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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 117

by Melisse Aires

  “Now, do the same thing I did to him, with that one. We must secure our escape.”

  Kala nodded, turned to the security woman and invaded her mind. She relentlessly attacked the older woman, telepathically. The security woman stumbled, tears streaming down her face. Eventually, she passed out from the pain inflicted. Kala turned calmly to Greshna, and awaited orders.

  “Let’s move to the shuttles.” Greshna led the way and Kala followed closely. The door slid open and the floor was moving toward them, away from the lift. The lights on the laser emitters were blinking, as they were in standby, waiting for movement. Evaluating the situation, the Ven turned back to the people on the floor. She pointed to Palrion.

  “Find his security code and use it to disable the emitters.”

  Kala nodded, and entered his mind. She ravaged it until she found what she needed. She then walked to the panel, and input the code and instructions to shut down the system. The initial alarms went quiet. From there, Greshna ordered her to keep up, and the two moved to the lift.

  Once the lift moved away from security, the alarms rang out ship wide, and the shuttle bay was shut down. The lift was forcefully stopped. Outside the shaft, both could hear the security detail moving into place. Unfazed by the situation, Greshna simply looked for an escape hatch. She found a way to climb the walls to the hatch, located toward the back of the lift, just above door height. When she was safely outside, she turned, and leaned back reaching for Kala.

  “Now, child, try to climb up here.”

  Kala made several concerted efforts to jump, and then to mimic Greshna’s climbing pattern, but she simply wasn’t able. She looked up at her caretaker, unable to find a way out of the lift on her own. Kala remained silent. and clearly bewildered, as they heard the sound of the security teams become louder. Greshna became impatient.

  Kala spoke in the same unemotional tone, “Caretaker, Master, I cannot climb like you. How will I be safe?”

  “Do you trust me, child?” Greshna’s deceptively sweet tone fell upon the ears of her prize.

  “You are my caretaker. You tend to my needs. I cannot do for myself.” Kala’s response was almost automated. “I must trust you.”

  “Good. I know they will not harm you because they need you, Green Eyes. I will release you from this hold, and you will return to them until I can retrieve you. I have one last requirement. Distract them until my departure is complete.”

  “Yes, Caretaker. As you command I will do.”

  Kala turned herself toward the doorway that was now vibrating as the security teams moved to open it. Greshna nodded and left the lift. She climbed the ladders against the walls for two more levels before getting out on the shuttle deck. She made a dash for the shuttles. Telepathically, she heard the noise of the security as they poured into the lift, only to find Kala standing there.

  With her ears, she heard the cries of the security team as Kala subdued them all both telepathically and painfully. This further confirmed what she already knew about the Xenonian girl with green eyes. Gresha made it to a shuttle, and quickly decoded their security encryption. When the shuttle door opened to allow her entrance, she projected to Kala, ~Rel’Toul.~ She moved to the pilot’s chair, and began to enter navigation commands.

  The captain’s voice was heard over the shuttle’s communication’s channel, “Get off my shuttle or we will be forced to shut it down remotely.”

  “Captain, I’ve already overridden the lockout code, the shut down system and the self destruct. Your only other option is to destroy me, after I leave this shuttle bay. And, yes, Captain, I do know enough about Xenonian shuttle systems to work that quickly.” The smaller ship lifted off of the deck and maneuvered for a shielded exit. “You might want to drop that.”

  Several security teams entered the shuttle bay as she spoke. Some entered on a higher level, and began to open fire. Others came in the same door Greshna entered through moments prior.

  “Actually, if you can still hear me Captain, this way will be more fun. How many are on a security team? How many teams are now in this shuttle bay? How many will die if I do this my way? Believe me Captain, this will be pleasurable.”

