Marianne : Unmarked (His)

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Marianne : Unmarked (His) Page 9

by Harmony Raines

  “Marcus. I hoped we could leave tomorrow.”

  “I will need to get permission from the King first. Let us hope he has not drunk too much. If he has a bad head tomorrow he will not be so easy to persuade.”

  She hesitated, and then decided to tell him about the letter. “I already have permission for us to leave.”

  He sat back up, looking at her searchingly. “You asked the King?”

  “No, I asked Lord Villiers to persuade him.”

  “Lord Villiers. He is a very good friend of yours?”

  She sensed danger, Marcus had made it clear that he expected her to be true to him, and she got the feeling that did not just cover what went on between the sheets of their marriage bed.

  “We played together as children. My father worked for his family for sometime.”

  “I see, and this was enough for him to petition the King about permission for us to leave.”

  “Marcus. I know what you must think, but there is so much that goes on in the Palace, things I do not understand, nor would ever want to. Know that I am your wife, and before that there was only the old lord.”

  “I believe you Marianne. And I too am eager to leave, so let us take this as a wedding gift from Lord Villiers and leave as early as we can.” He kissed her again. “Goodnight my wife.”

  She smiled. “Good night husband.”

  “Now, was that so hard to say,” he said, his voice already relaying the fatigue that had filled him, and soon he was asleep again, and Marianne lay listening to his breathing once more before falling asleep herself.


  She woke the next morning, not as early as she would have liked, the sun was already high in the sky. Her body ached and she stretched carefully feeling the dull throb of her stretched sex, this made her relive the way he had made love to her, and she smiled to herself at the things he had taught her.

  Her hands were resting on his chest, the warmth of him made him feel so real, so alive, and she could not wait to leave the Palace and begin her new life with him.

  “You're awake at last.”

  “Yes, is it very late? You should have woken me. I long to get on our way.”

  “It’s not too late. I am going to dress and go down to the stables to order the horses prepared. Is it alright with you if I organise your servants.”

  Marianne thought about this for a moment, it was the beginning of her having to relinquish them to her husband. If he wanted, he had every right to take over Marsh Hall, and all those who worked here and make them obedient to him alone.

  “Yes,” she said, at last. “But please tell them it is what I desire; although I had already told Dawn we would be leaving today, they may be ready.”

  “Very well. I will try to get us some food for the journey, and some breakfast. Shall I send your maid up?”

  “Unless she is busy elsewhere. I am capable of dressing myself if I need to.”

  “I do not doubt it,” he said, kissing her on the mouth before getting out of bed.

  She watched him as he gathered his clothes, marvelling at the toned muscles of his stomach as they rippled when he stretched. His arms held the strength of a man used to fighting with a sword, and his skin was bronzed from working outside without a shirt. Altogether, she found her husband very pleasing to the eye.

  “Enjoying the view?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he pulled his pants on and did them up.

  “Yes. I think I am very pleased with my husband this time.”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. “I certainly hope I am better than your last husband, and that I do not disappoint you in any way.”

  “I am quite sure you will do nicely. Once I have trained you of course.” Marianne could not believe the boldness of her voice.

  He came back to the bed and knelt next to her and she held her breath, afraid she had insulted him. Instead, he pulled the covers from her body and took her nipple in his mouth, sucking it and rolling his tongue over it roughly. He took her breath away, but only briefly, because he quickly released her.

  “Oh, if only we had more time, I would very much enjoy any lesson you might give.” His voice was warm and sensuous, and had the desired effect of arousing her. His tongue slid out from between his teeth and he licked her other nipple, until she pushed her hands into his hair and held him against her.

  With a groan, he pulled away, and she could see the bulge in his pants where his cock had become hard. With only a smile, he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Marianne lay still, enjoying the light feeling that filled her. She could not remember ever being this happy, surely, this must be love. Yet she had never felt it before, not this kind of love. Yes, she loved Mrs Draper, and Storm of course. This love was different though, it made her heart feel as though it would burst.

  Sighing happily, she got out of bed to begin dressing; she knew they should leave as soon as possible to make the most of the light. It was not advisable to travel at night, even with Marcus and her two man servants at her side. Bears and jackals often took advantage of carriages on the road at night.

  Pulling out the dresses Lord Villiers had given her to use, she found one suitable for travelling. She had wanted to return them all to him before they left, but could not face putting her mourning dress back on. It simply felt wrong.

  That would be the first thing she would do when they got home, buy a new wardrobe, in any colour but black. Standing and pulling her undergarments on she managed to get mostly dressed on her own.

  She put on a plain cotton shift, and decided she would have to wait for Dawn to help her before she could put the dress over it. There was no way she could reach the buttons down the back on her own.

  A knock on the door came just in time, she pulled it open expecting to see Dawn come to help her, but instead it was the King.

  Marianne fleetingly thought of simply slamming it back to. Yet she knew that would be a particular insult, the King had every right to be here. Instead, she performed a low curtsey.

