felt like crying but my head was hurting too bad so all I could do was shed tears on the inside for my father.

  “Quentin is a soldier; we’re all hoping he pulls through. But I need you to try and stay calm. I’ma go get the doctor.”

  “Lorenzo,” I called out as he was walking out. “Thank you for being here when I woke up.”

  “There was no other place I wanted to be.” Before I could get lost in my thoughts Genesis came in.

  “Genesis, is Quentin any better?”

  “Nico is in the ICU now talking to his doctor. How are you?”

  “Alive, which is a blessing. What’s going on, why were we ambushed and by who?”

  “A war has been brewing for a few months now but we weren’t prepared for this. If we lose Quentin behind this bullshit I might be done with this game for good but not before I murk everybody that had something to do with this.”

  “Does the killing ever stop? I’m so tired of being surrounded by death. It’s like I can’t escape it.”

  “Precious, I’m so sorry you’ve gotten caught up in the middle of this. This isn’t your war to fight but it’s always the innocent that gets hurt.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me, Genesis, I might be the victim in this particular situation but you and I both know I’m far from innocent. Right now I’m worried about Quentin. And what about you, Nico and Lorenzo?”

  “We’ve beefed up security.”

  “I hate this is happening. I can’t believe I’m saying this but maybe it’s good Aaliyah is in jail. She might be safer there. You know when a war breaks out, one of the first things the enemy does is go after loved ones. Aaliyah is Nico’s only living relative, she would no doubt be a prime target.”

  “I promise you whether Aaliyah is in or out of jail we will not let anything happen to her. We’ll protect her, Precious. I don’t want you to worry about that.”

  “Genesis, I’ve been in the game for a very long time and honestly I don’t believe I’ve ever left it. And one thing we both know, is that’s a promise that is impossible to keep.”

  “Then I’ll die trying.”

  Before I could respond to Genesis, we both turned towards the door when we heard Nico come in. “Precious, you’re awake.”

  “Yes, how’s Quentin?”

  “The surgery went well but the doctor doesn’t know if or when Quentin will wake up. All of us just have to pray that he makes it.”

  “He has to make it. You know how close Aaliyah is to Quentin. She’s going to go crazy when she finds out what happened to him.”

  “I know. But that’s why we have to get her out so she can be with her grandfather.”

  “Get her out . . . yes there might be a way to get Aaliyah out! It’s coming back to me now. Before we walked out the house Quentin was telling us about a way we might be able to clear Aaliyah’s name and get her out of jail. Nico, we have to go,” I said pulling the blanket off of me and trying to get out of bed.

  “Precious, what are you doing?” Genesis said in concern, grabbing my arm.

  “You’re not going anywhere but back in the bed,” Nico demanded, coming around to the other side to help hold me up. I was light headed and felt I could fall over any minute.

  “But we have to follow up on that lead.”

  “Mrs. Mills, what are you doing out of the bed?” I looked up at the doctor who was standing in front of Lorenzo. My eyes darted to his and I could see he wanted to ask me the same thing but remained quiet because Nico was in the room.

  “I need to get dressed and check out. I have some very important things I need to take care of.”

  “They’ll have to wait. You suffered a severe concussion and you’re lucky you can stand up at all. You need to stay in the hospital and be monitored for at least the next couple of days.”

  “That’s impossible!”

  “This isn’t up for negotiation. If you leave this hospital right now, there is a chance you can walk out of here and die. We need to wait until all your test have come back and make sure there isn’t any permanent damage to your brain.”

  “Precious, please listen to the doctor,” Genesis pleaded. “You won’t be any good to Aaliyah if you’re dead.”

  “Fine. But Nico don’t make any moves without me,” I huffed.

  “Nico, let me talk to you for a minute in the hallway,” Genesis said after they finished helping me get back in the bed.

  “Sure, we’l
l be back in a minute, Precious. Try not to take your frustration out on the good doctor while we’re gone.”

  “Funny,” I countered as the doctor began checking my vitals.

  “You know everybody is right. I know you want to help your daughter but you have to get better first.”

  “Lorenzo, I’m not in the mood for a lecture.”

  “I’m not trying to give you one. I just want you to get better. You need to get some rest and I know you have some calls to make so I’ll be going.”

  “Wait, are you coming back?”

  “Only if you want me to.”

  “I’ll call you later.” Lorenzo nodded his head and left. I knew when he made the statement about making calls he was referring to Supreme. But he was my husband and of course I had to speak to him.

  “Mrs. Mills, everything seems to be fine but you need to get some rest. I’ll be back later to check up on you but of course if you need anything a nurse will be right in.”

  “Thank you but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Before you go can you please hand me my purse off the chair?”

  “Sure.” After the doctor handed me my purse and left I reached inside for my phone.

  “Fuck, my battery is dead.” I decided to try and call Supreme from the phone in my room but I doubted he would answer since he wouldn’t recognize the number. His phone rang several times before going to voicemail. I left him a detailed message asking him to call me back as soon as possible.

  “The doctor said everything is looking good,” Nico said when him and Genesis came back in my room.

  “Yeah, does that mean I’ll be able to get the hell out of here tomorrow?”

  “Precious, I know this is asking a lot but please try to relax.”

  “You want to help me to relax, get me a damn charger for my phone.”

  “You got an iPhone right?”

  “Yes, I’ll get that for you. But so you know I did call Supreme and Xavier is with his grandparents.”

  “Thanks I appreciate that,” I smiled not letting Nico know Lorenzo already told me.

  “Do you need anything else,” Genesis asked. “Food, magazines, books?”


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