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Moon Kissed

Page 10

by Aline Hunter

  “Lucius will kill Wolfe.” She pried her arm free. “I won’t stay here and let that happen.”

  “Don’t go soft on me now! You’ve not mated the lycae. You will survive his loss.”

  She shook her head, disturbed at just how wrong Trevor was. “I won’t let him die.”

  “You don’t love him. It’s not possible. You’ve only just met. Think rationally.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself.

  How could she explain what she didn’t understand?

  An invisible weight crushed her chest, making it difficult to breathe. The thought of Wolfe’s absence in her life snuffed out a portion of her soul. Did it make sense? No. But the emotions rushing through her were very real. She hadn’t experienced true fear in a very long time. Not like this.

  “It’s very possible,” Luke interjected calmly. “Wolfe saw something in her and she saw something in him. It’s the way it works with mates. Regardless of who or what they are.”

  Trevor nailed her in place with his tumultuous indigo gaze. “Damn it! I won’t let you go. Do you hear? I refuse to allow it!”

  “It’s not your choice to make. I won’t leave him to die.” Her voice almost failed her when she added, “I can’t.”

  Waves of magic trickled from Trevor’s body, tiny currents of energy buzzing through the air. The hair on her arms stood on end as the bed and several pieces of furniture rose from the ground. Trevor’s blue irises flashed white and his debilitating power crashed into her. A terrifying vibration in the wall sent decorative artifacts to the floor.

  “Calm down, Sheriff,” Luke commanded.

  “I doona go by that title anymore!” Trevor turned on the alpha. He lifted his arm and the casting wand nestled in the corner rose from its place and flew into his outstretched fingers. Pointing the blinding white orb at Luke, he snarled, “I allowed you into my home as a courtesy, but I have no obligation to you or yours. That girl is the closest thing I have to family, and I will not allow her to leave. If you try to take her, I will kill you.”

  “Don’t make me rip out your spine.” Luke’s shoulders shifted, the muscles in his shoulders and arms broadening as they flexed. He took a step forward, his nails changing into claws. “I’ll serve your ass to you on a plate.”

  “I’d bloody love to see you try!”

  “Stop!” Arden quickly moved between them. She faced her friend, softening her voice, imploring him to listen. “Do not make this harder on me than it already is. This is my decision. Not yours.”

  “Like hell,” Trevor whispered.

  Scraping noises drew her attention. She gazed through the doorway in time to see the couch rise into the air. Nearby, the kitchen table and chairs did the same. Power oozed from her friend, so painful it burned like the rays of the sun. Lights flickered on and off and cabinets opened and closed.

  God help us.

  Trevor had only lost control once in her presence, and that was when he’d faced the lich that’d murdered his lover. She’d witnessed his fury, strength and pain. She’d watched as he’d been consumed by magic that had horrified her. He wasn’t a man in that moment. He was like a demigod. Up until then, she’d underestimated how powerful a Warlock Judge could be.

  “Stop,” she whispered, moving closer despite the painful pricks of electricity as his magic slid over her body. “Please.”

  “Calm down.” Luke sounded as cool as a cucumber as he addressed Trevor. When Arden spun around to face the idiot werewolf, a smile spread across his face. “Do you honestly think I would sacrifice the only mate Wolfe will ever have to a fucking leech?”

  “You haven’t given me reason to believe otherwise,” Trevor spat.

  “I’m trying to right now.”

  “Then you’d better start talking,” Arden said, worried Luke was about to send Trevor over the line. “You’re pissing him off.”

  “Wolfe needs to get over his personal shit and moved on with his life. I’ve waited for him to do that on his own without interference. Unfortunately, he’s lacked the proper motivation. That’s why Adam asked him to come here. It’s also the reason I wouldn’t take the position of alpha in the pack. If you can’t make Wolfe open his fucking eyes, nothing will.” Luke’s lips lifted at the corners, his eyes becoming bright, grass green. “If we force Wolfe to ascend to his rightful place, the vampyren won’t know what hit them. It’s time they remember why they don’t fuck with lycae.”