  She raised the shuttle’s shields. Not a moment later, Greshna heard the Captain’s voice calling for her security teams to pull out of the shuttle bay. Without hesitation, security moved from the room, fast. Greshna set the navigation to target the side of the ship holding a shield emitter in place. She moved, with full available speed, toward the wall. She felt the impact when the shuttle crashed through the wall and shield, and was thrown forward. Emerging into open space, she was surrounded by the Xenonian fleet. Without concern for location or proximity to other vessels, she set course for the Ven Empire, and jumped into the fastest light jump the shuttle could handle.

  Chapter 6

  Kala opened her eyes. The light above her forced her to squint. Panic struck her as she realized her empathy was gone. All of her psionic ability seemed to be gone. Her mind tried to account for what was happening. She was on a hard bed, alone in the room. A band around her neck held her head to the bed. Another band held her secured at the waist. Her hands were restrained to the bed at her sides and her feet secured together, and also attached to the bed. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t sense anything, and her hearts’ beats were fast and hard against her insides. Tears streamed down her face as confusion and fear set in.

  She couldn’t remember…. anything. She struggled against the restraints only to find them secure enough to injure her. She slowed her struggle, but didn’t relent as her hearts sank further into despair. She considered injuring one of her joints to free herself, but the realization of how pointless that would be lingered. Her mind couldn’t find quiet. Even as she ignored the pain in her side, she still sought answers that didn’t come. Each unanswered question led to another. Each one that surfaced, led her into fear, discomfort, and an emotional emptiness like none she’d ever felt.

  What felt like the most frightening and confusing period she had ever endured ticked by at a crawl. Hours passed. The constant resurfacing fear that she was part of another Ven experiment hung over her every agonizing moment. Finally, her fears and thoughts were interrupted when the Captain, Lieutenant Commander Palrion and Private First Class Maddux entered the cell she was restrained in.

  Captain Tangl spoke first, grumbling, “She’s awake. It’s about time.”

  Lieutenant Commander Palrion stood next to her, and gently rested a hand on her arm. “We need to talk to you, Kala. We need to know what happened to and with Greshna.”

  Kala’s eyes widened, and color faded from her face. She searched her mind, but couldn’t recall anything after she started to interview the Ven woman. She tried desperately to remember what they were here to learn, but tears fell again and her body shook from the effort.

  “We need to know why you let her get away, Private…” The captain was clearly angered.

  “I... didn’t…” Her eyes searched each face as she spoke with uncertainty dripping from each syllable. Afraid, she inquired very softly, “Did I?”

  Maddux looked down at Kala as she lay strapped to the table. He felt upset by the treatment, but understood why it was done. Knowing he was unable to do much to assist her, he watched everything and everyone carefully, taking comfort in her lack of memory.

  “Yes, Kala, you did. You hurt many of our security team in the process. Some are still in triage.”

  Palrion’s voice was calm, but his expression was sad. He believed Kala didn’t recall what happened. What he knew of her, and what he’d seen that day, he had no doubts her actions were not her own.

  Afraid, she looked at everyone in the room, “But I… didn’t… I wouldn’t…couldn’t …have.” She began to cry again.

  Anger oozed from the Captain as she leaned over Kala, forcing Kala to look at her, “Stop the waterworks! I expect answers. What did you do to my men? Why did you let the other vile creature escape?” The pierce of her glare bore
into the helpless woman strapped to the bed. “You are now reason number one, why I don’t like the psionic program.”

  Kala tried, intently, to control her own emotions, and her racing mind. Fear had a firm grip of her. She searched her own memory with everything she had, but could recall nothing that would explain what happened.

  Kala’s voice squeaked, “I’m sorry.”

  “Captain, we asked Maddux to accompany us so that he could verify any story she told. This should still the case. Her lack of memory shouldn’t deter us from a reasonable course of action.” Lieutenant Commander Palrion was firm, yet clearly concerned. One of the loudest concerns in his mind was the possibility of retribution.

  “Fine. Let him touch her.” Captain Tangl seethed. She glared at Maddux, “PFC, if you do anything besides get me answers, I will personally throw you from a malfunctioning air lock.” She turned her glare back to Kala. “So help me if he reports one thing different than what you are telling me now, I will personally enjoy your execution by my own hands.”

