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Boss Bitch (Bitch Series)

Page 12

by King, Deja

  When i wokethe next morning my hand was throbbing from that ass whooping I put on Maya. But I had no complaints or regrets. I went downstairs to the kitchen, poured me a glass of orange juice and took two Excedrin. While I was making some toast I saw my purse, the mail and envelope I got from the attorney I left on the counter when I got home yesterday. I decided to open the envelope and there was a letter addressed to me written from Quentin. I took a seat at the table and read the letter. I believe I reread it at least ten times. The words Quentin wrote were so heartfelt and it brought tears to my eyes.

  I’m so so sorry Quentin. All you ever wanted was my love and I made it almost impossible for you to get it. All the time wasted because of my anger towards you. And right now I need you more than ever. I’ve lost my husband and I’m losing Aaliyah. You’re the only person that could always get through to her. If you were here I know you could make everything right. Please Dear God bring Quentin back to us we need him I need him. I closed my eyes begging the Lord to answer my prayers. But in the meantime I would honor Quentin’s entire requests. If he thought I was capable and trusted me enough to run his company then I wouldn’t let him down.

  At the end of the letter he told me to seek guidance from Genesis when it came to overseeing his business dealings. It would’ve been easy for Quentin to just turn over his company to Genesis as they were extremely close but this was his way of showing me that in spite of me always pushing him away he wanted to break down those walls and repair our relationship, that’s how much he loved me. I wasn’t going to waste anytime making him proud. Without a second thought I got on the phone.

  “Hi Genesis, this is Precious. I’m calling you from my house phone,” I said, knowing he wouldn’t recognize the phone number.

  “Hello, this must be pretty important for you to be calling me this early in the morning.”

  “It is. Yesterday I met with Quentin’s attorney and he has left me in charge of running his company until he comes out of his coma.”

  “Really?” I could hear the disbelief in Genesis’s voice.

  “Yes. In a letter he left for me he also said I should speak with you about running the business. That’s why I’m calling.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. When would be good for you?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “I was hoping you would say that. I’m available now.”

  “Let me get ready and I’m on my way.” I let out a deep sigh when I hung up with Genesis. A sense of nervousness came over me. I had traveled many paths in life but running a company wasn’t one of them. I was diving into unknown territory and it was scary and exciting at the same time. Hopefully the degree I earned from the streets would prepare me for this new chapter in my life.

  “I’m not going to lie, Precious. I’m in complete shock that Quentin left you in control of his company.” Those were the first words out of Genesis’s mouth when I entered his penthouse. I don’t think he even said hello first.

  “Good morning to you too, Genesis. Listen, I know this came out of left field. I was dumbfounded too but clearly my father believes in me.”

  “Your father? I’ve never heard you call him that one time. You’ve always called him Quentin. Surely him leaving you to run his company hasn’t magically made him dad.”

  “I know I was a little hard on him but that doesn’t change the fact that yes he is my father.”

  “A little hard on him, you never let up. He went out of his way to have a relationship with you and even when you proclaimed you would try, you shut down all his attempts. Most of the time you acted like he had the plague.”

  “You have to understand. After all the pain Maya caused my family and for him to get her out of jail and keep a relationship with her it was impossible for me to forgive that. He wore blinders when it came to her and I couldn’t deal with it.”

  “I get your issues with Maya and I agree Quentin never wanted to see her for the disturbed woman that she is but she is also his daughter and he has a lot of guilt for not being a part of her life for so many years. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t of been so cold towards him and now he’s in a coma,” Genesis said, shaking his head. “He’s a great man. He deserved more than what you gave him.”

  “I know this and it’s eating me up inside that I wasted so many years being angry at him instead of us creating father and daughter memories together. All I can do now is respect his wishes and show everyone that he made the right choice by selecting me to run his company.”

  “Then let’s get started. Quentin has some legitimate businesses under QT Holdings but it’s just a front. He’s the head of one of the biggest drug conglomerates on the East Coast. Right before Quentin was shot we got in a huge new supply so we’ve been good up until about a month ago. Quentin has access to connects that we don’t have a way of getting in touch with.”

  “In the envelope I got from his lawyer there were some documentations but no names or mention of who those connects might be . . . wait,” I paused thinking for a second. “He did leave me a set of keys to his office. I bet the information is in there.”

  “I’m sure it is. Did you bring that with you?”Yes.”

  “Good, that’s where we need to go. We’re in the middle of a drug war and our enemies are beginning to see we are vulnerable and have been slowly trying to take over certain lucrative spots. If we don’t get a new supply in soon it will be problematic for us to regain our momentum.”

  “Have you figured out which of the three organizations is responsible for those hits?”

  “I believe so and we’re planning on making a move very soon. By this time next week if all goes as planned that organization will be completely wiped out.”

