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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 114

by Melisse Aires

  “Nessa….I…” she trailed off, further inspecting the area. “..felt it…. A blade …from behind. I saw it. It was… cold.” Her eyes slowly filled with tears, her hands traced the place it should have been. “The tip pierced me. It …was… real.”

  Henessa reached up, and pushed fallen strands of hair from the side of her face. “That sounds like something the Ven would do. If we were on a regular floor and section, I’d be worried the one in holding was playing with your mind, but we’re not. Even with their best technology, they can’t get through Blackout Corners and the field over a holding cell.” She tilted her head slightly to see the green in her friend’s eyes, “Kala, I’m sorry about the dream.”

  Kala’s sad eyes met Henessa’s as she spoke. She moved her hands to her lap, clutching the listening stone tightly in her fist. She looked down, and studied the clarity. Allowing her mind to dwell on the beauty of the stone, she started to calm. “It’s not long before lights up. We both have new tasks and training today. I should shower.”

  Concern was still evident on Henessa’s face, “It may even be helpful. I’ve a few reports I can get a jump on too.”

  It would have made no sense to go back to bed at this point. Her friend was still clearly distressed, and she was far too wide awake to consider sleep. When Henessa looked at Kala she often thought of her friend as younger than her years, with so much more to learn. The private tutoring Kala had been getting with her abilities had brought her far from where she was when she arrived on the ship. Kala still had much to see. It wouldn’t be long before she did, since they were only days away from the training ship meeting with the fleet. Henessa hoped that wasn’t what triggered Kala’s nightmare. She knew, if that thought triggered it, Kala was in for more than she could handle. The reality of war was worse than her simple nightmare.

  Kala hung her clean uniform on the inside of the shared bathroom door, and closed it behind her. She then slipped off her night garments, and stepped into the shower. The cold grey floor sent a chill up her body, but she closed her eyes, and focused beyond the physical. Once she was no longer affected by the cold, she started the shower.

  As the water began to run over her, she heard the timer notify her it had begun to tick down. It would only be minutes before the water would shut off automatically. She began to wash and rinsed. With time left, she just stood there, letting the water envelop her and relax her. Her mind focused on the cascading water and her muscles began to calm from the horrible dream.

  She ran her hand through her hair, and closed her eyes again as the water rushed down her face. She heard the two minute notice from the timer. She stepped from the shower, quickly dressed in her uniform, and then she left the bathroom. She found Henessa working at her desk. She lingered a moment as if she wanted to say something, but soon thought better of it, and put away her toiletries instead.

  “Hey, breakfast is already waiting on us, if you’re up for it.” Henessa looked up as Kala started to towel off her long hair. Her gaze met Kala’s, and she briefly wondered what was going on behind those green eyes. “Merx and Phil were up early, so they made some kind of significant breakfast. Evidently, there was even discussion of a delivery service.” Henessa chuckled at that idea.

  Kala raised her eyebrows and smiled, “Delivery service? For five? Well, three, since the two of them would be cooking and delivering.”

  This thoroughly amused Kala. Quickly she wove a braid tight to her head, and tucked it under. After a quick glance in the mirror, Kala was confident her hair was well above the collar of her uniform. She waited patiently for Henessa to throw a robe on and join her. The two walked into the common area where Merx and Phil had set the table up for a small feast.

  “This … is beautiful.” Kala smiled at her friends and took the seat Phil pulled out for her.

  The feast included several different dishes spread across the counters, accented by fresh fruit, and three types of juice. The aroma was enough to make even the least hungry among them, hear their stomach growl.

  The table had unexpected flowers at Kala and Henessa’s seats, and large glass goblets near each place. The mood was festive, and relaxed. Phil was kind enough to help Kala into a chair, like Merx did Henessa. Merx left a note for Henessa at one of the seats. As Kala watched Henessa sit down at her place to read it, she smiled. Henessa’s face turn a lovely shade of crimson. Kala busied herself with making a plate of food and trying not to watch the two dote on each other.

