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Spark of Desire ; All for You

Page 20

by Sheryl Lister

  Cedric pushed to his feet. “I’m going to go.”

  Lorenzo walked him to the door. “I hope you two can work it out.”

  “So do I. See you later.” He sat in his car minutes later, deciding what to do. He really didn’t want to go home. He used to crave the silence of his house, but now he wanted to fill it with Randi’s laughter.

  Cedric started the car. He backed out of his parking spot just as his cell chimed a text. When he saw Randi’s name, his chest tightened. He was almost afraid to read the message. Can you meet me at the park near my house in 30 minutes? He typed back one word: Yes!

  He had to constantly watch his speed as he drove. In his rush to get to the park, he’d found himself going almost fifteen miles over the speed limit twice. To keep from possibly getting a ticket, he set the cruise control.

  Cedric spotted her car as soon as he turned into the lot. She must have seen him because she got out and leaned against her door. He parked next to her and it took all his control not to haul her into his arms and kiss her. “Hey.”


  Not able to resist, he gathered her in his embrace and held her close. She rested her head against his shoulder. Neither of them spoke. Having her in his arms again felt good, and he sensed his world tilting back into position. At length, he released her. “Do you want to go for a walk?”


  He entwined their fingers and they started down the path in companionable silence. Because he was the one to mess things up, he had to be the one to fix them. “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I. I know you’re concerned, and I love you for it. When I decided on this career path, I knew there were risks. I could even die. It’s not something I take lightly, and I try to do everything I can to remain safe.” Randi stopped walking. “I want you to be part of my life, Cedric, and I want my job, too.”

  His hands framed her face. “I know that, and I want you to do your job. I’ll be worried, but to have you, I’ll swallow my fears. I’ll even help you study and work out for your ATF exam, because I think you’ll make a damned good agent. I don’t care what you do as long as at the end of the day, you come home to me.”

  She searched his face. “Are you saying...?”

  “I’m saying I love you and I want all the parts of you.” She still looked skeptical. “I need you in my life, Randi, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you with me. I never imagined I’d find someone like you and I can’t give you up. I won’t give you up, not without a fight.” He heard her cell ring and groaned inwardly. She still hadn’t answered him. Randi stepped back and answered her phone. From the bits and pieces he could gather, he knew this conversation was going to be put on hold.

  Randi finished the call and pocketed the phone. “I have to go. There’s a lead on the arsonist.”

  She studied him, seemingly gauging his reaction. “Go catch this guy and be safe.” They reversed their course and headed back to the parking lot. “Can we have dinner tomorrow?”


  When they reached their cars, he held her door open for her. “Call me when you get home, no matter how late.”

  “I will. And Cedric?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I love you and I need you in my life, too.” She gave him a soft smile.

  Cedric returned her smile and the pressure in his chest eased. He gave her a quick kiss and closed the door behind her. He waited until she’d driven off before getting into his car. Maybe he’d get to use that massage oil after all.

  Chapter 18

  Randi arrived at the same time as Detective Warner and three other unmarked police cars. He’d asked her to park half a block away in a strip mall lot. She got out of her car and met him halfway.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I tracked down the owner of the construction company Mr. Lockett gave us, the one who called him just recently for a reference for Tommy Gaskins. The owner has two building sites, and I’ve had undercovers staking out both. I got a call saying that the same man has passed by this site four times.”

  “Did he have anything with him, like a paint can?”

  Brian shook his head. “No. It looks like he’s just casing the joint. If he comes back, we want to be ready.”

  From where they were parked and with the days being longer, the sun had just begun to set and they had a clear view of the construction site. She trained her eyes on the area and prayed they could end this tonight.

  More than an hour had passed when Brian asked, “I was meaning to ask you, did something happen between you and Mr. Hunter today?”

  She should have known he’d pick up on the vibes. Randi faced him. “Yes. Love happened.”

  His eyes widened. “You and...? When did that happen?”

  Randi chuckled. “I thought you were a detective.”

  “I am, but according to the women in my life, I’m clueless when it comes to matters of the heart,” he said with a laugh.

  She rolled her eyes. “Men.”

  Their laughter was cut short when Brian’s cell buzzed. “Yeah.” He listened and nodded. “We’re on our way.” He pocketed the phone. “Showtime. He’s around the back trying to cut the fence. Stay behind me.”

  Randi got her Ziploc filled with gloves out of her car and stuffed it into her pocket. “Okay.” They crossed the street and after checking their surroundings, Brian unlocked the gate with the key given to him by the owner. Four other officers joined them, and Brian silently gave them orders. They crept around to the opposite side of the building.

  Brian took a quick peek. “Looks like he’s painting something,” he said, his voice barely audible.

  The sign. At least they’d get the paint this time and she could compare it with the other samples.