  “That’s the sort of news I needed to hear. I want the people who are responsible for putting my father in a coma dead. Not one man should be left standing.”

  “If I have anything to do with it, there won’t. Now let’s go to that office. The sooner we get in touch with our connect the sooner we can start back feeding the streets.”

  As Genesis and I headed out it hit me that just yesterday morning I was crying my heart out because Supreme had made it clear our marriage was over and twenty-four hours later I was now the head of my father’s drug empire. I had mixed emotions about the turn of events. I was the mother of a young son and I would never want to do anything to jeopardize his life. But whether I was running Quentin’s company or not my affiliation with him and Nico would always put me in harm’s way. Danger seemed to follow me my entire life maybe now that I was at the helm I would have more control over me and my family’s destiny.


  FOR THE LAST couple of weeks I had been waking

  up next to Amir every morning and it had me in complete bliss. Being with him was everything I imagined it to be and more. Our life together was just about perfect. The only problem was that my role in the drug business required me to leave each morning and be gone for the majority of the day. My excuse was that I was going to school and in classes all day. In order not to raise suspicion I went so far as to purchase books and each day Amir would ask how school was and I hated lying to him but the alternative wasn’t an option.

  “Good morning beautiful,” Amir smiled sprinkling my neck with kisses.

  “It’s always a good morning waking up next to you.” I smiled back.

  “Let’s spend the day together and take advantage of this great weather.”

  “I would but I have classes.”

  “You can miss one day of school.”

  “If I didn’t have two tests today I would. But

  I gotta keep my grades up.”

  “No doubt and I’m proud of you for taking school so seriously.”


  “Since we can’t spend the day together let me at least drive you to school.”

  “You know my father wants security and a driver with me at all times.”

  “I can protect you,” Amir teased r
ubbing his fingers through my hair and pulling me close for a kiss.

  “I know you can but Tony reports everything back to my dad and I don’t want him getting upset. I’m about to move into my new place. I don’t need any problems. How ‘bout we go out to dinner tonight, my treat.”


  “Perfect and you can pick the spot. Now let me get in the shower can’t be late for class.”How ‘bout I join you.”

  “I thought that was a given,” I laughed as Amir swooped me up and carried me into the bathroom.

  “Clavon, we have a lot of stops to make but the first one is Newark,” I instructed my driver when I got in the car. I looked over at Tony who was rather quiet this morning but I wasn’t interested in starting up a conversation with him so I kept silent too.

  During the ride I kept smiling thinking about my morning with Amir and us making love in the shower. I was considering asking him to move in with me when I got my new place. I had warmed up to the idea because Peaches had a new boyfriend and was basically staying at his spot so the townhouse had become like our place. It felt natural for us to make it permanent. But I had to figure out how I would be able to keep my involvement in the drug game a secret. I wasn’t sure if that was possible but the idea of waking up and going to sleep next to Amir everyday made it worth the try. My daydreaming about domestic life with Amir was interrupted when I heard my cell phone.

  “Hey Peaches, what’s going on?”

  “I need you to make a stop in Patterson.”

  “I can’t. Today I’m swamped. I can’t make it over there until tomorrow.”

  “Word is there are serious problems over there. The brothers just called me and said they want you to check on it asap.”

  “Fine. Let me hit Newark and then my next stop will be Patterson.”

  “Great, I’ll let the brothers know.” I was a stickler when it came to my schedule and I hated when it was changed. Going to Patterson would push back every other stop and make it almost impossible for me to make dinner with Amir tonight. Now I understood why Nico and Genesis were never able to maintain relationships because being in this business made it unmanageable.

  When we made it to the blocks of Newark I rushed through handling business. I was determined to make it home in time to have dinner with Amir. I wanted to defy the odds and maintain both my relationship with Amir and my position in the drug game because I didn’t want to give up either. There was no denying I got a rush from living this life, it gave me a high. It was addictive and I had no desire to break the habit.

  “Clavon, our next stop is Patterson.”

  “Patterson it is,” Clavon said hitting the gas.

  I kept my fingers crossed that all was well in Patterson and whatever problems the brothers heard about there were street rumors or that all issues had now been resolved. I wanted the visit to last all of ten minutes because to stay on schedule that’s all I could spare.

  When we pulled up to the block it seemed almost deserted. “This is strange, where is everybody?”

  “I would like to know the same fuckin’ thing,” Tony said, speaking up for the first time.

  “Hold up, Clavon, drive a little further up. I think I see a few of our guys coming out that project building. Tony, roll down your window and call one of them over here. I need to find out what the hell is going on.”

  “I’m on it,” he said already rolling down the window and sticking out his head. “Yo homie, we need to speak to you.”

  “Damn, this ain’t gon’ be no ten minute visit. My day ‘bout to be all fucked up,” I hissed under my breath, annoyed as fuck. But if I thought shit was going bad it quickly turned worse. Out of nowhere the air was spraying with bullets. The worker who was walking towards the SUV was the first casualty. The other two workers who were posted up behind him pulled out their weapons and began blasting.

