Marianne : Unmarked (His)

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Marianne : Unmarked (His) Page 10

by Harmony Raines

  Then a worrying thought hit her, what if her husband had been taken. Maybe the King had ordered him captured. Or someone else. Lord Villiers surely wouldn’t have done anything to cause trouble. No, he wouldn’t, but the thought lingered.

  “Perhaps send James, but tell him to check back every few minutes.”

  “Very good, My Lady.” Jonathan moved away to speak to James.

  Frustrated, Marianne got out of the carriage to make sure James understood to report back often.

  “I understand,” James said, trying to cover the cross tone his voice had taken on at being spoken to as though he was stupid and could not understand simple orders.

  “I am sorry, James. I am eager to get going is all. Look for him as quickly as you can but do not ask too many questions and draw attention to yourself.”

  “Understood. I will find him.”

  “Find who?” The voice came from the back of the carriage, and then Marcus’s head peered around it.

  “Marcus. Where have you been?”

  “Why did you miss my company dreadfully?" he said with a grin.

  “No!” Although in truth she had. “I want to get going, we have been ready for an age.”

  “As I see. I did not expect you down so quickly.”

  “Well...I simply wanted to get as far as we can in daylight.”

  He looked at her more intently. She knew he wanted to ask what was wrong, that she had given away her feelings in her voice, but he knew better than to speak openly here.

  “Then I suggest we get going. I will ride by the side of the carriage while you two ladies travel inside.”

  Dawn blushed at being called a lady, and Marianne grew more confident in how Marcus would be accepted at Marsh Hall. He had an easy way of talking to people, no matter their station in life. She guessed that helped when you were in the Guards, he must have to deal with the lower dogs, and also the bureaucratic big cats, along with his own wolves.

  “Very well,” Marianne said, and accepted his hand back into the carriage.

  Dawn followed, also accepting help from Marcus. They seated themselves while Marcus spoke briefly to Jonathan and James. They nodded in agreement, and then the carriage rocked as the brothers climbed into the driving seats.

  Then they were on their way, the road remaining level as they left the first part of the Palace. Then it dipped down a little as they began to clatter along the streets passing the more elegant houses before the road narrowed to where the smaller houses of prosperous merchants stood.

  The steady rhythm of the horses’ hooves was a comfort to Marianne, meaning they were putting distance between them and the Court. Yet it would be only when they had passed through the lower gates and were on the open road that she would feel totally free from the power of the King.

  The sound of the horses became dampened when they reached the market in the lower part of the city. Sounds of sellers hawking their wares became louder, and the smell of food, both fresh and rotting,drifted in making Marianne feel quite nauseous.

  “Did you pack some food?” asked Marianne.

  “Yes. Lord Marsh arranged for some to be brought to the carriage and it was loaded on the top. Near the front I believe so that it is within easy reach. Are you hungry My Lady?”

  “No,” Marianne felt another wave of nausea and put it down to the swaying of the carriage. “But at least if we have food we can stop on the road and not have to take a detour. I want to get home as soon as possible. I hope everything is alright there.”

  “I am sure it is. Mr and Mrs Draper love the old place. They will do their best to keep it running smoothly.”

  “Yes, I am sure they will.” She thought of her housekeeper and her husband, and yearned to see them. So much had happened and she wanted to get home and feel safe. “Do you think they will like the new Lord Marsh?” Marianne asked quietly.

  “It will take a while. But they will be happy if you are.”

  “Yes, I believe you are right. And I am happy, I think.”

  “Who would not be when he is such a fine gentleman?”

  Marianne laughed. “I believe I must agree with you there, Dawn. I only hope he will be happy to live a quiet life in the country when he has been used to seeing the world and mixing with his men for so long.”

  “Then we must keep him busy. I am sure Mr Draper will find him something to do. According to James he is quite the task master.”

  “I only hope Lord Marsh is willing to go back to taking orders.”

  The two women laughed, and chatted on as the gates were passed with no pause. It appeared that, true to his word, the King was going to let her go home. Marianne sat back and relaxed, the movement of the coach eventually lulling her into a pleasant state where she passed between sleep and wakefulness, the miles passing by quickly.

  Briefly they stopped and rested the horses, finding a river to water them at. Lord and Lady Marsh sat with their servants on the bank, eating a very nice lunch of pies, bread and cheese. There was some ale to wash it down with, which normally Marianne wouldn’t have touched, but everything tasted wonderful at that moment, and she knew this was the happiest she had ever been in her life.

  Finally she was free of her past, no longer a lonely woman; Marcus made her feel complete in this world. Yes she was different, and nothing could ever change that, but now someone accepted her for who she was, and would protect her.

  More than this, the thought that she was somehow exposed to the whims of the King had gone. She hoped that she could go and live the rest of her life with her wolf, and have a family of her own.

  As the sun warmed her skin she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, enjoying this new sense of freedom. It seemed she had lived her whole life in shackles, which had now been removed, and if she hadn't wanted to get back on the road as quickly as possible she would have removed her stockings and stood with her feet in the cool inviting river.