  “Your Majesty.” She spoke formally, trying to ignore the fact she was in a state of undress.

  “Get up Marianne; I have not come to exchange pleasantries with you.” He pushed passed her, leaving her in a state of shock. “And shut the door.”

  She pushed it closed, slowly, hoping someone would pass by that she could use as a diversion, but there was no one, the hallway was deserted.

  “Are you sure it is prudent of you to be here like this?” she asked.

  “I have every right to be here. You are my subject, or had you forgotten?”

  His words threatened to ignite her anger, but instead she calmly replied. “How can I forget when only yesterday you married me off to one of your Guards?”

  The King took a step towards her and sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring as he took in the scent of her. “I take it he was more to your liking than your first husband.” He stepped closer still until he stood so near she could feel his warm, alcohol fuelled breath on her bare shoulder. “I can smell him on you. I can smell him inside you.”

  She stood her ground, although inside she quailed. “Our marriage has been consummated, as is the law.”

  “And did you enjoy it, Marianne? Did you enjoy having him inside you?” He swayed slightly, and she knew he was still drunk.

  “I do not believe that is Your Majesty's business.”

  “Oh, but it is Marianne. I have been thinking over whether I should use one of the old archaic laws that is all but forgotten, and bed you myself.”

  She paled, and finding no humour in his voice, she was afraid of what he might do. More, she was frightened for Marcus. If the King should do anything to her, his pride would not let it go.

  “Yes, my dear Marianne. I have the right to bed any woman I choose, be she a maid, or married. Therefore, I have been thinking what it would be like to teach you what it is to be bedded by the King. I can just imagine the look on Darius’s face. You kn
ow he has wanted you for years?”

  She nodded.

  “Of course you do. However, he would never risk his fortune to run off with you. He always was a coward.”

  The King lifted his hand and reached out to touch Marianne. Instinctively she backed away, not knowing how she was supposed to react to him in this state. She only knew that she did not want to be subjected to any whim of the King.

  “Please, Your Majesty, Captain Stuart will be back soon.”

  “And what of it? He is bound by the laws of this land along with any other man. If I order him to allow me to bed you he will have no choice than to let me.”

  “He is a proud man, as well you know. He would not be able to stand back and let you make a fool of him.”

  “Yes, the brave Captain.” The King turned around and moved away from her, allowing Marianne to catch her breath and calm her nerves.

  “I believe we all owe him a great deal. He was responsible for the truce with Grandeer, I am told,” Marianne said.

  “He was indeed. Yes he is so very popular, at least with the men.” He turned back to her, some malice in his eyes. “I believe his comrades like him better than me. If he tells them to jump, they do it gladly. So maybe the Captain needs to be taught who is truly in charge here.”

  Marianne backed away towards the door, but she knew things would get worse if she did not try to appease the King now and put this behind them.

  “Think carefully, you must know if you touch me then Captain Stuart would challenge you.”

  “And he would be in the wrong.”

  “What then? Do you expect the soldiers who love him to simply accept what you do to Captain Stuart? They would rise up, and you would be exposed to your enemies.” She frantically sought to persuade him to let this go. “Enemies both in far off lands and those right here in your Palace.”

  He looked at her intently, obviously not liking what he heard, but the frown creasing his brow proved he had at least heard what she said and was processing it.

  “You would have made me a fine queen, Marianne.”

  “We both know that would never be allowed.”

  “No, not when you are so tainted.”

  She bit down the words that she wanted to say, instead, she asked, “Surely you would not risk everything for one such as me?”

  “No. I suppose I would not, does that make me a coward like Darius?”

  “No, it makes you a very wise man. Now let me go,” she begged.

  The King moved towards her and she was afraid, but he moved around her and opened the door of the chamber.

  “Good bye Marianne. We will not meet again. Go to Marsh Hall and stay there, I will not call you to Court again.”

  She curtsied low as he left, and when she rose to stand, she found she was shaking so much she could hardly stay upright. Then relief flooded over her, and she went to sit on the bed and waited for her maid, relieved that she had survived, and more eager than ever to go home.

  Chapter Ten

  Dawn arrived to find her mistress a little recovered, the food she had brought with her seemed to do the rest of the work needed to get her back on her feet. Between the two of them they soon had the dresses belonging to Lord Villiers packed. All except the one Marianne had chosen to wear on the journey home.

  Marianne had thought about going to find Lord Villiers to thank him for the dresses, but decided against it. Firstly because it would waste precious time, and secondly because she did not feel physically strong enough for another confrontation this morning.

  It had been a long time since Marianne had felt this worn out and on edge. The thought keeping her going was that she would be departing within the hour for home. Once there she was sure the King would keep his word, and never send for her again. As for Marianne, she had no intention of leaving Marsh Hall and its surrounding lands for the rest of her life.

  “Shall I take your baggage down to be packed on the carriage?” Dawn asked.

  “No, Dawn. I think it would be best if you stay with me. When everything is packed and ready I will help you take it down.”