  The conversation she had with Henessa the night before about Merx left her thinking about her own lack of emotional connection of that nature. She wished, for her friend’s sake, things were different. On the training ship, this kind of behavior was not only frowned upon but punished. Thus far, it was only the telepathic cadets who knew about the nature of the relationship between the two.

  Outside of Blackout Corners, they needed to be secretive. Once they were on a duty assignment, if they were given the same ship, they would be able to engage in slightly more open activities, off duty. All of this bothered Kala on various levels. In her mind, when hearts came together, no one and nothing should stand in the way.

  Everyone finished their breakfast in enjoyable conversation about the day to come. It was the first day in their duty assignment training. This left all of them something to talk about. As breakfast was complete, and cleaned up, most of the cadets returned to their quarters to prepare for their day. Kala, already in uniform, couldn’t see reason to return so she made her way to the holding cells on the levels below. She focused her mind, seeking an inner calm and personal peace, but she found it a struggle to achieve.

  Now that she was alone on the lift, the images from her nightmare continued to surface. She repeatedly shook her head to dismiss them, until something hit her. She saw the slightest hint of a man’s features in the reflection of the dagger and she realized she dreampt about someone else. Her hearts sank as she tried to recall the image again, hoping to determine who it was she had seen. Then, as if he were telling her himself, she heard his voice in her head, bidding her a restful night. There was no link now but she realized she had been connected to Yatrell, at some point throughout the course of the night.

  The lift stopped and she stepped just outside of the door. It closed and she took a deep, cleansing breath. She had to force the images and the concern she felt for him out of her mind and hearts. She had to find her calm before she faced the Ven woman again. She wouldn’t let a bad dream influence how she addressed the prisoner.

  Kala took on the most professional appearance she could, and stepped toward the guard’s desk inside of the holding area. She focused, and sensed the security still heavily assigned to the prisoner. This empathic read helped her began to set her mind on the task at hand.

  She took a deep breath, and said, “I’m here to see the prisoner.” She heard her own voice crack as she spoke.

  The tall, intimidating guard chuckled, “You’re one of Palrion’s cadets right?” He grinned down at her petite form. “Eh, you’re almost the same size as the prisoner… that is saying something.” He sniggered again.

  Kala shook the nervousness aside, and spoke firmly, “Yes, I am. I’m actually his most promising student. Now, I’m here to see the Ven.” She hoped her tone was forceful, yet respectful, and she really hoped she didn’t over step her bounds.

  Surprised, he nodded. “Your teacher is already here. He came down to stare at the Ven woman about thirty or so ago.”

  He gestured toward the check in process and once Kala had scanned her thumb, he walked her back to the interrogation room. As she stepped into the room, she saw the Lieutenant sitting across the table from Greshna. The Ven woman was eating casually, and Palrion was simply watching in silence.

  ~Lieutenant. Is everything well?~ she gently projected to Palrion.

  Pulled from his thoughts, he focused his eyes on Kala, “Hu, yea… I’m fine.” He dismissed the guard, and gestured Kala should join them. Once she found a chair, and wa
s seated at the table with them, he said, “Our … friend… was telling me about her trip here. Actually, she was speaking specifically about the food she enjoyed en-route to the ship.”

  Kala observed Greshna with curiosity, as she finished her meal. “Are you well rested?” Kala’s voice was calm and controlled, but her concern for her teacher was evident.

  Greshna looked up at the cadet and smiled sweetly, then projected, ~Yes, dear. I’m well~ and she spoke to the Lieutenant, “How do you eat this slop? Your people have no understanding of the finer things.”

  Confused by this choice, she turned to her teacher, and gently projected, ~May I make a request of my superior officer?~ Palrion barely looked at her and nodded. She projected into his mind again, ~Would you please retrieve a drink of water for each of us?~

  Lost in his own thoughts, or perhaps the thoughts being given to him by the Ven, Kala repeated her request. He finally acknowledged her. As if without his own drive, he stood, and walked from the room to get the water for them.