  Then the image of a naked Marcus, swimming in the river popped into her head, and with a secret smile to herself decided that she might have to introduce him to her fantasy when they were home.

  Chapter Eleven

  They travelled on for a few more hours, but the horses were becoming tired and eventually it was agreed they would stop. They chose an inn in a small village, rather than going on to a busy town. This suited them all, and the inn keeper was pleased to offer them rooms and board at a reasonable price.

  The horses were stabled, while the carriage was pushed into an old barn which they locked. In this way only the things they needed most, or were of any value, were unloaded. Something that obviously pleased the two man servants.

  Marianne felt strange when Marcus’s bags were put in the same room as hers. It gave her goose bumps to think of his hands on her body tonight when they went to bed. For surely he would want her, and she certainly wanted him, not that her body would never deny him.

  “My Lady,” Dawn said shyly, and Marianne jumped, thinking her maid could read her very intimate thoughts.

  “Yes, Dawn. Is everything alright?” Marianne asked, trying to keep her voice normal.

  “It’s tonight, My Lady.” She blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy pink.

  “What about tonight? Are you afraid to sleep in a room alone?”

  “Oh, no! Nothing like that. It’s just, I am unsure whether you want me to come and help you undress...or if Lord Marsh will help you.” She finished the last part of her sentence in a rush of words.

  Marianne tried to keep her composure, but it was difficult, she was not used to sharing a room with a man, and she had no idea how she was supposed to behave. Once again she was thankful to have a maid like Dawn, who she knew and trusted.

  “I must admit, I am not sure, Dawn. Perhaps we can see how the evening goes. But do not worry.” Marianne touched the young woman's arm. “Thank you for being so helpful. Now why not go and freshen up and we will go down to eat.”

  Dawn smiled, “I will see you shortly. I must say I am half starve
d, even though I have been sat down for most of the day.”

  Dawn left the room, pulling the door to behind her. Marianne took a proper look at the small room for the first time. There wasn’t much in it apart from the bed and a small wardrobe for them to hang their clothes in. At present that remained empty, it had seemed ridiculous to unpack anything that wasn’t necessary for the one night they were staying here.

  She went over to the small table under the window on which sat a pitcher of water, she poured some into the matching bowl and found a cloth from her bag. She then proceeded to wipe her face and neck, trying to get rid of the dirty feeling she had from travelling. The dust from the roads managed to get into the carriage, and she would be glad to get home and have a proper bath.

  Marianne's mind did that thing again where she began to think on the merits of bathing with her husband. A nice warm bath with him, now that would be wonderful, his hands would wash her hair, and then the rest of her body. They would slide inside her, and touch her in a wonderfully sensuous way until she begged him to take her.

  She jumped, half ashamed of her thoughts when the door opened. She spun around wondering who was intruding on her privacy. It was Marcus. She would need to get used to him walking in without knocking.

  “How are you feeling, Marianne?” he asked, seeing the colour in her cheeks.

  She turned back to the bowl of water, placing the cloth in it and then wiping the cool water over her face to try to cool her arousal.

  “Hungry. I hope the inn keeper has enough food for us all. I get the feeling he does not get too many travellers staying for the night.”

  “No. He says most people like to go on to the next town. The inn there apparently offers a lot more in the way of drink and entertainment.”

  Marianne raised her eyebrows. “And would that have suited you better?”

  He came to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against him so that she could feel the bulge of his arousal against her back. She leaned into him further, rubbing herself against him, teasing him.

  “I have all the entertainment I desire right here.” He kissed her neck, his hand sliding up and cupping her breast, squeezing it and running his thumb over her nipple. Even through the thick fabric of her dress he excited her.

  “We have to go down and eat.”

  He groaned and released her. “I know. But later, I shall have my way with you.”

  “Is that so Lord Marsh.”

  He laughed. “I do not think I will ever get used to that.”

  “You will. Now, shall we go down?”

  “Let me wash first,” he said, taking the cloth from her and wiping his face and then swilling his hands in the water.

  Marianne fetched a wrap to put around her, the evening chill beginning to cool the room. She would be glad to have this huge man next to her in bed tonight; she could cuddle up quite close to him in the small double bed.

  “Marianne?” he said, looking at her with a serious expression that both troubled and excited her.

  “Yes,” she answered, and that familiar tremor of desire passed through her.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She paused; this was not what she had expected him to ask. “Yes. Yes I do.”

  “Then tonight,” he said, walking over to her and looking searchingly into her face. “Will you come outside with me?”

  “Come outside?”

  “Yes. One of the reasons I liked this place is that it is quiet, nobody will be around when it is dark.”

  “Why?” she asked, although she had a faint idea. One which made her tremble with anticipation, laced with fear.

  “Do you have to ask?”

  “Marcus. Are you sure?”

  “I have never been more sure. I want you to see me. See me for the creature that I am. You know it is as much a part of me as the man that stands before you now.”

  “I know, but I have never seen a Marked change.”

  “Not even your parents, or brothers and sisters?”