  “My Lady, you can’t,” Dawn whispered, shocked.

  “Yes, I can. If Captain Stuart comes back in the mean time then he can help you. Otherwise I want you to stay by my side. Is that understood?”

  “Yes. Has something happened?” Dawn asked nervously.

  “Everything is alright now, I believe. But please do as I ask, Dawn,” Marianne said, trying to reassure her maid.

  “Of course.” Dawn knew it was not her place to pry into the affairs of her mistress.

  They gathered the remaining things that belonged to Marianne, making sure nothing was left. Dawn made the bed and tidied the room so it was left exactly how they had found it. Marianne walked over to the window to look out, but there was nothing to see, and so she began to pace nervously.

  “Do you think the carriage will be ready if we go down now?”

  “Possibly,” Dawn answered, picking up on her mistress’s mood and wanting to be gone too. “Why don’t you put your black cloak on, with the hood up, no one would recognise you from a distance, if that is what worries you.”

  “Thank you, Dawn. Let us get everything we need and go down.”

  They gathered up the various bags, leaving the trunk at the end of the bed for Lord Villiers, and then Dawn opened the door to the bed chamber and looked down the hallway to see if there was anyone about. It looked clear, so Marianne lifted the hood of her cloak and drew it as far over her head as she could so her face was all but hidden. Carefully they made their way along to the ornate, wide sweeping staircase which led down to the main hallway.

  “We could take the back staircase. Then we could slip out the kitchen door, rather than going down to the big door.”

  Dawn's suggestion seemed a good idea, so they walked on, only passing maids and other servants. Most of the other people of the Palace must either be sleeping off last nights wine or else about their business in the lower halls.

  They reached the stairs and went down, juggling the baggage between them, which grew heavier with each step. Soon they could smell the food from the kitchens and felt more relaxed, they were nearly out.

  “Shall I go first and see if it is clear to go out? A Lady going through the kitchens will create quite some gossip if we are not careful.”

  “Yes, thank you Dawn.”

  “My pleasure. I must say I am going to be glad to be on the road,” Dawn said, disappearing out of sight and into the kitchen.

  Marianne stood waiting, trying not to get herself too worried. There should be no trouble; after all she had been given permission from the King to leave, so if anyone stopped them there should be no problem. Yet she was fully aware of his mood changes, and so until they were on their way she would not be happy, or feel safe.

  Dawn reappeared, looking relieved. “There is only the cook and three kitchen maids. Put your hood down, it will be less suspicious to them if we simply walk through as though we are not sneaking around.”

  Marianne did as Dawn suggested, uncovering her head and holding the bags she was carrying low so they were not so obvious. Then they walked out calmly, Marianne smiling when the cook looked at her, and the cook nodded her head in respect to her betters and then went back to working.

  They reached the kitchen door, Dawn held it open for her and they slipped out into the courtyard. After crossing the quiet courtyard, Dawn turned right, leading Marianne through the kitchen garden.

  When they got to the other side they went through a gate and across to the stables. Dawn had been down earlier to speak to James, so she knew where the carriage was being prepared.

  With a huge amount of relief Marianne saw the horses already harnessed, James was backing them into the shafts of the carriage. They were almost ready to go.

  “My Lady,” James said, seeing the two women approaching.

  He let go of the horses and went to help with the baggage.

  “Carry on with w
hat you were doing James, I think Dawn and I can manage these.”

  He looked worried, but did as she ordered, turning around and going back to doing up the buckles of the harness, attaching it securely to the carriage. Once all four horses were in place he came and helped to heave the last of Marianne's bags onto the roof where the servants’ baggage was already tied.

  “Do you know where Captain Stuart is?” Marianne asked, some what breathlessly after all her labour.

  “He went to pack and to say goodbye to his friends in the Guards, he will not be long.”

  “I hope not, any delay worries me. I wanted to get a good distance between us and the Palace by nightfall.”

  “If you are worried I can go and find him.”

  “No, James. Stay here, if he returns while you are away it will take even longer to find you. But thank you for the offer.”

  “Why not get inside and make yourself comfortable,” James suggested.

  Marianne was reluctant to do so, she would be spending enough time seated in the carriage, which even though well upholstered became increasingly uncomfortable after a few hours of travel. Nevertheless, she climbed inside, hoping not to draw any attention to the small party getting ready to leave.

  Frequently leaning forward to look out of the carriage window she waited for Captain Stuart to come back. The time passed impossibly slowly, her servants had everything packed and all they had to do were the final checks on the horses. Jonathan brought them some water, and then he stood talking to James in a voice too low for her to hear.

  As they finished their conversation he turned and looked up at Marianne, and with a sigh came over to talk to her.

  “My Lady, I think it is time either me or James went to look for the Master.”

  The Master, those words sounded so strange, it had been so long now since there had been a Master at Marsh Hall. She sat and thought, again looking out of the window in the hope he was coming. The situation was impossible, it was a risk to wait too long, but if they all started to wonder around the Palace grounds then they would never get going.


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