  Once alone with Greshna, she found herself fighting the anger broiling within her. Thoughts raced through her, and the events caused several questions to surface. Kala coolly locked eyes with the Ven and said, “I’m glad you are well rested. It appears as if my teacher requires more of it himself.”

  Greshna smiled, “Naturally. Many people do after extending their telepathic abilities.” The prisoner paused. “You haven’t over extended yours in quite a time, even with links built across light years. You break all conventional thoughts about people like us. None reach past a dampening field without technology and even with the right technology they are often injured doing so, but not you. You do this with ease.”

  Kala felt her face warm slightly. “We are here to speak about you. What brought you to Xenonian space?”

  Greshna nodded, “I’m a scout. One of many trained by the Ven, from near birth.”

  Kala’s mind raced, trying to figure out what the implications of that statement were. She felt the Ven enter her mind, and stir the nightmare to the surface again. She pushed at the woman, telepathically, trying to remove her from her mind. As she did so, she saw the images surrounding Yatrell clearly. She saw the crumbling buildings, the walk he took. She smiled inwardly when she realized he reached out to her.

  She bristled with anger as she realized the other woman’s presence was still in her mind. ~Get out of my head.~

  ~You shouldn’t leave your barriers down. You’re still very young at this and that was a horrible thing to be connected to.~ Greshna’s voice was soft, concern and deceptively sweet. ~Who is he that you are so worried after him?~

  ~He’s a dear friend, a mentor.~

  ~A would be lover?~ Greshna whispered into Kala’s mind.

  Kala winced at the thought. ~No. No such thing. I am worried he was hurt, as I would any of my friends. ~ The images continued to surface in her mind and both women watched as the events replayed again and again.

  ~Yet, he is your enemy. He is Dentonian?~ Greshna’s tone remained sweet, and her voice concerning.

  The images of the Ven who’d attacked Yatrell surfaced clearly, and Greshna paused. There was great pain in the Ven male’s face. His eyes were distant, and his features contorted. When it appeared as if the man began to convulse, Greshna seemed to turn from the images.

  Kala could feel the shift from the woman’s demeanor, and took the moment to finally push her back to her own mind. ~Yes, he is. That doesn’t change that he’s taught me much about my ability.~

  Greshna looked at the young woman, her tone less deceptive, “Yes, yes, well that’s how things are when you’re unique.”

  Hearing her speak out loud instead of telepathically gave Kala a reason to pause. Carefully she erected telepathic blocks around herself, and studied the woman for several long moments. Sensing Greshna’s emotions, and trying to sort out which was which, Kala spoke up in a controlled tone, “You know the Ven male who cowardly attacked my friend, don’t you?”

  Greshna leapt onto the table, and lunged for Kala’s throat. When physical contact was made, Kala felt a new sensation wash over her. Both women were knocked to the ground by the sheer force of the action. Kala’s head hit the deck hard. Greshna was on top of her instantly, intent on strangling the red headed Tellurian.

  Kala struggled against her attacker. Desperately finding it harder to breathe, she attempted to pry the Ven’s fingers from her neck. In response, Greshna only dug harder, and began to tear at her flesh. She tried to get her legs up around the Ven woman, but was met with a hard knee to the stomach. She gasped from the impact. As the two struggled, a well placed energy beam focused on the Ven knocked her unconscious. Surprised, Kala removed the fingers and felt trickles of blood slowly warm the sides of her neck. With effort, Kala slid out from under the woman’s body, and looked up at her teacher.

  He stood over her, weapon drawn, and still trained on the Ven. Lieutenant Palrion’s eyes met Kala’s. “This is why I didn’t want you left alone with her.”

  Before Kala could respond, she felt consciousness drain from her completely.

  Chapter 5

  Days passed before Kala opened her eyes to a small crowd of people surrounding her full of concern. She sensed their excitement as her eyes fluttered, and the anticipation when she opened them, squinting as she allowed them to adjust to the bright room. A sense of worry engulfed her as she attempted to sit up.