  “His rightful place?” Arden studied Luke. “What are you talking about?”

  He smirked in a manner that reminded her of Wolfe. “As the alpha of the pack.”

  Flashes of what had transpired in her apartment came rushing back, including Wolfe’s seemingly timeless shift. Only the most powerful lycae could change form that quickly. Man one second, beast the next. He’d shifted in the blink of an eye. No wonder he hadn’t been afraid. He’d known he could take on just about anything that posed a threat to her.

  “An alpha?”

  Luke nodded. “A damn powerful one.”

  She couldn’t believe it. “If he’s an alpha, Lucius wouldn’t have touched him.”

  “Wolfe’s an alpha without a pack,” he informed her quietly. “He assumed Adam’s position but not his true place. Without wolves to draw power from, he’s vulnerable.”

  Trevor lowered his casting wand and the furniture crashed to the floor. “It won’t matter what you try to do.” He stepped toward them, the hum of magic surrounding him strong as ever. “Wolfe won’t involve the pack. He refused to discuss it when I brought up the topic.”

  “He will if she’s at stake.” Luke lifted his chin in Arden’s direction. “Our kind will do whatever it takes to protect our mates.” Shooting her a disapproving look, he continued, “My sources tell me you have a helluva lot of enemies, female. Mating the alpha of a powerful pack will keep that pretty head of yours on your shoulders.”

  The insult hit its intended target. Balling her hands into fists, she struggled to keep her temper in check. “I’ve done just fine on my own, thank you very fucking much.”

  “Arden,” Trevor chided in a warning tone. He turned to Luke. “What do you intend to do?”

  Luke smiled, revealing perfect white teeth. “I thought you’d never ask, Sheriff.”

  “I told you,” Trevor grumbled with a scowl, “I don’t go by that title anymore.”

  “If you want us to pull this off, you do. We need the strength of a judge on our side. Without your help, our odds fall considerably.”

  “Damn it.” Trevor glared at her. “Damn you.”

  Even if he tried to hide it, she could see the pain in his eyes. She understood how much it would cost him to help her. Calling on the souls of the past came with harsh consequences. The last time he’d reached for that measure of power, he’d lost the person he loved most. She tried to speak, but he lifted a hand to silence her.

  “Don’t bother. I know you’re sorry.” With a resigned sigh, he turned to Luke. “What do you need me to do?”

  The alpha’s smile broadened. Instead of putting Arden at ease, the gesture made her uncomfortable. There was a gleam in Luke’s eyes that warned her things were about to get extremely nasty.

  “How long has it been since you’ve cloaked an army?”

  Trevor’s chin shot up. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, but I am.” With a wave of his hand, Luke motioned toward the living room. “Why don’t we sit down and iron out the details.”

  “Give us a moment,” Trevor said, his irises unusually dark as he studied her. “I need to talk to her alone.”

  Luke didn’t want to do as he’d been asked—his pause indicated as much—but he left the room.

  “You owe me for this, Cricket. What I’m about to do comes with a cost.”

  The gravity of the statement hit home. He was putting himself at risk. Once he channeled his true power, he opened gates he couldn’t always close. Fear for his well-being made her want to reconsider. She didn’t have t
o work with Luke. If necessary, she could attempt to find and rescue Wolfe on her own.

  “Don’t even.” Trevor lifted one of his large hands and cupped her chin. “I’m already involved. I won’t let you face the unknown alone.”

  “Does anyone care to join me?” Luke yelled from the living room. “We don’t have all the time in the world.”

  “Come on.” With a comforting smile, he reached for her hand. “In for a penny, in for a pound. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right.”

  As much as she longed to take comfort in her friend’s confidence, a part of her was prepared for the worst. She’d always known that when she faced Lucius, she might not come out of the battle alive. It was a risk she had always been willing to take. A life for a life—just as she’d promised Portia. If she didn’t succeed, at least she’d tried to exact revenge. She’d been so close to her goal.