  “No.” She hung her head, feeling ashamed. “They always locked me in my room at night. And during the day they acted as though there was nothing different about them. They were cats. Aloof.”

  He tilted her face up to his. “Then this will be all the more special because it is the first time you will see the change.”

  She felt nervous and afraid, but when he kissed her on the lips, his tongue searching for and entwining with hers, all her fear disappeared. He was doing his best to treat her as though she were his true mate, and she must rise to that challenge and meet him bravely if their relationship was going to gain in strength.

  “Come,” he said, dragging his lips away from hers with a groan of frustration. “We must go down and eat, we are expected. The inn keeper has cooked us a special meal, I do not think he has had so many guests under his roof at one time before.”

  She followed him out, although her appetite had somewhat disappeared. Yet she knew she had to eat to keep her strength up, she wanted nothing to prevent them getting home as soon as possible.

  The three servants were already seated, drinking ale and chatting together. They grew quieter when Marianne and Marcus came over, and Marianne wondered if it would be better if they sat separately.

  However, Marcus sat down with them, and struck up a conversation with Jonathan on the merits of a good horse. Soon they were all relaxed, eating a wonderful meal, which Marianne could not resist once the smell of it reached her nose and made her mouth water.

  Occasionally she caught Marcus looking at her, a look in his eye that made her body tingle. She had never been wanted like this by any man, but to be wanted by a man who was so physically fit and so easy going in any company was something of a miracle to her. Marianne wondered if this was a dream from which she might one day wake up from.

  If the King had ever intended marrying her off to Marcus as a punishment then he had been very wrong. They were suited in all ways apart from the most primal one, and that was something he seemed able to deal with and overcome.

  Tonight he would share with her all that he was, the one thing he only shared with his own kind. She reached up and touched the pedant he had given her on their wedding day, the one intended for his true mate. It was like a talisman, giving her hope for the future, their future, and she vowed to make it a good future for both of them.

  The plates were cleared, Jonathan and James had drunk a little too much ale already, their voices were louder and Marianne knew soon they would break it to their rowdy songs, much to Dawn's delight.

  Marcus had drunk very little and she was sure he was looking for the first opportunity for them to excuse themselves. She was sure the servants would not mind, she was also certain they would never guess why they were leaving. Their thoughts would be more base and earthy, picturing the newly weds in bed.

  Marcus rose and went to speak to the inn keeper; he passed him some coins, which the man took gladly. He then returned to the table and spoke to the servants. “I have left enough money for another tankard or two for each of you. I think then you should get some rest, we intend to be on the road early again tomorrow, whether you have sore heads or not.” His words were not the command of a Lord; they were an order from a soldier to his comrades.

  The words were taken as they were intended and the two men nodded in agreement and raised their cups in salute. “To our Lord and Lady.”

  “Enjoy your evening. Now, Lady Marsh, shall we retire.”

  Marianne blushed at the look the servants gave the pair of them. As she thought, they assumed the couple were going upstairs to make the bed creak with their passion, but they would be wrong, and Marianne felt a tremor of danger thrill her. She rose from the table, accepting Marcus’s hand as he reached out for her, and the first frisson of desire shot between them.

  Leading the way he went out of the bar and upstairs, going to their room where he insisted she found a warm cloak to wear before they went outside.

  “It wil
l be cold later, and I do not want you to catch a chill.”

  She quickly found one; Dawn had placed it out for her to wear the next morning when there would still be a chill in the air. Wrapping it around her shoulders she turned to him, her cheeks feverishly tinged with pink. Yet the fever that was upon her was for him, no other reason, she wanted him, and could hardly wait for him to show her the wolf in him and then make love to her.

  Quietly they made their way down the stairs and took the back entrance so that they were not seen leaving. It would be at least an hour or two before the others went to bed and even then they would not think of disturbing their Lord and Lady unless there was an emergency.

  Once outside they went behind the barn, where Marcus pulled Marianne into his arms and kissed her passionately, his hands stroking her back and drawing her close to him, pressing his stiff length against her. It was only a large amount of self control that made him able to pull away and lead her into the trees.

  Thinly spaced at first, the trees soon grew thicker together until they hid the couple from view. Once hidden Marcus stopped, pushing her back against a large oak tree. He kissed her again, briefly this time before wordlessly moving away from her.

  She stood, her hands pressed against the rough bark of the tree, her whole body shaking in excitement and fear. What if she panicked and ran from him? But Marianne knew she was made from much stronger stuff, she pressed her hands against the tree trunk until it became painful, using the pain to focus on what he was doing.

  Marcus had turned, and now he was carefully removing his clothes, folding them into a neat pile, the soldier in him always present. His shirt first, revealing that toned chest that she wanted to touch, to run her fingertips over his skin and kiss him. Then he slipped his pants off his slim hips and they fell to the floor, his cock standing erect in front of him, a sure sign that he felt the same urges she did.

  Nevertheless, they both stood their ground, neither taking a step forward in case it broke this spell between them. He looked at her, and she saw the faint glow in his eyes she had seen before, he was preparing to change and she found she could hardly breathe.


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