  She stopped herself from doing so, and projected to everyone that could hear, ~Where…? I mean, why am I here? What happened?~

  Her eyes wandered from Lieutenant Dak Palrion to Cadet Henessa Sar and to another cadet she hadn’t met, then to the nurses who were recording everything in detail. One of the nurses picked up a small wiry device. It curved into a circle that was held on two strong poles, roughly two hand widths long. She secured the item just above the head of the bed. When the nurse turned on the device, a blue light zipped up on one side, around the circle and down the other side. It was only then, that Kala realized it was a directed psionic barrier. With the room silent to her, she became uncomfortable in her own skin, as she often did with barriers of this nature. Having a part of who she was cut off, even temporarily, left her ill at ease with everything around her.

  Lieutenant Palrion placed a hand on her shoulder, and guided her onto her back before he said, “You’re here because you fell unconscious after the attack by the Ven female. The doctors have indicated your injuries were minor, compared to where it would have gone, had I not walked back in when I did.”

  He addressed the nurse hovering closely over Kala, and requested that she and the other nurses leave the area, and seal it for privacy. The nurse attempted to protest, but finally agreed to do so for a limited amount of time. Once she and the other nurses left Kala’s bedside, a force field engaged around her bed, and the people near it.

  “Kala,” Lieutenant Palrion continued, “the injuries were not the reason you fell unconscious. Something else happened during that fight. Do you recall me telling you that you have more potential than any psionic I’ve encountered before you?”

  Kala squeaked out, “Y...yes.”

  Her throat was dry and hoarse. Before she could ask for anything, Henessa appeared with some water for her to drink. She helped prop Kala up enough to take a sip, and then helped her lay back down again. Kala’s mind began to clear from the initial fog of waking up. Her mind felt sore.

  “You continue to prove me correct on that reading, Kala. At some point during the fight, you initiated something touch telepaths are able to do. You opened a direct telepathic connection to her mind.” Dak spoke gently to his pupil. He glanced up at her friend and the other man as he spoke. “If you learn how to use that, all you would need to do is to touch the person you’re interrogating, and you’d be able to find the answers you seek.”

  Kala rubbed her head while she considered what her teacher was saying. As Palrion spoke to her, images, thoughts, and emotions began to surface. Most were not her
own. Many of the faces she saw with her mind’s eye were distinctly Ven. The images and thoughts moved so quickly she couldn’t make sense of them.

  “I should try to learn how to do that.”

  Dak and Henessa smiled down upon her.

  Lieutenant Palrion explained, “I want to introduce you to someone who is going to be assigned to teach you how to master this new skill. This is, shortly, Private First Class Rouen Maddux. He is a touch telepath, and as such, more trusted than most telepathic psionics. He will teach you what you need to know.”

  Kala nodded, and then realized that Maddux wasn’t on the training ship with her. “Wait, he… was … what ship was he on?”

  Cadet Sar placed her hand on Kala’s arm, “He was on the other training vessel. He didn’t require Blackout Corners to …restrain… his abilities, so he trained with …normal… cadets. He’s been assigned to the same ship we have.”

  Kala’s face scrunched up, “Same ship we’ve been assigned to?” She searched the faces of the people above her. “We’re on our assigned vessel?”

  Lieutenant Palrion nodded, “Yes. You’re at your duty assignment.”

  Henessa smirked slightly, “And reporting for duty damaged isn’t going to make a good first impression with a new Captain. Although, she does seem like a reasonable captain. Our duty assignment, and on the job training positions will be handed to us in ceremony in the next few days. For you, it will come when you’re able to stand and move again.”

  She looked up at those crowded around her bed with bewilderment. “How long have I been unconscious?”

  “A few days.” The new voice replied.

  It came from the man who stood just a bit smaller than Henessa. His broad shoulders and stout frame made him look rather intimidating. His voice was deep and carried solid tone of confidence, even just in those three words.

  Kala was taken aback by this information. Her thoughts mingled with someone else’s. Her mind raced, even with the psionic blocking field around her head.


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