  Not anymore.

  With a resigned sigh, she allowed Trevor to lead her from the room.

  Damn you, Wolfe.

  Leave it to a cocky and reckless lycae to turn her world upside down.

  Chapter Eleven

  Everything was covered in a thick red haze, preventing Wolfe from comprehending things clearly. He tried to focus and think of a way to break free. Each line of thought snapped like a thread as the animal took control. His cage rattled, undoubtedly being kicked by one of the men who’d been put on guard duty. He tried to call on his anger, but the taunts of impending death and torture no longer mattered.

  He was beyond communication.

  The shift had come hours ago. The moment the moon slid through a crack in the cloud and touched his skin, he’d taken his bestial form. He’d wanted to fight it, hoping his desperation would serve a purpose. It was too dangerous to change. He had to keep his wits about him. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been strong enough. The moon sang to him, wanting to unleash his beast. He’d answered readily, eager to heed its call. But with the heat of that glorious white glow came something else—something primordial.

  The need to claim his mate.

  Unfiltered desire consumed him, blocking out everything else. When the opportunity was presented and he was free of the confines of the silver cage, he would rip out the throats of his captors and leave them to rot.

  Then he would go to his female.

  He would kiss her.

  Taste her.

  Love her.

  Fuck her.


  He turned in the confined space that was his cage, finding he was too agitated to rest. The heat of the moon had become too heavy. Relief would only come once he lodged his cock deep inside Arden’s tight, wet pussy. He’d plunge into her sultry body, taking refuge in the warm clasp of her cunt until this need was spent. Once his temper cooled and his mind cleared, he’d be slower, softer.

  Erotic images swept through his mind.

  He wanted to tongue his female until she came, just as he had on the bathroom counter they’d nearly destroyed. Then he’d force her to her knees, ordering her to suck his cock while he watched. The sight of her pink lips wrapped around his dick would be too much, shattering his control. He wanted to fuck her against the wall, to hear her beg for more. He wanted her to whimper and writhe beneath him as her pussy clenched and milked his entire length over and over again.

  He shuddered, his cock hard and straining for relief.

  The discomfort broke through to the man, clearing his head. Damn it.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wanted to introduce her to the lycae way of mating differently, taking his time so as not to frighten her. He would hurt her if he took her like this. Nipping and scratching at her porcelain skin, bending her over whatever object gave him the best leverage to take her from behind. Like the beast he was, he’d pound into her silken flesh until they were locked together irrevocably.

  As soon as I’m free.

  Shame swamped him, along with a profound regret. He should have listened to the warlock and turned to Luke. With the power of the pack, Lucius never would have caught him off guard. The memory of a silver net falling over his shoulders enraged his beast. He’d been so determined to take matters into his own hands he’d walked blindly into a trap. The sons of bitches had been waiting, baiting him as easily. He could have demolished the entire vampyren nest for attempting such a thing if he’d had his head on straight.

  But now…

  A small part of him prayed he wouldn’t be able to break out of his cage. If he did, he would claim Arden for the first time under the heat of a full moon. His mate would suffer his decision as a consequence. Even if she wasn’t ready to accept him, she’d be forced to endure him.

  Will have to go slow. She’s so delicate. Have to be gentle.

  The scent of fear obliterated his thoughts, sending him into a crazed frenzy. A vampyren appeared in the distance, running from the line of buildings along the waterfront. Wolfe shuffled from side to side in the small space, trying to listen and understand the words spoken by those around him. Earlier—before he’d fallen to the allure of the moon—he’d been able to make sense of the whispers he’d heard.

  “The pack is aware of our terms.”

  “Lure her in.”

  “Get her close.”

  “Drop her guard.”

  “Kill her.”