  “Aaliyah, get down!” Tony belted as he had a gun in both hands poppin’ off.

  “Get the fuck outta here,” I yelled to Clavon as I ducked down taking cover. I couldn’t see shit that was going on all I heard were shots being exchanged. After a few minutes I realized we still weren’t moving and I started thinking that maybe Clavon had been shot. I lifted my head up to catch a glimpse of what was going on and to my astonishment Clavon was just chillin’. “Nigga, drive! What you in fuckin’ shock! Move this motherfuckin’ car!”

  “Yeah nigga, move,” Tony barked as he reloaded one of his guns.

  Just when I figured shit was as bad as it could get I watched Tony slump over with a bullet to the head. I literally had one second to decide if I wanted to live or die. Survival kicked in and I grabbed the other gun out of Tony’s hand and kept pulling the trigger until Clavon sat behind the steering wheel motionless. He had killed Tony and I was next. I quickly slid to the passenger seat and leaned over Clavon’s dead body and opened the door. With all my strength I kicked Clavon’s body out the SUV and slammed the door before driving off to the sound of bullets still ringing in the air.

  ‘What the fuck just happened!” I yelled out pressing down the gas pedal even harder. I glanced to the backseat and Tony was slumped to the side with his eyes wide open. “Fuck, I have to get his body out the car. What if a cop pulls me over,” I said, talking to myself out loud. I spotted an isolated alleyway and drove into it. I hated to leave him this way but I jumped in the backseat, opened the door and pushed Tony out leaving his dead body there. I sped off and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The eyes of a killer were staring back at me.

  When I got home, I saw Amir’s car was in the driveway. I was glad to know he was there because I wanted him to hold me and tell me everything would be ok but I was also nervous because there was no way I could tell him what I just went through. “Calm down, Aaliyah. You have to relax and pull it together before you go inside,” I said, giving myself a pep talk. I got out the car and took my time walking to the front door. I inhaled and exhaled before turning the lock.

  “Baby, you made it home early,” Amir beamed as soon as I came in. He was sitting on the couch watching television.

  “Yeah, I missed you.”

  “What about your test?”

  “I took one this morning and the other one was cancelled because an emergency came up with the professor.”

  “It’s early we can still spend the rest of the day together,” Amir said, coming over to give me a kiss.

  “That would be wonderful.”

  “I love how all you have to do is stand here and I get horny. Let’s get reacquainted before we head out,” Amir suggested caressing my neck. I knew that was his way of saying he wanted to have sex and normally I would be the first one leading him into the bedroom but this wasn’t a normal day.

  “Let me take a shower first.”

  “We just took a shower a couple hours ago.”I know but . . . ”

  “Aaliyah, what happened to you?” Amir questioned lifting my chin up, cutting me off mid-sentence.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You have blood on your neck.”

  “I do?” I acted as if I was just as surprised as he was.

  “Yes you do. Where did this blood come from?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “You have blood on your neck and you don’t know where it came from. How is that possible?”

  Think Aaliyah, think. How can you explain having blood on your neck other than telling the truth that it either came from when Tony’s brains were blown out or when you blew out Clavon’s brains. But my mind froze. I came up with nada.

  “Baby, I don’t know where that blood came from. I’m as surprised as you are. It’s even more reason why I should go take a shower,” I said hurrying off to my bedroom.

  “Aaliyah, where are your books?”

  “I left them in the car.”

  “Give me your keys, I’ll go get them.”Why do you want to go get my books?”

  “Because I do.” There was no way I could let Amir see the inside of t
he SUV because I hadn’t had a chance to clean up the blood splatter.

  “You know what, I left them with Tony when

  I dropped him and Clavon off.”

  “That was my next question. Why did you drive yourself home?”

  “What is up with this interrogation? You’re my boyfriend not my father.”

  “You come home with blood on your neck that you can’t explain and you’re questioning me. Cut the bullshit, Aaliyah and tell me what the hell is going on, now!” I wanted to answer Amir but I couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t make me look like an even bigger liar. “Are you in some sort of trouble? Tell me if you are. Answer me, Aaliyah!” Amir’s voice had gotten so loud my hands started shaking.

  “No I’m not in any sort of trouble but I think you better go. I can’t deal with you when you’re upset like this.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on with you but trust me I will find out.” Without saying another word Amir went into my bedroom, got a few of his belongings and left. I fell down on my bed and kept wondering how my life got fucked up so fast.


  “All seems to be going as planned,” Genesis informed Nico and me when we arrived at his place.

  “Does that mean you’ve eliminated the organization that’s responsible for the hits?” Nico wanted to know and so did I.

  “We’ve already started and they’re dropping like flies.”


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