  “Aye, sir.” Maddux moved toward Kala’s head, and leaned over, carefully whispering in her ear, “Kala, I’m going to search your mind now. This will not be a deep penetrating scan because the memories should be near the surface, if they are there. Please try to relax and allow me to do what needs done.”

  Kala’s fear subsided some, knowing her friend was the person searching for the answers. She relaxed as well as she could. Once Maddux knew she did what she was able to, he placed a hand on either side of her face, and reached into her mind. He searched for any information on the Ven woman, but couldn’t find more than they already knew. He started to push deeper, but he could feel her fear rise again and when she started to panic he withdrew. Standing at near attention, he turned to the captain, “The Ven erased her memory.”

  Captain Tangl shifted, clearly annoyed, and looked down upon Kala. “Are you certain of this?” Although she trusted Maddux, as he couldn’t randomly invade her mind, she had no reason, any longer, to trust the girl.

  “Aye. She’s been compromised, telepathically. Common behaviors for a Ven.”

  “So it is.” She grumbled as she started to leave the cell.

  “Captain?” Lieutenant Commander Palrion called after her. When the Captain paused, and looked over her shoulder at him, he asked, “May I have her released?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. Let her stew a bit longer. Maybe it will jog her memory.” She left, and walked from security to the triage center to check on her mate.

  Frustrated, Palrion turned back to Kala and Maddux. “That woman is insufferable. I don’t know how anyone puts up with her.” He allowed his gaze see the fear in his student’s eyes. “We’ll get answers, Kala. I promise.”

  “What did I do?”

  Maddux frowned. “Basically, you substantiated all of the fears people have about telepathic psionics.”

  “You injured two security teams. In the process, some may not survive. The crewman in security was near death when she was located. You did all of this, telepathically and, I suspect, on programmed orders of some kind,” Palrion explained.

  Kala’s gaze turned distant, and she tried again to remember what happened to her, unfortunately, something continued to prevent her from doing so. “I wish I knew why or how.” She wiggled against one of the hand restraints. “This hurts.”

  Palrion adjusted the locks so they stopped digging into Kala’s wrists. “Better?”

  She attempted to nod against the restraint, and winced before she responded, “Yes. Thank you.”

  Maddux pulled her hair back from her face. “You’ve been here two days. They have fed you through a supplement transfer, and will likely allow you just enough time to sponge off and change into something clean. I’ll make sure you have a little piece of comfort in the next uniform.”


  She let her mind and hearts dwell on the moments before she entered Greshna’s cell, hoping to find or learn something new about what happened. After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, both the men departed.

  The hours moved slower the second time. Her mind reached again and again for the lost time, as she sat in the loneliness of silence. She desperately tried to understand how she could have hurt someone, let alone many. She desperately sought to know or understand why. In the time that passed, not one memory, not one thought surfaced. Eventually, like Maddux mentioned, security brought in a bowl of water, and a fresh uniform. She was released and forced to wash in the cold water, and change while two security members watched to be sure she’d not do anything wrong.

  She turned her back when she undressed and started to pick up the under garments quickly. A cold chill ran across her skin and warm tears dripped down her cheeks. The embarrassment only compounded her fears and discomfort. She slipped on a corset and secured it. As she did so, she suddenly felt a comforting sensation. She quickly pulled her pants up, and a uniform shirt over her corset, for fear of the security wanting to do a more thorough search. Once she was dressed she did a quick peek in the shirt and noticed the familiar leather strap attached to the flat listening stone sewn into the top of the corset and it laid perfectly against her skin.

  “Thank you, Maddux,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

  Security waited for her to finish dressing before they walked her back to the bed. Once she was restrained to again, her hearts sank, and she waited to be left alone once more. Tears streamed down her face, the moment they stepped from the cell. As she sensed the people around her she ached. She found having her natural abilities comforting, but what she was hearing and feeling from others wasn’t. Silently, Kala cried again.

