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Page 19

by Caiden Walker

  The girl smiled at him. "I'm Louella Woods." Louella looked down at her little booted feet. "I kind of hacked my way into your game, sir."

  He straightened, an incredulous look on his face. "A hacker? Beating my security measures?" He shook his head. "Sorry, but that simply isn't possible." Then he looked to Nika. "Is it? Did I really leave a gaping hole big enough for a hacker to find?"

  Nika shrugged. "Well, here she is."

  "Indeed." Her father studied the young pixie as he walked a full circle around her. "Excellent work young lady, but I do hope you'll be willing to share with us how you accomplished this. While my daughter doesn't seem at all upset about you being here, I certainly wouldn't want disreputables getting their hands on my game." He paused. "Or in my game for that matter."

  Louella gave him a shy smile. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, sir," she said. "Your security was the most brutal I'd ever faced, and that's really saying something. I'm not sure anyone else would devote the time and effort it took me to get in." She glanced over at Nika. "Even then, I was only able to make it into the character creation portion. Your segmenting worked great."

  Nika grimaced. "A bit too well, perhaps."

  Evan gave the man one last hug and then turned to Louella. "What say we finish the rest of the town exploration and give these two some privacy? I'm sure they have a lot to say to each other."

  The pixie nodded. "Sure thing." She glanced over her shoulder as they were leaving, and Nika could tell that the girl was missing her own parents. It made her even more determined to win this thing and fix that little problem at the very least.

  Once alone, her father went over to the shop and flipped the sign on the door to closed and locked the door. "Not that I really need to do that," he said. "The shop isn't designed for NPC use and as so far you all are the only players, I haven't been exactly busy. But some of the ladies do stop by from time to time."

  Nika took a deep breath. "Dad, we need to talk, but first I have to know more about how you got into the game. This is really hard, but..."

  "I died," he finished. "Like I said, your reaction to seeing me already told me that." He looked around for a minute then took her hand and led her into the back of the store. "We will be more comfortable back here."

  Her father had always had good taste and the living space in the back showed that hadn't changed. There wasn't a lot of room, but it held a soft, cozy sofa and recliner, a tiny kitchenette, and a small alcove bathroom. The walls were painted in a light blue and stenciled with scenes of the forest area. It was quite lovely, but it was missing one key item.

  "Where is your bed?" she asked.

  He smiled and pointed to a small handle on the far wall. "Murphy bed. I pull it down when I need it. Most nights I just sleep on the couch. It's pretty comfy too."

  As if to prove his point, he sat on one of the end cushions and patted the seat beside him. "Come and sit and tell me exactly what's been going on since I apparently left you."

  "After you tell me how you got here and are so very... well, real," she said.

  He sighed. "Ah yes. Well, I wanted to always be there for you, right from the beginning. Leaving you alone was never something I could come to grips with. So I figured out how to copy a player's code from the game and then place it back into the game once they had exited." He was quiet for a minute. "I really had no idea it would work so well."

  His brow furrowed. "And to be truthful, I have no memory of exiting the game. Although, I assume that is natural as technically my character never left."

  Nika swallowed. "Dad, I'm not sure you did." What if? "Do you remember what day it was you went into the game to make your character?"

  A nod. "Certainly. It was a week to the day following your birthday. A kind of belated present I'd planned for you to find later." He was looking at her for an explanation.

  "Dad," she said gently, her tears starting again, but slower this time. "That's the day you... passed. They called me at home just after ten o'clock that night and told me that they'd found you lying on the floor and that your heart had stopped. I rushed over, but by then they'd already taken you to the area hospital, so I met the ambulance there."

  He frowned. "That's not possible," he said slowly. "I didn't enter the game until ten that night. I waited until all the day shifters had gone home. There was a new nurse on staff that I didn't know, but I didn't think it was that important as I was only going for a short run of a few hours. Not a lot for her to do."