  Once everyone was in position, Brian gave the go command. The officers converged on the man and Brian, with his gun drawn, said, “Drop it! Stand up slowly and keep your hands where I can see them.”

  Randi observed the action from her spot around the corner. The man didn’t look like he wanted to comply with the order, and Brian repeated his command. After a few tense moments, the man slowly got to his feet. Before any of the officers could move, the man tried to make a run for it. One of the officers tackled him less than ten steps in. Randi shook her head. Once the man had been handcuffed and led away, she approached and squatted next to Brian.

  “This looks like all the same gear he used at the previous fires.” The paint, gasoline, lighter and the wood painted with the complete message: You’ll pay Arnold. It was finally over.

  “I’m going to go talk to him,” Brian said.

  He left Randi to collect the evidence. She donned her gloves, took several photos, then drove her car carrying her equipment over and carefully packaged and labeled everything. When she finished, she checked in with Brian and left to drop the samples off at the office.

  Randi made it home just before eleven. She was anxious to talk to Cedric but decided to shower first. Once she’d settled on her bed, she called him.

  “Hey.” Cedric had picked up on the first ring. “How did it go?”

  “We caught him.”

  “Thank goodness. Do you know why he was doing it?”

  She didn’t see any harm in telling him. It would most likely make the news. “From what we can gather, he was doing it for revenge. He’d been let go from a construction crew just before Christmas. That’s when he set that first site on fire. Then he went after every one of you who turned him down for employment.”

  He muttered a curse. “So now I need to start checking for crazy in a person’s background when I’m hiring? I’ll keep these details to myself until you say it’s okay to share.”

  “Thank you.” It had never crossed her mind that he wouldn’t keep her confidence.

  “How are you doing?”

ter now that things are getting straightened out between us. I was miserable,” she confessed.

  “That makes two of us.”

  Though they were on the right track, she still needed to be sure he understood everything he was signing up for. “We need to talk about what’s going to happen if I’m able to get on with the ATF.”

  “There’s no if about it. You will get on with them. And you’re right. I did some research and I know you’ll have to go through extensive training.”

  “You did?”

  “Of course. This is your dream, sweetheart, and I’m going to do everything I can to help you make it come true.”

  Randi had thought she couldn’t love him any more than she already did, but his words filled her heart until it nearly burst out of her chest. “I appreciate that, Cedric. You realize the training is in Georgia, and it’ll be about six months for both parts.”

  “I saw that. It means I’m going to rack up a lot of frequent-flier miles.”

  She laughed. “I don’t know how I’m going to last that long without seeing you whenever I want. This week seriously tested me.”

  “You and me, both. Things weren’t right between us this week, but when you leave for Georgia, that won’t be the case. You’ll be taking my love with you and that’ll get us through. That and technology,” Cedric added with a little chuckle.

  “Yes, for real!” Thank goodness for texting, email and especially videoconferencing. Hearing his voice was good, but she needed to see him, too. “So, we’re going to do this?”

  “If you mean us staying together, then yes. I’m in this for the long haul. I told you earlier I need you in my life, but I also want you there. Are you with me?”

  “All the way.” Randi scooted down in the bed and smiled.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that. I know this is jumping the gun a bit, but since we’re talking about the future, do you think you’ll want to have children? Will you be able to, as an agent?”

  Children means he’s really thinking long-term. “I do want them and, yes, I can do both. What about you?”

  “I’d never thought about it, honestly, because I always envisioned myself staying single. I’d planned to be the cool uncle to all my nieces and nephews. But I can see myself being a dad.”

  She giggled. “Well, you’d better get on it. You are pushing forty, you know.”

  “I see you’re back to skating on thin ice again. You know what happens?”

  Yes, she did, and she’d love every second of the consequences. They talked well into the wee hours of the morning and when she hung up, Randi knew she’d finally found the man she would love for the rest of her life. And she hadn’t had to settle for anything less.

  * * *

  “I need to blindfold you,” Cedric said as he and Randi stood in his driveway.

  Randi cut him a look. “Um, we’ve never done blindfolds before.”

  He sighed with exasperation. “Can you behave for five minutes? That’s not what I’m talking about.” At least not at this moment. “This is for the surprise, so humor me.”

  “Oh, alright.”

  He tied the scarf around her head. “Is it too tight?”


  He waved his hand in front of her face and held up three fingers. “How many fingers?”

  “What? I can’t see your fingers.”

  “Good.” Cedric took her hand and led her inside the house.

  “This is so unnerving,” Randi said with a laugh.

  “We’re almost there.” They had gotten off the phone at five and he’d been so excited about his plans that he was up and out the door after less than four hours of sleep. He’d rest tonight. They both would. He guided her through the kitchen and through the sunroom to his backyard. “Ready?”

  “Come on, Cedric. The suspense is killing me.”

  He released the blindfold.

  She gasped. “Oh. My. Goodness!” Her hands came up to her mouth and she slowly walked over to the blanket he had placed on the grass.