  He’d attacked the silver bars then, going at them like a deranged madman. Minutes had turned to hours, but he couldn’t get free. All he received for his efforts were blisters, most of them bloody and oozing. There had been nothing he could do. He’d felt helpless, trapped in a cage by his own arrogance.

  Only one hope remained—a small kernel of faith.

  The warlock’s vow to protect Arden.

  Trevor wouldn’t allow her to come, not if he could prevent it. Since the pack had been contacted, someone would arrive at any time to inform the vampyren there would be no exchange. He wasn’t worth it, his rank one bestowed but not earned. Likely they’d be elated when Luke was forced to man up and take his proper place.

  “She’s here,” a vampyren called out.

  Wolfe snarled and bowed his head, gazing at the blood drinker’s throat. He’d sink his teeth in deep, until he met the hardness of bone. All it would take was a firm snap of his jaws. He’d rip the head off the despicable creature, howling in delight as its blood slid down his throat.

  “You’re certain?” Taylor asked, shifting his feet. The scent of his eagerness tickled Wolfe’s nose, the aroma almost sticky sweet. The bastard had been like this since Wolfe had been rendered powerless, as though it was all just a game.

  “I’m positive.”

  A shadow whispered over Wolfe’s cage, curving like fingers over the thick bars of silver. His keen sense of smell identified his guest. Rose-like sweetness combined with the coppery fragrance of blood. He lowered his hindquarters and shifted his weight, longing for a chance at the man, knowing he probably wouldn’t get it.

  Lucius crouched and cocked his head. “All of this. And for what? Time behind bars?” He reached for the cage and Wolfe lunged, slamming his muzzle against the beams despite the silver that melted his skin. Lucius pulled back, his expression grim. “I knew she’d come. Emotion is her weakness. You should have taken me up on my offer when you had the chance.”

  Lucius moved closer, and Wolfe seized the opportunity. He snapped his jaws, so close to the softness of flesh he could almost taste it. At the last second, his teeth clamped together, snagging on empty air. The vampyren’s grin infuriated him, unhinging the beast. The animal took over, driven by instinct.

  There was only survival and need. One primitive purpose came before all the rest.

  The scent of honeysuckle and linen drifted to his nose and he threw back his head, releasing a howl. The wait was over. The wolf would no longer be contained.

  His mate had arrived.

  Chapter Twelve

  Arden approached Dead Man’s Dock, finding the circumstances that brought her to this place i
ronic. She’d found Portia here and made the vow to avenge her friend’s death. Her gaze drifted over buildings, lingering on missing slots in the brick foundation. The place was much the same, only this time dead bodies weren’t littering the concrete, permeating the air with the stench of fresh blood and death.

  “Cricket,” Trevor whispered. “What are you thinking about?”

  She looked to her friend as they walked to the meeting place that might or might not be the end of the line for both of them. A slathering of shadow had formed on Trevor’s face, filling the small areas around his short and neatly trimmed goatee. She didn’t want him here but it didn’t matter. Trevor marched to the beat of his own drum. Nothing could have forced him to stay behind.

  “The past,” she answered, reflecting on her memories.

  Sadness and understanding shone through his brilliant blue eyes. Their gazes locked for several seconds, a mutual understanding shared between them. They were two people who’d formed a dysfunctional family founded on grief and loss. He started to speak and she placed a hand on his shoulder. She knew what he wanted to say because she felt the same way.

  “You don’t have to tell me. I already know.” She leaned over to kiss his darkly bristled cheek and murmured, “Me too.”

  “Well then. Let’s get on, shall we?” Trevor started forward, taking long strides. “So it’s come to this. I thought the lich would be the end of us, not a horde of vampyren.” He took a deep breath, asking as he exhaled, “Do you think we’ll make it?”

  She shrugged, pretending to take it all in stride. “Maybe.”

  They walked for several more paces until the smell of saltwater whispered through the air. The crash of waves smashing against rocky surf and wooden beams were perfectly loud and crisp. They’d finally arrived. A few more feet and they’d be in the range of their opponents.


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