  Finally, an interruption to the pain and scrutiny surfaced. A calming voice projected to her, ~Kala? What’s going on? Why are you crying?~ Yatrell’s voice was full of concern as he listened to the young woman sob from light years away.

  ~I’m in the brig for something I can’t remember doing.~ Kala fought to gain her composure.

  ~Brig?~ Yatrell sat up on the medical bed, startled by the news. He ignored the attention of the doctor who started to run scans, again. ~What are you being told about it?~

  The doctor tried to get him to lay back down but he ignored him until the doctor left.

  ~They say I hurt a lot of people, telepathically, and let the prisoner get away.~

  ~Prisoner? What Prisoner do they think you let get away? Why would you be dealing with a prisoner on the training vessel anyway?~

  Yatrell started to pull the monitors from his arm and side. Feeling well and motivated enough to pace, he remained focused on Kala and her plight, even light years away. Although his body cooperated, the doctor and nurses weren’t as agreeable. He continued to ignore them.

  ~Greshna. The one that attacked me after I accused her brother of being a coward.~

  Yatrell cringed when she spoke. He knew accusing a Ven of being a coward was worse to them than insulting their mother. ~Kala, you can’t go around tellin Ven that. Were you injured?~

  Kala paused and focused through the listening stone that rested on her chest to strengthen their link telepathically. ~You don’t remember any of this do you?~

  ~Remember? Kala , what should I remember?~

  She sighed and ached, wishing for something she knew she wouldn’t find now. ~The night you were attacked by Gardesh, you connected with me. The link occurred in my sleep so I didn’t do my part to separate us. Evidently, your effort to do so was also ineffective.~ She projected carefully.

  ~I woke after he stabbed you through the back. For me, it was initially as if I had lived through it. After watching and rewatching the memory, I realized it wasn’t mine but yours I had ingrained in my mind. Before I entered into an interrogation with Lieutenant Palrion, now Lieutenant Commander Palrion, and Greshna, I attempted to clear my mind of the thoughts. Greshna had other plans.~

  ~Once I convinced the Lieutenant to give me a few minutes alone with her, she forced me to relive it again and again,
until she was watching it within my mind. She realized the face of the Ven male you looked at, and fought, was her twin brother. It took me time to sort through it all, but she attacked me then. She forced another ability of mine to the surface. Touch telepathy.~ Kala paused, hoping that as Yatrell was whole again, he was also able to take in what she was saying. ~I remained unconscious for three days or so, and woke on the Reverence. Those who understand telepathy have been very supportive, and have trained me to use the touch telepathy to my advantage.~

  ~All of this happened while I was unconscious?~

  Yatrell paused, looked at a nurse, when he spoke outloud. “You can check the dressing later. Don’t coma patients get a private room for a reason?” He shooed the woman out of the room, and tried to focus on his telepathic link with Kala.

  ~Wait, did you say that I shared the battle with you? Did that hurt you?~

  ~No, Yatrell. It didn’t hurt me. Made me think it had but it didn’t.~ Kala’s voice was calmer, albeit disappointed that he couldn’t recall her help everyday while he’d been in the coma. ~You were still in a coma when I woke, but we managed to talk telepathically many times even in that state.~

  ~The other day, I met with Greshna again. Evidently, she did something to me. I hurt people, and my memory of the act was erased or something. I can’t recall any of it. There are people in triage, and intensive care because of me. People on this ship are afraid of me. To them I’m some kind of horrible telepathic monster. The captain is furious, and I’ve been restrained to a bed in the brig until she sees fit to release me.~ Kala began to fight back tears, fearing she’d be heard. ~I can’t remember anything they say I did. I don’t understand how I could have done it.~

  As he listened, light years away and powerless to help her, he slumped over in the chair in his room, and held his head in his hands. ~Kala, the Ven are manipulative, cunning, and horrible people. Their goal is to subjugate every independent species to their will and whims. They’ll do it however they can. I’m sorry you became such a focal point for one.~


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