  "What did you do when you got here?" Hopefully, his actions would have taken more time than a few minutes. If so, the figure in front of her just might be her real dad and not a game's coded construction. Or rather, it may be both.

  Her father leaned back against the cushions thinking. "Let's see. I had quite a bit to do. I wanted to check out the jeweler's shop for one, and while the game allowed me to enter directly into the Outpost, it put me out right by the save fountain. I had made sure the shop didn't have an NPC to run it as I'd planned to take that spot. I walked over to the shop and came in."

  "Then what?" Nika asked. She really needed to judge what had happened then. If he had been in the game longer than five minutes, then he truly had never left and her dad was sitting beside her. Her heart quickened in her chest as she realized exactly what that meant. But she didn't want to tell him until she was sure.

  He gave her a puzzled look. Of course, he couldn't understand why it would be so important for her to know. He would later.

  "Well, I shuffled around the shop for a bit, looking at things and making notes of what I'd like to change here and there." Frowning, he looked around him. "If I died, I guess that explains why the changes never happened."

  "How long did you do that?" She wasn't surprised to find she was actually holding her breath. It was that important.

  He shrugged. "I'm not sure really, an hour maybe?" He grinned at her and color came into his cheeks. "Then, I have to admit I gave into a bit of curiosity and went to check out the local tavern for a drink and some fun." When the blush deepened, she could fill in the blanks pretty easily.

  Nika bounced over into her father's lap like she had when she'd been a child. Right up to a teenager, actually. It had been years since she'd had that luxury, afraid of hurting him as he got older. With this new, younger self of his, that shouldn't be a danger. Settling in quickly, she threw her arms around her father and nuzzled her cheek into his neck, breathing in his scent.

  Gaia's Rebirth had given them so much more than they had ever expected.

  Her father's hand immediately went to her hair, smoothing it down. Nika had almost forgotten just how good it felt when he did that. "Not that I want to interrupt this reunion," he said. "But when do you plan on telling me why all of that was so very important?"

  She sighed but didn't move her head from its position. It felt far too good. But that didn't stop her from talking. She told her dad everything. Blake, her now sham marriage, VirTech, being trapped in the game and how the game had changed... everything. Once all that was finished, she leaned back so she could see his face. Then she told him about Louella, and just what that meant for him.

  His face changed from a quiet, passive look through a brief period of disbelief, and finally into a knowing expression. "That explains it," he said. "I really didn't think my plan would work quite as well as it seemed to. If I never truly left the game at all that explains how I was able to keep every last bit of my deductive reasoning." He smiled down at her. "I know our AI is strong with the NPCs in this game, but even I didn't think it was this good."

  Then his frown came back. "Did you say my heart gave out?"

  She nodded, wiping away the tears that had once more made it onto her cheeks.

  "I'd just had my annual checkup. The doctor gave my heart a clean bill of health." Then he paused. "You don't suppose that new nurse did something to me once I was in the game, do you? If VirTech has managed to get employees into my company, they probably wanted me out of
the way very badly." His eyes met hers. "Is that new nurse," he paused, thinking. "Cora, I think her name was. Is she still there?"

  Nika's back straightened in a jolt as she stared at her dad. "Cora was your nurse that night?"

  He gave her a sad smile and a small nod.

  She felt her face tighten and her entire body heat up with the flow of her anger.

  When she got out of here, Cora and VirTech would be up on much more serious charges than simple corporate espionage.

  They'd be up for murder.


  "Do you think we should tell the others?" Louella asked. "Or wait and let Nika?"

  She and Evan had just finished their part of the town's exploration and were on their way back to meet the others. Only Louella wasn't quite sure how that meeting should go. She was going to leave that to Evan. After all, he knew Nika better than any of them.

  He was quiet for a minute. Finally he said, "I say we wait and let her tell them. That way she can explain it however she likes. Or even let her father do the explanation for her if she wants."

  "So we don't say anything?" That worried Louella a little. She had more than enough secrets from the group as it was. The thought of adding another one really bothered her.