  He had covered the blanket with pillows, a low table with a setting for two and a vase full of red roses—the darkest and biggest ones he could find—with scattered rose petals around the outside. “Do you like it?”

  “Like it. I love it.” She threw her arms around him. “I love you, I love you.”

  “I love you, too. We’ll have dinner in a little while, but first I have something for you. Actually, I have three gifts for you.”

  “Does one of them include us going back to the glass studio?” Randi asked with a wide grin.

  Cedric chuckled. “Not this time, but I hope you’ll like them as much. Have a seat.” He waited until she was comfortable, then lined the boxes up in front of her. He’d used the same-size box for each gift. He pointed. “This one first.”

  She carefully removed the ribbon and paper and lifted off the lid. Inside, he’d placed a jewelry box. He noticed her hands shaking as she opened it. “Oh, Cedric. It’s beautiful. So do you have the one with the key?”

  He’d purchased a pendant with a small lock on it. He took it out of the box and draped it around her neck. “No. We don’t need a key. This symbolizes our unbreakable love and my forever devotion.”

  Randi kissed him. “You’re seriously ruining my reputation.” She swiped at the tears falling from her eyes. “I don’t ever cry.”

  “As long as they’re tears of joy, I don’t mind.” He wiped away the lingering wetness from her cheek. He vowed to never make her cry tears of sadness again. “Okay, this one next.” In his mind, she was taking too long to open the box. He wanted her to hurry up and rip the paper off. Her hands flew to her mouth when she finally opened it. Cedric eased the box from her hand and opened it. “From the moment I looked into your beautiful eyes, I knew you’d change my life. At the time, I just didn’t know how much. I want to help you reach all your dreams and be your safe haven, to speak when words are needed or share the silence when they aren’t.” He brushed his thumb across the lock pendant. “I want to live inside the warmth of your heart forever. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she choked out.

  He slid the ring onto her finger. “I wanted to have something created special for you.” He’d chosen a flawless diamond solitaire surrounded by red diamonds. “Something that matches your unique fire and spirit.”

  “This is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.” She held her hand up. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you more. But you have one more gift to open.”

  “I can’t imagine what would top this. You’re spoiling me.”

  “I plan to spoil you for the rest of our lives.” He wanted to always be the one to put a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes.

  “Massage oil?”

  “Yep. You said you like chocolate and so do I, so...” Desiree had given him chocolate-and strawberry-flavored oils and he’d been anxious to see if they did what she said. He put a little of the chocolate-flavored oil on his fingertip and rubbed it across her lips.

  “I thought this was a massage oil.”

  Cedric wiggled his eyebrows. “It is. And it’s edible.” He blew softly and alternately licked and sucked it off. She moaned and locked her mouth on his. He kissed her down onto the blanket.

  “I hope it’ll be like this with us forever.”

  “It will be, baby. Forever.”


  One year later

  “What are you doing?” Randi asked, laughing.

  “I’m carrying you over the threshold, what does it look like?” Cedric kicked the door to his cabin closed behind him and went straight to the bedroom. He had never been so glad to leave a party in his life. When she came down the aisle toward him wearing the sexy strapless white gown, it was all he could do to stand still. He’d been mesmerized by every sway of
her hips. As soon as it was appropriate, he’d hustled them to his car and driven straight to Tahoe. They would spend one week here, then the second one in the Bahamas. His baby loved the beach and he’d take her to every one of them if he could. He placed her on her feet and just stared at her. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  “I hope it’s as much as I love you.” She brushed her lips across his. “The first day we met I would’ve never imagined us being here like this.”

  He recalled how he had behaved. “Yeah, I acted pretty rude.”

  “You did, but you’ve more than made up for it.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Randi walked out to the balcony and stood at the rail. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “And so are you,” he said, coming to stand behind her. “Are you disappointed about the job?” The ATF position she had been eying hadn’t come through because the person who had planned to retire decided to stay on another year. Cedric had mixed feelings. Her not leaving gave them extra time together.

  “A little, but I’m not worried. Jason said he’s still going to put in a good word for me whenever it becomes available. He said he was impressed with my work on the arson case. I didn’t realize he’d paid that much attention, with it being local.”

  “Of course, he paid attention. You were great. I guess it’s true that it’s all about who you know.”

  Randi glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. “I guess so.”

  “Speaking of who you know, Desiree sent us a little present.”

  She laughed. “Desiree’s presents are trouble. And the other reason I’m glad we have more time.”

  Cedric went still. “What are you talking about?”

  She turned in his arms. “Let’s just say the result of all her presents will make his or her debut in about seven months.”

  He felt as though his heart stopped and started up again. “Wait, are you saying...are we having...?”

  “We are. You’re getting kind of old and I don’t want you leaning on a cane while you’re trying to play catch with our child.”


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