  Evan grinned over at her. "Oh, I didn't say that," he said. "Let's just tell them that we ran into a surprise in the game, a good one, and that Nika will tell them all about it when she catches up with us."

  Louella took a deep breath. That sounded much better. "That sounds good." She paused. "Just how long do you think it will be before Nika rejoins us, though? I know they have a lot of catching up to do, but I also know we need to get some rest so we can head out for the middle oasis tonight. Nika will need sleep too."

  "I know, but until she gets to that stage, sleep won't be an option for her." He reached over and put his arm around Louella's shoulders, carefully avoiding her shredded wings, and pulled her into his side. "Don't worry too much about it," he said. "I've seen her and Cameron work through consecutive days and nights with very little sleep. She'll be okay." He took a deep breath. "In fact, this just might be exactly what she needed. A little light in the ever-growing doom and darkness."

  "I wouldn't exactly call it a little light," Louella said thoughtfully. "More like a rival to the blazing sun up there." She motioned to the sky with an incline of her head.

  Evan laughed. "That's probably a much more accurate description."

  They rounded the final building and the save point came into view. The others were there and waiting.

  "So, are you telling them or am I?" Evan asked.

  "You," Louella said. "I'm still far too excited to just keep it simple."

  He chuckled but nodded.

  "Hey, guys," Dean said as they walked up. "What took you so long? We've been back for about fifteen minutes already."

  Ash smiled at Louella. "Yeah, and he's super pissed that I wouldn't let him sneak off to the city's tavern while the rest of us waited for you."

  Dean blushed. "Well, I didn't see the sense of all of us waiting. Besides, I'm really thirsty." He pointed up the sun. "And knowing that I'm this close to an ice-cold beer, water just ain't gonna cut it."

  Ash ignored Dean and looked behind them. "Where is Nika?"

  "About that," Evan started. "Why don't we all head over to the tavern and I'll fill you all in."

  "Finally, someone with a bit of sense in the group," Dean said. "Next time we have to meet up, let's just make it at the tavern, okay?"

  "Deal," Evan said.

  Although as far as Louella knew, this might well be the last meet up in a town. When they left the Outpost tonight, there wouldn't be any more towns between them and Gaia. And once they beat Gaia, they should be able to exit the game.

  Which would leave her alone.

  Her thoughts must have shown on her expression because Ash gave her an odd look. "Are you okay, Louella? Did something bad happen?"

  She forced herself to put her depressing thoughts aside. Alone or not, getting through Gaia would mean that her new friends would be safe, and right now that was all that mattered. She would deal with the loneliness when it happened.

  Louella shook her head, but chose her words carefully. She couldn't exactly say nothing bad had happened as Ash hadn't put a time limit on her question. "We ran into a bit of a surprise on our wanderings," she said. "It's all good, I promise."

  The tavern wasn't far and Ash seemed okay with waiting to get the news from Evan. But the girl did come to walk beside her, lending Louella her emotional support. She must not have been too convincing.

  Once they got seated at a table under a brightly colored desert canopy and ordered drinks, Ash turned to Evan. "Spill it," she said.

  Evan paused to take a deep breath, giving Louella a sly wink as he did. "Nothing much to spill, I'm afraid. Not yet, anyway. We met up with someone a bit surprising is all."

  The drinks came, and Evan reached for his with a sigh. Something told Louella that if Evan and Dean had been together on a team, the third member would have been left at the fountain waiting alone. Men.

  "Who?" Ash pressed.

  Evan grinned. He might want to look in a mirror when he did that. With his tiger face and teeth, it wasn't nearly as friendly and comforting as he might think.

  "Well, here's the thing," Evan said slowly. "We think Nika should be the one to tell you all."

  "Why?" Ash asked. The girl had never been one to waste words, but for some reason her one-word questions were beginning to sound funny to Louella. She giggled and pulled her soda to her to take a quick drink, trying to hide her sudden fit.

  The giggle drew Ash's eyes to her. Uh-oh. Suddenly it didn't seem so funny.

  "Look, Ash," Louella said, putting her drink back down. "The person we met is... well, let's just say we think Nika should tell you. We don't want to steal her thunder. After all, this is her game."

  "When will she do that?" Ash looked around. "Where is she?"

  "At the jewelers," Evan said truthfully. "After we have our drinks, we can go around and check on her, okay?" He looked over at Louella. "Think that would have given her enough time?"

  She nodded. "If not, she can always tell us to get lost." But then, at least, the others wouldn't be left wondering what the hell was going on.

  Ash didn't look too happy, but she left it at that. "One drink," she said. "That's all I'm waiting for." She looked over at Dean. "Don't even think about buying another round."

  Dean sighed but agreed.

  Ash downed her beer, but the men took their time, relishing the flavor and coldness. And, of course, milking it for all it was worth, Louella thought. As they were about to leave, Striker came strolling over to their table. The dwarf had left them shortly after entering the Outpost. Obviously to head here for a much-needed drink.

  "Where is my beautiful Goddess?" he asked, his voice slightly slurred. There must have been more than one drink in his very recent past.

  "We're going to meet her now," Evan said. "If you want, you can tag along."

  The dwarf looked up to meet the tiger-man's eyes. "You aren't joshing a wee person now are you? Going to the town's lodging where they won't let a dwarf in? Racist pig." He spat on the floor beside him, which luckily was made of grass.

  "Actually, we are camping here in town," Ash said. "So there isn't any locking you out today. If you want to stay with us, you can."

  The dwarf brightened. "Now why didn't you say so?" he said. Then he stopped for a minute. "If I'd but known that, I might have not imbibed quite so many spirits. Perhaps I can meet you all there after I've had a chance to walk some of the effects off?"

  Evan grinned at him. "Don't want Nika to see you drunk, do you?"

  Striker gave him an uneven smile. "You have the right of it there, friend." And without another word, he walked off.

  As Louella watched, he ordered something from the bar and it came in a mug with steam rising from it. She hoped the cof
fee did the trick.

  As with most game towns, nothing was very far from anything else, so it was a matter of minutes before they were all standing before the door to the jeweler's shop. The closed sign was still firmly in place.

  Ash frowned. "Why would it be closed if Nika is still in there?"

  "They're probably in the back room talking," Evan said. "Let's go around and see if there is a back door."

  There was. After a short round of knocks, Nika opened it. She was positively glowing. Sure, there were still tracks on her face from the tears, but the glow more than made up for them.

  Surprisingly, though, Nika stepped out to greet them and then shut the door behind her. Frowning Louella realized she didn't intend for the team to meet Cameron Logan just yet.

  Once outside, she looked at all of them, still glowing, but with a certain look of uncertainty. "Could I have a minute to talk with Evan and Louella alone, please? I hate to keep you guys in the dark, but I need to talk with them before we do the big reveal."

  Ash looked more than a little hurt, but she nodded as did the others. The three of them walked into the back of the shop. Nika turned to look at them over her shoulder before closing the door. "There is a little backyard through that gate, there." She nodded to it with her head. "Why don't you guys go in and make yourselves comfortable. I promise we won't keep you waiting for long."

  Dean yawned and sighed. "I hope not, my body is ready for that extra-long nap you promised it."

  Nika just smiled and walked in behind Evan and Louella, shutting the door once again behind her.

  The back of the shop was nice and tastefully decorated, but the only real places to sit were the sofa, which Nika and her father shared, and one recliner. Shrugging, she sat down on the floor and settled in. Evan could have the chair.

  "So what's up?" Evan asked.

  "Well, I've been telling Dad what's been going on with the game, and we discovered the most amazing thing," Nika said.

  Cameron reached over and took his daughter's hand in his and then looked over to Louella. "It would appear that we have a similar status within the game, my dear."


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